Kennedy Elementary ~ Parent Involvement Plan The purpose of the Parent Involvement Plan is to increase meaningful parental involvement that is designed to enhance school-home partnerships and improve student learning. The Parent Involvement Plan includes: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Power School: An online software package available through the internet that allows parents access to school grades, behavioral concerns, lunch balances, and communication with teachers and administrators. Home/School Compact: A document developed through the School-wide Improvement Team. Parent Participation on Teams: Parents participate on the school improvement team as well as the school-wide improvement team. Parent Conferences: Kennedy Elementary averages over 90% attendance by parents at the two formally scheduled conferences during the year. Back-To-School Night: This is heavily attended by parents, giving them an opportunity to meet the new teachers and get a “feel” for activities planned for the year. ESL Support Personnel: The district provides a well-trained team of support personnel who are very effective in communicating with parents of children with ESL issues. Language Translation: The Principal and/or other district and school personnel, are capable of translating information into Spanish, which greatly facilitates the communication process. Parent Teacher Organization: The PTO meets monthly to discuss issues and make plans. A classroom teacher is assigned to be the liaison to the PTO. Monthly Newsletter: A monthly newsletter has been developed to increase communication with parents. The monthly newsletter will include information from the PTO, upcoming activities, curriculum, school safety, school successes and parenting helps. Parent Classes: The district presently conducts and makes available to parents of Kennedy Elementary classes designed to increase parenting skills. Classroom Volunteers: An effective team of parent volunteers has been developed to read with students on a daily basis. School Web Page: Kennedy Elementary has completely redesigned its web page to accommodate parent communication. Suggestion/Comment Box: Provide a suggestion/comment box in the school so patrons can make suggestions anonymously. Parent Involvement Money: Use some of the parent involvement money to provide “home packets” which will assist parents as they work with their children. Parent Volunteers: The school will sponsor a day in April to celebrate parent volunteers at the school. Parent Support Groups: Work with the school district to provide parent support groups. (Learning disabilities, speech and language, autism, parenting skills, ADD/ADHD, gifted and talented, etc.) Connect Ed: Use the Connect Ed telephoning/e-mailing system to inform parents of activities and emergencies. 25