HIS 1-S C^ «6ii* iM# v£)& m* ^ ^fpY SI gd?JPBREB 8KXI MILE WISH. SPEOiytt, HEyEHEBCB TO IfS flOUSBaOI«D USE Stttaitted tp the vmm BTAfs AQmmwmAL .infe^.T«»teiKfa!> traa.-^,.>^ie---;y«;-M»*"-f;i^ ^..^^ UU, 1^ partial fuiflI3a©iit Degree d? SSASTQR OF SCXESTCE .«rtmo s^ 102© COLLMI Q| &PM0¥IB'8 €»iBc<;»J»flff^»i.rAflwiViT»V.UJW^ iH;i>r;iiy,i:.t,,^i,V.'l^';:i,'r'-M: WJkx+s.WAriK'.mr-rtn" w iii'MiT>ri«tW<r>.iii.ti M &*&$$& ©f £3ftj0S> l .; ■ f^r ■.•■^CT*'"!—* "j** etoi^aaii ©f eoiaaitteie ©a 0radtu@.t® Btudj mmM ■ OF -"' ccsraaraa -»»ii|»:if»Hlil»l'W.'i»'i» 35St»3?6©tl-9fe.40!liS o o o c o (> (> o 6 a o■ « <> o «■« » » o iJ «i * * « o 4 • ss » « «> o t> « o « e « 1 FiaFpOSO Of1 SfclMly •««»»oae«oooe««o»«<i. i>ocooo*ieioo»090o S D©1f©l0ps©5a1l ©f TO© Of B^i9d ESllfe « »*»<> o.» »<,«*«« a* *<>.* 6 J,e 8it3'^0S'i@Ql » # « « o .6 e o 6 « >♦ f «■ » « « o * • * « * • • S <j 6 e (»:• » 4 $* latent of laimstf^ i% viQ&tQm states •«••« 4 $<>. Tim ©f D^y Slsla Sills ««:««».«#»«•*««t..******* i IlasiBl'a.Qtmi3© aEii fr^diaetloa so********©**?******'**-*!?* 0 ®e- &$$?&|f ©ip^isig jpyd'OOBs ,»• .i«»(»»ooe«»oof,»09a#♦* f ,3* Bmm, Of Hot ^©il.©^ Pipoeeas ,«.«»«*«**»»*«»* XO S6 Stasa^a^cls and drnfiiaig «*«•«»e»«»«0 o»«<> 4 *»« iX 0* Storage aiaa K^o^lns Qmlitios •«*4«,49»*.M? M 9 • » ». !» » ♦ » • 9 « » « * 0 P Q « 9 f* » » * *'O » 0^^ • * * # * » • *• «'■ * a ci » * » 6 * AY 19 0© J.0^ • ■» • $ o itj « 9 4 d * a 9 $: $ « « e # « q si * o p 6 .«( a * « • o a » ia ±7 4« S@lUlbl, lifej? * * *»<>«<> P. «»«9»e»eo o * *> o <»*»«) ft * 4 « * © S0 6• S@43.®©li^i' f C&^% • ie^ «>. * 6 * ? » * •? « c • «i * * • • o * « t> o « ♦ <? # » e$&> A Pag© loal Sompositlen of Ds*^ Sfeim lii%M ...,»♦„.«,.>,»♦,•.• '^ So ehealcal Analyeis ©f Sample© ...... 0...«,«. 29 4. lEapo^taaee of Ch©iai©al Ooaposition ....... 31 Ooimt of D?i©d TSllk ..............o. .0... 33 KItiifePifciVQ VSlUO ..a.......... «•«.. o.»eo«»»o.<}««oe. • 36 Fovjdei? ©d Skim Eli Ik is Oookary ..................... 39 1. Condi tione of Experimeats ......,». o.. .0.» 39 g. procedure tor R6liquifying ♦.*.».«.o.*...* 41 3o PfOpOytiOHS ..o. 000000. ...o. .00 « . o o o o e e.o. 41 4. Experiment's' Series I Juakets •>...........«..«,... ..o 44 Series II Custards *t«*i»**o...oooo.*»<>*» 48 Series III Com St©s?c&i Pudding ..,.•,.., 60 Series IV Frozen peaaorts ••......»..... 83 Seriei ? UMto Satacos .................0 58 Series ?| Cocoa .....O.....o.o...0o..... 57 series ?1I Cottage cheese ••..•**...•,,. 59 Series VIIX Four Batters? ©riddle Oakes 62 Series IX Seriei X Drop Batters? Soft- Doughs % Muffing ,o..«.« Baking Fov/dor 63 Fags Biooulto «.9o»«.6»»**«*»»«♦♦«♦♦ 67 ©@M©© aaaaao.* a* a. a a aaaaa* fto a« fj. Ff^afe £3iI2c Products t««**e** % 6»«aaaaa«aa»aaa»aa«o»«»»»aa»«ao»a«»»»o« 7 « a «-a * a * * a » » a <> a » a « o o o a a o ♦ a ♦ 9 * • o « a a a a a "fB #ot9 6^9:9i»Jsa<>e»»aa*a#o6O«9 9*9ao0aaoaa9a Si S^fiOS XII 'Udl&i&i ©B© ^©P&iy flae autlio? takes %hi& op:p@T%mii%f to exptee© sppte^ •iatloa tot %h& &©lp ©I thos© tuh© toir© so kindly assisted in %h® supervision aaa p$epB,mtim of tfeiss thesis.. BM© esgeoiallf deaifee t@ ©sgraas appr^oiatioa to Mfs, Jeesa* mlae ©feapaian llllllasaa ©feo di^oted tin© thesis5 t© Mis® Francis Oliatoa aufi Efe, Eiaerva ©tac© f©^ th©i2' assist* aaee la the expesiaQHtal ^oi'k; to £33?,. J?. S« Jones f©? his hslp in oh^fflloal analysss, aat to Ms. §» iTfilste? f©f lie htlpful suggestions nod oa?itiei,$®$s ♦HiiitiniMaiUiwpnjwjfoirrmii.rt Sills hm beea wi&®lf roeogik&eod m m mmmtiml eoAdt&tsueat of am afeQiaat© <ii0t* gat reo9n.t s^o^af^fe polftto %# th© im% that m ufomM not to© ©atiifiai with a ai©t ndfoXy «t©q^at©« bmt ehavOd hold -dptiiaal smt^itioa possible fcy |5ae^s)6iife$ tii<& proportioa ©f aiife i«i tiw raieQ ^h* ©t©at©ri of h6<aM& to « tef^i©!^© 4©g^0©c*oPiraeh JSIIIS nMm moet© a Mgfc otendd^d ©J? qmal* Itf fisad earn &© ofetatsiod at a g>e&e6&ab3.e p^Edo a© the b©@t of ^13. ©ilk m^plt^Bo fH&t^ome peoplo liw ia ©<«at«iiita©@ iai©j?o fipoeji »il& l@ 0$6g>4Q ©X5 tsSi®*** pi4S»|.tf ^antadt b© giwup* fia%©0d ©r t^MX"© 09»t id gjrAibltiw©* othtatps Uv® f®^ fffo«i th© ednt^s ff QlviWvMm *ffo fpefib mills 10 itt»t>bt&iit* 9bX$« l^ia ®LQ©© who east g©t fs^sh oilk ofton fiad ta^a* s^JLVda with littlo 0^ aon© oa hand Jmst vbegi it i® most ^© ps'd^iie tho t^^^i% of milk tfeat i« needod fog* ■dptisai natpition f@r ail ^©<&pi© mom mtimQ® my well be gftaeaA e>a the €on06nti^t®d fosuie of miXk^ ©B€ ooneiet^t offos^t should b© used to eoa^ei'iF© all of thd oondtituoate of tnilb mt&i ©TO availablo foJ1 hmm ooasisiiptioai^ One of th@ most *oc©i»t d^velopmentd of th© d&iwf industry ie tho aassamfattiaS'o of as*y ekiw aiik* lith m© f gpfeyosg - .<y ■ ;8f rof iatl ff@p©.r%##i. of #r$' ©fel» allte that f©®^©!5 |2*«*f# ci©t©tmla0 tili^^la im^fe dry skim silM cam 'III***f© &®mMp vfielpee fos? ifce mi© in e^to^f* fli^ iasifi-tst #f 4?F s-Mia mlllc u&*& Is thie ^tmdjr ©fi8© ^btmta^jl fiP«» oiasittfftct«#«^9 1» ©^©g^a^ tia8ti|!&gt©fie til® lOOneMApnft *WJA jp^cowosiadatAoiw f£v©a &«« 4 mmrntmmmmm mm StohydP^tlon is toe of th© oldest methods ua^A in me preservation of food produata* ffe© aaeietits preed^tred mi3.Sc hf letting It dry in the sim ©ad ponder lug the e&k© of ijljk eolida tsiiieh restftined* JSorod pole in 3.298 ^^cote mat tli© Tertere boiled the milks, skiamed off t&e. cfeamy part and put the peaiainder In txi© susa to dry* sine© ®&s»!>y time men hae Mem trying to fiftd soia© nay to preeentre i&ilk* ■v About the middle of the last eeittury it was dieoovered that by removing a portion of the water ^ad preserving the re* mainder tyith eugar^. milk oould b© preserved in an attrao« tive editxle foroi^ J^t©^ it was found that ml lit eould b© eoncentrated in a' ^©o^iaa $>i.n or {settle» the^ placed in small oontainere and preeerved by sterilising* ft r©* mained for the early pi^fc of the present dentury to pe2»* feet the methods of apemoving praotiaally ©3.2 the tsater frero sills #o that we have -dry* ^powdered »lllfn* ®P» as fre<3uently spoken of, (01 It tte© present t|»©d the laportanse of the p^o** oess of dehydration a® a means of eonserving milk and it# by*pr.®diaots can hardly b© over-estimated.* lEtejat of Jadustry in tsfestem State® m-i.. i- i ',. I WM.i.. Hill) HI i!|iiL Hiu'H.'i. .P.l 4n*aa l.:»i i. .. i ... mill 1 inia; «il-» »-■-Wnjot, According to the figures of the u# S» Depart* mj ox fae Saturalea/ air exhaust Jt Legend Air com pie fety* sa fura fed Litjuicj Ponder : Sforage f-orik- ""'""'"' -Sectional \ if\v of tin- S|ira.\ rri><-<-NH i'hint heater Oufsio/e I ' air 5 mm* «J? fy^imlMm 1X»464^000 f^^m-i© ^f toy uhojo ©iHi &tt& 3.3t$j>iSSii0OO ^©iiaaii of toy sfitSa ©illc tsrep^ ^roSueeS i» m^ txmil®-bt®$ hut it i© ^atimat^d ^femf callfdf^i^* ^KS tptal f?©&€<* fli© foii©!?!^, figsas?©© l^imt© th«-t the «jL*n«S» (3) |#> l^loat^ tfest tlae tote} auttOttnt of dfy sfei® islite aeEttiia^tyi^Qd is 0r©gOE ?©y If 00 cms :8o@'5§^|.04 p^osidld ISm of Bayy SMg Elite fh© o#a?<©f§i0iri of auriffM© i;li£a asilte iJit© a &&y e Eofc&a&'fe® Qim® toy MiSf^l^am Bry Sills Zftfititute If* S« Dep&tfttDent ©^ A^a^ulttas?© St^^icitlos StaiaSpolsst: #f aonveiijlofic^ and Ad a rts^f oeur«o ^ 9l*lffl liite donas %@ Hb,® wvtoow- mm.@t$m$<t &&pf?mtmt$%t BO p©s? s©a^ «j? nm &®f mtm site a i& mMm&t<$§ tfom 46 jp©^ 60B& of tbi© s®#wi^ wft© ©©asaaed da^t^d th»9ti^i tm &&6vH9Si Opy Mtfe Jasteitoaita ani cooper* ©til?© agoneied %m<$ ©stafeJisMi «h« ^*ot tlaat the quality of «h$vl>rdQd 4© iaigHPOtfefi »lth th^ ©aai^ioa of &fj ekia ©ills t^ to § m f P^JP t©a% of ttoo wei^i* of ttoo fioma?* (91 «#| (7) (8) tylie wenttfeot«jp0i»« of liafd H»etti*ft ©fti o^aok®^ ijav^ feeosaaiiiiod taio ffood trelti® of aiile ami .tiv^ou^i. ^©.r©fu2 X*aiiBdfiS>Oh Ml?© do^lo^A VolMLOttS sa^tliod© of iaoosppoimtizis di?y &kim milk m%& thBi® pm&m%®* Bi*y t&l© allls 40 te* 5isHtiin& tjs fe© t^eefai^a- ©a one of «h« 000* ooa^esieat aad »o«)t amit^&l0 fosws of ©ilk solMt foi1 UK« Iia &m oro&n« {§>) It; ie teo'iftg m^swt Is 'yro^aiped floors0. ^eafootiona? chocolate driaits^ sad fov m^W otuo** fiundpy ^usppose^e Xsatitution? tfeat a?© itfua^o ^© ate^plf onou^b mills %* mmt th® &iBma&& of tSidUP €^ou&» ft8:l© f$m&tm ^W ®kim at Ik m ^oonotaioat mmm of owfeomisif _«*© def^o&onoy of allle #^J©ia® aad silkprot^m la th® didt* «r , ,i.. mviv.v ■■'nii.w.i' ..■•■'■iiii-naa'i ■»"'.ii)i«. 1 ,1 . •,.i.i«,»i.>i.,1jiiJi-.ii>.jii.-».vninii;i.-.j,ii-,j,v'".'.''l»"i'i,i'. 'biiWr-'ti pemoml coprospwideAeo with ite©r£©asj Djpy mife XftsHjKfUit© ?' Sost of tli© dr^ mtm atli I© uses tm> Immm «M|^ ®msvmp%tm is s^ld la totals m&®U mM ^prasteatolf hORwet hm s^mgdd ft4®© f si ta 9«4 o€H%%0 p®m& ^vsPiAg P®.® ^eyior and tli@ ^©m^i'al JSIAHS^ peip p©taa^« t%@a&Q mpmm&W m?f ©&i® «tlfe ®n$ I««3QO* ioaailtoa©* %M tfe© caffl@iw%' ©btaisi^^ for tji© Mt^i^it fmsilttf apfay p^ocoeo Wh^n dte&EB mills Sm p<ft3&$$ t&m, $J& x*«t ©^% lit im^ fli© ^^i^i3 la ps^ieo^ in l!@im©tSeailf sealed ^iaa4i ofei^fe aide to tt»o <e@st ©f sMaMftf&otoipittQ* ©spy ®k%M mlVk la 0.01 a^allitl*!^ in hoosdholA A%i«ttt 5 .o^atd a i^art* duo foaat of 4f,y atefe ail! is Q^mt* a^t,^W!elM^a,Vil»ffl<^^w;«y«^i>^,wW!V^'J.^ M wy'*,.*!. i.w, I.'.I>,>. "pigwspeo obtained f^on &neyiea» xapy Mils imstlttit© i it is & felttiWlf i&9$$ett$&v$ soured ©f miM i^lit® not ■0 ■**viVf\fmiittit!m <»**«^ ■■■i-n„iii i ■>nrlw'.,"i[-v,»n» ,ii,r„l) Adcoa®Wetood by the «imi>opetioa of m<g gr0at Mte oS* oat©}? 4@ffi&ais that the e©3,i#£ial 98»op®x»t&da of tb$ OMteia ©i$d tteiat thia is 1)901 aoeoQ^X&s&ed by Ute yipoodos of suumfac*' t«u?6 «aiag the loooot possible toaipos'atufOft ®M tEposias tbQ mills %Q tm>&:% fto eboptost Xongth of tlm©* "Sose of th<& na'ahlaoi now la iai© fm3.fl 11 thosd ^qvilrOfBOatg fajyiy troll tofi s© grodme© a pocnierod milk im ^rMeh tbft original oollotd ps?op©5?$i^0 of tho raillE aieat eoapletoly ^oftains^*** OJPO ai* (1ft) fk& prooosaos of ffiamsfaetwi?© of iff sicto milk, af9 oseoa^ally of two typos^ tbo spr^y feylag. aM the fila dr^iag Qystoooo Sioggy Efrylng ^goo»s Ins tbo spray dg'tiiag »yoto»9 tho hoatod a&lk is ■9$,j?;&yoA iMd©r p^ootwe isto a fttyiag ohiamboip ^hofo ItOOIBOQ 1st eoBtao^ uitfe hot aijp* w fho finoly atos&ised par*- t&oloo of fluid m&llE ourrondo^ their molature to tho aisf»ft an A drop to the bottom of the djpyiag ehamboif oe a i^y poerdoy**1 (IS) ^a ©@ftaitt procoss©© the poftdep is votsovo^ iavoodiately while sn others £t is allowed t© aoouontlatQ Plow Diagram of a Spsray Off lag 3yetea t&^en fffoa "JSany lew Field© isitaioi. ^y Sps&sr ©Jfjriae* ^f Sail B* 9t©tt&,it eiiicag©9 lillaois, e&eaioal and ffltetallurgio&I S^ineeriag August» 3L$S8, 26574.000 *— 1916 1917 1918 1920 1921 1922 1925 L— ■1338.000 \924~1~925 1926 ' 1927 m mttt that '0a4 ®£ tm 6&$*e wm* W® VGMWLI 9$ tMo $&$&& &* feat ad it Is twewk immm® ppfttoefciott agafjast witf&m* in^tim. oitb. teet^s'ia^ saseete^ aa^ f<M?0i@tt wa^tds* df any depends is$« ^Sie tmy ia t7M«to t&t sillli: I® -^©t^a^M aat dB till! t©t#©'^at«i?©. of %h« dfryifcg ohaai&&s?« S&Sidoc %-#: $®&n ■0©a,gml&%©© dutifti the pyo«oSffltf aia4 ^M© ^poduot s?0t©£©® oonv®?«d t© the 9ujpfae« of a «t#aa heated poll©* drtsa 4» «ii«h a way a© to 0#^©^ i% with a «hin fii®* ffe© dmua. e0vd(s ajOQly ©a^gti m that ttt© wa'ta^ ia all owtas'attt ho^^p© -it fee© ooia^&eted oh© »evo3tuti«i* fh© ds'ied fii® it adr&p^ OJ??« and is Mte^ ^ousid to a fin© p$0dep ^ It^f is a f lafisy f@^a# 8v©n ^ho^ga tha n%XU %» itt ««»$&«$< fjith tte hot jpaliw'^or «hly a f*t7 de^egads^ th© teap^pa* ttuco @^ th® Hills Pi»o» eo hi^h that pajpt ®f ^fe© 0a$.(S|ji aad ©II a£ tho ©iB^aia Ea ajit to fee ffaade^ed la^©l^l#* aft©!? toylag ainoe aay ddioy s»eaulta isa ahdovptiao ©2? ©#10^ tu®5© and haetosrial coattamihatian* ®i# femlis of the o^i^iy n She tsilk tlekee *.i^ ■osw pp^d^dad fcy t&o ^^soapho^o Sf^a If th© stilk pdwdex5 -4® «© ^© tept f®!9 wxy idngth df tisft the dontain^r mmst b« «43? tl^t8 adis^tmi?© p^oof asii inseet proof to £aou*e la^iayra mopinQ, qmliHw* e? fte co»toi»o^ au^t Be &it> t|^> to p»otee% agaixHrt hm%€ air? tJhion dopvooiatoo tto© ^oluMlity^ oamses Itw^img ©ad 1M»<1«* ©alags 4eirk05aia$ in oo^or &n& th© dovo^opmont of «■ fital© fiavojp* it iaaat te mleti&Q protf aw to the dotri«BOttt&i off^eto @f tii# solfitvu^o m th6 p««toln ooa^tituottto o? tfag powa^r, euad CM) beea^s® It looodo %%& ft?ooh flavor# €0* trolopO &%3©«ti@mfe|© Ota26 flan?®^ aoA 1&oc©®a© dlOOO|.os,ed« fii# oantaioos* naot ^© ino^ot ^roof booa^so miUt po^dei? att^aoto aafi tmAov ooftain oonditiona M@c®@$' iafeotod with Mmtm tmm% iti*t o^oh ao ^ooviio* 6t©:*:W 110) ^f&e twiUte p©0te@©a t&at tea*© te©®Si f^mai to olfe* magia^aa proteotlon ©f povj&e® %m t^onoit md ^tovago &??© the patp* affined« als5 tigbt* motdtttro proof tas^oXe ^ad me fa®®* notioaxiy ooaiod tin oaas** (13.1 $tattdlMc>dg oad ®MiM Apparently tMs-e Is jm d©fiait# aydtoo of grad* fgi@,« Tfe© poodos^o ui©d £a tbio otudy wero roooamondod fo* PQQ&&& of high ml^&llitfs, to a flalsf felio^i^li p@t?a©F' of arjr «itls ©life st teta§. ■fisvoXflpefi* fli© pot^ftt sktm m%Ws mmamSmt^.m^ in mm® ©f i© sfei&Q A p^teiar $m,Bt o m® foXlooiEtg SPO''** ii^^soi^iiitf^^if was® M ©f sttin dotobiii^y %u^ 80' g^6M ©tea iissoitot in §©0 :@o* of tjat^i? will spearttAf pai^s. tlj^w^i tto© SG&iwM^ t^sl ^t ^ist gtestaf'd M#& iMmimg mztam m&imm$ aaL^Lrfj^fc,"'-^ :,':>■,-■ fffiSnti-^; wii'.fimJLisiut^tswrp- T'^;1 W&ow staKsafao^wes?© gtaEdssff'^ g^^tJ-^J^dOAL^V^t^^^^ JV**Acid**$fc<8 aeid&fcy, of tte pcwsdoi? dhalX not ®se©©d 10 oo0 Hsnn'o MM tmt (that Sts# thi) €®©imt of f/SO alkali which !# ro^u&S'dd t® netktyaX^d the ad&dity An » 60 ««* $6mpl9 of »il& f'6ti?d©f la 9o3tu%ionft Maflmg dolid* eojetr0&pottd&&s to nenseiX fiml^l sfelia lailka, phthel^in »# in&i<mto#)« f«»*Al0oiioX***fh© Solution dhftiX »ot coagaXat® oxi. feQlttg misted pith 75 p*r c«n* tteut^l aottisft aX^otidl tes^iag doXution* f|«»»I<l©t»*lt ahaXl hot eo&guXate ©n hoi Xing* solmtlioa at the t:|.»© of dl&aoX^lng m& tm BtAhiXitsr of thd foam 1& no-ted* fh© :©®BpX©'S ^i3© «>0pOK»toa iatisfactorf if th®y 6how on© .inch os3 mosp© #f foaa aftes? standing undid* -imrBed fo^ tMx»tf sin^te©* IfllX^^fh^ povrde^ ShaXX not oontftin any haotoHfi ©j? aoXdd which tiriXX ^© detrinentdX to th« pfodiact la which it i& mQ.&* X3C*»OoXor**1fao ooXor of the ds?^ powder stay no^ h® da5?ls0r th&n ttet fho^n. fey wsseiauiffl oolos' fh© B gs»ad'© povJfder moot© tho fame roq^Up^Bente M &U ^B.&O: A £Qt tlw m®i®tn%'®- and jjest test* sao^i s^^lmemt th© aeidity eaj b^ tn mm$® of 10 <je# Haam^is A©£cl f@st* fk@ ^©Itati^ss M®W h®> oo&galAtod ©a miftiag with $0 p©®? ocnut neutral faatbyi. &IL0qliol tostlag aolutioEv ffe© i grafi^ pdtrdef5 ffiiay i© ^ligjjtl^ |'Ri#lubl© and slight^ darken tfa&&. giva&o A* Ite 0 Orftde is S©l©n B isrsfi© in ail tests an«a inoludo® sw^yfcMsig ©sioept gc^ap©* fM ^eg»©pi SaeluS© A© will M m©m iates? ©niy ■igraSe 4 powficas? t# 5^ iaamffiO'tu^])^ of pa© ©ppay ps*©©©©© powdor ai^ftli© ^jly 4 gmd© ^©¥;ci©r gjyoducedc Itoder tin® pmrnrnt ■conditions ff imm.tm%w& it wetild, se©-® that -a Mgfe^s? ■elaadard of quality ©smid b© ©&lntalsns©d If tte fred^ot ^QS"© mor-© ease.©fully gradgii* TmPQ s©@eift t0 %Q a© g^adlag in tfa® d&m pVQtom pmi&em &th®F v&m, th& indlmtim tut tM poM^i0 is^i^g. g^@d© th# di4'^' p&m$m pmMi?®- a© B $r®d^ powdssp* Sto^ago enfl Soeping QMaiiti©'fi "HbQ keeping qtnaittfoa of pov^dpod sltia Si III hav® iapr^sF^d tilth fcfc©• imfip^wgrnesit £« ®#tfeods df aaamffeetn^* iim.^i!©!* {131 at&tei @iat #kim nJllfe p^wde^ a^^imfadtta^d 1^ factories naher®. jp^ope? c©Baid©3?atio» i© gif©a to th© is fesp lall^ j»ocdfi» ^ttlaiS ap^eial ©.t^ostl^a te humidity aafi. %0@iP©tmtu?'<s o. If tte |>€>M$^ eeutsiaP ®!a<3®a@iim s^ltt^e ©s* I® '®EpW04 •%§ 6$8$&&&%i, $t aay te^oa$ itunp^^ aoldy assi fet©l.#p aa «jft&<2>0j^ati0 od<MP* CIS)- lAM ©^fi fste©?? (&&! H©at pr«idt<$6 a^mlesl aetijitf ©»$ imt^sslfi^® ' stiis?© ©.3POua<S fmmtmQ poto^ is usaitk)fiii*aX5lej) fillet ^©d©^ ^he^s ##at£tioa© .uh©' allfe powder -is |)1?#»Q to iQWXo^ © dSiag^^^^Iej? aiittfs s^fag© Haimf1* . JX3J ■PsNOpoifiy. Q3P404 ffii£X& is aot eubieot to baetQ^&al If, t@ Qseui**. e^ff tlto ©f ©oSStm^jj and t© pf^v©nt OKi^t^ita.^ Li^'t auaelfcfrafces osilfiatl?^ cteag^0t aad when tfoe eontaiaoi1 &$ eof^^ed. wb.©a not iia u6©» If mmniL mmfiQwms^ics mm fmmnftm OF DB¥ SKU mm .Saa^l@0 of toy $k|a ndltc ^©if© obtalatd f»<m SdfthOb A study ^f «bo g®ij©s»ai p^&ie^I §»$ oii^niesl l>yope^ti©s of m© e&iop3«$ ti&Q aado to d^tenn&be tht ete^natt^lsta&Q tMt t70tt3Ld reist©^ dspy @icls silfe deals** • abl© fo»» lumdehelld ttflo* Toa aataplos wai8© mied la i^li© afcudy» fhg©© ops3^ and ths'©© film tejiag Ays terns iios"© ^©pfestot^^ fcy tli® 9Qins»Xed» Iffho powdltE'o ve^o sub^eot^d to a ©eS'io© of teAtfi ^hich ap© atepta^lQ to household ooadition©* flief 00r© t@afod fof ©olos-p testu?©^ flawsp m& aroia&V eolubilityj, f#®ffl »a ©©atamt* lip JXIj If? ^o VI* ffet ^amits ^0 rejport^d in f&bl©-© !» ffe© fi^arst in ®6lwm too in ©ad& table ind£6ftte tb«i number of fiaa^lde ®hQV3%n& tm ote^aot®* igtiep iSst^dU four* fh@ powS©ys uw« iso^Qd oa m© basl© of' Tbo powdeva ^Sbibitlng th© best quality tJea*© soofei ijj thf t$QQ:Qw& %n ^malitj i# and so fort'Si? 6O1QI° m d&dtinguidh aiffe^sacea in oolop th$ powder© wevo pXaeed on vihit© psp^r* fte fin© m& ■miiorm poudera g©-^© fef'y (BVm and liglxt®^ shades,. wore ^^©emf ufrit© in color« Four of the i3ampl©fi fh© flakf^ coapse iS^^imei: GRAINS OF DRY SKI?,! MILK Spray Process Spherical Drum Process Irregular [/ fa^|.o it**Ooloj? «f Sdaplea ^f Pos^jpea Skim Silt unr^ ~*mmr ^iwr-^^Vfc^*^ •'»..jrl,i>i,.,Vi"..i.»;i,ft,'.,e"My .nr tasi=iii'iM,.«iil„'(.»i; :>■,» ■l,'.tiaii:i-»»,-i| trtV^n'AtJ^VCMi* > €@|.@g .>.KI,'-ii..JWV»==fe.<,... f, ■. .",v. Ji ■ . .■>III 0 .•-■■■, ■ V'.'iJ.'i'f.,.Ml "M,l.,.'».'t»-^V-!- >::.«« ;...i'j.»'.ff.'Tl»i-».-lfe'r«T<-.,i jil->j:iu-ail,:rw,'-,'«,.i»r!'.>»vin,ii,i|ii i.'K'ti;;''"*.*^..,,.! ^i.;:<j.k«..^...'i!=>,:<t'V':,1il-'»\t-»,«v.;'' tost ©smi^ittd a wmj &®f%nlt® $&9f ttn&d to %&© poM^!?» ehsa^i wat pr^aftly &n@ t© the ^©tefi©^®^!©!!! of th© py©dm©%g tli© «^es? pctM&tt? tm« a tacm«j iS'tia pp@©@@fi powdoj? uhiob Sjad bean paeked «l.f a t?©©!£* ffe© ggay oolos^ tm© pr^l^biy da* to 90s© ^a«t@r in tha process of usaiMtfaettitseft Sinod tho poodowa tsatelf tsrei?® til f^eth samples no- ooneidftpatioA wi>fi givoa t© chaa^ets #^ eoiof^ «3uO' to '0tof6g(S9 en pfolOBget fe©@|>iag the eo&op is deepenedy the vapidity asia the 4©.fr©© d$p©iaa£ag m the •fe®ap©£ia%aii© of tttop&ge sm«a the asoidtwpe eentesit ojf the pottdd?e6 ailte*thei' higher the aeietuste eeateht* the mere rapid end deepen the delor ©hang©* fit) ^stuy^ W&e texture of the oasiplev varied with the p^o* If poptloa of ^he pouter tteottgk tte flag©r©v M ftfemira by fmi® ii five $eiapids mm saoetn end ©tarels^ii^ ia %m<» tup©* fotir of t3»Qd0L wew m©a© fey ^to© samo. spspaf proooesji %te ©tis©f % a &&m' piPQ&bQd* eligiitly gritty* ^OUIP om p©Pi@i? »«k« sadoth.| but pm&m® were g»»4f(»y toa g^isf. f^3L# Il*^f^tm?# of S.a®|>lg@ #f »? ^Sio^r myiniil'mnli.-ilHii.iBlil iflrirl)i.«iniiiiiiii.i.ji-iiil' ji 3|JSUI Mils n riii'|)i.fii)iii<iTi?aTri«.»ruji.ii<iii|Mil!»»'«v.'iV'i""l >■ lIl.Ul.l.lll.) Illl', ,M|-n.|tf.l..U..,.l..l..»rf.i.-.».»...J,.,...,.l.i I' .ft HIL .11 »lWiii><ii)^i'»i<n;iftfc;,M!-ii-iiV.I ' l|l|i '.>»» II l.'ini II ■nil. T»'f.l.mi. 6 1 i 8 8 trlt^y ©pi graiay tr<M^I.<V.*V^VWW»J^^:^''ii'N;^«»«.Jilll,i!/'»^>»-li,lWi!M'''i'i .^■rL^.^ji, u.l.Mi.f, M.ii.^ni.r. ilM-"imiliili!l|iiiii.f,i,,.S%'i"!'il'ii»' 1.; I|f n. .1 |i'.l. . ' vtif m«„r fho smptm of.-^s^y ©%l», milt M®&& foj the sp^s^ pp$e$e9e& »©^@ ga fioo ani eompaspatiirely «»lf;@to d^hd^i* flateSg. «>Ml«t opt® trnti ^©dluQQi to a vdfy fine poM©!4*. f lavw And A^^na .uiirii)ii,i.inir;iij|.|ii MW^F'.' n- iir.j.l newiiUKft* ?h© f|iiir©r ©f the diesolv^d p@®i0r phouia j?©* SOBJ^I© w&tfy E©.arlf thiit of £Vd«h skiBUaed laiXK* To ©©ape^ig tla©- f|«rwr and ^reaft 36 gvcuns of $ae& sauipi© w^s Qd<3,<pd to 'S©0 «Ca of water < pif>oduiet «aa tdj9ted« The s^o^uXting IM i-ndSeetsd itt fabM III mlj tteq© S0 whit® Urn aaBpIee &aa a ittsM cooked iflavcMf» ®a«a as»»© VabX^ 111 nr <^^»«>M^-jw£^^fe» wjfw.^-j^r'iii^W'wMi^ t.';i-«,*'.i»jj>;-'"<i^i»0;i;j, fl^ws? and, ^dffla B^.w.l^rr,, •,.><,i',:'':y.vii'qyi jjiHwiiWJJBWrtr'f '.i[«il<l!.-M)',l- ■KtWi™*: iV.'iiI Itr.Vliin'l r.Tj^-flfr^ flat©^ g^gemtolss that of f^esSi $l&gl&%lf &00is©a flawr amfi o^#g* 2 aiafi ,6 j^r-yn^i-yTir^^w^-i^aTt —jtm^tofrM, ,; ■.■f,i,",i(»<felt j;V,i"i(.M-<rt«s^!3i DSOP ©i^li©mt milk tastd (^tBi'W'ura^-iW-^ St»e@ the j>oT3fi®«»d w©r©: ^©-©iilf fftek^afl- the »tal$ flavor eould a©fe h®: €Hfets'4lbut&od to ^mag00 to© to &$©m@©.* IQ ftie?^ ©iFia^ao© mat Wa& milt Hnpfo^o it wa»- is'i©^ wa« of in* Sm&m tmalitf« ^m©h a p&otiuet ©am '^9 ttg0d« test it ehomlS not ^© ^p^odontod @s tM^ teo^t gr*4o potvdov* soagfrimg tb© jrtiypioolL.oboyaetos'ietiee of skittiaid milk ®m®m<>, ie mt a twio oo&ut$on* Milk *tt I® &n ^anala-ion M wh&m sooi^ of t£S9 eoaotStttoaltt* duob ae to«tt«oe^ albosila^ &aa pWPt of tiho m&no^&l oalta a?© pi?eaoat ia solution« tlon ©s'© imopiattaed to © n^o^y ^i^o otsto JWMHI la tho soiu* otbo^ eenat^t^ m@ftt© as ttj© ir©ts tSa© €©i©ia8. m®, tho ^©asiiafer of tho 81 fubl© Iir«^H®la%it?# S©I^lli% of 3am^aw» ftwrt.gr'f i^jKiiimi^tr f»rij ^>^^^,.j^to^lt«0iW{J0«i^r,U^w g,i; .ftJ^.^yr. f. j. fispst aows^wayS ami l:ii@ft «ip?®J?<l« til ©f %h© powd©* ta ist, tolutl,® ll^aiol ^©eoi®©^, t^bi^o feat ia^© © tin® ©at#f tea^acii Qli§ii%lf tvicbsd m fytm^ing* Aft©!4 twQ $Q9 $ votoop itk i&n® plQifo®* %0-mm no t®p vshit.® pm% m%%i®a to bc^tm^ ana the l£qu$;^ ■&&m&.i.m 016as?», 30 Seconds Spray Process Dry Skim Milk 2 Hours SOLUBILITY 30 Seconds Drum Process Water ry Skim MJ 2 Hours m Mio^i&ag $& Mfm^Mt %a oaoily i}0lut>2.$ pocj^lc^ owsBasaMjed at mm %® M&p®®®® la mit© s&l&y ^t^oaaui^ £i^a^ <lopo»©a?(d gsai th'«a ttjujjasfi* tfe# pift^$s» stoon ^©O^SKSS slJ^* t®M&l.a p©t5ftl<sf® do met disses^^ 4» yafifijs9*' Sfofty tltfe^r w* ©m ©tssidiag m%h nMQh^tf Mtvtoft& p«w4ep^0* ity <«? tax© fi^ven gpffty ps?«MS<sao p^Msfao fd^t'lf fit|. fte0® of %M f^iS .QtBifS9 tOQ tgnsa p&QQGt&Cl. pOOfieS1* oUtH©!1' ooit* %i'@a« fi© 63pm p^mm pm^^B ^ImtlLf wt%i m o^itaet e£^ ootoip* fas?^ @C tl>0 pf-'etoe^ goi® &&&0 ©#.i3,^4iai ©aim* t-loa ^ut tfe© ^tf^^e^1' f»ts#a 5?©aai^# »#^w^4* lit I' If ttfaading tu® p&f&%®lm fiettle to ^h©' attorn ©I1, tifto eoa-i tDO 00» of <sULst4W0ft xmtm mm aooewod into & m i ai«tw«pe «?@© ^tete^u vigo^uely @a^ ^II'<9ts©a to d^od thirty m© ^^U3L^0 #f th9 %m& m til itepl.## a^# £i*6itt*ted im fa^ie f**B©imi.i&fi nf 9o8ta f©a^ 'r'|yt-ir?tPT^f''wi|:'.H;'riff;L:.;i:ii:i^-;J» li|-[.ll"l'l»H|»lMill,.Hii'.!l».*IM'.l''ii.1 r«':iM-,i i ft)f»i.v am 'i»,. S 1.1 ll\l,<YJt>Mli</!l»a<l.\^i«|1»i*»fr,tl^ MoM I iaeh f^a® thirty minutoso lao&ssMgd that *t tfmh skis milfo- 0. 8 iviyHUtUtlJML^tlt^-liHjIttiary-lt.ii Ir.'MHIi-jlii-lilfl'I'ifiViOnr.j-Kl'it'Wi'in --ii.i iii.ji.i.'ili»Wii'nil n«fM-» fit.ti'.'yimmil"' ■ .!7i*i II li'TTiH -■■•','I " n.iM.-'.,!.: j.H,'fir.Wi fsro mmplm held @ao Iwli off f:o» f^ thirty ®la^to©.Q fcs© imm mnmfam p@®m^>l®& that of tfoeetofcy asp* arat@d sist® »IJ&» . fSii'©^ aa».p3.©e «hot9Qd a TOiitaa ©ao^isf of ttm m%m *a$$d$& to twenty ntjrmttsi* *he tmm on two dsnm p^oo'dfid pdodewr t^®-® ft tfel^ls S^ongf m&m$ om ®.%m&%nQp th$ fit9o:lXda p©^©!1 g^©i»© s©|tl0d to tlio bottom ©ai the Xiquid ym SO0 tto* of ^ooftstraced skim maXk t/ord fii* r4iapt(94 tftfoa toot udod ^y ©ftmf&dturawi* WI|»i:i..»ri^'.ii.),l;ii>l^llj.iiiii»li-«ii>.i[*,iiiiH,Hil>i;ii) t|,'l..;<i.t,.<ii-,oit:npiiii.l' )ai>ii-|l.l;fiw)ll.'ir:nii.--|>,1liiVHlli)Ji|i fii.Diimnninn ,)iiinif>'^>ijiMrin^w>il^rlii<,r.ltin'i>;iii»,:i)itol,in);,iw-.';;iljiiti>tT B€ tab%& fi«>#%QmiM tt i©aia®mt U^et* TMRT juijyi ■LMII,' r*rv iiiiilfiiiiil.UjMjyi'.r.iiifyilil' 'Wl/i •|,iViiiini!i'iHj*S'.['liiiiillll"l'jH I ,ilf»mrj.Mii.|tr,itlv[i»".Hi/«»iriml;ii| m nri »,»,., ■i,v..|,i.i|.i^T1i. .1, .in ■|ilnf(!i'H«:'W)i;l».»j^'(jli.,..,lt»: aedAaent, ,f ©Ot ditse i 4 to>.il.»;.i:i«i.i»M iiXIH i'>i)l<W« 4 .■■nniiri.M.in.iv MiH liimmn*' («i>**^etty gewfthad p&|p%lel9» asi ii»,jiliiililii1Siii;iiji|Kii;rh'nli(iji|iiMiii»»ririMiih\l!i;!nMii)<r'i>,i.<ii^ ffeo .©©aiaQnit m&m, ©^ thspdfr :g!:a»^i©# iaiieat<&.d only a fw ©acii p^aes» ^a© a@t©d &^ th& ©ss© ©iuh trhlfih it ti!^«)4* ■the dra«: preeoo© patsi^g ftmfcdis&d ©©swldei'a'felG usteriel. ®n%m ttdmia n*% ttlter tmm$& th& oo^ton disc* fit© ^ol* atfl^ Q»^st:.0f §;<&«Siia<»% im d p®w4©t ts© &xaa te ddt«miaw et %f ©HoPimg tM s»0li^lf4M ^podudt ^© staad. If «b® milk is potw4©^ vepy sloyii ^rom tha dofttaiae*, ^h® giQti^ nent «hieb settles to t^© b©tt@a mn ©milj b® notsfi* Sui&n&fry 4i that Qemml vi&Qpe&t%Q& t& the ^-mwlm moto^ ftie sjiiailtios of the vaspiou© peoie-^g tiff^ted Staples As>: Bp O :0&cw©:d gjlailaf 4liara0t©^l.&tto&»AS. iafil0&%©d fey ttoo sooripe auols^^ ^li^#@ fi^ap^es raateat tot S^- f if t t?©s»^ to ©ss Iat0t®©4lat© g^onp* they wo^ wm®.** Ely 'goinblo Bm% i3li@t)<s4 g^oat©^ ifmf4at$#iia in fSa^d^ and «w t% tmf M ddaciuiefi that « j|»qwd©v w&ieii ia i@* slipaM® f^r housohoM msiQ ©Hould b© whit© ©f fif©fiwf t3hit©« DBo^tlh and stafofe^lilie ia §mi%vi.w®# <mA ifedtiM tov© s fl&'vos* sslsilas? to fresh i^l® ailfe* It ©Hnwli ^e ^©Milf' vS©it>lo ®©dim®at m ^m^0hQ€ ^^tt^MB^ &.%% $pt>af prm lag the Mghddt ai8© saaamlfaat'arilS hy th® e&ii<3> «|>»oy s^poc^dsi* A© ^ foenaS-t &£ thse« t©$t$ tsiai© ©a. t®n Q.m.p%®& of toy akla miM# *vSHS«aea if igli?t» that th© ttiltes iyloa hy the ii%m <&pjt®Q Ofeteal «7ou3Ld oot b& d^ipuhle I1** h©^<3©hi&M ui© ^ue te th^iip 5 PQCIS @@|iiiMXI%3r im& l^fo^i®!'1 m 2mmL$®B$mmmm>§mm& Inal allk emd %o ^oa© ©Et©ix*& with the pfroeess of 4ediooat» tog* ©nasl.fe®^ (13) states that tbs pepoentago edrnpouitiosa of %m flttitf fiiXIc ■aatd© ftom tlu& olslianliig o* Addition of fat ia oont^ollOd pfimafiiy bf tho toaalitf amd tho n^ai©^ of joar &©& by tbo bpeeaoi gjo^iod of laot&t&on* and tho f^©d of coofi* tov thl* reason siilte p@wd©F0 aad© by tli© mm® pfoeo&d but to diffepsafc looai&ti$o«. and la dlffo^ont coadoas of tb© yea* oft^n $be© eonsi^o^ablo traHation ia p(Sfeoat.@.@© eomposltloa* fh© p^oooao of aaaufaotitt'O la* flu&ieea tli© peveontaso oompoo&tlon laifgoly ffoa fe© dtan^polnt of molfttttira* ^©iag faifcly jpopvoasatatlvo of the ^©f©^ and -total tolidG 1 ©OEt©]it of opray ds?l©d .taA f.il» d^ioi sllfe. hrwi-OTf^M^^iMiiiUMm','^- Qpray&pylng Proe09O 5S ^III'I. itfilJIIililii, lturm..nillH>ili>'.',l!>ii. »i m>\\ Hm**^ ><*.'■* total s#iida fiajB^dxyins iwliii,.l,IOiW|-||il.i -fi ! 1*70 9Q«80 96*86 JIIIIIKI .'III',!' 8*98 7.70 5*40 ©6*05 92*30 94*54 .Ill'* Emasifeorp 0* F** Coad^nsdd nailk aad C5il^ ?owt©r0 4tb Bd* p. 470 28 ®i@ aabiint 6f molsttire and ash present in the samples of dry skim milk used in this study is indicated in Table V.I 11* The moisture and ash were determined by standard methods and the average taken from closely cheeking duplicates. The first six powders are spra^y process powders,, the others., are drum process powders. Table VIII Moisture and Ash Content of Dried Skim.Milk Samples Sample I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Water—-$ Total Solids—$ Ash—% 4.45 3.41 2.19 2.78 4.12 4.77 5.70 3.78 5.51 95.55 96.59 97.81 97.22 95.78 95.23 94.30 96.22 94.69 7.65 7.74 7.77 7.65 7.92 7.61 7.66 7.30 7.55 Powdered skim milk is very hygroscopic and if left exposed to the air will absorb moisture. The mois- ture analysis would seem to indicate that the average sample may be over 3$ moisture. This factor has a defin- ite bearing on the calculation of the amount of moisture to be added to the dry product to make it equivalent to fluid skim milk in food value. Approximate Composition The average or approximate composition of powdered skim milk as given by different authorities is iadloateg ia fablo liu Table IX iiv©fp&g©. os*' Agps»osla0%© OOEapo&itioa of I¥f Qltim Milk amsikes3 (0) Bfj Mils lustitiat® | IS i.ao 38,00 37*00 S7»70 90*60 61*00 50*00 1*74 1.1$ 0^90 36*01 37 62$ 8.00 @#00 8.gO a*08 68«84 51«S6 8*00 1*60 28*00 26 #87 37*98 $.76 S*00 1*00 Oreo l&) Eeid (17) 0*80 1.7S 53*60 kmmQQ (18) Qotprell^SoulQ iShole Pgy (19) KtetfVdll^SOULlG (19) 2..eo ®3t© a^eg'eg® p©j?00a^Qg0 of fat V&BXQQ from •f$l *» l*74^i> W»0 trat©^ from l«7g^ t© 3*8©^ the protein f^om SSoOl^ to 58$jj the lactose from 48*74$ to 62«24$o and the ash fjpom @«0^ to 8#04^« fEhe oonipoeitlon giv©ii by e^ew (8) yh£oh Qhovm the highoot sioistuip© oonte^t indloates @ ©'osp*-, x^sprndin^Ij low©^ peroentag© of gsiiga.p &»& prot©£n* 1m ooapa'rioort with th© figures gi^oa £a Table tK» %© sample© of ^rf Qfclm milk && ^©ported ia fable ¥111 ms?© hi@h©i' ia aoiiatmi*© ■tsrith a variatioa froii S*l&$ to 6*31^j aad low^i1 ia mfao with a tag'istion £»m 7*3^ to 7*9S$I*. Chetaloai Analygie of Saagles feus' sa!tipl©0 of ifj ski® ml IK vres5© analysed ohemioally to dete^aiia© th© ^©l©'^^© amount of fat^ py©* teis* asrid laotofl© preseat ia ^©latloa to th© ■moistux'e and mU aoE^^ut* fuo of <$& &mp%Q& were ffla<i© tjy tm s^ae ippaf p8»oo66fi» thd third fcy another nothod of sprmf dry* lag iiad th© fottt»th tjy.a folX©!1 drum ps'ooe&s.* fh© iBOistmS1© and a.sfe of %m mmplm of arsr ©telm siite ^©y^- d6.t&snitined by ©ttodag'i: mdtho&ft* ®ie proteine were oaXfiuIated f^oa th© total hitt>o^9» l)y the KjeldabX vidthdd^ fteias,6»38 $*.tfe0.factor* fho fat vai. detevmiaed by tb© wera0r#S0taoidt. iwiftiod'^s, givea by ii&a^* (20) ffeS5®© de^arate ®Ktr©otion'0 were mad© and ttot eolvent and extract oomMned* ffe# au©a|» i7a$ dotefsalnod % ttke method' deseribed By Lam© ©nd Eyxioa» (SI) Fof the tost 10 gg»sBio of powder tuere dieaoltod in §00 eo*. oater* fo pjraoipitftto the pfot0ias? f ©e* giaoial aeetie acid, um add@d. fh© product wa© filtered and the filtrate ueed for the titra* tione* The detorminfttlon of the laetoee preeent in dry Ski® tailk is vmf satisfaetof'y by thiss m®thodiff du© to th© eh&yptteet of the aad point and th© ea^e with «rhi'eh the retroltd can ^© closely duplicated* The laoteae may bo oeieulated ©s hydrat©d Q^gHggO^* IgO or a© anhydrous 0mgaro ^glggO^i* Jloeordiag to liohmond (63^ it is ttm»« ally ealeulated la niife aaaXyeie as anhydrous augar* fh<$ acidity t7ae dotesmisiiid by titration mgsiBSt SH/l© l@oH* A solution of 10 gramo of pouder to 100 m* water vms u0©d« fho numher of eo. of f/XO HaOR noedM to neutraXiee th<§ acid in 50 oc« of th© ealtttion was deter* iaia©d m©ia@ ph©aolphthal#isfi ©0 iridieator,. n ■gfeepl,#©1 ^a^^sli QtMM.-tospoils ^f ©i^.Skla Mils Saoip.|6 % Aei4ity 0 i6£d 1 .1 ^«4& MS iieJ® ^»® i^ft l)*©* i*f 11 gfr&d f*W s®»i0. it,Si 1*68 S.o<aS 7*0 121 4*14 7*©d S4.»4'© 60«S3 1#08 lo&S §♦.<? rt '8*il f*$S ' 34*a$ 40*60 0af@ l.»i® i,»i- T... . ^•O'y ,,.#«??. / 38*0© ;.. «>*.^. 0*.9B [ .**.«©. '«'«»W f^i9 30f9i0 to S@<0$& the &«& fl?0a f *S5J| to 7.«9^s- ^0 f$t f^©a atfGg to 1*^| tho l^e^oQ© mm 494$d^ t© 60«7^ iM $£1$ w&os? f^-oa 0*1^ ^0 6>dl$* M ooaipavioeti with ^0 o©sitag# of protditt «nd ©0^ aad A fetighos' pdjpo^nte$& &$ choffiioal ooi8p06&ti«m #f the taifiou© miVs, |j#©a©ra <MI th© m tm&h QMM mills* the quant&ty @f thft 4»y ^wr6«y uoed ei&ouia b© ieirg© ©morngfe to fusaSsfe protein in ©qwi^ai^at amdunt© a&fi fat content* 5he oMnieai eQupaQitita. slidmM h® VLO&& m the basis f©!4 «>deoii3tittit£ng tin© pr®d«@te m® %n ml* ealatin$ ila® f^od talta© of- f&© p®v&<B$?m tfg&m silk* 33 mmm as st mm mm nmf (8&1 m$$mt® that "thfc tett^Jal Otmat of dsri^d milM ®hmi& lb© tateis iatd a$e0uttt# mpQ&l&llf thd ' survlimX of aie?©or§isal$ms imrSsiji long pt^tois @$ #t^f.a^ and th» pofidibiHty of mil>$#ttt©»t fdsnaQntatson e^miei by «he& ©MB th© p?<»duet i© «»e«<m8tit«%0d W tb0 add&tion ©f1 wfcw mp t& me lao^al ««a«idatrati<m of fla|4 mlli®^ dollphino (24) fomad that thBVQ wm m ©aowoma: S^uetion 0f baote^ia %n the ^^deosgi of drying^ ®3ad tMt a la^gf ■prdfwtiop of tho ^aete^ie p^oaent la e@wi©^ei©llf dx"i©a powdeip i© © fc«fitttt of vmomtm&mttm aft«j? ifyiag* Aeooa?di»0 t« Emtf (2S> tM original eettftta of dj^ray p^oOdda po^dera nay b^ thoudaa^a pav g3?M @.pd aome* timaa alllioaei Taftapaas the original cowta in &mm ^o* d@#s p-owie^s ©ay Is© to th© bnad^ada aai a fott IP tk© 4J ttomiaads.* flj© detralopittdnt of miorooiE'sanisma In 6#ied millr i« praolndad^ siae© tha mp e®®t of noiaturo la £&*> fe©low tha r^i^lyea^iit^ of ^gsmitaa eosiaoniy pmmnt in ©ilk** (SS) USaoy (23) @Ed his eo^os'lf©^© noted a doeldod do* @f©as<8f in tho baotasfial eowat isa gpg'ay proaaaa iaspit© of &?i£d elite during tB© fis*9t ymp of ^to^ag©* In diha© pro* aoaa potrdera th© dooroaso was ralatliraly not ©i great <&§ in ftho aprsy proooaa pm^t-B^ n ffa®P® is apparently a gpaator ^a^ioty of orgaaisisa that peaiat the ofigin®! $pmt dfirlag* f&m® ^shiQh fesEin la the iiusa ptoc&B® pm** ductj aftes ©xposure t© %® lilgfe t.©apemtuf'e of t^<a 4^% are probably Gpoxe^formiag typeis isSiloh aft ebld to v^itM-^ stant eoadlticms daring atossge*0 (33) Baeteyiai e©uets ®®t& mA<& on fiv© sam^iLo© of dfiM ail lie ia the latoomtdty;,. thfdo of ^ttioh were <&*? afcia alilSand two ©e^e dty tsfeole mills,, esemed to be E Sterile milk ITQB Qn %h® plate© prepared tfe©^© pi'efioaiaaae^ ©t sKall ©ubsatfaee oologies. laooul^.ted vith tljaee eolonies and is moBt eases the mill, ms cos.gulated, fhe mwabes' and type tf eol^ oalis pi?odue$€ varied somewhat with the proofs® of saanufae* ture of tli© dried miliz. Jmdgiag ^y the vari&tion in the types ©f ©oloaies produced, thes*© me s great di^fes-enee in the flom of the saapler, studied* fhis -tefletioB w&j fe© dm© to eoixtemixie.tion safeaequeat to drying, ffei'bi© II indioates the oouats fouad in samplea tested in th© l^bofato^y. fg'ble Il^-Sgotegi.al,.0ount oa Sagplea.ln %$ tefeomtogy Saapl.e f ea? Qseua _of ^gy Hills si-^s.;jgi^wa.", -pta^ i?jys?aKTy«=f^ dtf ©Mra Mi Ik X 4 ■Hi. ' iftf-'.ui, jj^»_ ary Skia Milk 38^000 3ry Ski© SHilk 135»000 Bry mole Hiitk le^ooo gry ^hol.e Hilfe. - SaSOQ,,.^ X» eompariag the teoterial eouats of the seQonsts'ijoted milk with that of the osdiw.^y ast^Jset sailfe beiag deliirered la ou? oitie^y any of these (saaple© he^e investigated uould $$ 1® eos>9&f£.tlv$3Ly lm* RB loag sis th® 3p@od©t is §sj0 %$ suaabeye ©f feaote^la pteesat t@a€ to d$esea©.®*' gat as ©doa as tli© product Is f®#©ast5met©dj th© sane p^e^sutionn a@©d t© b@ followed to avoid 4atD?iofgtti&a by 'feaet©s?iai aotioB a a with fsesh milk. m mmM&m mxn^m^ m$M mivt $m% m imstt, ^jLtMn Qifmm m® $-®w%m® mimml mit&&®m&m ttmis, la fata* smgsr, .may aot to^ ift M ii^^ialMfeX® f@m Ad id imm mills. CJiil* 4i»©m f«fa m & ©taaflftpd AjL©^ in tj%%m afe©m% ^P^l of tftd ml* ^i«a tad abom^. 60^ ©£ m# ph^pSuutiv^ Innate tj^s aapplied in th® fon& of ftpeeh ^ #»|od ailtej- €k©ra©a tomitovetolf 0?®m®® mtmt&m of sAieiam ©n feii© f»ddh ©ilk di«t* 4&l«£tts ^sXaaoo Is Mmlts vmu also (&stis@t<54.. mo 1® th^ 41©%' of th^ aimlt^ slllg pgwriUted fjpom $0$l ^^ •J'OjS Of taio total ©©l®!^ intttted &n<s f»om ®&^ to 40^ of tb$ ^hoo^hovu^. in* allk €101« man ©a tti# fgtooh ismie» la tm mmHmm% a et«a»d6s?a ^eaad of dr4©d slit t/si uaod *ttd th© gnontitsr ©.Wi'wXoft* to freoii milk, mlm* ■ ^tod« tho o»i«iteai #®t«!ktt&tt& amriai ts»o djpidd aiite ^o^i^a m®mgm &&# to f Ijg as ai&oh aa .to^im^ ^o fpeeb miJk patted So^ire?^ tho d^iod a&lk diet .owly fwmit^idd ©4*§$ -at snuQh ealeiite a.© the freeh mills djuot* ' fs»0 oalclwa intokdn on tite dr&$d a|3.ls dio« AliouXd fe© ©qm®| to tawt^i of fvonh mills %&* 37 Q$X9tt &pmw ©aa mil (^6) h&w tibcmtk tto^m «nD&# mX ®3sp$S'la#2ito that m§ EMs@ g®pm&®$ ape ©©FO QT nmftml at^ta fa^o^eTbi^- t© ealc£»s ^©teatioii than aoidoti^ diets imd tlaat th©' aMitldsa of pot©3ati@l ©IfealiBitf aior© tham 4»fjfttdta -a less JPavespabi© ealeiiain and phoft^hotpua jpfetidi (se) 2t i© possible that %n t&d 4iet @f th* ©te|jds?©2i Sfcfcfttt (8S)# ^©^ tJheM tMQ. a^as variation IB th© aeli^as© baid&ee of th© ai@tta ^Mcfli vimM h&m » ^efinjltd ,d^fe«t gerAffleat* isdicato tmz m® eaXcinm 0f flriod ©lite ti not la a© &3&$8i£l&bl0 $mm *© la ^reob silH^. w© ma^ ©ell ©on* Sisao^ dbpy alslra ©SIS: as a potQati&i aoMf©© ©f dalolum^ i&aa may a^olmae a©?® of it In distferiea rilileto ape laeMag 1Q this ^ss^iatisl ©l@s©»^* fii® ps>o^isM» of 41*? ©tei® allii «ffo df fei^ bio* logioai umlwo* my slslfi milk 1$ QBpmt&Hw &tapt©# to Bupp&ementing wwi i«€fa|j|0i© pvotoictd of ee^al* and irogdtabXo* (, ©Ime© it easa ^ nad^a i» qmaatlti^s dufffiftiemfe to iftoroaoo th© food iraluo vithout iaoroaaiakg tbo b«3Uc o£ tbO pg>0dQCt« VOpy little iiiformati^a is availdblo a® to th© vltaffiins coAtent of aElk dried by tbo various! pvodottaoe in omnpapioon witft. .fspooh ttilfe* J^s g, j^oult of ^2tp<Si»laa»ta * m m®tmm a&a /ustmayor i^it &n& Rtmt find Ks'aua (28) coa* clma© tshat ttilk is relatively fi«?fe@!p in vitamin §s as? tfc© anti««peXla$s*i0 faetof and pdor in vitasiin ffr ©r tii© aati* nem^iti© fsetos? oi vit&mtn fi* ftinoo vltssiia o £© not ?eftdiif deatroyasi by heot» dry sMsa aiHk vdtaind its relative poteaay in thifr factd^ft. lEpsrimeats a^© being ■feonductea at th© pj'OQ'iiat time in South Carolina to d^tetviind ^hethos* ©^ not As^y Blclm mills can fe© ufl'®a &dtraata3«o«u&y in tha tJPdatment of Xn nutrition^ sdUs is not eonaidefrad a depend* able sous5'^© of vitamin 0» SMa fa«to^ suat bo supplied by freab yaw fpuito ani vegatatoXes in tM diot» D^y gkim aille ia l&clsing la vitaiain &v bnt batten o^ opeasot* and fs^oab v©s©tsi3i^s ^nd ffnit ahould oapo for thia vitamin* m in ■i;ini-ir> IT.VI ji'. jav.l'i il i - ■ Mifu jriniir-n w.'I'-II-» ■'» ■■..■■■ni.ni'..' Mr '„■ In ilum »,. .i,,^,".. I'I n i DMi 'IPI I ii'i; I P»oa report of the JUs<3s?iean ppj niXk Xnatitttto* SUKM. SIII gmi M MI ■■■■ItlM^I*^^^^' A fortes of ©spotfaa&afcfir wore ea^ioi ««it to i<3» t0s?»|i?i@ tuo 11400 of ftpy 6stf£» «!& ia ©©'©fee^f^. sai to (SowJl* ;»»Q.i8 ita^a^ ff^sii silfe mPQ ^m^Mp®^ %$a iff eie&a allfe aixid dry wfeoXo miUte wwf© .oubfiftllwit©** Cteljr spray %B.hl&$pmm of poo6«iP«fi ®M» salik wos1© tojtedn ad- tfee ©tdisi^e^ $it©a % Eass {it) get? ^fea sillC'* Ag ili^a: W fefo&Q 111 tey slciia silk «TOrs@©$ S03 eaioriaA p©i» 3100 Qpom.* t&hl® llI^-*fo§t Vaitt^ pot 100 @rm»© 0^ t>yy ■$&£« Silt l»M loee {fbQ) Golden stOit© ilife ?S?o^tt0-t0 Average 38*. eo.*.6o ^€3*1 9@*g g^ei88 oSf ilscy ©icia mills ©r© o^mltslomt mo ftuatt ffetfe ekSo ailH? %Q (&60 eolo^i©© (30) >« fix©^*- f^Qp §4*© g^aas 05? f/i .onaa©© of povdored mi lit would tBo equiwadiit in mt®F%&& t# 0^ m$ of item tikten &&&&* Wa® five ©^^3,00 ftndljrsdd te tho l^^ovetos^ av^Jpaged osai? 8«4$ iale^i^s per @s«n9 delOttlftted ft«sa tte fig»^©s @iV9Si Sa Xfefela K« OB tills loaei$ 10& ^aas of i^ &Mim aiife tj@i4|4 bo o^iwX^nt ia ^alor&da t# 0B10 ^xArt of ^<ia|A bQ ©qmiimloa^ t© cm ®W of skiai slife ia oal^l^s-o fl&<S onalysifi ©f uamptea QHNAA ^emd to indicate to one ettp ol1 'l^esh ftla ailis* fn© f©2.itraiBg vei^eona a*e @li?©?i %« ,9h@t that iaiid oa^cffxt §fe«3.4 bo im@r©©©©a ii tte pj?odtt©t Is to bowiMtw ^a otmifaXe^^ ©sadmBit 0^ nttt^io^s to %m atQt* I't^'at-j on th$ b&eie ©f ^le^latlcRi of f©M <g!*&#0& to b$ etu^l to o»o fuf of -f^ooh «itl© milk* &$&o&&t S'inm %h® momiml m%&T®i® of tcnaploo^ ag givoa in UabJto 1* i^iioated ttoat tn© pt»9toln o^titoat of pmi^ima 9ablo Us tb© smoimt of p©w€©.^ ohould b^ iii^@a^ m to 4tt6«JiW> ot Xoaat && d^uiiralo&t oaoaiit of p^otoln* oaf w^t&fcioa ia »©iiitu^©9 witMomt l^iiopljag tfea ^#d<i wto© fvoeotifoVQ for leliqaifs-iag Spfisfel© tM ©d^wct p^a^ortl^a ©f aiik poo^es* ©fi-%©p ©t tM®' taotosp &&&> Wmt oitrh a t©^©!5 tesatoi5' ©r tTlilp*. o^ly a litiiifE©d mtllt I© b^tt©!5 If all#t7©d to staai teoaty to fehiip&y mlswites bo^o^e tt8in$« %© ©iJLow «ih©.o©nBtitw©ttta ©f tbo 'allls t© iie in feQtt©!? Q©imt£©a md th^ f©®m t© 1?©©©^©, Mt it aaf te n&ot IsiBQ^iatolj* P£»Qp©ftloas Stos qmasitii&f of tej ©kia ailk used It gi^ea ia Hablo X3t2* tti© Dupopo^^lons are tee©(ft ©n %h® folltviiug vih©lQ mik C^0)» 36© ©slQriQa SH»© fufaished by ©a© quart frestoi ©tetas Bills <90)* Aw^ag© ©@iip©alt£©a ©f swiioi© ,ptils ($X) Pr©t©im fat cax b©Siydf &'l© a 4$^ 4 0 051 So 00 3§ ©tm©®© (100 groms) of tey uttm m%Xk yi©l<a •3©S @al©s?i©s# 8,0t©g fli© questt^y ©i" ^a^©^1 ttfi©d wstfe tiio dyy alsisa sailte la th<& folXowia^ ©ag>©8?iffl©jit$ I© ©Q^itaieafe t© tli© (aa©ua,t ©f IJtmM glmm in tim fmm mills ^©etg?©; 22$m ^mm w » s SHI M O 8 9 w be? M. H &J 4^ (^ 0 a *» «rt - fM c?*3 u ««t ffl r« 9 4w EQUIVALENT OP PRSSH WHOLE MILK IN PC'VDERED SKIM MILK AND BUTTER 1 Quart Fresh Milk 1 l/3 Ounces Butter 1 1/8 Cups Pov/dered Skim Milk mmiimMtB-i mn OF scmssb mm mm w Qoomcs $wkm& mm® IS* It B®0i3S* * .0 « # 4 * * * « * '« »' ■« * A' *• a »;* #'« # #: «■ * » A •* * # > » 4> e » 4 4 <J. ij o, c » * * » # « (tm degxvsds ft}'* I f i ^ (US ff^p© Ma enagajPu aalt ©^ atanift ia was© gjlae© M5tll c<a%* Cb&^l» *Po detefaia© the otf&Qt of su^&lsituliins ^^ s milk aad 4^ tjM©l# ®iik to o^ui^s'letat atso^ts^ f^f fpesli ailk la |iaa&©t» skis ailk ^{"oduot wa© e&igkfc&y sft^tot* ^tea i&@ f^esli ml% px&tokGt gs'ii1© ^fe^ ©M^a^^otisti© dfy whole ttilXb, tl&iHfr* <$$ Sills ia mmkQtQ vm. atote^Jifrvwigitea^W^^ . fg@-$^,.,.p|lR. jflx;z,te,-,to--^;-&#cW&8i?Zift:i^^ 4]pp©af©a60 amd £? ©feaji^ ttii^o ilai:©li ty&lt© HaMi Step© Sli^fel^ stifo Ho lie. StepsS* diastlfett erne* fi mwiw ito^uipii^'^^^-^ffM'ti^f^^ fe ^llglb,t t<& M© €©»5ai?i0€>^ Qt W© ®f f^@®m mM &y flff^femt S^rsf Fr^fOfBoa %n .$mite&b w^u*m?r*FTA"t^i¥-!^^^M*i»^;^>^^ i^a^'iriBwiitti^Mfc^tjy1''' ^«'**'- "^WWtWj^Wfc'iilltMii : ■#fjB«ij*fpj«*!!"^^ •*"^!.:a1'-V?y^^ Appmmn®® fE»®tli stills t0 ffeaSa allfe if f aiamt^) IDhit© $w®6h mills ..■■,>-,... '■■■■■■■■ ^i^iiipiijiri^jii 46 M©ultot &$ ehowa % t%!s3,<i I?E# the ^rodwd^s w-f© Htm®® im t®R%R&®#. B^iag §f thm Qom® ®Q®&%®tmQf m' tij© os»$g4nal tm®h milh ^Q^%Q%$ snfi the timmimQ® tj^spo eoaelstoney of floajp i<& IS I £0 pspob^l^ dm© %<» tte faefc that mil ijags^odaeats ^e#© ©©a.ami4©^ issst^ad ol? ©©i^ieii ^a» f©t5>i<§ xfi«-.H0suito ©t ©osl M^mm® @f ^0^©^ ia jteafe®^. ! t se * ^S^Ifi=*=*1lpp^^i3l© t$£?Qj^0d 0' 1 III ■ji'ftiuiiWlrti^lrit^ia^.^ Ss^aiitcrt^iBC^p: ^WK^'^^^ij^.'r.^ffrrOTd^i: 4f fog5 t^QUli milM ia jtitiklts$t». nWn th.® try ^itte sllte %& mm^ ia afni^itiati omoontB^ f.3)#*»ii $@$ imm&&Q. In $m&®v- give* a ia^isfa^* HotQi ssij^waki (JS) states %tmt ttoe- de@iP09 ©f «luan@9 l& WiO '|)f#|j#ftia.@ to^ tte 4egi9t£fcti0at8 of thd ^dtJ* dds'dd aHlc ^t^ f^$fe aijfe taay tto to dcoa© e»t«fnt d*.t«i?* mlskdd fey th©' i»©)aa#t tQ$$» fSi0 6fet?<& 8i0fi$i flif Olpiii'lpeBtfi SiS'f ^feolo- milk #,#.♦•»•.#.* Sgg e ? i> * #; :f! 6.»*? » * « ^ « * «'.« « SlElgOrl5' * ij * i» * »• ?• * 4 $ «! ?' * * $ fr S&Xti # o <S ■* * $ ■*• * ft ;* •$ * * # # •»■"» fOJAi 11© '!>■ •« 9 fr ♦' * ■» * * »' # * •« * l©g * .'#■. 4 # « * $ # $ * >* -a ^ g. $ 1 80*0 ® << Bothotij H©fi^ sills to fS C* le^aMlt^l* I im&fa milk tn m&tmd* S0©mlt9t C3l|^^f%© fwmfa a&ik «ad tjftt® dr^ outj the 4s?y SKia iii^te pspoduefe waa »®t qu%t<gi ee fits.* 'amfcafcsm©^® of ©Xea^©^©* oimiJ.©^* . • ■ ■ - • ^h<» flavor ^f %!i0 ©@g fiod ^nSUia tm» mef© d^f* I(4,)«»|XJ- %h<2! soft (emstofia th0 ttmop silM ^»!p« mp^ eiio&j^^ Is* tfe©. ©6>i >wk*i^>^wa£Ks5rt?T^*^ M'^tf iMIa aliSs l© mt&®fm%m$ tm mi%. tjfiwwa »? i^ vfaotta. mills £0 loss attio.©^!© im teiio.d am'S&fesr&Q' %h&n Ass* i# • SBHSIS us mnrntmrn $m®im$ Bjpy sicis ails «««««4«ff •^ ..... Sugss5 # «* ■* ** *<«* * * * *■*«* ♦ « « »■» * * * * * ■ (»' S' 'U ft *■»; «■ sidthodi 2 1/4 f •■■■ 1644 . 1 X/4 f' I© *# * #^» i^pMae- migas?^ odYnetax^fe m& a&Xtt, lake faat© ©f -s-taydh ^ith e©l# fiatoi?© llend paet^ witih and ©00k EP ulsimtagi ia ietflbi© ^o.ile-S' * BMw gpequmitlf* AM voaiilo* FOmi3 ia Q63Ldy wot aolia* ■ ■ ggobXea Is gleia mUk sad drf who.l© Mlilfe im a^uif&iQsat asouats top Result as- (l)«**fiit© fp^sSi miXk fj-awi? t?a^ #&£* iifoeto^f^ aa.th0m^ sot a pQ^tienlOfly deai^a^l© dacr^ov^ (QI^Miho dry t?M0|e ailk pfddiset show* 0$ tU© eh©r©o-t*©'riO*2;e flavor« fo fi©%©s«5isai3 the ©ffee^a of © S©^ inoreeoo la net ^o m«'©dg imi'^t Mi# 'flts'eng tlovdp* uith tSi<5 6s»y shin m^l^* wlidi® fflillse- ftrjo dlffofeat <|iii8at|t|©S) worn *yl»dj> @a<$ eai* m& tla© ©tlti@r fasio ©%uifal0xiis in g&t omtQnto t© f-s*Q.ah 3,8*© gSF®ms fis»y sisia ©Ills p&uft 3 g^afia l^ittor 18,4 g^aai© ^f^r asklsj sills ^Jm© 4*8 g^ema' trntte? h®tt&w flavff aod ^M© pfeduct %adto4 WSPy ^iailar t© tM (S)»«k$kio oaall©®' q?uittt£$y of battofr pvo^act crit&ou% bmtt^g'ft §m®h- escla mills* mtits pf'®$te©tj, @ia© in i^&o choc®Xa^© as3© e|.dQ($<? VI®!B&$&® os m iSBBias ;fcv wmzm tmssms gf|jiat:::ia ;g^ai5g[ «*a43SS»S«wew» fwQ^tk tm&i§ sBiite f».***6 Jg'f t7fe©l&''#Ife *.»^!»*« 9 .*. is: « (ij'ti * * «f & :<j 4' * fl « 6 1 -A* ».« *#■«'$ ■*■*• I pfc* i/4 e ass.o d £j©tho4«. M4»» !ow*i j«ae0 and sugo^« sa# add i<aii« juio^ Ql^valf^ Chill mi lit f$?mmo f^ohim It 'Bkim ffiilfc »ad tof wh^lo; wills in ®%nlmlm% emamts f«a? fe^sii tadia sttis is suit B&<&m&tu« (t^fici©^' israe .only a ftia^ht im^&ati&m ■mlM p3©a^fi^s^ (3 >**>fh# 'dry ^©1© salllx p^ofiuot sa^ f0 aetsspiitixe the @ff#©^ ©f &ufe&to&'fe«ting &%f tmBU olidio m$%k ia g&Sladolpfeia %&Q Gwrnm* WB'Bh mills 4*ii»«*«v*'#» of1' tWTT *fe£a wiHe '« **«*«. *■ * * ptm mj nmm mitu *+*# ♦ * * 2 1/4 t 9$@&$> ».• «■ *■ •# y f .*■«««♦ f * *» 3; f #CI$ Ctoaa «*^.««((s,«*^»-»«^ SSd^ 3-/0 # 0«& t 9 o •• « * *♦$■#» * 0 » «- 4. * MmMt^&t (%)**%&& 4^f ©1|» fti&ft ;|i^©'(im«t ©as . ||f^p3?f gfeia sflfe pioe 4r&s» itssf ^©' ^lyonttt^ «€ fos» f#&»h ?%;#!© ml2& in frtwcisk 4.mmPt&* (2'),#«'$ii&j vfao't® milk seetQn^t I>Q tis^dl ^@r fy^aesi ^©a^^rteJe imo t© the wipy 9^0x1$ fflov©** U<rt;©$ iates? ospeviaioniss^ iSKftie^tdd that irf sisla milfe cr9i>3Ld M «$$<! in ^resen .t©&$<2i5?t.a «gLta» fr#0la. mills* ©io^ebf liiffeftaiug Wi® tbt&£ WXIti®* .08 SSSXES f ?©lfl SAtWES,:^m> J^BBOHEOf BtSHK StaxiSaM Escapeg "Shim ilhit:© iame^i He " wpy skim w&Vs ♦♦.*«-« " "lOTf 0 J/fe f /]&&*& # l/B « I f l/fe % * 6..t 9 4 * *■ 4 ^ 0' '<». • H©thofie ■ g*6 S'iJlS* i.; flosi?^ aal^ff ©M pipes'* M0l% fatp fi#J gioadj) aM '©oli milk* staatiy* 30*$ Me® 6wls til, liie^£* etisvios 0O »*' lot I 0 8&nttfc<?fi* aos t?©3?Q* -eemfel^a ttitfa ^©iiod embed petst©©©*- Ste//^IB $M,tt© o^uo®-® t^es?© c«e* ^la©^ with toast® Jm'l^® ©sai ©tM-or m$>Bmin^§ int^ s ^t^as ■of %©aQt©- s0tta^» • /:: sills i&»# sipy vrhel.9 ssiite f^ iMh miVA. im ©hit® 0ft»$oo» le^mltes C-ll^^tio tf||- leicl® ^iBc in vfottQ mm$. i XS&B v©^ aatisi ^©oii ail& p^siwt a@t 6ftif ta/i&i© ^fQ-^a ^S" tesaafe© $mp f M ! hut in fh® ©r©g®.®4 p®tat@©:0« (8-5**®i© dff whole milk wMti© ©©u©^® (I|.**D^!r okim milk i@ feipf s^tlfisfae^Qi'y ii %n wh|t© aarno©® nJiieh &f© tH® fomaimfeloa ©f a i©rg<$ (S)*»*»0j?y tJho%® milk mm %©■ «a©ci f©^ x?ii|t© ©aueea* sf Bmtm ?t ■ n-ii .\r*^f in in.,- M. M^ii^m';. f, * «: #• ^ ;« » ^ jf * S, 1,/S '$ , Bjpy ©kla ©111: «««>«*#* 8 2/0 IS*! 3? SCiSl'fe «. f.« tt # # o i^ <j is c « <» « io 6 4 •» » * d .»•« * * * « « # * * * * kM ml® milk* * S is ■•. ^* da ®mk in QoM® !&&&%&■£■ t®i9»ty aiwt©$« EOG'fe S© ©.©eossda ■'^f^s?^ ^^ttog*- fo t^t^fssta© tfe© offset <®t mMt%:%m,&n§ &&$ $k&m milk. m<$, .dyy ^ioJ.& tillfe ffts5 tpotib milk in. 00000 «■ ResuHOj C3t)**®*© "S?4? ffeiffi ©life e^eo© trae .(^)**®i^ ft^y ^©ia allk ^eaa VCUEI was ifeQiQ la aiae^asioft in tlj© <a^y ©kim gaiik m»ii1*i>*it#i'Hiwiiniii|#)iiii»)"i"Vi'itt <(|)*-*»Dl»y nte&m a^lM aay b© nsot in o@c©a and m Qtb&f bGte2?a.@aa s'isifuis3© mills o ©a It To det^rai^© tht ©£t®G%$ of 0u1>3tjLtutitt$ djpy ijcia milk aafi toy wfe^Ie ailk I5©,? fiwti ailk ia e^ttag® <ai0@0© 'by natepfii s.$tts»s.T3g* r<&llqwifi0i xAioie allM^ a^d ©at© pint Pdliq^ifi'Qd ak&m aii'te to soupv fjfam gmfp h&&t in aoute'Xo ^oiie'r to 3.00° F^ ©r until vih&f app.^©^s &®pewfc©<SU. Str©to thronigh double ch©08® ©lotia*- Beenitig (l)*<*fho euM ol1 th& vhQlo milk p©w* fi©r pffotoet yeeom^lsd that ©f th© f^estei slllfo. Tfe© eus'd CS|*"*flt© fla^of im botli the rafeoX© dfy silk and the tef ®&im milt pp®&mtB wa® objeeMoiniafele* To detOfmin© wh^^hes? os» tjot €ry ifela milk mm fa® i&m& foi3 eotta^ fliio.6ao by th© u©© of Imtest. Staqgggg EO^Ip© t W^®Bh mtlh ■• o 9 *.. *«* «>,« 1 p^o 480. OSP toy sMa milfe .»*■*:«-o. ■** * Itjja^ot tablet * a coo* oo 9 f 1 ?jgLtl|if,■ #♦«.*«» 0 0 * ■« -0 « 9 f 6 .9 CSP<&CM « fl o 0. 0 9 p o q 0 <> £. « # 6 * Sl&lt « * e <l 0 (J » ♦ » 0 ♦ « « 8 # * ». ,1/2 ¥ 1/© © f *ge 49,1 MS&egit i©©t site t# ®$® c* 4M €10©oitrQi wi^te © ferts to fe^oalt th® cftPd^. tiwm in -©tote® • dletfe Mg* jia^r* m® mtimmt %mp&&® pg ^fMt%m milk mm jd v;lf& ^2(i<& f^esh si lie* nhitd^ tJhil© '®i® dyy skfs iailk OUSHSI %m® .gjpayt^h ©l>i^* (Sl**^^ cfurd o£ ^^ ts»f ©fete Kills im© wyy fla@$ e^uotblsr^ alflchtly tf^tflxesty aia# d£<S not (i)*^fh© iim®i? of tim fey m$m rni.^s 00tt%^ ^mm® vm %imt $f m®M$. miliu w&tfa&v tfo&i&p aai tfhdds^ iia#0.% ''!fitt».i!.;i ©©w£ag« llanf of thd l##ti© mM M©t©f&© ss0©- a©-g©t^0# isa %h® Oaring. $&®&®&3 aad otlio^ « slicay^ r^f whey tmA an imdiS'al.&miM fimm* (Ul+<*mf ^kM to&tfc ®ikmM not %<a ue^d if sli^w^ o juaket? but th$ Qu&lity of thft product I© so inf^fl,©^ that it i» not TOecR&men&ed* da, @a SEEIIS fisi POUR (S. 0 fr 4. »:«*<» 8 BmBsws* mtmm mm^ *«,. ?5r eKto M lit .* #«* * *»<» ^X0^S? ^ ^ fl (S « (>. ci ijf 6 * t»i * i|j- 6: <j # B^ti t^S* # !> A * 0' * « O: # * « O-« 8 4 SS J.fe * # * * ■* * *■'» ^ * * ^ * #■ * * * H&thcds a/© e 01* i 31 sA, f 1/M © X % S«0 3t/« ^ IMffia mftito&dL of latwlags fako slowly ofela ©11^ QttS ig'y mole &*$$ tot ■eafeO'S: ww© «8WP©ffciil,|r ttfy#*"rrff.{'^'iyi')i;ti"i'j<il'«i.:i1'W» ' Xte8? s&lii saiils mey h® cmfegfe&t&t&l fo** freafet ail& m smms tx ©HOP itftas? m9?w& BtandQ^d Eeoipe: .'•'.'■c<- ■■'■x^t f OS5 . • - slii® tttlk t****??** 7/B f Dyy tshole ffiiilt ^4»«»«i« * V/S T IdlSS?' ■*, *»«;*«!» «' ft * .6 ■» o .*• 0< *■ ft Eg^l *■ :o » * <* *• % * * o * ^J '«' * s .'i* f <3 4 mt'fc®^ t®>* 2./0 ©' * T 9 H * * fe ft * f * * f f 3 t 801€ * «<>, ■<» • •«. * *«# # «• «•.»»■ •« 3(/4 % SUgSS* * 4 •& e- *■$**■ t * t1 e « * * *' «■ 1/S ?i SO^aoit OUJ and 'Sift* dfry isi^MiOBtS felcseg- l»elua&n@ t&o powder©A laills wfeg^ u$ed» lumpy in feestur© a«id not ©ssoo^fe* Boat, ^gg th©^*- fdur ist® gs?©eo^s a©^ l# us^dp base &$ #^S f 4 tmtil th$ ormata eiK> g^MQH' b^ocm {about 20 mitrntog)* i^ a $.vA«S* pls0.ssp>liat@ pw^ts* i© usQd b&k$ a^ SOQ^ f* fof about © ndnutdApi i^@s ftt B^fw© <$te$iiMPm.ina»g the vofi&tlona fltt© to- tii© tjp© of ciiiig u09di it vms m®m®®.¥j to $t<sm.<&^Mm ogstsitifi? ©us reeip^S' t.o ifi^mr^ ^<§pm t^oba&qud i» the .fiaal ■05§p©tsi# v* 64 ]30«b6di» m& smg@osti^£i!& glvon by Haliiaay (88) v^e^e ©iotQly agherdd to in all bakiag esqpo^jUBentfi« Sp<ae-tol coisisidQt'atioB was given to tho veplati^itt la motheds ©Is balsing a@ ©©Mitinned fcy tli© typo df bsafelag p<R9d9? ns©dd and a Is© to tttit quantity df faking piawd©!1* fo deteriain© thd #ff$ets of eml>@titm%ing dry s&itt alilte and dry wfeole mills, jtn'oqulvalent ©mQnsst© foi0 fro oh mi IK la nsaffin^* KooultOf (X)«*>^LO dX'y Slsim nMllk and m© dr|r tvhole milk prodaoto w©r©' very siallas3 t© th© fx^eoh. aillt muffias« (g)#-.fh©r© v«o m trvtriatton and onlf a-slight variation in toxtas'Ow |B flavor All products tfore v@ry fin© graiaed* ^roblesi 8 s to dote^ain© tfao offoot of doubling th© quantity of the dry. mills in a^fflna* Hie amoiant of dyy stela ailM asad dry ^holo mills: wao inor©as©d lOO^s raith no additional Reaulto* (D^wfhor© was n<9 ps^tl^ulaE' variation in tosturo or flavor* (0)**fh© products browinQd aor© ^uiolely ■ with tm inereasod amount of milk powder• to dotormino tho r^latlv© valm® of tho different ■©©fc&od© $s a^iia^ th® $m&®p®& milk to b&b©^f p^toc^a* ^©■thods fkm st«nd©M r^eipe was follQotd msiajg &®f m&m &M. fi^f «fo®3Us Hills ifa. aiaemt^ ^tal^l^mti t® £®mfa ©ilk* ®i© ingip«didn%8 t?©2?© oombiadd % tfef©.© d£f«» . |I)**fM allk powM® ?^as sifted tJitii t^i© &&$ to ta© miRtu^ ft® t^©^^ jaaika (S|*»*l&© Qftj pooler ivat ei*©am©.<l ©tfeh th© fa^ aa^ su@as»„ m& Urn «th®.r isi^^iesits ooja^£j$©.d && ia EQimtat [tj^th® Ss'lod sfei® m%M paffins ©a^ fiefi giills a©?o saoro ©wteti'ff l>ttt "^©yf aa^iifa^toi'f<» ©Gi terxdOS'p eliigwlJag litfei© ta3E>t©t!©&0 (;4)«»*fli© auffiafi vmm vsipy ©iaila^ la eoior^ egnpeapamc© aad flaws* * a«fti8feeto?41y udsA in all tjg»©g ©if imffings* {S)»*$b@ qua»tltf 0? dry sftim mills oay be ioublM uitlaomt &ff<0eti&g tM quality ©f tho pfoduot* ffeQ 6t tm& mlm <sP the mStin %& tsh&vtfty iae^^as®^.* (@)*«»Dr7 ticlia aills ©ay b© ©dd©d by eithex* of |t mf b& $e%&q$ktiG& and ui^d as l^eefi ©Ills, It say tj© Cf©©©©*! isritSi tfet sugaf ajsd eh.os'tw It jaaf h® sift©^ ^ItH tto. ds?y ingrddiegrite ©s la nm^fisifl.* (4>«<4$lsid mGth0d of adding ttoe alife pott&e* lias a© ©ffaet «n tie futtiitf of th® pirodu^t asM® fg'oa tla,©fia^f tostmro vhieh &» produced by th© ©ak© nd^teod* to J®0^ i© a eon^eBient iieams of ^mf|*l,.©HjQsitia@ tSw 4©** ficidney of esleitaffl' of cereal pjcodsiotst <9)«o*^h0 0te.raet:©&i®ti'e fla^of of <Ste>y ©Jiol^ ajilk is.dlffiemlt to detect w!»«» it Is %i0d in aflsffi»fi* Fresh Milk MUFFINS Dry Skim Milk BMmB t SOff ^0S@HS3 i|-ilmj/iiiiit!i-i;ii;r',iln.ilii.n "Hilljir m BAElia POWBS BISCOX^ rjirm.ri Mis** is I^S' as* i Dsy ^st® milk ********* 3/4 f mf U&010 ©ilk •***-,**♦. ' s/t ■!? * * 9 » « »- ? P Sffr ■$ # » 9 « S 9 i/'B- <6 Pat 4 (>■ * # « » » :» .<?.« * * -* * s .«* * 3/4 f B&i^ 15je.thO(ft* QU% in g&%* 4*1 lift flem^o ©ait and tualtfeig pQ®&$fr* AM milk all &^ #aeo9 gtirring uatiX all ©f . Pat oa? t©s?fr gairo et ^Bi^ f* ?a5P G|»ott^ 10 at&aut&fi^ ©s? until tli© FOI'I ppo^lets 1} l/S imh tMofe* Oat ©ith fl#^:(34 ■<&&* mt;©« ...... slste ffilWc aad dry tfhola aiiiHt f«BP fJp#ilii mill tm 5)©lijEinfi Hasmltsg' (|.|<**|3toid©.^ O'OKit'jPoll^ Gm<!k%tim® tfeero ses little taria^i^u in. thd fe|aomit0« fo 4©'t©2sit© tli© '©ff©et of domBling tsfee ^uantit^ CUi tQ t twamtifc^ &t (fef pltia ailk mt iae^©6@04 3.00^8 the tmtes? remaining the ©amo as la tho ©spigiaal reoipe?. fto pow^Of1 was &&?$d6 witli the d^y £agt*o<ti©iat@« H®suite a (|,)*#»'ffe©i*0 -ivat sio !g,ppi?o<5iab2.© &i£<* fojpoxse© la tfe® predm^tsb All »erQ t^rf fia^ la te&fci&pa aat flaky* I Ifte How©^©^^ the pw&p&T't&on® .given £a tla© ataadard CancluQloaiss (t)*mfmJdL®t-®& mlitt #©3a b@ &%©^#s!©f«llf used ia feajsiisg powfie? biscuits* (^)«^DdmbI© t%9 qnmfc&tf ©f |).o?Jdor©d ■milk may •al©o te uao.di, tout asa ino^as© @^ 80^1 is mar® egifciafaefcos?y« ii SBRIES STOP smm&t tMms MMM St!asiiai?d E0.4 mttzmwb fpQm MV& ♦#»,»#*.*■**»* i/t 0 » ^ a ».» » o <► Bs'j '©tioS.© mill? <>»»**»« feast ^ate©' # #«? #. o # * ♦ *■ ■» 0 1/4 X 2.4 V< 14 *< Fa.'l »*♦*!»**>*♦**•* * * * * * 1 'S- St3igaff> $ »f A * fr ft ««*«* * ? * * 1 f 3l,2i0ii^' $■ ♦ ♦ * * * * .*■ * P * ♦ ♦ *■«# 1 l/s» seaM w&Xkp add fato $isgar aa<l ©alt*. dlBg©Xt<0<& y©o®t* QmX td Xtttet?©^^ ac Aid 0/4 d- f|.@ms?rs hmt ^horm^lf until rafceji It Mag doubled ite bvillc^ Cinottd tB^©«©tiiy* 4SS^ t« f^s4 IS mlumtas* ditto ailt aad ^^ tth&lG m$,%M • &A fat atifi : • ■ ■ o^i'tsisat ^^matgi. fo.!4 • fresli'sallle la yeast spoils*. the ^o4iaoti$« AH wo*© eiwm©* lo fMftf ^jrai t@s^M^0# f© a©t©ttii?s© the ©ffoet of ioubliag, the qoantjltsr Of d*y Q'kim sal lb asid d^y wfeoM stills OB m© ^uaiity of th© rolls* £l@tteods ja %hi& a©!8!©© fous5 aiff©s»©Bt ©rodmets vm?® aad©8 (i)**it3apy iki® atlfe eqisivaionfe to fresli »illf (8)M*Dpy slsia sailfe de«bi©d Redults't (IJ-^fto© roUd which iamS double thd quantity of <tey slsim milk wer© juat a© satisfactory ag thd tXQah milk roilss ©r as ©.600 «»hioh Mad 4*^ akim milk in aa e^ui'valent dmcmnt* (£)»*All pX5od^ets W©2»Q very tonde^^ fine gralaedo ©nd showed no p&ptieular ttraviQ^tc^ is flavor.* {%)*>*'&&$ nk%m m&lk aai dg'f vfoolo milb say b© ssatlnfaat^rily uned in ysasfe ^©llao. (8)-*4 3.Q0£g ia®rQ®$.© |^ ^g>y sillis. pdradQf in« creaaea the food ^©Im© dt tins prod^c^^ ©4tliom$ ©fesngiag the qmlifcy* SM1SS 121 ®&m$ tftielQ al3.l2 4»**««« I l/© t 9*0 _ iicisig pm&@$> 0'«<»**»^* 1 3/2 ^ 4*5 B@g yolk ««>••*#«««»«4-* Buitfc©* *♦***»»■»***♦*»♦ Sao^rift «»*»*»•*,«««« 1 I 1/2 8 1 1/2 f IB*® Slot 10«0 Bgg taiito *#•**♦'.♦.♦,»*» i $o+o ild$hod$ .«* ■a&ias tli^ fot* AM a kittle og1 smga^ fco thd fat an4 l»eofe until tk© alKtmi3© l#©te fluffy» E<spO'at ttiatil all ©f tM trngo^ £© asix0«l ^ith tfoo fat* .boafc MitiS. thoi'OUglilsr ooaMaed* $0p-* B©^^ tn^ wMte mat-il ife It fitiff tmt liofe totii it l^e©8 its- Milnf -a^p^aspaae©• M<a ■a^omt -on© aiscth ©f fch@ flmjs?* Mkiug potad^ ©ad salt t;# tfe^ fat^smg^f^^gg ai'Sttts»o# B%&w unttX flour is amispQaed^ tihoa beat fw 00 soeoadtt^ AM ©a© fi^th of %ho mllK* &I$a it iligfetaf tilth the otfe©*1 ingppe&jtdiitd* iQpisat fh&Q addit^o'a of flo.w iftad sa&llt eilt^faatolfa msimg tfe© aota© aa^trnts en<S tin© sam© m©th0fi oi eouMaing as siirem ^haa all the flsmx0 it ad^et^, T&o&t the batten fos* 15 seeonds if a fe&pfe&atdji f®f 30 'S0©@sai if a ea^o&UR p&o.aiiiatia m for % m&m%<s> if ® ^64c.So.. pti^eip&gt© tjauinfi pot3«sl«s» ie tieed* M^l tfe©' b©©%«ia tth&is© and stif» foatlf nm^iiJL %b$i Boat 85 :i©0©a<l0* f^ipsi tfeiS latter into ©ilfd tlaS* tine $©fce as j?03,l#^Q.a SaM jSi'l for ^as'^iaft© tr 6ftl©4tB8 pfeooptoto "bateiiag potato» X-»*£sy^ e^k® e% 380* f * ^mriag tin© ttfat POP &*&9S» fticJSfMf© Mlslag po^flw? S**0ti^ CWlso© at $W® W* ^ft-iig. tin© fii?#fe 10 atsMte© tfeea fit Sff* f» fas? ©^©uis 9^ f© 'd©fe©s'BHao thd &ft$ii% &t Stt%0titittiA$ toy ©fei® t#®Ult.§ tti©ip© was Mtfel.# >a.i?|ati@a in %h& tvQdtk 70 pot^lepod afei® wllk o®i 4&0 quality of tfe® ofttee* Ettttttitdi (|)**i%® i^y ©■UXu milk ^odaet «ra«» U^ory ©isl& milU m& toy ffhole ®ilS swe ^©t* 0(&tiefaei»avy eako? but tfeer© fa xj^ ^easoa fojp msin^ aa Inox^&flod asuDtmtii ft&nee tM© p'F0p0ytl©a oif mlils It ^© l«o tihBti w© $0 not ctonsidop eaM© a© s p^sstbl^ Qoms3^© ^f e®J.« n mmm mi smn mm f o HE PRESH Mint mowrn f^ aetoyiaine ti© ©ff©«t of maiag %$-@®te mills to aa€ i©© ©s'^attff. e^pf %mmt<Q& hj QquivftXont amounts of A!?!? s&ia iai3.lt« HetJiofil la m®h laetan©© th© ^^©tod^ t7a$ iggtA© by ^li© 0taatas?fi s»«i'.0ip@* dqttlNmi^nt amount* ©ry akl« silk was added i» aa If tm m®%p© ©all©^ foi» oae imp milUo on© ©mp f^e^h mlllt and 24♦ 8 gjpeBiB (7/8 6&«) ^fey sl^la silk tmr© um&t asul n© tirdnter Qcid«d« Eaamltes 4 Ifte&b alife p^odttdt- i^as T^e resmlta of the ^peviavda^s ow® as folXptm plm© d&y ikisa ©ills uafl fimw* inhering out« JBHi*0a6ta«*d^ (l}**t&©2«© trae ao ta^iatioifi la ap^oa^ ■aa©o« (g)**©!© fl.®i?0f ©*« i^st pp9aetm*$d in tbd ©mstaM oith the ©ddltidnel dej aVAm milk thaa to $&}**#18a@ <a*(3$&tfa woo eX®o flfai<$i^* Cl><»«fliQ ^Mt@ Qctuoo ^Ita. •fell® ag9!? afet^ ■saiJI? waa w»fc a© f^Itf ©0 ^@ one KKS^' of fe©S& will W-a-SbOg"© xm© ft© faf|©^f« P< (Il,)**Sto& fiify e^ii «ilb privet vim (^3l*»*l2hogfQ tsa* a@- m^iaiUiem Iss flaw? CSf)**»®te& ©mwetft OR ^Xi© 4^'y tigi® ©lilt imifflia rma aaftoy* «tt|Sfiis,f ttjo cite© teiffe^ a :$mm$ $i&^itmsf ®&th a ftMemty to fall* 4B'|*^fli& talc® t?gf wf? eiail^r ta flk& t'leisa slilf tpfcfr lad^d a© e et^Xeo^Qt was fli»*oths«» thaa" th® frusta- tat its aXond^ HftiS. milfe la ©Mei, t© ft f^eefe sills protoct.*(g|«^Si»f $k$m 134.11s asy 'fee- uo®^ aclsraatiagOQusIf uhlan as8© saadA fs'aa f^sli iii225# ©Ilk sine© a fftme? eoneisteaey yeiultf.d> Isi eakii vith im&h slilu tjH© p.^tsn&il© m#©i <sf' <tey ©icls KIMS in eoQj!s®s?f& fliiG© tig* f©^4®eftt.s fe0W0va»,■4, l&M oa© to t>©ii©i?# -that .toy ©Mia iii&lg may &©■ ©ubstitut0.<Si l5^ ffesa sills la my pwi@.&&c>% <$m&p% ©at tag© ftelieffl'©* 8**9^^ ©klm milk Bamf$0tu**0d b^ th© flip* ©Mtfif t© its- |-w S0liaTbll|tf» S**A dry BMM mfm t&t hoaedhold use ahouXd modt fell© follewiag ©t^nte^dg It ©Mould fee wiiit© os» ®®®mj Qhlte im ooiov« ©s©®tii end 9%ft*ch*:L!EE* in t0xtQS>e» S'eAdily dolubXo in xfavm OF ©old vmtQv» and dhould fe>© ffce from i?i£3ifol© dirt pJp feo^ohQd paFtietes* ffe© flavor of' th# y®Iiqm|fi©d miJIs Should ^©s^mbl© tHat of ftraeh steiu aillc« ^«»«Tho poodef should ^a pa«kod ia «m al^*t$^it» ffioi^tm?© sad insoet^p^oof ooxtfs&iaePp mad s&ould b© etos^od in » OQO^A dt*y plaet to Jtarore boot tcoo^iag quaiit£©.s* S»«Dry ©k£© mi He oquivoloat to ffoofc ak|m milk may be uood i3a th© foilowiiag pro&optioag i ©jpy all® milfe watog gt|ttlyaloat to 7/& os« «4 i/a *r) i « i e ffosb mm miih & 1/8 os*. (I 1/8 Oj & 8/6 0 1 «t» f^esh skia. allls a ib* (5 oupa) 4 a/fl ^to«4 i/aQto»fposh siii® ■ mills 6-*tey fiklm ailk aay b® oatiofaoto^lly vtfuod witb 40^ os^oaai ©if ISjJ oroooi o^ button to si©li© a product oqttiv* Qft&nt t& ttto& %©Mo to im&h, ^h©i© ailt* dhioh ©alee -tap -© Icif^f'pss3^ #£ @w didt* ©tils IE m® •fftiiowtftg pre-drnft©^ tih&eh tuhifc© 0©m©si io tb© i^elto: ■eewaeo finsS »^!i®ij -s^lis Mf* ofsij^t, ^uiefe |5f(|ia4#;» ineittdlag @rt<S4lQ ^©^©c. nmffias and toaltiaji g»eftd8& Mooui^oi ©ia€ the ^t|atl#» ©f oa^ and ealioo aai e^dtel,©®* ©*»*©fi^ ©Mm ■slUs i;© masatiit©©t(6^y f©:f .0©tt-&@(a lOOSS ia tfc© p^dttct© lia>ti©d ia i1* t?itte ifs^eh aa.lt to ia©^©®^ ^Iw food v&tee ^f tbd ps djpy skja silk ii wlmablt for em9S'@aa4y uee* iiii©# it mm M ^©©oiiatittatoi into f lu&d aillc la %hd ^maatitST a©©t©4 of 9^6^100 €uitd ©toned igoodd tn tin© hgnaefeold* • S«»*!»py 8&JUa alJIt i« ft ^ejenaabl© '©©ms3^® of ©life* •■ ioltdg si#t fat in ^i^^riets far 3?0a0.ir©i fro© tli© ffrosh this :d©fi©i$2jcy# . atfiei^mt isi'aiMf eaitfiiM ^ni mtils protein* -ts8? »ittla »li& aaay wo 11 bo used to move ad^^Qt©.!^ laeet tla© taiatfltl^© needo of the iufiivt^ttai©* • §**D^ ©.kia ©life naf b© l&ew&gtffttea &&t;o f09a {gi)*«plt rnxg b@ ms©.i in ^#«5ip©© for aoup©^ ■ iauees^ grairi©©^ m& oeooa sau>r© oat^g'- I® f^©#i©:»tlf ua^d as IlfiiM* • (&}**% j sidffl mi lit QAd ^citer say b© .stib* ■■ stitutQd fo» f^sfe nillE in rddipefi eaiati^g fqr m&llc au a tad Id * aueln a© oustaftitf juaftetSi mllM paMXnsfct S.00 owiaaft^ m and f&opbe&dA ead epem $%ll%ng fes3 pidd* {tj*«ffe0 qmtvntft^ of <|3P? it aaf h® m©©4- ekia a&Vc ^©©a aaj (d)-««S^ oay ^®' Md©# td %m 'tve&ia. sills 4+*^F ®ldm m%lk &#■ ©a^cialif adapted £01P ms© qm&Xlti$«» its a^all^mtf i»0sp^o%iV@ .$£ til© io©aii% ®f ^IJ© mmp9 &a€ th© ©ag© with wM©b it #aa ^© reooa* ofcttmfeM ijsto tH© fltaia aiilsp render it aa ideal oai^£a$ food* (S**0P©S©J* 6&l^ a»$ Pood paJlsMp^ If #B Clip^ii 3M^S9)# >*»-*■". 0©d* ©• a^S©h' 9« 01* 3tt&£H$y @f IXM^i« Sffoot df (ipftpdds* I©* SIB, .l^ufaul So;fi0.S;S liaa©** fmstitiat© followjs <|# L.« St* ^©5m*) «<& IW 8alc©»o* ehi^iag&a Iilia©fi| Aia@s*l©it|* Dry Hills IsKmtm^©-* Kmvfr 1986« $*>*Qmxi®t wait* Bff©et ct mt aisi® mut m %m%®$. Qmalitl^s #f farl0u& fiwsu #4 Cosily 4©aa|# p. SiS* ^«BOii8i&or» 0* ^» %®Q Qwo&X fMmi®tPf > f priQt Sltt ©ad Ifrisd Hill ff*@» mm^mfs, ®a.im%§$ iiii»©ls* l9S$o 600* iS*«-j3iycs7aiti# itrSU8bi» ^^Bmstox'tf Q* f* 41 tli sd^ CofiAonti^d .{Site* Bftw TOfkj O0ti40n89d lllli and ISiil Fowder* I& §?ang®s lUineiet otto f * Su^lMr^ \®m* i%i**m$p%m», t« ©* tes iaiiiDp i* solubility o.t Mife f^a©rrQ as Aff#ctM ^^ gMi&tfi** mn%m%% $m'wm% ®£ mi%j SdioneQ ?III <|L98$}« f* 391*' X8*<»D&hl$4 ©ft s>* and•' f®im®®& h« S* S#ai© SMtore Affoetim; tM IC©#fiBg qm^liti^a ©f ?ihd.I© lilk ^^to^a • jtoumQl of pai^y s#i©5fxo©» ?13t <19S4}» p* 40* Id Sd* Amefieaa »j?y MSlIt XosUtute^ ©Me^gOg flU&ttifi)* as Miles,* I#VJ tr«»4» p.r®<imo© RaviW^ SXtt #1» {^area 7,. is^^^QideB at&t^ ip^^o^d mm ai3.it* .?©0^aQt.* ©©Mow aia* Its?* ©at sons^ la«i«» l$S0* p« lS$o BIW^I^RO^ fi0ii£»y j* Bold %^©aj,: i^isie* s^tefalm&ti^n of E©<Ju«iiiig aiagar© ^^ il®aisi«! ef 'FO'li2.la@lQ aolu't&on with 0S#*a!pei8i03p» ferfeto El*j> |^tsM'e«. let-tier amd dhoB* aayy Jifty* B4> ©a aa&/i>a'ifc4 Mite ®s Socura^s ol1 0&i«£um aaa ^haapliw* / / i fi^Colfip :fej?fi« fH. SpO'QS'^ John Hi &«& Hdyl^ f^oao^iet m ■'' . ^etop^l laftemeiRg OeXolum Balaaio^ ^©wael off 1sh& ^tmfiy of tli© ffrobiasi of tht Eimttiplo l!i.t^© of Vitania leu f©f%3 f&O l|a0©illaB 0<uap«A9,> i.®27, j>-* .473* 3l.''t»»sa»onQeai# If* Oo etooddta^r o^ fooi tod Mmts'itioia^ and-llby's of OooMag* of Chie&go Jp^oo^'ft SulMtln S01* Ofeia^go;^ iiWnoi«» ■ itmi.^e2?8ity .3.9204 Qbioa@o» AatepjUm B^y ll$i& Itiatltut©