Editing Your Essay

Editing Your Essay
For this editing workshop, please work with one other person to go through the following
steps for each of your essays:
1. Read your paper aloud, while your partner follows along looking at his/her own copy of your
paper. Mark any places that sound awkward, that make you stumble, or that make you run
out of breathe. When you’ve finished reading your paper, work together to revise any places
that you’ve marked. Also look for proper punctuation, comma spices, sentence fragments,
2. Have your partner look at your paper, have him/her put a check next to the following
statements when they, in fact, are true, and have him/her write and sign his/her name
underneath so I know who your partner was. REMEMBER, 25% of your mark on this
paper is based on your correct use of the MLA format and citation guidelines. Take this
seriously. You do yourself and your partner no favors to simply mark yes everywhere when
it is in fact wrong. Make sure you indicate on your partner’s paper where they have made a
mistake, and make any suggestions as to how to improve it.
_____ All quotations are properly cited according to MLA format.
_____ The bibliography is properly formatted according to MLA format.
_____ All quotations are properly introduced and are a part of a complete sentence.
Partner’s name ________________________________________________