MCRP 3-11.2, Marine Rifle Squad (DRAFT) 1 2 3 Appendix G 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Handling Prisoners of War 1. General. Enemy of war (EPW)s are one of the most valuable sources of information for intelligence purposes. They should be delivered to the platoon commander as quickly as possible. 2. The Five Ss and a T. The five Ss and a T of EPW handling are: a. Search. Prisoners are thoroughly searched for weapons and documents as soon as they have been captured. Weapons and documents should be tagged and immediately sent to the platoon commander. b. Segregate. Prisoners are segregated into groups: officers, NCOs, privates, deserters, civilians, and females. This prevents leaders from organizing escapes and issuing orders to subordinates. c. Silence. Silence is essential. Prisoners must not be allowed to talk to one another. d. Speed. Speed is required in getting prisoners to the platoon commander. Timely information secured from prisoners is essential. e. Safeguard. Prisoners are safeguarded as they are moved. They are restrained, but not abused. They are not given cigarettes, food, or water until authorized by assigned interrogators. f. Tag. Tag the prisoner with time, place, circumstances of capture. Any equipment and weapons the individual had in his/her possession at the time. G-1