THE NeRM1\L I?eiNTER. 1902· 03. MARCH. CONTB N TS. The W rong Gift ... . .............. 63 Despondency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 In Memorium Alumni-"A Fable" .............. 66 J olly Columns .................... 67 Editorial .. ....................... 68 Locals ........................... 69 J unior Debate ...... . ............ 70 Athletics .... . .......... . ........ 72 Exchanges ....... ............ ..... 73 Vol. VIII. No. 6. SPRLDING'S eFFIC211\L FeeT 81\LL SUPPLI ES u.-~ · 11'-'tl...& •.... UII •~ct..-. ...... o..,,......_&Waai'IIiar •OJfDI""""' ~ ~~ ~-.r\U61•cM.tcu ~ paldlaa's Officio I .. ..... l ate,.,oll~alato Foot Ball .. ~:=l.~~~:::=~ :'~"1.. :::.-:.~~,~, ,.... .. An , . . ..... ~·'f --"'-- Spoldlaa'a New Attocheme.t for Foqt Ball Tacllll•l Jllachlna YU1JTUTDITSt•• llcUftiU.1N.WCU.IU YlU...._..t .... .,~l..a--. 1\t*'-1 fll • 1Ma 11 BVBRYTHING RBQUI!IITB PC!IR PC!IC!IT BllLL JA(.'KET~. PANT~ l'HO.t:R, BEAD HARNt;SS, NOSE MARKS. RUIN GUARD~. ~\IPI'Ot<Tt:HS, H'I.'O<.'KINCS, SWEATERS, JF..RSEYS. All onad• 10 wllh•land lhe roughest uoage. ~paldln~t'• Oftl<lal Foot Ball Guide for 100'!. t:(llled by Walter Camp. Prloo 10 cl•. ~:very fool ball player.hould han our Fall and Winter Sporto Catalogue. Mailed f..,... ~ A. G. SJ)ALf))NG & 8 R C!)5. .. ,.., PlmlJI KI:LLE\', 1\SK US QUESTieNS U~Ut:HT.\1\1~0 y ou •Ill al,..ay• ha.e u.e for bankln~t knowlt'dl(e. ~ be>t ....,. to rain that lfl'amln.r i" by adual f'.xperh•nt"e from 1>ractltal operaton. \Ye ha,·t had nln<t<'l'n ( 10) yeal'!i experlenre, ha•·ln~e """" e•tabll•ht'd In 1~1. \Ve are thtl ackno•·l· t'dged lend•,.. In the bonking bu•ln•"'· Do your banklnl( bu•lnt•• wllh ••· A>k u< all the- queJ~~tlon"' ,·ou like, and ,·ou "•Ill Jttt Jlromp• anu l'!'llahle lnfonnatlon. \\'e will tell you al1 about our rule-.. for opeolna;r IC• t.."'Untc, rt<..'~lvlnr depo~h.!i, loanln)l money. t,.. uln,c drah4,f'lC'. Would like to bn• l''"' ~tal'1 ao aecount with uoc:. Let U.!l talk h Ot"t r ..,.....,.. Gr.:o. \V. CLUNJ~ . KELLEY & CLUNIS, AN D E:\1 IIA L:\11 ~0. ALSO DKU.&RS II PURIITURK. TY.L. 178-:!. 100, 102 A!\'D liM STRON08 A \ ' t:. 8T8VIUf5 POINT, WlS. UP Te NeW! WHAT? LYM1\N'S VHt')Tt')S. J. L . JEN'BEN', .A..c:v •M !ITA"-" Orocerles• AOD'"T ~ational UJ3ank, Sleuens Point, Wis. Fitst E1lohlillt'J _.... 81a .k ,..,., C..._. a S.allora T - . . . 4J2 . . . 4U . . . . 51,..... T•l. """- STE\'1!."'8 POINT, - Wl800N811<. WISCONSIN CEnRAL 181J3. RJ:tl LWJ:tY W. J. Shumway, INSURAN<2E 4:1:1 CLARK STREET. I A. J. CUNNEEN & Co., i Mens Fnrn,shers and Hatters, 4M Main Street. Manitowoc, TO Milwaukee, Chicago, AIID ALL POJIITS EAST AND SOUTH. St. Paul, Mlnneapollt~, Ashland, Duluth, I AIID POIIITS n. }·. ~~::::_LA~~D~~~r:s Point. ,J. (;. POND. G. P. Agt., Milwaukee. E. 1\. 1\RENBERG, ,.....H:2\TC>VV "YE T:U:.A..T- FRENCH, CAMPBELL & CO., THE LEADING JEWELER TEL. 167- 3, 1,; 11~:,\D<JL\I:Tt: Hs 1-i'n~ u ~ut~· h FOI: ~ .. ; .\\a in S t •• Books, Periodicals, School Supplies, 1(qo~irint~ OI'J1)0.. i t e P 0 <J SJV.-,",JIIf. !'lee:, en .. Point , "'' i ... ANDRAE &: SHAFFER CO., ~~~~t~!a~:?e~'i!is, Ect. l~[ WID[ AWAK[ RHAil[R~, Ho•c·,'l\adc Ca ndlc!t. Con fcc •lo ner)' a ad T)P'"· wrltl•ll: S•ppllc~. l"ktu~ aod l 'feture .~,.ruua~r a ~elahy . 119 Main..;, , Oea1c nt Ita Dry Goods, earpets, \\"E'YE GOT 1'1'. II It'• anythin~t In the line or dru~•· or nny ur th~ ln:\0)' klnd:lf or i;ood:ll lht\t drug~ili t' ··arry. we·•·c ~totlt and IT'H Tfrl~ I~ EHT. Prescription Compooodlog Is our Specialty. Ill Strong-tt r.w .. nuc. CLOTH INC, HATS AND F INE SHOES. QUR PHOTOS Td.:!1H Tarloz Bros., \\'ILL I'Lt·:.\ :-; t·: Y<ll' . .\:\IJ st-:t-: t ·:-;. "Dwggists. Citizens Tonsorial Parlors, :A(. B~mt(S, "Prop. BATH ROOMS IN CONNECTION. nnn: RESSLER, Photographer Studio M ain Street. STEVENS P O INT, W IS. Uodtr OitiztDS N11io..l lb•k. STEVESS POINT. WIS. F. 1\. B 1\ L L, ···•ov...··· Meyer Drug eo. Druggists a nd Chemists . f.AII(.. IJrHJ P l'f'•tdenl. t: •:. )fcl)tll. ca..b't.·r •:.. J . 1''11r.t~ r. \ 'lee l,r~ •o t . tt. II J • +ho~o. A .... & t.-.~ii..bler 1>:... A. ( n!mboo:. llovk kt ~~ r \\" t: At•eU. )(e •..ea..c• r Capital $100,000.00. SU.te Deposilory. Coooly Deposilory. CiiJ Dtposllory. Normal Scboo1 ,Deposllory. J,in•ry ancl ]{oa l'ding- Stah l<-, STEVENS POINT. WI S. Frcl~l11. nncl Tt•an.,.rcl' c ' oi'Ut.·r XtH'IIUt t :\\'f'nuc and St."-'f)lltl ~11'\."t!l!'o. 'J'd. !•J. Xo11.h :oide· Publk S(lmt rc. J. WORZALLA & SONS, <i[)'-1! Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. OIIU'.("T() It~. c.;. A. lfamack cr. l.oui ~ 1-: . .f. PII ITncr. H ..\ . rook. Brill. X . A. \\'eck . .John.\. ~lurat. (: . K )lc DIII. D. t:. F'ro• t. \\'. \\'. )litchcll. Stevens Point, Wis. GillS' IURIISllfllll GOODS. llle!l!S. CtoeiS. JIIIIRr. In conncc-t ll)n • IU• o u.r Jc•clr) d <';I)A,.tlncnt we al-.o rc.,.lr '-' ate-he..._ Cloc&,;-. and Jc wclr") . a nd a u•r••tcc all wo r • t o be r l~t -c la~... OurPrlcc!t o n OooJ,. a nd WOrli. arc a t way!!l rc a -.on· able and •~ l o w •~ ua be rou a d any •kcr-c J. ~orz~a ~ 412 Main Stree1. Son.s, 0 -¥n~ PALACE BAKERY JOHN For a nl"" line ol l'rtlll Claocolates, Ice Cream ud Bakery Goods. NO~TON, 111 N. 3d St., GENERAL REPAIRING. MilS. C. P . MAllO!( II CO. Bicycles and Guns a pooialty. DILLE & OSTER, Buckingham & Engberrt Te._..._.... Ul&t,.....A•.. Insurance, Real Estate, Loans. ~ooms 4 and 8, Atwell Bloc:k. Co,.erCl.,.llSt.aU Stro•DA••· The Fisk Teachers' Agency, t'.J!:~~:-~1! CHICAGO. ILL Write M onoo wben lnlorrnatloo 11 deolrcd. c. w. CllociWI, F. B. SPA\:1.01.'<0 Man.,.. ... 1 i C. 0. D. STOltE. Always ~eliable. No Trust. OI'E PJtiCE TO All. Cnton1 to tho ~o,rm11l Sludon~· Wunl8. - - - - - : : --::=-=:-::7:P . l R<'>TR~1l"..N. PANev ARTieLES. EMIROIO· ERINC »7 lhro- .... '-IIIONI CIVEN. I Jlktrtll of tke ....... IJIS . - t cumtl. ALL • D~. F. A. WALTE~S, 1119 Clark Street, This Company receives Calls and fills positions ever y month in the year. Enrollmen t entitles you to two years active M embersh ip. BI.ANCBEJ. SOOTIUUYO, Solicit Your FIRE INSURANCE. •••o• ., A.RT MATUIAO.. Plorwal tnodeeollcltccl ( HOMIOPAJHIC PHYSICIAN AND 8URGfON. Office hours 12 to 3 and evenings. HENRY CLARKE, . :I:>Satrt.o't ....,.. . . - o r Tho PU~ili~ Mmoollile lns~mn~e comoonr OF CALlFORNIA Fuml•bea 0,. lo....,.l rate onmpatlble whh aboolut.e -.ot117. I . Protectlo• tor tllo Eatate a•cl Fa•lly. 2. Pro tectloto tor 014 Ap. 3. A ,..,.. Pl. .•clal A•~llor I• TI•H ol B""'•••• Tro•bletl. Mr. Clarke wlllg.l adly call upon any ollbo alii· zen• of Stevena Poln&. and aurroundlng couolry, who a..., In good beallb and detl..., lnsuronoe, and ho will lumltb any lofonnallon "'gardiDil Life lnourance that ma 1 be dellr•ed. Seod pootal giving daw. o l blnb and 0,. amount o llllluraand .., wbolbor tor ool7, or combined wllb loYUI.a»ot. Local agonu waot.ed In Ponap, Wood and Wau~bara couollee-II&NIIY CLARKZ, 1102 )lln~a ave., StevoM Point, Wit. THE R&W AKD OP·TO·DAT& Ut~dcr m. ~ Atwell"tt Drt.ta Store-. PO~, Prop..Sotor. CHINESE LAUNDRY Gnaraotees First-Class Work And Cbeap. Goods called for and delivered. 116 Strongs ave. ~. WI~G lH. R. OBERLATZ, MERCHANT TAILOR, 608 Park st., Stevens Point,Wis. G000 SH0ES! l LITTLE B&nER FOR ALITrLE'LESS. MACNISH -~p3du~··sri saoEs. Buck, Barrows & Co., NEW GOODS. L'ltest Styles In Fine Millinery 1-------------------------RETON BROS. Co., ~ DEAI.£RS IS' Gold a nd Silver Watches, Jewelry, ClociC~, crocker,.. 21a...~wa~. lampe: a1w dr.v .:oud~~, whoet. 4-:lulhlng. hau, capw. no&Jona, tinware, te\Af, f,-;:,a!tw.:rn~:::;. 3~:-l. ~r: .~~w ci.rS1-t~Pro~~te 0. W. FILKINS 6: CO., lloll:oro~d1.-o. sn:v~::-;s "ft«a1n Btroo~. - AT T H E BOSTO!'I FAI R, Jill Mala S t reet. I• thed\oeapeat plactdo t.hecltr to huv 1nurdin· ner .ec.. fan(:y china ware. lcmnnad.,· a.::1..1. wloe Sliver aacl Plated Wore, lloll:~o&1 POII>T. WIS. The Most Complete Job Office f IH 'lBB CIU. New Fast Machinery, New Styl es of Type. Having the best and ta ..te ..t pre"~"• ··~ can atTord to print Job!4 88TTER and CITY LIVERY AND TRANSFER LINE. <!H EA VER th•n lloc prlnter'l< with their old ,.tylf\ itlow pf't'flses. w·e print t\'trythlng prlntablt'. Ch•~t u~ a trial order. HACK A!'IO BAOOAGE . Cor. !>ormal a•·e. and ~. 'lblrd 11. Tel.:;». ,TE\'E:-oS 1'01:-:T, WIS. PMbllohor, Genrol BooiC . .a J ob P rlaler, 410 ~.IAIS b'T. STEVf:.'IS I'OIST, WIS. a. ::a::u :z·x~ STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, STEVENS POINT, WIS. NEW B .l LDlNG: THOROUGHLY EQGIPPE]). ALL MODERN AIDS: APPARATUS: LIBRARY: COMPLETE GYMNASIUM. ~ETTER ~REPARATION FOR ~ETTER TEACHING. A Large Corps of Experienced .Teachers fully abreast of the times. a•tendance of earnest, advanced Students who are Actual Teachers. A large The new wing now completed adds one-half to the capacity of the building. Tllre. Adva aoecl Couf"801h t.wnse.era forBJOH· ScHOOL GRADCATP.:S and OTUf!R compec.e_a\ llnd· enu. PC\fl~rraduatc~tudlea ln~·len~. Lang-uag~, ll•lco aod Pedogogy.. Dlp1o~equi\'"&)eotto r•.-r~ &TATE CY.RTJVJCATE. Blemeatary Cou.r&e. two ytl\n, for thnte bold· lng c.:enl ftcat.e:~t Ol', J.'K.UID¥" entrance CXt\ £1e• eatary CertifiCate, equl.,alent. to u:wITW 8TATI-! CI'..RTlFICATE, fur tlvo )'eilrl'. ~~.:':'::';"b,;'!hw"':'~ ;~~.'::.,i:":.,;;:~·· lor tpoelal r!~:=-,i:!or;' ~~.:O~mo-;~:0:~.' R~ c1a...JH •re tAusrbt b;r ~ntar Normal te,cbera, or u Dder lhclr dh"'~ O\'trolrh~ Solec:tlci.o of Studlea pormltc.od 10 teac:be,.., under faYorable clrcumataocet. Mew CluMa formed four &lme. oacb 7ear lo nearlr ever1 oubjec\ ro lhe cou...., of o&udr. oxcep< '·"tln,Oennan and •nroe advanced ecleoooa\udle, . .Tho quartcro begin Nov. 3, JAN. 2:1, APRIL 6. B<Mird f2.150 10 f3 per week: all ool•ool <>barre• aboul fi .2G per quarter ( 10 weeko ). No 1u111on leeo In Nnrmal clauea for lhooo oxpoellng to tea.:h. ~Tulllon 65 ceot.o per week or len In pre· paraiOrJgradet. W rite ror clreulara, or Bt:TTEK 8Tl.I....L. ' ' " deft· DIWI quotllooo aboul any par\ ul lhe eebool ..ork. aod ftl au lmmedlat<> poraoaal "'Pir. Addrua lhe l'reoldeo~ THERON B. PitA Y. St<>•ona Polol Wlo. THE N0RMAL V0INTER. Vol. VIII. Steve ns Point, Wis., March 2i, 1903. No. 6. LITERHRY. TH il WAO 0 OIFT. lone Walton was a m!Mr. For r~af'l be bad tolled and grubbed and saved. llooer was his ~rod; and hi• ~llglon-galn. Time, mellowing In Its ciYccts, \'alnly beat ngntnst. tho cnllouHcd nnturo or the old man. Ill• reatu~• grew hard and metallic: hi• eye!' auumed a dull and leaden •tare; b~ ,-olce lo•t It• ring of untra~t>~Deled manhood, I t - a har>h and ...,.ping growl. Walton lived In an old shanty In tbe suburb§ of a thriving city. One morning he awoke with a .,art- he ~llected that an outstanding note •a• due. Ha•tlly donning a tatte~ hat, and an even more tone~ coat,lf thu-nre posslbl&, he llarted for tbe heart of tbe clty. Soon be wa• on hi& b.,_rd •ar a~ealn. There wu a joyous feeling In bls heart. and a pack of greenbaeb In hl•lnoer eoat poekeL AI he walked. tbe ltraln• of familiar mu•lc fell upon hi• ear. He •topped; he hardly knew why. Then, •• If vrompted by un Inner lm· llul~, he entered the plain frame atruelurc whence iuued tbe melodies of a dl•tant, almost forgotlen pan. The place proved to be a )loravlan mb•loo. It wa• th..;,nged with a n>ugb but atiii<dful audience. baae tOOk a sea~ ntar the-door, when the IJJ!t&ker, a plato, unassuming man, stepped upon the ros· tvum. Without apology or Introduction, ho b&gan to plead for the poor o f our g~at cities. In glowing term. be pictUred tbe bard•hlp• of urban life, and tbe sulferlngo of that ~leeted, almost unknown bolt uf humanity. haoe forgot tbe uncouth oppearanoe, forgot tbe very proie...., of tbe opeoker. He heard only the ftery word• wblob picrc<d hlo aoul like ~oggef'l. TM •t>eaker ftnl•hed his dlJicouf'le, an~ a collection wu taken. n... agl:.ated lltteM.r " tbe door remtmber!d an old one-llollor bill tucked away In a dirty ~<elope In hi• Inner eoot poclteL In desperation be threw tbe envelope and lla con· tenltl Into the basket, and ru~hed Into ll>e open olr. HavlniC reached his hovel and bolted the door, grief for tho departed dollar ovcrt.'omcs him. To mitigate hi• agony he draw• the t>oclc of g~n­ baek• from hlo poclceL Whh t~bllng ftogef'l be break• liM!, when lo! hb old frl~d tbe dollar bill g-u him. A yell of rage! and be rushe!4 from the room. He reache• the market pia"" juot when a crowd of <!ltl..,n~ urc discussing hla phllauthrot>Y· They - the vunnlng tlgure. They ~gnlw tbe man. Surely be IM ftylng from publloltr. The ne" moment be I• borne upon heaving 1houlclers, and lu.stJ •olet"' r..ry 6 lo'Jbe Frteod of the Poor!" '"'!be Giver:" ••TI\e Unknown Ol•u!u X. Y. Z. OltAl'ID·fATHI!Jt, The early Spring •unsblne was just beginning to wa"" tbe brown earth which, In tbe more prot.eeted apoltl. stlll bore patcbel o f aDOW. Tbe trees .-ere, .,. yet, bere aod JeaOeu: and, taken aU ~ l(ether, the proopect wu not very cheerful. But to the man •tanding on the rounded hlll·top,thls wll. derne.. of tree• and bruoh contained untold poa. slbllltle•; for It was to yield to him the fortune which be had nome acrou the - · to -it. Rio wile bad •bed bitter tears when be bad told ber that here ,.... to be tbelr lonjC·tallted-of American home: but Orand.fa tber leh like a eonqueror ~ady to ftght And win. Bu•y days follo•·ed fo r Orand-fother. TI>e little home had to be made ready before he could begin bb ~at work. At tan It was built. lt was small, T il E XORliAL POI~T Eit "'~ and unromely: btn II wa• home-hl3 home. dimly. The ~to-eeL• were wet and •IOPJ>Y and OO<· Then ~an the stn~,.gle whh :-iaturt for the poll· ered wllh olu•h. Few per110n• were to be -~~ >oetolon of her hllherto undlstqrhed domain. Long abroad on such a night, and those that w·ere went dl18 or moootonoUJ~ in<"~a~lna toll, eaeh ending hurrylnlf on thelnray In order to do their errands In c:omplet.e wearlnes• of body and mind. only 10 qulekly, oo as to get haek to their plea,ant homes bofln and end again. And • hat wa• the ,......rd? without dtla). Onl7 the pri•llege of standln~: qul~lf. at the elose C.Ors:e Thompcon, hon<er, did not hurry u he of a dar'• labor. looking at II and lblolclng ••it • alked alonr the mudd1 street. HI• troubled lc mine: mr work~., mind -med to ftnd 110me eomfort In tho.,.. drearr Long rea ... p&5sed. :-iature had riel~ at last. ourTQundln1f8. The mood of Naturt -med 10 ha,.. and O... nd·father bofao tO think Of the bett.erti_,. monlle w•llh hlo ow·q; and so he loitered, trying to .ahead. The wontt was on~r now. HI' two boys · plan for the luture and lind a way out o f his wel'l! growing up. and liOOn he Me<! not work 110 trouble. hard. Then be would really begin 10 enjoy lite. Ceol'lfe wa• a young man with a wife and family. Dutthl• wa• 00110 be. Before he oould ~In the Five years before when only twenty-one years ol rtallaatloo of hl5 drum he wa• •trl<ken with pa,.. age, with nothing ahead and no pro•peel•, he had al1•l•. The do<IOr •hook hi, head. "He'll nt<er married. During !belt years George had worked hard, walk again.·· he said. So qule~ly o... nd·father mu-. •It In bl!l ehalr all but had been unable to do more than make both dar long, doing nolhing. Be who had once been end• meet. In thO\ time he had been forced to do 10 acUv,. wa~ now so helple""· After a while no alm08teverythlng, exc:epl beg, In order to obtain one paid much attention to tho quiet, patlen~ In· a little money. Finally he got ~ 110•lt1on In ono of the large valid. Day after day be would oil, looking on a• the other~ wen~ busily about thel• •o•k. Be lumber mill• of the town, and •·orked 1teadlly for ••• 1oneJr, but no one tteremed to 1blnk or that: ~ nine month•, when 114' wa• suddenly taken 1lck with he jf<>t Into then&hil of rndlnr hi• ne.... paper ~1Phold feve•. For two montho he •aa unable to aloud 10 hlm_<elf. Qult117 he •ould all mono.O. be out of the hou..,. During thO\ time the little nowl1 reading ne..... old 10 1114' ...,., o f &be world, that he and hlo eartlul lflfe had aaved "'tnt to PA1 f<>• doetor'a biiiJ, modlclne, and the n«"e..ary hut - · 10 c ... ad·father. Ul!ll life ...-~nt on i!S aJow, drear1 wa7. m~ expe.._ o f the house. When he recovered he younger 80n wu soon to be ma,.IN: and Grand· found hlm!Mllf In debt. On this cold bleak day he father bad been looking forward wllh ple.. urable had ventured oul to look for woo·k. He lira~ wenl exellenM'nl 10 ll1e e<ent. • •n the day of the wedding to the mill where he had been emplpyed before his they tarried hlo ehatr-10 IIH> •lndow, and he •at slckn('~•. bu~ found thu hlo place' had been given happily •atchlng the gay weddlnll party. As the to onothe• man. Disheartened, ,.., turned awar day el08ed, aod they tarried him oil to bed. he and "'""' 10 another mill: but me\ with a llko reaald quietly. half 10 blmaelf. " II woo't be long ouh. All that da7 he ~mped the ftreeta In -reh now." No, Graod·fatbt:r, h W'&in•, lootr. Two of work, but fouod none. ln hi• nalcened ph7tl· ""ka afterward hi• life endNI. Slowly he •ald. eal oondhlon, lhele repeated failu res were more "My work l.J ~ooe," and wenl to aleep. Yet~, hi" than he oould bear, and he beeame more and more work wao done. Had II eounted for anyll1lng In despondent. Be did not go home 10 supt>er, bu~ thl• flrt'al world of work ? walked almle.. ly along the •trecl8, trying 10 plan a.M.~~ •ome way out o f tho dlmeul~y, buill wa• of no u~e. The more he thoul(hl the more bopele"' he beeame; DESPONDENC\'. until, ahoulnloe In the evening, when drtnched 10 I I wao a eold. drur1 night In Spring. :Sot a the •kin, cold, hungr1, and half c..,.z:ed, he found •tar •u vlolble Ia the heaver,., A thick ml5t wao hlmaelf on a large Iron bridge. Here he slOpped lalllnf!, through wbleb &be ......,, Iampo olbooe and leaned a~rolnot the rail. "Wh1 not end I~ aU IN MBM0RIUM. S U SIE A . B IEGLER . DIED MAR CH 19. 19Q.'l. Calm on the bo•om o r thy God, Fair spirit., res·&. thee now! E'en while with ours thy foot-steps trod, His seal was o n thy brow. Dun "'t''its narrow house beneath! Soul to iu place on high ! They that bavo &een thy look In death No .more may rear to die. (){,...Bemo~) - r ' T I LL ~OR~J .\L POI~TEH. by jumping Into the river? ll would all be over In a few minutes?" Out here the thought of his wlte and family cauoecl him to groan. "Whal would become or them If be did not lh·e and prolet!~ them!" Tben the thought came to him that the elt7 would eare tor ~. SQ...,.Iy mowing what be did, be dlmbed to the rail and wa• about to •pring out into the ri•tr wbeo be wu auddtnly ~lud and pulltd down from hla dao~rou• potll· tlon. He atruggltd to tree h.?"..elf from tb.,tervl· ble graop. Just then the cry "Ooo~! Ooo~: do be careful," a•~oke him trom the most. unpleasant dream that. he ever h ad. wa3 electt"(l chalmtan ot the body, aotl Orin Patch ~"~ecretary, The !mmedlate work neccuary, AB was e''ldt>nt, wa8 a thoro canvass of the whole elt.y for tl1e purvo.. or arousing tbe lnterc•ts or every ell I· zen to the work, and to arranre for a mau meet· lng to be held at the Rink ID the near l'llture. For thb purpoooe a committee wu ..ledtd, Mr. Coye belntr eleded chairman. aDd e,.err ~mber prHeot wa~ uhorttd to get e<ery IDdl•ldual be met loter..ted and In sympathy with the move-nt. Ala meeting, last Sunday, It wu decided to bold the 0108• DIOOIIng April 5th. A MOSAIC. HELP I T 01'1. Happllr. enough loter'fst wu arouotd at the last moa...nt to oend a delepte from the ocbool to the Young Mto's Cbrbtlao AAJOclatlon Annual Coo· ventlon at .\!arineue. Mr. Chri•tlanoen was the honored representative, and le·f \ for theCooventlon F'cbruary 26. On hls re-turn, Mr. Chrhulan!Kln mado a report. or hlo trip to a small but appreciative audlenoe. He tell• us that the Pl"'llle know bow to royally e:nteruln, for one tblog-; and that lbe)"ouogMto'a Chri•tlanMsoclatlon Is thorolrallvo, lor another. The purpose or the eooventloo was to d!Ruu how belt to e&IT)' 00 the work Ol the Young :Ilea's Chri•tlan A.'l!loclatlon In WIKOn•ln In Ito three departments- physical, tdueatlonaland n!llglous. The principal toplco dlscuo&td were: The purpOae ol the Young Mcn 'o Cl rlollao Association In the cltle•, oolleges, and rallro•d•; the Young ~ten'• C.11rlslian Aasoclatlon •• a a.__edueatiooal factor ln the eommunhy; aJ an eYangelieal agoocr: aod u a ooclal foetor. Pollowlog the aetloo ol ~ndlng our delegate to the eoonotloo. was a •lilt br the Young Yen's Cbri•llao Aaooelatloo S"',te Secretarr, Yr. Aode,.. .on, nn SuDday the 15th. Arran~-ots were made lor a meeting or young men at the Pl"eobyterlan church Sunday alternoon. On 4coouol or the brlel time lor giving notice, the ' ""emblage waa not. very large, but. the enthu1laatlemembers pres· ~nl a• the cb~rch, en<'Ouraged by the enllghteoiDg talk o l :llr. Aodel'l!OD on the aub)«<, IOOD bad a temporarr orpolzatloo on Its teet. Supt. Vert (F.aeb line I• taken !rom a dlll'erent poom.) The apple tree grew by the wall : AmonJ lu flowery tutu on eYe.rr •Ide li11rin1c'• oarllest nunollog• oprnd their glowing lt'&Vf4, Peep lorth and an! admln!d. The'"l arc the blossoms; but the lrulto awaltthe golden hour, '~Uti tlm soft airs that o'er the meadow• play 11~rou¥h vales nl gra.. and mead• or ftowe..,.. The tree bo..., hi• lrult Ia the mld·Summer'oglow: Solllt the b..,._ ulute and careos lt. Said the tr'ff . . . be bent down hi• ladto bough< tow, "Thou wlltolnkto sleep on thy mother'• breast." And when the Autumn wlodo have stripped thee bare, And plied the onow In ridge• high, Vol<-e• or joy 81111 breathe lor thee: II Winter come•, can S1>rlng bo lor behind Y K. OAtoat. ("AF....," c-&-JJ--,..,.H.J him. n. w. . all al - · He wa• up lo the &lr. The world wltkb he thougbt ••• a brobo <lowu plug •ahlng lor hlm 10 ride, wa• a Tuu oteer that otond on one leg and klckod him Into the bru•h with the other thn!e. MORAL. The School lo a h oog·pond; and the World on ooeao. N avl.g atlng the lroc·pond I• one thing: and o. .lgatlng the ooean another. • or 1'flC ac.'LA N. u T il E XOR)IA I. POI:\TEH. HLVM N I. " A FABLE." CHAI'TI!lll. ~ tMre w-a.s a youn~ man wbo dt·dred to In· - cf"l'ase hi• capacity for living. So h4' ...,.., to a Normal ~hool. Be ••• a raw young man. Bl" oellulold collar and Congre•• shoe• 11ave him away. In the President'• onke h4' jlulpod hard and got rod wb<!n b4' •a• opokrn to or looked at. He wu alrald ol th4' tel• J•hone. He ...... ~h·tn a seat In 215 and ~an to tttudr Observation, Preparator~· Crammer. Preparatory Arlth!IM'tlc, and Preparatory Geography. In th• momlniC ho wu allo....d to march In and - tho th4' pat lolk• In tho •~..embly. He lookfd at til<! big guno In the north~ut eome..-and lonltf(l robe one of them. n,en h(' sighed and •·ent back to 215. Then tho young man began to dig ln. H• butkled rlgbt dow-n \0 h. Ht tn('ent busint..-•!1. Be was a buektr. Ue fought •hr or the girl• and didn't ge~ehummy anywhere. no uld ·'School•plrl~ bo hanged!" So be didn't eut any ll-e about the ..bool, but In th4' ela•• room be ripped things up tb4' back. In two ,.~,. ~ J<OI hi• t:lemrotary, and went hom• and showed It to the nelahho,.,.. (.'OAPTI'Jt II. HI& lolk• knew ho '"'' heaaed lor tb4' pre.cldency. so th4'7 ..nt him back to ..hool. H• thnught It wu about time for him to cu&. a wider "'walh. He wanted to branch out a llnle.. and do a few tall stunt• not laid down ln the regular courge. Th"y would make a plcture.<que back·1round lor hi• Diploma. So be aot a loot ball outftt, and went out on the ~rrldlron. lle made a lew touch-down•. broke a mao's no~, and almoct g-ot eleetfrd ta~atn of tb4'team. Tben he wrote a .-.u lor To& ~I:<Tilll. ·Nexl, he J('Ot on the Rhetorical Conunhw. Then h ~began taking clantlngl~so~;o n~ downto~·n. 111en he ICOt a alrl : Next, he began to take dec1• breaths and ttand In rront or his looking gla•• and play he was a windmill. A le w months later ho won the Orator!· tal eontest. Tb<!n he got Into the Gl~ Club. g,, this tlmo he was s trictly In the swim. B~ couid blutr hi• way through any recitation; he lecturod tbe Preparatorle• on AChool spirit: he could crack jok•• with the pre•ldent; he made tcon·goo e.res al the ladle• on the rostrum during momlng exercises. B.e wal!l always put. on th~ lli'Cellllon Commlttoo when thCMl was a blo ..·out In the gymn..lum. The girl• all called him by hi• ftr8t name, and alway• pa-...1 thrlr!ud- hi• way. Uewa• alway• on when aoytblotr was dolosc about the 1;Jace. llo was a greut mRn and no mistake. Uo wore the clothes : he had the al,. ; be got till> •mile•. Ul• standing was Jl"ft'aL He was a lion and he knew lt. or Cl0Ur80 hill brad 8Welled, bu~ It had a right to. When be got hlo oheep-skin and lelt, he anti every body else wondered how the Aohool eould get on without him. Down on the larm he •a• the Eighth Wonder of tile World. Uut th4' horlz;on th4're was too narrow. The atmo•phere 1tlftod him. Be had found out at ACbool that the 'fOrld was his and the !ullne.. thereof. So ho w~nt out to take pouesslon. Co APTER Ill. Onoe there, thlnp didn't eorne his way a• last a~ he had cxpe<:tod. Very lew IJOt l•=od to death In erowd• trying to shake bands whh blm. The lrcture bureaus left hlto alonr. He wun•t orrerod a railroad pretld~noy; and bl• appolotmrnt to the Cabinet muol have bel>n 1tuek In the wronjiJllgeon hole at the Wblw Bou~~e. The Anarchl•18 didn' t la1 lor blto. fie wa1n' t lnvltfd IO go on a Medl· terraoean crul<e on an1bod1 '• 7acht. He told them all who be was, and what he bad done, but It got put them. Nobody •eemed lmpre..od with hlo greatne••· They jo1tlod him and walked on ( CHI'-'J- A,. IJ.) 6i TilE XOR:'IIAL POIX'n:n. JOllllY COllUlVINS. )!Iss c-ay ( Re view Crammar)-~laearonl ln' ·ented wlrele.. telegraphy. MtSS G--h ( Issuing gymnasium order!I)-All )!Iris 1>ut Hnger-tlp• on elbo..s. C. ~lo-o-r (Munday, mom'Qg exei'Clses)-Bump: She ( '! ) always picks out. sOtne old hymn, ju~t tl~ tho we didn~t huYe t>nough or hlm the ntghL bcfo•-e! Some boys are ne,·er In the hou!<Oe, Or "'Orking as they should: But Teddie is busy from morn till night At bringing In the Wood. Prol<'«sor 'B-(In General lllslory)-'Tiw ui<trlcl or the Ban~atlc League had .a trucle In the sltles or lite.. Such things as (.."t'real~ Oe<."f'S- und con1s •·e•~ ral~.t Prof. T-1- t-U you -.·ant to trul~· appl"t'Ciate • reall...'' grea\ moo, oe\'f"r gt.""t "'·tthin a hundred mUe2t of him. (Sotto vok'<')-Too bad you ever got •o nettr to roe. T&ACH&tt l trylng to show effects o f soth·• on stareh, hands each J>uvtl a cr~·stol whh a ~mall lurrp o f 8tii'Ch on h )-No•·, pu\ this in your mouth. and In two mlnutf>S tell me tOO etrret suUvo ha~ .. 'W hat does the thermometer read?'' Asked the teacher with chattering teeth. on h. Imagine his surprise when. on tvmln)l ••Ono bundred t.-elve!" saldtbe.-red-halredgld. ~~bc saw one bo~· with the crystal tn hi"' (As she lel't tho mercury tell. ) mouth, patiently awnitlng-the-elte<:tl ~1R. CuLVEn's method of cal ling on s't\adents is uften all in a name: )lr. Powers, deHne power. Mr. Mortell, you tell. ~Jiss Miller, what is rock ftour'! Bow TO \VI:NK: ( ··conftdentlal conversation'" round on a ple<>e of paper.)-You ask me ho .. 1 did it. Behold the prooess: Head u1>: heels to~rether: chest oul: chin In hard. Rallitl rlghl eyelid and drop It quickly on the third count. Wanted- To kno~· why Senior ~Iris read matrimonial papers'! To k'n o w why a Junior boy urrtes matrimonial J)ape,.. aboul In his pocket? To live over that day In Oohkosh. •'· S. (Why~) Oeocrapllte, l'lote. Maroh(es) are often louna near Bay(s). 0 1( d)e•ons of Norwa y like Frost (y) weather. Ouy's, like the Sea's strong a nn, Encircle• the Bill, and It does no harm. Among tho 1 - of Norsk's lair land Bushes are not found on e\·ery hand : But here In Wls<:onsln In a Normal School \\Te dod the exception to that "'ery rule. A l'e<."enL ~uest made bytheArt.S~per,·h«w fot· a list of tho works of art found to various room~ In the building brought forth th~ lollowln~r: A L.IST OF C ASTS " ' TFf£ C H£>USTIIY COI!lliDOII. 1. A ron of eork matting cast In the cor-ner nea•· the upper landing, antique, probably from the sixteenth century. Author unk now-n. 2. Table. Period of the Run·hls-aunt• : • hould be ca!'t out. This •·ork o f one of the old maHtcr:-l lo • prlceles• rt'llc. At pre•ent It lo nollully UJ>· preclal<!d by tho"" who are prlvlledged to JC&«' u1>0n It dally. Doubtle.<s 11 <'Ould be had lor a mere song, and some. museum of •rt thereby much enriched. So mote It be. 3. JAooo·s LADDER (AusRussland). It I• doubtful II this I• an orlgloal. It Is proba bly a OOJ>Y made ~Y one of the Ru!tsian monU of the time or Tlberfus Oracchu•. Thl• a rt treasure lo lo a ,..,_ markable itate of preservation; and but for tl"m hall-mark might ea•lly be taken lor a work or th• twe·n&leth centur~· . As It Is, It lookl4 about. like• thll ty cents. 4. Several shefp•14 eyes cast In cold blood. The-$e have~n la~l~·wlthdra•·n from circulation, and can only be M'en by special penni!Ji'lon of tht> manaJlf'r of the (Be)Art Annf"x. rm: SORliAL MARCH 21. 100.1. f>~nwrfd a &local postofftoe u ~ad cJa,, matter. Ttnn• or •ubscriptioo~ ""o"' ptr rear In ad· van~. 7.\ fti\U if no t paid bero ~ Jan. 1, t DOl. )I. f", £DJTOIUAL STAYY. W ADI..EKJB, '03 ......... . . .. . Edltor-ln·(."hle! ~~I~~~~oii, ·.-O:i:::F.d·.i.;~lj::JI;r&~~~~ ·r. F.. Dl'!vv~1 '03 t 1 1 L'·'lto,.. A ... Oai•Y Wakeo•ld, '0-H "" "· " "· '"' llx:<IIY ('UIIIIA:<, 't» ........ ....... Athletic Editor ( ', P. OLSO:<, 'GI ............... . Elrchange Editor ~A~~~?:::::::::: . ~~~~~~u':~~~~ A. 0 . SKUtEK, 't» ...... ..... .. Bu•h>e•• Manager WL''ZEL PIVEIL'~ 't». l ~':,:':;, ~~..:·. , A>.<'t Ou_•loe•• Mngn WII.XA A. GESELL, '03, ) 03 PRESS A .RSOCJ ATIO:-o•. t'lua> (', llO!olEIIll, '06.............. .. .. President t\. D. Sut.MJa<, '04 .••• •. •. . •••••••••.• •• 'l'rea surer •:otTII M Bu.L, t». .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. Secretary Add1"(1.-s all bustne."Cs lette.Nl to the bu "lnest~ man· nl(er. Article• •dllclted !rom lo•·n>er oludents and tt>acbt f'tll. 'f/.BADBRS and SUBSCRIIJBRS are reopect· full y l'f<IU..ted 10 patronize our ad ..rdlienl. E 0 IT 0 RIA 11. All aboard~ F'liday noon, ~nd down we went one hund~ and MWenty litrong, whh amuoltlon hy the vt>rse and stanxa with which to ;norn• <nh· ko•h. Old target practice on the way. P.ntered th6 city about 3 o'clock, arnr&dvAnl~ on the Normal In .ol!d phalanx. Got a<qualnted (and Jo,t) and did oome hlSiy sparring with ~II! waukee andO.hlr""h oo 1M Ve! V~ ! ,·~: llftt!. Nut. all ..,.pal r•d to 1M dubio lor ~lo"""""'nt• around 11~ ~II. Then o rr lor 1M bani ~ fteld. Over a JCaln•t- Uli' Wall )JUw~ee: up aboovt, PJattet'llle: and On t he hellfh'" ••• O.hko•h. TI>e aonual i>Ondemonlum broke lool!e. W;. rent the lei\ wall ( but It didn't c:o>t u• aoythlniC thu ol~eh t ,J and the other. tore the air with all va rieties of cacovhaOOUA DO~ Utterable, and whh t'&OOOO• adiDIC br I~ PlatteviUe band. In a •hOr1 Uo>e the ballk- ro1al ..... Optned with POI~TER. a polished •poeeh by the 1'!-e•ldent of the Sea~ League. He n• muter o f the situation, and hit< llule orlllon showed us ho .. the thing •hould he done. The O.hkooh ehoru.' o r ocv~n ty voice• then sang. The oratONI oen appeared OIJe after an· other, and oj,eoed large gaps In each othera"' sonat estimation; lheOleeCJub, be'l~o or-atloo,.,. elevating our ban~ to thetopnotd\. Theywllb· •tood the Intoxicating applau••· but took the hint o l the del(>nnloed eocoren and gave two utrao. ~til waukee 11ave uo two vocal duelS; too Plall<>vllle band 11layed; and lbe Oloo Club again RJ>I>e&T'C<I. \\"hen P!at tovllle began with their ex· cellent band the whole audlenoo ot()()d up and with hundred• o r bannero kept time to llle mu• lc. It ••• a preuy sight. f'or hall an h<>ur all .....,... • htlng oo mighty ao.tlout ...... Finally the declolon ..o>e. We all hod an Idea our orator wa• tiM! mao; but tilt' judle!altr!umvlra"' dlda' ~agree with uo, a nd ga,·~ O.hkosh t he vktory. O.hkooh then lei us know they were Ull 8t&IMI and that the place wasn'~ bill' enough to ho ld anyono el""; ond as our troln wao •lmool due, we mado a bee II no lor the depot. O.hko1h came down to bid u• good bye, and ml•· laid their banner. There wu only one Grot pia"" and but OM man to take II. W e were defeated; nol dl•honored. There are oth<!r tleldo to c:onquor, and defeat only dears &he way to victory. Le·t uPeNever-aoae" be our mono. AI the reception given al the Nonnal tch ool, Thunnlay evenlng, delegations !rom all the odlool• CXOOil~ Superior were present. A revresenlaliVC ll'Om each ochool opoke; the •ptaker from o ur Kbool being l'rofuoor Sechrlot. TIM!n the dillereo\ dole~rallons •led wltb eaeh o th<!r In yelllnsc and sing! nil'; and ooruJlder!og th<! •l&e ol our del· e,allon, It •u aald, the! ea•lly took the palm . Oo Friday morning, at OJl('nlng uerc!Ju, the Plallevllle band played; and IIM!rt! were talks by the racult7 or dl!lerent achool•, when Proru.or Seehrlol •lloke again. (W e muot wal<!h tho Pru· le••or: theO.hko•b people may like him too much.) Frida! afternoon, the meeting o r the!CUII•• <OOUDIIW!e wu held, al which time John Clark ...._, elecled p ,...Jdent ol the IAalfU" lor I.._., II ~lng our tum lo r the prealdeocy next ,... r . T il E XOR~IAL 1'01:\TEII. 69 LOCHLS. All aboard for home. lll•• Kate Balcer lOOk cba~ of Min £1~..--l's -..:bool at lbe Sinh Ward tor a lew day1. •a• MI.!!• f'ope away lbe ftnt - k or the monlh, vl•lllng the Training School~jt Menomln~. Who took Mr. s-n- um·• candy~ and who hid It In the old-~ Bow about the llnle party of thrH who fry beef •teak In the old kitchen? ~lh• IJ<o«le F'rlck;oon ha• been dolnJC .ubstltute MI .. Oerlsh was suddenly called holll<l, the ftnt of laot week, on aceount of the Illness of her work at the HIJ,th School, on ac..'f.."'\H\1. of the tllnes<l of •·• ·o of the fu.cuhy. rnolhcr. Profe•A.Or 81>· - d · - r claim" that the I" by practical demoo"'trat1on. 1tlll not lllu•tral<l ! )ll•s Emma Leut..ber who bas been a~nt from ..,boo I oe•eral ....,..b •utrerlng from typhoid fe•er, l•eon. .J...tng. TA-OT-11 lso't alwa1• the eyes that produ .. head·ache>: ..........•... all the heart-ache> aren't produ* by ...... (applau"" !) )IJL Ml8s Katherine Pray, teacher of Latin, has befn lll a1. her home for several woo1ct. \Vo trus~ to I!IOOD have her with u.s again. The t~ath to But-h~ Two youD¥ ladles are reque<ted to keep a.-ay from Room - . and let Brother H- 11 learo hi• pl-. February 2i. Prof..30r Talbot packed hi• llnle •atehel and took tho morning train for O.hkooh, leavlnr the PhyldOlflgy Class some amu5emenl- In c.ho form of a ..,..,.,~ be..o~;t. way 11 test.J• e.••r•· of ¥Iss Whitman, fomer teaeher of t:ngll•b, ba,·e been oecvred tO dll the ncaney In lbe Latin Ot>partment due 10 :Ill•• Pray's long lllneu. Work h .. been b<>gun on U1e Onal Tht• outlln"" were handed In February 23: the n,..t drah to be In by April 13: and •be eompleted .-.ay bT )tar 20. The greatest number of students aboeat on aeeouM of sic~ since the lut t ..ue of TIJl!: PotNTZR was recorded on Monday, t'ebruary :!3, thlrty·tbree being on the tick llot. What eau..,lhat rapt expreuloa on John 8-gb• face Y I• be In love~ So. He I• ll•tenlng to the McGinty Oaby he rrot at. the Arena entertainment. MI .. t;dlth Snyder, the Kindergarten Instructor. entertained the Nonual assembly whh a ''ery l>le.. tng description of the summer resorts of lllcblgao. The 11~1 of a~tees Ibis monlb hu been very Ia~, d ... 10 the pravalllnR" d~. La Orlppe. We are glad to saylbatmanraretaldog their old plaou &fC&In. A few day• rnoro and the third cnllc •tone will be l>&ued: when. after a brief re.!lt to reeuperate our j\rengt},, we wlll start out on the home 8trt-tch with the detem>lnatlon to win. Profes.or Livingston wao1a.,bsenl a few weeks during tho quarter eonduetlng lnstltuteo. Rl.i! or n~ere I• a report current lbatthe Spring microbe ha• been .... about lbe school. ~ probahlr round a few 'fllad hanca:' but the Sprlnrr vaeatlon ..ldom !alb tO show blm lhe door. Remember the Maine'! Yes. An4l, alw, please to remember that Sou,•enlr PotNT&Jt matter mujllt other rnembenc of the fanulty. all he handed '"the EditOr on or b•f•r• i\J>rll 6. Thla particularly tor oommlttec chalnuen. TIM! Normal school was vl•l~, t'ebruary :!3, by quite " number of the Publle School teacbeN. The Publle School• were DOl In -..too, u that dar wa• o-..ed in booor of Wublngton. Profeoor Collin._" took the ro-.trurn, Tuelilday. llarch 3. and 1111•• the school a talk on unh·erol· tie<. Re dl....,•oed the Alexandrian and fA>gll•h Coli~. and exhibited picture• of Osford. re.rular claJses were In char'f(o iO Tm; XOIOL\ J. POIXTEIC. ~l(ot/11 Flol"\.'nt.-e "'a rei ~·a" cnllc'liiiOtne on uccoun" ol the •upposed ty-phoid raging here. She ho• •I nee returned, aiJ the bell4\r for lwr trit>· f.'or th~ plea~~~.ure of tho5e who could not go cJ,nrn to O..hko ..h the 27th. the member!' or lhe Junior Otbatln~r Tt'am gt""e tbelr d•ba~ at morning .,.• ...,,_ WtdntOday and n•uNia) ol that wttk, Tbere are a lot or eoal ••ht• back or the build· lng, and the State will haul 11..-m when!ver we may want them. If It do.., will the boy• tamp rhem do•·nY If the1 shoull.l do 110, In a row seasons •·e would 1~M1'1Cs"' an excellent third or hlllr mile runnlnJr track on our baek lot. nit' old library room lo to be tran•lomlt'tl Into • J}tnD&Mnt mu__~m. ~ew ca...eif an\1 cabtoet.s ,.Ill be put In at.d will rontaln all the I(OOgT'aph· leal ud ht.torl.·al material now In the ocbool. ~annual Gfotcrapby Exhlbh will be held In lht. room. On Friday, the 13th, a con'*rt wa• given under the au•r>l""" oltheGieeCJub by ~II•• Helen Waldo nl Oreen Bay, •opranoiot, a .. i•ted by M ..... Bondlord •• reader. The con'*rl wa1 a sut'(l('s• in everywoy. A Iter tht program. theTrobleCiel Club t'ntenalntd tht 01.., Club In .Mra. Bradford's room c. L&_•t wetk. by p"'limtnar7 debat ... tl,. f'on1m ood Athenaeum oocletlt10 >el<cted dtbators for tbe Anauallnter·Soclet.r. Debate next June. nit' Forum It-am l.'ODI'll"L" of Mr. StJ~rkJC, ~tr. (:alkln;c, and ~lr.J.C.Ciork: the Athenaeum will be "'P"'I!ented hy Mr. l>lvernltz. ~lr. Celmer, and Mr. Jid•·ln Drown. The debatel'1! were accompanied by a delegation con•lstlng of Prorc..orTalbot, ~le•n•. C. P.Oison, A. D. Shimek, W. Plvemltz, R. Sra•icr, P. M. Celmer, and Mlues Southworth, Phillips, Hannah. Motl~C'hler, and Barrington. Owing to the et'llclent guides none of the delegation IMI thtlr way In the m. .yi'OOOl_• and <Orrldoi"S of the<>&b :>onnal. Aller the debate, a reeeptlon wa• gl•en the •i•lloi"S In the grmna•lum: and when we boarded the train next mom log we had naugh~ but words of praise lor the royal way In which we ••ere entertained. The latest athletic failure Is trying to j\Unp th• small lake locattd between tl•e Nonnal and the Third Ward l!Cl•ool•. Many a poor unlortunot<> has been almost lost In tht deep unknown. At a ,_,, meetlog of the Atbletle Auoelatlon, Wm. Brown was cbooen mana~rer of the team< lor Sprtn~r atblettc work, and baa been Dfjf()tlatlng with various schools lor meets or games lhl• Spring. El'ow wo envy those favored mortal8 who can enter the ••ere<! preclncl8 or the cooklnlf depart· menl unuwle•ted. The •••·ory aroma In tlte lower halla, of thO<Oiate pudding and prune whip, enough to tlrl•e one dlstraeted. a"' Proleooor C. B. Syl•ester, formerly a mtmber of our laeultt. wa• a •IJI!tor on ~londar momlnj!' last, and quite natu ..lly took blo place upon tht momlng prog.. m. Professor Syl•ester wu at the conte., at O:!hkosh. He apoke a good many ,wordi!J uf encouragement and congratulation. Prof. Spindler entertained the ~~ehool l ui Tue•· day and Wedne•day mornings with an ln8truetlve talk on Grond Pre and the land or the Areadlan•. the""""" or Longfellow's popular poem. a Imod to OOI'I'tfl """"' trroMO~ oplnlono ...,.rdlng tht ~ltOOI14. The QU6tfon for dtobatt wu: l l&'!Ot.vm. 111at tht Unltod State. Oo•tl"'l!Dtttt story, and hit e!l'oru were well app....,lated. .rwuld t•tabll•h '-'\r•tem oiPO•tal !;. .lnJC• Banto.. A muolal orgoolutlon ealled the Euterpean ·n.~ amnnatlve wa• .upported by R. ~lortlmer. Club 11 a new feature ollhe •cbool. II <On•l•l8 of ll•ltne F:orunet, and Gtorgl'·Fiewltt, ol O.hko•h : t•-enty·ft•e mombers, bor• and girl• from the while the nt'l!&tlve wa• •uotalned by J. F;. Glb•· lntemlt'tllate and Grammar Department•. They I'OOit, •~ 0. Widmer, and W. W. Drown. ol Ste- moot twice a week under the leaderahlp of M..... •••• Point. ~ Clement, tO •tudy lour part choruses, and will lurTht O.hko•h team put ur> • ICood debatt: but nlab millie lor tbe<Ommencemtnt txerc.IJM In tht tiH'Y w('nt down to cltf~at ht-ro...- tlttt "lgoroutii on· lower ir&dH. and also for a))f'Cial oeeuton11 ln On •'ebruary 20th. thert' wa• h•ld at O.hko•h the annual Sttveruo Polnt- O..hko•l• Debate httwetn lf'&m, from tbe Junior el&"-.-q..i of Ike re;r.peniYe ,_fauuhLti of our team. a. the Normal Depanmeos.. r .... T H E ~0101 .\1. POI:\TI-~H. nh<torlea18 Mnr<:l> Gth, we~ro """'"g the be.•t of tho yeur: and oo doubt one rea80n wa~ thac.ever~· <-oe "bunched up"' on t~ anstou~ seats In f_ronl-, thertby getting -.rlthln ear-•bot of tbe speakers, and JChln~e tbe speakol"' an oppOrtunhr to speak 10 thtm not of them. ,,.. nonnbero ~re ucep. tlonallylntert.tlog, a• tboy ~re mo<&ly talks !rom ··pert.Onal ex.perleoces. •· On ~'rlday evening. Februl\!~~ In tile • •sembly room, was held the Eillhth An6ual Oratorleal Conte•t of thl• ocllool. ~l ore than the o<ual number of contestant• held tbe undlvldl'd attention ol a larye-but not too lal'l!e- and apprecia tive audlt'nee. The progvam wa• .-ell oupplled with mu.le btlndlvldualo and the Glee and TrebleCiefClubo. and at tbo elo.., ol the speaking. while awaitln~r tbo dtciolon or the judgu. tho Glee Club happily l,..lped to tide over tho aulou• •u•pen.e by slngtng •e~ to bonor of each of the orators, which • ·ere encortd so heartily that the •• .....,. were ren· derecl a ~nd time. TI1e dt>rC.lslon of the jud):Cit wnt chen announO('d, Walter Murat being awarded ftn1t, and Wilma Gesell a close second. E"tr1 one or the speakers did U«!llently and ~.,.. m""h uroit. It I• boped a• mueb Interest will be taken In the eont..t next rear u W&3 mantrut thlt year. Below lo a copy of tho pro~tram of the eveniDJr: Wendell PbUIIpo: His Character and ~ll••ion •.. .......................... Wentel A. Plvemlu The Brotherhood o f Man ••.••.••• ~lartha Tenney :SOng or the Vlkiogo ..... ............ -. P. PDnniltfl Normal Chorus.. .._,taloul. Lover of Cblld.-..n ....... Wtlma 0....11 William P.wart Glaclnone. .... . ... Eotella O'Brlton ~la••a't In de Cold, Cold Ground.......... • Fostn Prof. Seebrbt and Normal 01~ Club. Webolter and the Constitution .• ••• J ohn S. Ciarlo. Alexander Hamilton ...... \ " ...... Walter llurat Son~e• by Glee Club Declolon o r the Judges. n... judges or the occaolon wert u lollowo : Thot and Compo•ltlon- Prof. W. H. Schul•, Merrill : Prof. John E. Ralt, Black nt•·er Falls: Tboodo"' w. Brazeau, Orand l lapld•. Oa O.llvery-Rev. Walter A- Hall, G • .)1. Dahl, Mlq r...c,,- K. MeOiublln. il 1--.ebrUl\ry :!1. M. \\'lll(hfnR"ton U('<'el•tiUil wa~ fwh\ ln th~ gymna•dutu, -.·hich wa" &J)JU'Oprlately decoratftd fur the ()C.."eashJ~ ~l an1 of thfl -tudent._ and faC\Ih.f a-pptartd In tM COStUmt'.!l ot "~f' ohltn tl.,..," (II'O<IIenade of tJ... •ta~ly da.,..• aftd pliant ll"ntle.,..o In tbedlm eandltllllhl wu <ery ofl...-.1••- The crowning leat~rt o f tho enoln~t wa.- the "' Minuet.. danced by fight JOung ladfeet and JCtntlemen In Colonial ~tume: a~r which 80DftC w-ere tlUng, and retre.~hmentc ,,artaken of. and all •·ent home ..-ell plea<ed with their rcllmt•.., or by-l(one day• • 11•• ~lal'<!h7,the Artna eot<lrtalned theotherooeletl.,. ln a very pleas ing manner. ThePI"''ter&IU wa-. composed of ltttrary and musical numboro. cooeludln~r with a faree ..,... Cha mpion of B~r Sex. ., After l"@freshmenu W'f.l"t' ~r'fed. tbe jl'UhL• were pro•lcled -.rlth eard• oo whlc.b ~..., written a numbfr of word-t eae:h «>ntalntng lhfo •~ord ••CaL" Tht I>Urpose was to J(UeU tM rtgt;\ word. All credit Is due to the .;\t"{'na glrl t~ whu do thlnj(8 UJJ In style. th~ ~hool of Durl~lC the t>ast year and a half. Mn1 . Clenent , .. ,Ufd, from the prt-...J, from time tu ll~. outiiDf'"' ft'latlng to the teaehfnit of mu .. lc: ln t1w public .ebool•. ~ outll.,.. aim kl be ••IJ<C'I· ally helpful to tea<l.ero In un~eradt>d ochool•. and In ~Lehool~ withclut a regular t~uper\'llilOr of ha~ mu~lt: thousrh any one who has mu!lle to teach l''Oulc.l nnd the de•lrable ald. (lrlnlt'd. ~~ougge;$t(On§ contained In th~m a Se ven ol the .. rle• have been )!,.... Clement ha• a number of •stra eople• of thor lai't tht"frre b._.. ued, l..lw oOH on h Monoto~J!I. ·• bo w to ltt"lp and eure them: '· R~ Monp" ho .. to ~ielec.t and tfac:b them, the-Ir aim. appllealloo to note readlnf!, ll<"' ul good one• and book• <Ontatnlng them: and "Sen~ Training," eontalnlnJrt "o•ne ~;lxty for tralnln~r th~ ear and ey .. In rnulflt. 1•he~~e three will be are.nt to any addre..'~ on ret.-'ltlpt of twelve ueolS to co,•er l"'~tL of l)rlotln)C and po'4tagt>. There are on hand a ftlw eople..•• of the ..Outline• on l'ondhlon• for Cood Tone Prcoductlon," "Vocalt:X•"''-•" and"War•ol Drill· log Oil tbo llojor &ale aod Its lnleffal•." ,,...... eo... t but ont crnt apli'-'Ce'. TilE :\CHUIAI, P Oil\'I'EH. 72 HTHLETICS. Y. WE WJI'f AriD LOSE. ~'rlday , ~ebruary 13. 1he ba<kel ball learn weal «> O.bko!<h to play a~raln>tlbe Normal lbere t'rf· day night. anti agafn,t the YoungMtn•s Chrl~tlan Association 1he nex&. night. Ste,·eosPolot wont~ ftr"'l scame whb eaow by a o f 36-:!1, playlnK all around their opponents In team work, and out.·classln!{ them ln btutkct> throwing. They iiecurt<l the lead lo the ftnll min· ute of pla1, and ...-ere De\'"er in danger of losln~r. The ftrot hall ended whh a score or :!.1- 0 in tl1elr favor. ll(."()r'fl 111<! next niKht a ftoe uhlbltlon ol ba•k•~ ball took place bet•-een the Nonnat and the Young Men'lil C1,ri!Jtlan Assoc:iatlon tearns. The .:ame wa• f - from kicking and rou11h playing: and lbe SW'!Yt'D8 Point team exonerated lhemselve8 of the chari{U made the day b(!fore. •••ned Oohkosh otT at ta.t pa<:t> and bad a lead or t.-.lve polots boforo S~eveoo Polnl wu fairly awake, and had mue~ tile lwtter or the· ment d11rin~rtbo IIM!l hall. The -core of thl• half •ndtd I~ In their lavor. I n the second hair. however, S«wens Point. played a.ll uround tlwlr OIJpOntnl!l. and bul lor lhelr Inability 10 lhrow ba<keuo would have won ea•lly. The soore or thl• halt was ~~~ In S~e••en< Polnl'• la•·or: but the tina I liCOre s«>od ~~-~ agalo•t lhem. · 111<! l<'am wvrk of Ste•·en• PoiM In lbe -..cond halt wa• excelleol: and lhe work or Walkor u1 )CUill'(l des.crv(l-c c.~poolal mention. The line up ol the IWO gaiD"< follow.: STZ\'ESS Por,."T. Oslll<ORR. Rosenlhal, Keele .. ('en~er Dal~eniOn.LeiH'orward. Duck ley. Loll Forward (.'u rran .... llll(hl For'd. Keele ... RI~htForward )Jurat. ..... TAft Guartl. f.\ehwulm,fllght.t•'orwnrd Mortell . .. HI~ei11Cuard. Core• .... Lett Guard Slee~<r .. Rlf<ht Guard Time ketJ>er-BI,..,holf. Tardi!T .... Ccnl<lr ft '~~feree-~tevens Pnlnt. Bl~~ehotf. " -O..hkosh-Cuark•. Umpl~ollla•. ~1. C. A. Polni.S. VanLiew, J.~o.·w ard .. 6 Leon.... •. t'o,....ard . II Percy ..... ~n~er .... ~ Roley ..... Guard .... 2 llreon,Capi.,Ouord. 0 Free tbro~. Leon, 5 STKVE.'ISF'OIST. PolniJt. Elalvcrson, Fon·ard .. u Curran .... f•orward .. 6 Tardllr .... ~nl<'r .... ft Lan~Ct ..... Guard .... 0 Wulkcr.... Guard ... 0 fo"reethrows, Halver'n,G Total t>OiniS ...... 23 Total polm•........ 21 Relereo-~!cyers, O.bkosh. Uml>lreo-Collln•, Steven. Polnl. " H. Helu. O..bkooh. Seorel'-.1 aeobt, O..hkosh. Tlmco·• Blscho!T, Sleven•Polm; llloo,O.hklo•h. OSHKOSH III·· STEVEI'IS POJI'IT 21. The oe<:ond gamo ollbe'year al homo was played whh O.bko•b, March 6, beloro an enlhuslasllc and appreciative au~lence. Allhougb our leam wa• somewhat crlppl~d by tho lo•s of lwo men, aod O•hko•h wao reenfor<:t>d hy lloe l'<llurn o r Capt.a ln Morrill, tho)' .-ere unable «> retrieve their lo•t laurels: and Slevtns Polnl .;on again, this lim~ by a score o r 21- 16. 111<! game bad hardly olantd belore Frod. Walker threw a pl'<ltty baskel from the aide line, •nd lollow•d up wllh two more soon afler. O.h· kosh bewilder«! at ouch ba•kel lbrowlnlf by a man playing guard, aod allhe fall team work of our hoya, and Stevens Polnl soon had a good lead over lhem. In lhe second half O.hko•b loughl hard 10 o~•=-•be lead and played much ben•r, bul they never could gel nearer I han I) points In our score; and &be game eocled 21- JG lo our favor. There were se••ral brilliant plays; bul whal amazed every one wa.s tbe team work and man•tl· ous aetlvhy or &.wo dhnlnutlvt- guard!l who com· plelelr out-played two lanky forward•. The line up follow•: STt:v•;ss PoJNT. Osm<osu . ~torlell ... . ll. t'. Keele ...... R. F. Rahonon ..I- F'. Ro.. nlhai .. L. P. Wadlel~eh .. C. Morrill .... C. SUlO•cr.... fl. G. Lange ...... R. G. Walker .... t. 0. Jooes ...... L. G. UliPllii!S-Tardi!T, Swan. flY..J'ZIII:E- Goorke. TH~ :\OIDIA!. POIXTER. i3 EXCHANGES. WhltewatcrRoyei'-:P~rplo hos a good Soel"- moo on a text from the "Bigelow Papers•. , TH-E ftOYALPUilPL.&eontain:o ··AModernfo'ublt. ' ' Those who enjoy Georg-e Ade will ap&n-eclate thl~. ·· Do ,·ou helle\·e h~ fate. Pat?'' "Sure! anll ph at woulcl we ~ tand on without them'!'' - f:x. The X Ray has a good Liternry DeJH~rtnwnl. That Suloon Ad. it't rns out of p1a( e in " .,.clwol paper. The Political Ecoa.omy Tcac:hcr.- \"\That a~ three division~ of labor:-; STUOF.-..'IJT-First, second, third. the - t:x. Tho ' · Aet·lal War or 194:?, ' ' In 'fu& PYTillA:O:. is ingenious. 'We shalJ await whh Interest the nr-xt· installment. ve~lon of how it happenE-d : )lar:.· had a little 1umb, Like wi~ a l ob~ter ste"''; .r\nd ' ere thf' sun-Ht mumlng dawned, ~he bad a nightmare. too. - Ex. Horo i s another Toaeut- 1 can infonn ~·ou. sir, tha~ my l.'ellar Is full of water! LAN"OLORD-"'ell, •·hat of it? You surel~· did not expt>Ct a cellar full of champa!fne for tJO a month, did you ? - Ex. Tho Exclumge Editor rna.y "eratch with hi s pen 'Till the ends of hi!' fingers are sore: But some one ~~ sure to remar-k with soon\, ".Rats! Bov.· ~tale ! p,·e heard that before!" - f;x. " H ow long ba~ the mini~ter been preac;hing '!'' •·hisperoed the stranger •·ho had watulered into the church and ~ at t.lo•·o av.·ay back. ·•About thirty yean;, 1 beJie,·e," an~•·ered the ()(.'CUpant o f the pew. "Thlli being the c.ille. 1 guess J'Jl stay,'' ~ joined the ,,ranger, ·'he 01pst be nearly done." - Ex. 'fuEP'ROOIU:.SS contains n 1,icl\IN> or Its t-A:Utorial Staff. The J>DJWr is certainly a credh to ,;o :.'ounat n staff. Ttw athletiC number of THE0RAXO•; ANDBl.ACK Is n • •p)J gotten up paper. Jt, wouhl be imJ\ I"()V{"(), howe,·er, if shtngy provlnclali,m.!t were 'not, used. 1-lrst Hospital Patient- \Vhut mak e~ you ~o lame? you "·eren•t. like that when you cam~. Second Ditto-No: but 1 ha,·e been taking ·J,!'ont lymph. There iu-e meteNl There are or ae<..-ent. mete~ o f ton€', But the be!'Ot of an meters b meters alone. He sailed out one e ,·entnar To call on the fair youn~r mht.ll, ,\ nd when he reached her r(-!Cid~n«.-e. thi~. like up Ran He r papa met him at th(' door. He did not see the mbs, El.{> •·ill not go back there 1tny rnore. Fo•· ....,. • ·ent u.•op like ·~Jill Jo~X. Mrs. M. E. Phillips-Moore's Pft!VAT£ SCBOOL OF DA~CI~G, ~OliU lRAI~I~G, ~ PHYSie1\L eULTURE '0~ Dancing is an art. Not.hing cha ract4!1rJzei§ the ~ lady or gent-leman as IDUCh as good mannc~, po· l lhenesA and c..ruo gracefulness. Awkwardneas l:t 0 mos• lrequeolly Cl\u&e<l by locorrec• bablu. of po· •Ilion and molion. It Is ""'9 highly lmpoo-tant to form correct. habtt.s of motiOn, &II early as J>OS· ilble. Nothing Ia mol'6 errooeowo than t<> suppose cha\ \he e lmplo praelioe of l-he varioua dances ere· atea growcluloe88. Careful training In the •·arlouo mo,·ement.s of dancing is very essential. Pupils s hould be t.aughL what. constitutes true grAceful· X a. ~ J Ql !- :;:s;:;~~~-.~r~n~:~U~~~ia!1rid0 ~~~i~:eh:~~~ can be given by meana of motion. Will rent rooms lor .. teet parties or clu b•. G-ET .A.. .. .. . r2:P .J.J '"'" '-@JIJ1lkt1'f IL cornea handy in t:\kln¥ Note.J. and on f:xtt.mluatlon dR.ya. fasts yea rs. Jteduocd price to &tudenut. It. i• Fu lly Warranted. and with c"rc, WE NZE L PI VEqNETZ, Aaoaf. Hadcock & Rood, Dr. G. M. Houlehau, DENTISTS. DENTIST. omce, 436 laiD. StmnsJ olot, Wis.· Onr Postomce. XPECTING to receive a fair compensallon for Ill scn·ice~. and without. pretense of gh-ing some&hlng fo r nothing, the E . WIS~~~T~~~NSt~J.~ ~ANK tenders its sen•loes to &hose •·bo appreciate careful and prompt ser,•ice and intelligent dUen&ion to detallo, believing that, being equipped with a lithe laelllrles of a mOdern banking house, It can be of 1"\"&1 service to the business public. OFFICERs-J. P. Mallek, pres.: W. ~'. Collin•. cuhler; P. J{Otbman. '·loe-l•re&ldeo\. BoARD OF DtRJ<CTORS-J. P. Mallek. John Longbothorn, H. 0. Hah'ereon, P. Rothman, M. Casoldr. Stems Point, Wis. 1------------------------JH[ CHICAGO ClOIHING SIOR[. Fine Cl othing, Furnishing Goods, Hate, Caps, Oot•l8 1 Sh<'H!!o T r unkf!J, Vaii3C~. 1-:tc. J. SHAFTON, Prop ;, 411 )l ain Street. Stevens Point., \\'te. F. A. MICHALSKI, D. D. S., DENTIST. S. t:. C.:or. Publi(· Squen-. Jf)HN S C2HMITT, Th e Western Teachers' Agency 'rt. :. Fu~:ns. ~NT 'T'A.tBO Ft SUIDa Blocb Rea4f·MW SUits Ia COilaectfoa. Opera tto•a.o Block, M•l• !Jt. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS., II us the eontidenec of S<·hool llu:trds nnd Superintendents, and id l'ondtu·ted c111 strict lm~incss principles. Oircet :cs.~idt:tnco gi\'cn ur uo <'Ommi*'iou chat'gOO. Send fo•· enI'JIImcnt blnnk :tnd l'ireulnr. Hm JOI sen tbe "WKSTBRK TBACHBR?" If aot, Stud for a Free Sample CopJ. ) lilwuukoo, W i$. 80IDO ma\erlaht. •• Ia a machine-mixed broad and lo frw from con,amfnat<ton lomlxlog and hand- ling. To t.6U. ,..e,.t ,._,. lf"'t!'tnfH/tiiiHif••.ootllu-. B. S. E LLE NWf)f)O, mcvcn UYfRY A~O RfPAIR SHOP. 7 42 Stron gs Ave. Th6 soutnsta6 J6W616r Fine Watch MISS M. KITOWSI\1, L~oi es· T~ I L OR . 4171 ~alii Street, Up!ltUinJ, T H.\ DE Wis. D. A . A O N B W , S. Y. Gillan & Co., .NOLn!,\ L Polo~ liii"IL Ia mad" of the beaL of wbol.,. t 14 S.Sc<o•d S t. Tel . 138·4. ADDRESS 141 \V' i~onsi n St., Buy only BENN ETT'S BREAD. Simas SO LI CITED. ~epalrlnc a Specialty. D. N. ALCORN, M . D . , f.xput eJt . . . tar t.a.••••••• ••rr... tf Ule l!. 8.. Ptoalet B•"n. 8PHialtltu ntw_.... •M o ,.raUHt ot tiM Eye, Eor, Nose ond T hroat Gl~" rmurut tO order to ptf'veat adlf1:D&lliuD. weak"'''" eta. omoe ower T&J10r Uroa. • dNM llt..olre. TeJ. 111. E. M . M ~ CK LIN , F1oris't. Cboloo Flower~t llnd Pl~ut~t. ( 'ut. Flflwe,., a hdt.y. Uouqnettt ~tnd ..-un~•·~l o~,.lo~:n~. Tol. 8S..2:. s. Srec· 410 Mtc•Uo.aa St .. St eve•• Pnlat, WI-. J 1U.~0BS0N, Dfo~ALI::It IN FRUITS, COJFBCTIOIBRUtGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. Tel, 141-3. Mal'! Street . ~ex&. door weeL frnm Or. 'Al.wciJ•" Orng Stnr-'. KERN ~HOE CO., 417 MAl~ ST~EET. mllHING BUl SHOES E. H . Rf)GERS, M . D., Piz]!sician and Surgeon. om,.., Houro: 1-3 and 6-8 p. m. T•lephone 169. 607 Malo e lree~ Stoveas Polat, Wlac011ala . P . A. S f) UTHWIC2K, M. 0 ., Ph]!sician and Sutgeon. Telephone 32. S tevoa& Polat, Cbu~h nree~. .646 . Wt~~eC~allt a . C2ARRIE A. P ReST, M. D., P/z'}!sician and Surgeon Oillco Boura: 8-10 a.m.; 1-4 p.m. Olllce and ...,.ld•..., 603 Clark eL., o.'Or. Slronguv 8tovoa a Polat, WI• . W. W. G R EGf)RY, M.D., Ph]!sician and Surgeon Oftlco houra 1 aad 7 p.m. 313 Malo eL.,.~l:p~~~·jtf"rrao Bouoe Steveaa Polat, ' Wlec:oa•la. ;r• X "V EJ ::El. 8 0 \Vbole:.lo a.DCI Ret.all Dealer Ia N" , (;old aad Sliver Watche&, Cloclls, Jewelry, Sliver ••ut PJated. Ware, Pla.a os, Orgaas, Sewlall Machl aell a a d all Klads of Mta slcal Merchaadlse. Flr&t Cla8s Wa tch llopelr·. Ia& a Spo<:lalt)'. -418 Main Stt'-..coe~, Stevens Polo~, \Vta. .. m:::·:::·::~::::::·.t:'".t:'",t:'".t:*:'"::".:~·:·=:-y:·:·=-=·=·.t=~==::I iii::: T ranslations iii Dictionaries "> iH ::: ::: Ut~nJ, ~ t ruullnur, .... JO. ••1TO!.t. ::: :;! iii ::: ::: ::: G~n. rrftKh, rtalba.~S~..W.. Lau..ta. Gr~d., S..OClo l •.oo. 1;§ AcuUf'lt.Ldy und S..:leoLHh:uJly 1-"'IUcd. J . W. BIRO, M. 0., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Spoclal n• ...,. tO Student•. Oftlce. 452 Main St.. S tovoa s Pol•t. WJs. "Wiscon s in's Best" Superb Work. Jn.,.UNORY ?lr ;~ Completely Parsed Caesar, l!l Book L Huon ..-A pe.c~.;-.~,./1,._, ;i! tnnlladoa, lilu• l tnntbtkln. and : :: ,,.,'7 word " • JII'I'(' pantd.. f•.,o. ;;: w c-.pldclr Sa-.! """ P&n<d k- m ::: add,BookLtt.,o.RMJ'_, •.._pd,,~ !;: iii HINDS &; NOBU!, ~ iii ::: Sc'-i'-'b#/•IIJ• IIIAI.-IU#-d#l'l, !!! m..,...._~I.Jo'I4C:OOpcrlonh11tC', N.Y. CIIy, m ~~~::-:.~:::::::;:;;;:::~:::~:"::··-------~ 611; Church atraet.. Phone 100. Dr. E. M. Roger s , DENTIST. Hothmun Building. ~erond Fl(•m-. ~:ntrnn~es on ~luitt attd Thi rd st•. Dr. J . M. Bischoff, DENTIST. Crown aDd Brldg.> Work a Spoolal~y. (..ady in 1\l&.end•n\lle. Cor. Malo lit.. & Sti"'cga &\'0. M~1·190». TIIB.... UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSUSJ{A:JI(CE COMPA:JI(Y. A~ c::~~Dt!.Y'::!rl~'!..loo.Eod~:u!'!~t.H:t ~~t~t!~$· Gustav W . Hein, ~.':1 lotuaseo'JL OUIMh»l'. PubUo • L. ZBOROW S KI, M. D. IKYIKT!R Of 8ARI!ARY AND DRAfl·PROOf 111001. l':lpecla.Jblt l.a dNa,. nr women. O!!Sce aod re•~ea.-e 110>' Strollp ne. TeL tt·'f ome~ booN t \o .. p.m.. STBVBIIS POINT, WI S. eURR1\N ReUSE, H. 8 J.D. CURRAN, Prop1. E . I . TOZIER&CO; 422· 4 E LLIS STIIEET . G roceries, \. Stationery and Confectionery. 'Vc curry 11 Full Line of the Bes-t ~ea-t& .. - Two Bloc:u SOtath au4 west of tho l'loaGal. GXV"JD v• ..a.. o~ I .tOLd log- H<~tel In ~he CI~T· natco t2.00 per day. Steam H•atorl. l'.leN•I<· Ltrhuo. Up·t<>·dat.e. C. F. MARTIN& CO., I:eading P hotographers, PHOTO STOCl OF ALL mDS )[oulding3 und Fnmu~. 114 S. T hird S t. AUGUST GOERKE, -MERC HA N'l ' T A ILOR. Floe Lloe of Sam1•le• or l ,..,tlea' Drc01 Ooodt al· v. on baod. 4112 Mal• Street. · Stave•• Pol•t, Wis. •1• H D. McCULLOCH CO., Lt'd. ~OC~ri~S, BOO~S, Sl~lio~m ~~~. 8C~OOI 8~~~1i~. DRUGS 1\NO MBOieiNBS. - .a-<:>5. M . MOZU<:> H, G. \1'. t 'ATf:. Mercha nt Ta ilor. ~'I no An Tl\llorlng a Spool•lty. Olvo mo a call Knd I will gurwaotee 11UIIIf~· ~1nn In Qu1~li"Y · of Oood,., fo1h and Price. n P11hllo Sqw.,., "er Btooeu'• ttlll.bry. ~H•••a-. I. C . NEWBY, DEALER 1"an d C lears. ,... ......u. ' ' " " • •• Feed.. S..Cialt'J'• 1005 Dlvl•lnn SllnL-h )\Ide. flolr'CI"l. 1\ t torn e y s•a t• Law. omce our Cltlua's latlqaal Baal. Polo\. Fancy an cl S taple Groceries. Tobacco 0. M. DAHl. CATB & DAHL, F. W, GIESE, M E R C HJ=tNT T:l=tll-OR. tloeU•eMM•HelaU•._,•to 8~ La\Hl SUibro. AU • of1l...,...leecl. ~l&l hlt<& t. ,-.,.. alt. . ...._ 1203 Dl¥1110• st., !looolll .t4e, S tove•" P ol.r. HOUSE, KI NGSBV RY'S ARLINGTON .lAS. WI!LCH, Prop. . GR<90ERY. Rll'tTB $1 .00 PER Ol'tY. Telephone 24. 32l> Strong>~ A'•cnuc. THE RIGH T GOOD$ 8 t oYo•s Po lat, Wle. AT TH E Graud Central Hotel, RI GH T PRICES M . C4SSIDY & BJIOS, ALWAYS. So11th Slcl.:. AII )Joocrn Stevens Point. FRANK'SFRUIT STORE. Tol. 163. Accommooutions. R eusonuhle. Pric•·• Conoor Plnll a•d C lark S t e. T. C. KOBELA, Dealer Ia l aslcal lastrumeats aitd Repairs. Fralta, Vegetables, Coafectioaery, Oyatera, Clears, 'robacco, Etc. Bicycle Livery and Repair Shop 4M M.111t• 8t~ l'•e,.•u .... ... Whl.. T•L I I&. P . J . KOSTV·CH, TON~RI AL 8 13 Stro•1• Av. . .o. PARLORS. Stove•& Pol at, Wl!h Uuys, Gi\·c '·"" 11 <'ull. JOSEPH GLINS KI, L eading Mezcl?anl Tailor, llbop northeut cor. Public 360 Ma l• S t ....,t . Squ~re. Steven Po l• I , Wllc. ~411 - II. Soco•4 St., Stov"" Pol•l, Wla. P . W0ZNICI<I, 01-:ALER IN High Grade Bicvcles. Gmeral..,palrlotr promptl7dooe. llloJclo Llv~rJ. Give mo a call. 121 S. S.COM 8trM·t, 8t•n• • Pol•t , Wla. J1\eeas neusE, II. JACOBS, Prop. Leading Hotel in City. Wlacou l• 1 ~~ OUC A l'IOK required l'K-H'H ~~H is worth much HR to be a GOOU more in the commercial world tlum in the teaching profession. Take a six or ten months' course at the 1 Stevens ·I?oint -sllsiness @ege and prepare yourself to accept one of the lucrative positions this school is compelled to let go by each month for wa.nt of a sufficient 'number of graduates. &nd for names of persons and firms desiring the graduates of this school during the past year. Our eleganl Catalog is Free. Our Specialties are: INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, STATIONERY FREE, "DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS, GOOD cACCOMMODATIONS, COMPE TEN T 'TEACHI:.'RS, SHORTHAND, 'TYPEWRITIJii'G, cARITHMETIC, SPELUNG, LETTER WRITING. Call at the College or addtess lite ptincipal, W . E. 'A: L L E N, STE~ENS POINT, WIS.