2016 BRINK FOOTBALL MANAGER APPLICATION Name_______________________________________________ Email Address____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Home Phone________________________________________ Grade School Year 2016-2017: 7 8 Thank you for your interest in Bobcat football. This is a tradition rich program that has sent many players and managers to the high school level. Our managers are as important as any other aspect of our program. They serve as right hands to the coaches, organizing equipment for practice, and setting up for drills, taking care of paperwork, organizing game nights, and end of the year inventory. This is a big commitment. The coaches understand that and appreciate all that you will do. List any experience at the football manager position you have previously had. List other work related experience you think will be helpful in this position. List any activities that might interfere with your attendance at practice or games (We will work with your activities as long as absences do not become excessive) _____________________________________________________________ On the back of this application compose a short paragraph indicating why you are interested in this position. Also, have a teacher write a letter of recommendation and return to Coach Mason at Brink Jr. High through email, school mail or return to the gym. Elementary students, please return this application to the office secretary. Thank You. Deadline to turn in application is Friday, August 5th, 2016. Parent Signature__________________________________ Parent Phone #____________________________________ You can return application to jarodmason@mooreschools.com