Des Moines Register 06-28-06 Letters to the Editor REGISTER READERS Football is, after all, just a game I recently saw Dan McCarney got a $1.1 million contract to coach football, [bringing him out of the bottom half] of the Big 12 coaches salaries. But $1.1 million to coach 100 players on a team and handle a staff? That’s about $10,100 a player. Is football really worth that much? Is destroying yourself for 60 minutes on a field really worth it in the end, when that money could go to space research, meteorology research, engineering research and health-care research? Is it really worth all the problems football causes a university with suspensions, drunken parties and lawbreaking? Does it really save anybody from the mean streets to let them play football? Or does it merely facilitate more violence? — Mike Phillips, Lamoni.