Typing Guidelines for Research Report Prof. M. Magellan

Typing Guidelines for Research Report
Prof. M. Magellan
The research paper must be typed, double-spaced, one side of white paper (81/2
by 11"); do not submit copies.
We will be using MLA style for this paper (see your Handbook).
Title page: Although MLA style does not require a title page, I prefer your paper
to have one. Follow the format on the sample MLA research paper in your
Handbook. Be sure to include the time your class meets. Do not use quotation
marks or underline your own title. Do not number the title page. Use regular size
and font for the title page.
Staple your paper. Although MLA style requires paper clips, I find that for our
purposes, stapled papers are least likely to become separated.
Include your final sentence outline following your title page. Use small Roman
numerals to number the pages of the outline if you have more than one page (i, ii,
iii, iv, v, vi etc).
Your last name and page number should be inserted on the upper right hand
corner. Number of all pages of the text including the Works Cited page.
Use one-inch margins at the top, bottom and sides of each page.
Quotations of four or more lines in the typescript should be set apart (ten spaces
or two strokes of the TAB key). Passages of fewer than four lines are integrated
into the text of the paper.
Use a readable type. Do not get overly fancy with computer types.
No plastic covers or binders of any type.