S.No. …………………. Cost of Tender Document Rs.500/- F.No. 4-10/2013-14/S&S NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (S&S Section) Subject: Documents for supply of Cleaning Materials and General Stationery items for the use in the NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg New Delhi - 110016 1 F.No. 4-10/2013-14/S&S National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi (S&S SECTION) TENDER NOTICE The NCERT, New Delhi invites sealed tenders under two bid systems (Technical Bid and Financial Bid) from reputed manufactures and Dealers/ Agencies/ Companies for the purchase of Cleaning and General Stationery items for its office use. The contract shall be valid for a period of two years. Interested parties may obtain the tender documents from the office of the Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section of Central Store, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016 on any working day on payment of Rs.500/- as cost of tender documents. The tenders will be received till 2.30 p.m. and the same shall be opened on 15.07.2013 at 3.30 p.m. in the presence of intended parties/their representatives who may like to be present at that time. Details of tender documents with complete terms and conditions are also available on NCERT Website: www.ncert.co.in. (J.P. Bhulania) Sr. Stores Officer, NCERT Tele: : 011-26534138 2 National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 Cost of Tender Form Rs.500/-(Rupee five hundred only) TENDER DOCUMENT FOR supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items for the use in NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 Tender No. 4-10/2013-14/S&S Last date of receipt of Tenders: 15.07.2013 upto 2.30 p.m. Date & Time for Opening Tenders: 15.07.2013 at 3.30 p.m. 1. INVITATION OF BIDS 1.1. National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT), Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 invites sealed tenders from reputed and registered contractors having minimum three years experience in the field of supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. with minimum annual turn over of Rs.5.00 lakhs. The bidders having experience of supply of such items to Educational Institution / Govt. Organisation / Public Sector shall be given preference. 1.2. The bidders are required to accept all terms & conditions mentioned in the Tender Document. NCERT reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason thereof. 1.3. It is the responsibility of the bidders to read all terms & conditions of the Tender Document before filling the tender. Incomplete Tender Documents or bids are liable to be rejected. Tenders received after the due date and time will not be entertained. The contract shall be valid for a period of one year. 1.4. 1.5. 2. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT. Offer for contract of supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. to NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 must be accompanied by a Bank draft of the Nationalized /Schedule Bank for Rs.10,000/(Rupees ten thousand only) drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT, payable at New Delhi as Earnest Money, which will be refundable in due course to the unsuccessful bidder without any interest. PLEASE NOTE THAT OFFERS NOT ACCOMPANINED BY THE REQUIRED EMD WILL BE DECLEARED REJECTED. Offer submitted with in-complete information will not be considered. The earnest money of the successful bidder is liable to be forfeited if the bidder does not fulfill the following terms and conditions: 3 i) The successful bidder shall start supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. for NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi within fifteen days from the date of receipt of letter conveying the acceptance of offer. ii) Successful bidder has to execute an agreement within fifteen days from the date of receipt of draft contract and also deposit security money with in the stipulated period, which will be released on expiry of the contract. The earnest money of the successful bidder will be refundable after completion of the above mentioned formalities, without any interest thereon. 3. SCHEDULES OF TENDER 3.1 The Tender Document will be available for sale between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on all working days from the date publications of the tender upto 1 pm on 15.07.2013. The intended bidders may purchase the same from Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section of National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 by making payment of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) in cash or through A/C Payee Dement Draft/ Pay Order drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT. 3.2. Technical & Financial bids shall be received up to 15.07.2013 by 2.30 p.m. The technical bids will be opened on 15.07.2013 at 3.30 p.m. 3.3. The Financial Bid of only those bidders will be opened whose Technical bid are accepted by the Competent Authority. The date time and venue for opening of Financial Bids shall be communicated to the technically qualified bidders at a later date. However, NCERT reserves the right for not inviting the unqualified bidders while opening the financial bids. 3.4. Any tender received after the date and time given above will not be entertained under any circumstances. 3.5. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all tender without assigning any reason and shall not bind it-self to accept any tender and reserve the right to call for fresh tender. 4. PROCUDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 4.1. a) The Bids shall be submitted in three separate sealed envelopes as under:Envelop A - should contain the Bank Drafts (s) for the Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD ) along with details in (Annexure-I). b) Envelope B - should contain the Technical Bid Document, (Annexure-II). Tender Document duly signed by the bidder on each page and all necessary documents to be submitted along with the Technical Bid. c) Envelope C- should contain the Financial Bid Documents (Annexure-III) 4 4.2. All the three envelopes (i.e., envelopes A, B & C) should be submitted in a big cover duly sealed, addressed to Senior Stores Officer, National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016, and superscribed “Tender for supply of Cleaning Materials and General Stationery items etc. to “NCERT, NEW DELHI”. The cover should also bear the name and address of the bidder including telephone number. Tender duly completed as above may please be dropped in the Drop Box placed in a well accessible place. 4.3. The bidder must put his seal and signatures on each page of the bid and also attest all or corrections etc., if any, under his seal and signatures. 5. BIDDER QUALIFICATION. The bidder should have having minimum three years experience in the field of supply of Cleaning Materials and General Stationery items in Educational Institution / Govt. Organisation / Public Sector. The minimum annual turn over of the prospective bidder should be Rs.5.00 lakh per annum during the last three preceding years. 6. SCOPE OF WORKS 6.1 To provide Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. Annexures enclosed. 6.2 To provide printing stationery materials as Stationery as per & when required Annexure enclosed. 7. TERMS AND CONDITION OF CONTRACT 7.1 The bids must be accompanied with a Bank Draft/Pay Order issued by any Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank for Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) in favour of Secretary, NCERT, New Delhi. 7.2 The Technical Bids shall be opened at NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 by a duly constituted Committee in the presence of such Bidders or their authorized representatives who may desire to be present at the time of opening of bids. 7.3 It is the responsibility of Bidders to read all terms & conditions of this document carefully before filling the bid. Incomplete bid documents or bids not responsive enough to the terms and conditions are liable to be rejected. The bidder should sign undertaking along with the bid document that he has read the complete tender document and will abide by its terms & conditions. 7.4 The financial bids shall be opened at NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 and shall be evaluated on the basis of acceptance of rate as per schedule of requirement attaches with Financial Bid. A Negotiation with the bidders is strictly prohibited. 7.5 The bid shall contain no erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be authenticated by the person or persons signing the bid. Bid Documents are neither transferable nor cost of the bid documents is refundable under any circumstances. 7.6 5 7.7 The issuing of bid document shall not constitute that the bidders are automatically qualified. 7.8 If even after award of contract, information/facts submitted by the bidders are found misleading/incorrect/false etc., NCERT reserves the right to terminate the contract. 7.9 The successful bidder has to furnish interest free performance Security Deposit of an amount of Rs.2.00 lacs (Rupees two lacs only) in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft from a Commercial Bank drawn in favour of “Secretary, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi ” payable at New Delhi /Fixed Deposit Receipt/Bank Guarantee. This has to be given within stipulated period as mentioned in the letter of award of contract. The Security Deposit will be released after one month of the supply of materials at Centre. 7.10 The Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders within one month of the date of approval of the successful bidder without any interest. 7.11 However, the Earnest Money of the successful bidders will be liable to be forfeited, if he/she does not fulfill any of the following condition: (a) The successful bidder shall have to deposit Security deposit before award of supply order. The security so deposited with NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016, shall not carry any interest. (b) To undertake the work from the specified date mentioned in the award letter. 7.12 In case of any dispute between the successful bidder and its employee, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016 will have no responsibility and shall not be responsible for any compensation in any form to such contractor or to any of such employees during the currency of and/or after the expiry of this agreement. 7.13 The successful bidder will have to supply Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. at NCERT, New Delhi as per items and Rate as given in the Annexure - A to C attached with price schedule / Financial Bid document to this Tender Document. 7.14 The successful bidder will be responsible for supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. to NCERT, New Delhi by his own cost and as per requirement irrespective of time and in case of any fault delay etc., ‘risk purchase’ will be made by the institute out of the Security Deposit of the said Contractor (this includes the difference tender rate and risk purchase plus incidental charges). 7.15. In case of supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items of such articles, if found same or less in quantity or quality and not of standard quality or not supplied in time, a deduction of 10% will be made from the bill as penalty or as decided by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016 repeated fault may result in forfeiture of part or whole of money and even termination of the contract. 6 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 The successful bidder will ensure compliance of all the relevant provisions of the Laws. National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016 reserves the right to visit the existing or the past customers of the bidder to ascertain the quality of work performed by them and in case any negative report is received against the bidder, bid may be rejected. Also in case any information provided by the bidder is found to be false, his/her bid can be rejected and part or whole security forfeited. The successful bidder will submit bill in duplicate to Senior Stores Officer, NCERT, New Delhi for payment. Payment will be as far as possible made within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of receipt of bill after deduction of tax as per rules through A/c Payee Cheque or to be transferred to his/her account through electronic system. These are only proposed draft terms & conditions and can be modified/changed or added at the time of finalization and signing the agreement. The Earnest Money of the successful bidder will be refunded after depositing of the Security Money against the contract. However, the same will not carry any interest. Conditional/Incomplete/offers not conforming to tender document will be rejected. Arbitration clause to be inserted at the time of final Agreement. The bidder shall submit the ITR for the last three years(2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12) of the firm/Proprietorship firm. However, no individual ITR will be considered/accepted at any cost by the NCERT. 8. I NSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDER 8.1. 8.2 8.3 It is mandatory on the part of prospective bidder to submit offer for supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. as per the requirement & rates approved for the same. It is mandatory for the bidders to quote the rates for each and every items in respect of all the three categories i.e Cleaning Materials (Annexure –A), General Stationery items (Annexure –B) & Printing Materials (Annexure-C) respectively, failing which the tender will not be considered & rejected Each page of the offer shall be numbered and bear the signature of the tenderer at the bottom. All offers shall be either type written/printed neatly in indelible ink. Any corrections should be properly attested by tender signing authority. Certified that I/We have gone through the contents of the Tender form point wise and thereby convey our acceptance to abide by all the terms & conditions mentioned in the tender documents. Signature : __________________________________________________________________________ Name (In block letters) : __________________________________________________________________ Designation : ___________________________________________________________________ _______ Name of the firm : ________________________________________________________________ _______ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Tele No.: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 ANNEXURE – I For EMD National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 Bidding Document for supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. to National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 PARTICULARS OF EMD 1. NAME OF AGENCY : ____________________________________________________________ 2. DATE OF RECEIPT OF TENDER DOCUMENT : ______________________________________ 3. LAST DATE & TIME FOR RECEIPT OF TENDER : ___________________________________ 4. TIME & DATE OF OPENING OF TENDER : ___________________________________________ 5. PLACE OF OPENING OF BID : _____________________________________________________ 6. DETAILS OF EMD: a) AMOUNT : Rs.10,000/- (RUPEES TEN THOUSAND ONLY) b) NAME OF BANK : ________________________________________________________ c) PAY ORDER/BANK DRAFT NUMBER & DATE : ________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF BIDDER OR HIS AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY AGENCY ALONG WITH SEAL) 8 ANNEXURE – II For Technical Bid National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 Bidding Document for supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. to National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 BID DOCUMENT NO : 4-10/2013-14/S&S 1. NAME OF BIDDER : ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ADDRESS OF BIDDER: _____________________________________________________________________ 3. DETAILS OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED: (i) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN No. of the firm)_____________________________________ (PAN card of Proprietor in case of Proprietorship firm, provided the same should be reflected in the ITR of proprietary firm. Attached documentary proof & mention page no.): (ii) Three years experience of supply of Cleaning Materials _______________________________________ & General Stationery items (Attached documentary proof & mention page no.): (iii) Registration No. of the Firm if any: _________________________________________________________ (Attached documentary proof & mention page no.): (iv) Total Turnover during last 3 preceding year duly certified by CA i.e. (Attached documentary proof & mention page no.): 2009-10 _________________________________ 2010-11 _________________________________ 2011-12 _________________________________ (v) Certificate of Registration of VAT/Sales Tax: (Attached documentary proof & mention page no.): _____________________________________________ (vi) Income Tax Return for the last 3 preceding year (Attached documentary proof & mention page no.): Telex Telephone 2009-10 __________________________________ 2010-11 __________________________________ 2011-12 _________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF BIDDER OR HIS AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY AGENCY ALONG WITH SEAL) : _____________________________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________________________ Fax No : ____________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail : ____________________________________________________________________________ Website: : ____________________________________________________________________________ Note: - 9 ANNEXURE – III For Financial Bid National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 Bidding Document for supply of Cleaning Materials & General Stationery items etc. to National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 PRICE SCHEDULE/FINANCIAL BID (to be utilized by the bidders for quoting their prices) 1. No bidder will be permitted to alter or modify their bids after expiry of the deadline for receipt of the bids. 2. The Financial Bid should be valid for a period of 180 days from opening of the Financial Bids. BID PARTICULARS FOR TENDER NO. : 4-10/2013-14/S&S 1. NAME OF BIDDER : ______________________________________________ 2. ADDRESS OF BIDDER : ______________________________________________ 3. Rate: As per enclosed Annexures 3 of Requirement. (Annexure A, B & C) (1) A – for Cleaning Materials (2) B – for General Stationery items (3) C – for Printing Material (SIGNATURE OF BIDDER OR HIS AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY AGENCY ALONG WITH SEAL) Telex : __________________________________________________________________ Telephone : __________________________________________________________________ Fax No : __________________________________________________________________ E-Mail : __________________________________________________________________ Website: : __________________________________________________________________ Note: Sample’s Materials: 10 ANNEXURE – ‘A’ CLEANING MATERIALS S. No. Name of Items Specification Units 1 2 3 Acid (ISI Mark) Odonil Air Freshener 5 Ltr tin 150 gm 480 ml (Estonia) Per tin Nos. Nos. 4 5 6 Baygon (Multi insect killer) Brasso (ISI Mark) Broom (Hard) Naryal Broom tilli 5 Ltr Tin (Finit) 500 ml cane Diamond/Good quality Tin Nos. Nos. 7 Broom (Bans) Compound with Rod Good quality Nos. 8 Broom Soft/ Phool Jhadu Nos. 9 10 11 12 Broom Soft Plastic Brush Feather Brush Brush Hand Scrubbing Buckets (18-20 liters) 500 GM (Heavy) Good quality for commercial use Good quality Super quality Good quality Cello or equivalent brand 13 14 15 Cleaning Powder Vim/Nip 1 kg pkt. Cleanzo Liquid (ISI Mark) 5 Lits. Cobweb Remover & Wall Good quality Cleaner Jala brush with stick Colin Spry (Glass cleaner) 500 ml bottle Make Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd. Detergent Powder Surf 1 kg pkt Dustbin/Drum 100 lit. (Cello or equivalent brand) 16 17 18 19 Dust Controller Mop 20 Dustpan standing with cover & Brush Superior quality for the use of commercial purpose 24 inches Good quality 11 Nos. Nos. Nos. per piece Per pkt. Nos. Nos. per piece Per pkt. Nos. Nos. Nos. Unit Rate VAT 21 Dust Pan With Brush 22 23 Duster Check (18"X26") Duster Floor (36"X36") 24 25 Duster Glass (36"X36") Duster White (36"X36") 26 Duster Yellow (24"X26") 27 Garbage Bag 28 Glass Squeeze (12” with Rod) 29 Gala or equivalent brand Good quality Good quality Nos. Dzn. Dzn. Good quality Good quality (Blue border) Good quality Dzn. Dzn. Good quality of 3 standard size Good quality Nos. Gloves Hand (Rubber) Good quality Pair 30 Harpic (500 ml bottle) 31 32 Toilet Brush Urinal Cubes/Sanitary Cubes (400 gm pkt.) Kentucky mops with metallic rods Long Bracket (Gebi) Make Reckitt Per bottle Benckiser India Ltd. Good quality Nos. Homocole or per pkt. equivalent make Good quality Nos. 33 Dzn. Nos. 34 35 36 37 38 39 Kitchen Wiper Liquid Soap Mask for labour Mop Dry 24” Refill Mop dry – Blue 24” with rod Mug (Plastic) 1 liter Good qualtiy (Fem) 5 ltr can. Good quality Good quality Good quality Make Milton/Cello 40 Naphthalene ball (500 gm) Make Trishul Brand or equivalent Per pkt. 41 Nylon Tar Brush with stick 2’’x3.5’’ with Handle Steel (Good quality) Nos. 42 Nylon Rope Superior Quality Per mt. 43 44 Phenyl Tablets Red Check Duster supply for housekeeping Good quality Good quality Per pkt. Nos. 45 46 47 Red pad for Machine Ringer bucket trolley Room Fresheners (150-250 gm cane/bottle) Good quality Good quality Make Ambi Pure/ Premium/Yardley or equivalent brand 12 Nos. Can. Per piece Nos. Nos. Per piece per piece Nos. Nos. 48 49 50 Scotch brite (cmX15 cm) Scrubber Plastic Soap Cake (Mini size) 51 52 Soap Cake Spray bottle (500 ml) 53 Steel Scrubber Taski Spiral (5 liter Jar) 54 Taski R-1 (5 Lit. Can.) 55 56 57 Taski R-2 (5 Lit Can.) Taski R-3 (5 Lit Can.) Taski R-5 (5 Lit Can.) 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Taski R-6 (5 Lit Can.) Taski R-7 (5 Lit Can.) Taski R-9 (5 Lit Can.) Tee Poll (5 Lit. Tin) Toilet Paper Roll Plastic Pipe Urinal Cubes (400 gm) Wet Mop Glass Cleaning 67 68 White pad for Machine Wiper with stick (Big Size) 69 Dustbin with Lid 70 Dustbin with lid Good quality Good quality 20-30 gm (White) Make Nirma Beauty soap/ Dettol Lifebouy/Lux etc. Good quality Nos. Nos. Nos. Good quality Make Diversey India Pvt. Ltd. Make Diversey India Pvt. Ltd. Good quality Good quality Make Diversey India Pvt. Ltd. Good quality Good quality Good quality Good quality Good Quality Superior Quality Odur Fresh/ Glamic Gala or equivalent brand Nos. per Jar Good quality 36”x36” (Hard) for the use of commercial purpose (Superior quality 10-15 lit. (Cello or equivalent brand) 10-15 lit. (Cello or equivalent brand) Nos. Nos. per can. per can. per can. per can. per can. per can. per can. Tin Per pkt Per meter Nos. Nos. Per pcs. Nos. Nos. Nos. (SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH SEAL) 13 ANNEXURE – ‘B’ GENERAL STATIONERY ITEMS S.N. Name of Items Specification 1 All Pin Ever Bright Fine Pin/Good quality 2 45 nights Per piece 3 All Out Machine with Refill All Out Refill 45 nights Per piece 4 5 Assistant Diary Ball pen Blue/Black Good Quality Reynold 0.45 Per piece Per piece 6 CD (CR) 750 MB Moserbaer/ Samsung/Sony Per piece 7 CD (RW) Imation (CD 5 pack)/Samsung Per piece 8 Cloth for packing Per meter 9 10 11 12 Carbon Pencil (Blue) Cell Pencil Cell Torch Heavy Duty Cup & Plates 13 14 15 16 17 18 Dak Pad Damper Drawing Pin (Big top) Duster White Big Duster yellow DVD (R) 19 Eraser (Non Dust) Width 145 cm (good quality) Kores ISI Mark ISI Mark 6 pcs set. Good Quality Neelgagan Good quality Bun chin 70 gm 36"x36" 36"x36" Moserbaer/ Samsung/Sony Natraj/ Apsara 20 Flag slip Adhesive (3- colour supply) Kores Eraz-ex 15ml Per piece 21 Correction Pen Camlin 30 ml Per piece 22 Folder PVC (L-shape) Per piece 23 File Tray PVC Neelgagan or good quality Cello 24 25 Foot Mat jute (3' x 2') Glue Stick (15 gm) As pe Sample Kores/Fevistick Per piece Per piece 14 Units Per Pkt. Per piece Per Piece Per Piece Per set Per piece Per pcs. Per pkt Per piece Per piece Per piece Per piece Per piece Rate VAT 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gel Pen Gum Bottle (Big) Gum Bottle (Small) Gunny cloth Glass Cover Locks 40 mm with keys (Brass) Add Gel 700 ml (National) 150 ml (National) Good quality Good quality Harrison 32 Locks 50 mm with keys (Brass) Harrison Per piece 33 Lock 60 mm with keys (Brass) Harrison Per piece 34 Log Book for Drivers Neelgagan Per piece 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Jug (Plastic) Ink for Pilot Pen Ink for Stamp pad Paper Khaki for packing Paper Roll for pen Stand Paper weight Pen Sketch Cello/Milton Luxur Good quality Star paper ream Good quality Good quality Luxur (12 pcs. pack) per piece Per bottle Per bottle Per ream Per roll Per piece per piece 42 Permanent Pen Maker Luxar/Camlin Per piece 43 44 45 Punch Single Hole Pencil Lead Pencil Shorthand Good quality Natraj/Camlin Apsara/Camlin /Nataraj Per piece Per piece Per piece 46 47 Peon Book Pin cushion (PVC) Nataraj/MSTC Rolex or equivalent brand Per piece Per Piece 48 49 50 51 Pilot Pen V-5 (Blue) Pilot Pen V-5 (Green) Pilot Pen V-5 (Black) Pen Stand (Big) Luxur Luxur Luxur Four pen Cap. Per piece Per piece Per piece Per piece 52 Pen Stand (Small) Two pen cap. Per piece 53 Pen Drive (Kingston) 4 GB Per piece 54 Pen Drive (Kingston) 8 GB Per piece 55 Pen Drive (Kingston) 16 GB Per piece 56 Register 2 Qr. Ruled Neelgagan 57 Register 1 Qr. Neelgagan 15 Per piece Per piece Per piece Per kg Per piece Per piece Per piece Per piece 58 Register 4 Qr. Ruled Neelgagan Per piece 59 Register 6 Qr. Ruled Neelgagan Per piece 60 Register Dairy (8 Qrs.) Neelgagan Per piece 61 Register Despatch (8 Qrs. Rubber Band packet Neelgagan Per piece Good quality Per pkt. 63 Rulled paper D/F/S with paper Roll Good quality Per Ream 64 Register Stock Neelgan 8 Qrs. Per piece 65 Service Book As per sample Per piece 66 Sharpner Natraj/Apsra Per piece 67 Signature Pad Neelgagan 68 Shorthand note book Per piece 69 Stappler small Swastic Deluxe Qt Kangaro 10 No. 70 Stappler Big Kangaro 24/6 Per piece 71 Stappler Pin (Small) Kangaro 10 No Per piece 72 73 74 Stappler Pin (Big) Sutley PVC or Jute Tape Brown (2"x65 mtr) Kangaro 24/6 500 gm Roll/ 1 kg Wonder or equilvalent brand Per piece Per Roll Per piece 75 Tape Cello small (1.25 cm x 20 yds) good quality Per piece 76 77 78 79 80 Tag for file (1x20) Thread Ball Thermus Flask Typing Paper FS/ A4 Tumbler Glass Good quality Good quality Milton/Cello good quality Good quality Per gucchi Per gucchi Per piece Per ream Per piece 62 81 Tumbler Borosil (6 pcs. set) Borosil Per pad Per piece Per set 82 U clip Steel (100 pcs pack) Rolex/Vikram 35 mm Per pkt 83 White Board Marker Luxur/Reynold Per piece (SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH SEAL) 16 ANNEXURE – ‘C’ Printing Materials S.N. Name of Items Specification Units 1 2 Printed File Cover Printed File Board As per sample As per sample per piece per piece 3 Printed Letter Pad As per sample per piece 4 Printed writing pad As per sample per piece 5 Handmade Folder As per sample per piece 6 Printed Note sheet Pad 7 Register PBR/ GA/ IT/ Cash Book 8 Printed White Envelopes (80 gm) 9 Printed Khaki Envelopes Store paper) 10 Printed Khaki Envelopes (Store paper) 11 Printed Khaki Envelopes (Store paper) Rate VAT per piece As per sample per piece As per sample As per sample (Size 11x5) As per sample (Size 11x8) per piece per piece As per sample (Size 10x12) per piece As per sample (Size 12x16) per piece (SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH SEAL) 17