Diversifying Climate Leadership: Private Sector Engagement in Climate Change Mi<ga<on Co-­‐hosted by the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy James Cameron Chairman of Climate Change Capital A professor, entrepreneur, and former UNFCCC negoLator, Mr. Cameron will discuss how we might reimagine legal structures for dealing with climate change built on real-­‐world pracLcaliLes. Mr. Cameron is also the chairman of the Overseas Development InsLtute, a member of HM Treasury's Infrastructure UK advisory council and a member of GE's ecomaginaLon board. He is an advisor to the Climate Bonds IniLaLve, a trustee member of the UK Green Building Council and the Carbon Disclosure Project and a member of the Advisory Panel for the Independent Commission for Aid Impact's review of the InternaLonal Climate Fund. He has spent much of his legal career working on climate change maWers, including negoLaLng the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol as an adviser to the Alliance of Small Island States. Mr. Cameron has held academic posiLons at Cambridge, London, Bruges and Sydney and is currently affiliated with the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy 12:00-­‐1:00 FREE EVENT in Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall Lunch will be provided – first come, first served