Inspiration Grant Rubric Name of Student Organization: _____________________________ Name of Event/Program/Activity: ___________________________ Your Name and SIEO Position: ______________________________ Unacceptable (1) Marginal (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4) Purpose The program or event is service-oriented or related to a social justice topic Vague goal or purpose Not related to service or social justice topics Unsure what group is trying to accomplish Program is a reoccurring campus event Stated goal with no reasons given Goal may be only financially driven Clearly stated purpose Somewhat related to service or social justice topic Limited elaboration Program has innovative aspects, but has or is being done elsewhere on campus Clearly stated purpose Service oriented OR Focused on a social justice issue(s) Elaborated reasons given included altruistic Proposed program represents new or innovative idea to campus Scope Proposed event or program seeks to increase the involvement of University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point students in service and social justice issues. Clarity Proposed event or program has a stated clear purpose with at least one attainable and realistic objective Event or program is only open to organization members, specific groups, or student populations No plan for marketing to the greater UWSP student community Event is limited to non-org members as spectators rather than participants Lack of clarity in marketing plan Event is open to UWSP student population, but only a limited few are able to participate Marketing plan stated to attract the larger student market Program is lacking clear focus Objective of event or program is not stated Did not identify reasoning for assistance Program is lacking clear focus or objective Need for assistance is unclear Objective of event or program is not realistic or not attainable Event or program has focus related to solving a problem or improving a situation Event or program goal is stated Reason for need is Event invites UWSP student body to participate in service or social justice related program Clear marketing plan to increase UWSP student involvement Evidence of potential for co-sponsorship Event or program has clear focus related to solving a problem or improving a situation Roles and program objective(s) are stated clearly Total Points /20 Comments: Organization Application should be written in an organized and easy to follow manner Writing Conventions Applications should reflect college-level writing with little or no errors in grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation Application is not written in an organized manner Missing numerous facts, research, ideas, or solutions Proposed event or program is not practical, feasible, and/or realistic Dates and times are consistent with scholarship awarding period (application submitted less than 2 weeks from event date) Mechanics and/or writing detracts from author’s message Numerous grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors Evident that application was written by organization advisor rather than by students stated At least one event or program objective is realistic and attainable Reason for need is clearly stated Objectives of event or program is realistic and attainable Application is somewhat organized, but is missing one or some quality facts, research, ideas, or solutions Proposed event or program may not be practical solution Dates and times are consistent with scholarship awarding period (application submitted less than 3 weeks from event date) Application is organized and includes some facts, ideas, and potential solutions Event and program plan appears to be feasible and practical Dates and times are consistent with scholarship awarding period (minimum of 3 weeks from event date) Application is written in an organized manner, including quality of facts, research, ideas, and solutions. Event or program parameters are feasible, practical, and realistic Dates and times are consistent with scholarship awarding period (minimum of 3 weeks from event date) Mostly correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar May include many minor errors or a major one Unclear who authored the application No major glaring errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation Somewhat easy to read Evident that application is written by students No mistakes concerning grammar, spelling, or punctuation Well written and easy to follow Application is clearly written by students Event or program proposal must score a minimum of 15 points to be awarded Inspiration Grant funds