CENTRAL HIGH HOME PACKET APPLICATION Receipt # _____________ STUDENT NAME ___________________ HOME PHONE_____________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ P.O. BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP AGE____GRADE____STUDENT WK PHO_____________CELL PHONE__________ PARENT NAME____________________WORK PHONE _____________ EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________________________________ HOME HIGH SCHOOL_______________________________________ CLASS REQUESTED (SPECIFIC NAME)___________________________________ DATE BEGAN_____________________ DATE MUST BE COMPLETED_________________ TEXTBOOK NAME___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________TEXTBOOK #_________ TEACHER NAME____________________________________PHONE # 359-2337 COUNSELOR SIGNATURE____________________________________ FEE PAID_________________________________ HOME PACKET Guidelines, Rules, and Expectations 1. Home Packet cost $50.00/w refund of $15.00 Madison District Student, $75.00/w refund of $25.00 Out of District Students. 2. You have six weeks to complete this packet. You may extend up to one week without paying extra, but your grade will be cut one full letter grade. If your packet is due on a Tuesday and you come in the next day, that will count as being one week late. That means that if your packet is up to a week late and you get a grade of a B+, your grade will be dropped to a C+. If you get a D grade and are up to a week late, your grade will be dropped to an F. You may extend for two weeks (from your original due date) by coming into the office BEFORE THE ORIGINAL DUE DATE and paying a $35.00 extension fee. There will be no extensions given after the original due date, and no extensions beyond the two week period. Your $15.00 or $25.00 deposit will still be given upon return of intact packet and books, even if beyond the given due dates. 3. Most of the quizzes and tests with your packet are to be taken at home. There is a final test with each packet that must be taken at school. School hours for tests and turning in packet work are 7:30 to 3:30--Monday through Thursday, or 7:30 to 3:00--Friday. (That means that you have to be finished with the test by 3:30 [or 3:00 on Friday], not just come in to start it at that time.) Appointments for the test should be scheduled at least a day prior. 4. Students are encouraged to pick up a home packet. If parents pick up the packet student must contact the teacher with in the first week. Phone 359-2337. You will need to fill out the necessary paper work and forms while you are here. A counselor signature may be required; the forms are in their office. 5. You are expected to do your own work. You may ask for help, but should not enlist others (including the Internet) to complete all or part of assignments for you. Cheating or copying may result in failure of your class. 6. The last day that you can get a home packet for the 2012-2013 school year will be on April 12th, 2013. The last day that you can turn in work for a home packet grade will be on May 10th, 2013. Please note that you will have less than six weeks (and maybe only four weeks) to complete any packet picked up after March 29, 2013. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to these two cut-off dates. 7. Each teacher will include a list of rules and guidelines for each individual home packet. You are responsible for knowing and following these rules. 8. This packet is the provision for IEP, 504, Special Ed. I hereby understand and agree to these rules STUDENT SIGNATURE______________________________________________