* r - t • . • " - . . " . . •-•*. • . . , " . ' • " .- • • • • • : • ••••• ; • • , - . . * w MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST, LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI i M O N D A Y , SEPTEMBER 28, 1964 - 8t00 P . M . Jtaui1 ,"j "inn 1 , L.I.I 'iii in 'i n inn . '.i r i 11 niiiiinii'irrmnimiBiiiii A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District f St; Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, September 2 8 , 1964 at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Undell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs; Joseph C; Bastian Messrs. Morris Glaser Lester C. Geil F; Wm. McCalpin Guy S, Ruffin Gerald V . Williamson Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; Dr. John E. Tirrell, Vice President; Mr, James W. Hobson, Vice President; Dr. Glynn E. Clark, Campus Director; Dr. Douglas F, Libby, Jr., Campus Director; and Dr. R. William Graham, Campus Director - all of the Junior College staff. Mr. Bruce E, Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and ^™^ S; Vaughan, Counsel for th District, was also present. - 1 " • • : - : ' \v"/c: • _ ' . . . . • ' ' • _ ® U3 • Minutes Board President Bastlan called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 14, 1964; They were read and discussed. Board member McCalpin called the secretary's attention to pages 8 , section 3 . 1 . He pointed out that this matter was not "tabled", but merely postponed until the meeting of September 28, 1964; The same was true on page 14, section 5 . 6 . Board Member Ruffin called the secretary's attention to the wording of the resolution accepting Dr; Tirrell's resignation; Itsh uld be changed to read as follows: RESOLVED, That the resignation of Dr, John E; Tirrell be accepted, with regret, effective at the close of Wednesday, September 30, 1964, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees express their thanks to Dr. Tirrell for the outstanding services he has rendered to the District since joining the staff in November, 1962; and wish him Godspeed. The secretary noted these changes* Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 14, 1964 were approved as amended. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastlan introduced Mr. King McElroy - a reporter from the St; Louis Globe Democrat - to the Board Members; 1.6 Communications 1,6.1 The secretary, Miss Doris Wentzel, read a letter which had been received from Edgar M . Queeny, Chairman of Trustees of Barnes Hospital, stating that they had approved the following resolution at their September 22, 1964 monthly meeting: 9/28/54 - 2 - 7 * i ; ' . ! i v ? K ' \ i •:" • : - y 1 - ; ; l^^r '..'. ' •• . - . . • . ' , • • • - ' ' ' ••:. "RESOLVED, That the Barnes Hospital Board of Trustees request of the Junior College Board of Trustees that they consider the establishment of an accociato degree program of nursing on the Forest Park Community Campus by the fall of 1965 and that Barnes Hospital facilities be used for the clinical experience of the students In the associate degree program," Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpIn, seconded by Mr, Ruftln, and with the unanimous consent of all members of the Board, this matter was referred to the JCD staff for its consideration, with the request for a forthcoming report to the Board. 1.6.2 A letter was read by Miss Wentzel addressed to Dr. Glynn Clark, Campus Director at the Meramec Community College, from George W. Brown, Superintendent of Schools of the Webster Groves School DI$frict|Commending him on the talk which he gave before the Lions Club on September 3rd. He stated that it was especially helpful when someone can make the general financial picture so clear and meaningful at a time when there are not referendum decisions in the immediate offing. This helps to plant the seeds that grow into wholesome community support; 1.6.3 Miss Wentzel then read a letter received from J. Warren Head, President of the Missouri State Board of Education, addressed to Dr. Cosand. Mr; Head mentioned how much he enjoyed reading the JCD Newsletters, and congratulated those people who have worked for and with the development of the JCD since the surveys starred a few years ago; He also stared that he had heard many fine things about the JCD program, and its good Influence In the area; 1*6,4 A copy of a letter addressed to Dr. Elbert K. Fretwell, Jr., D an for Academic Development of the City UntvorsJty of New York, from $• V, Martorana, Assistant Commissioner for 9/28/64 & • : • • - • • • • . • • . • • • • : Higher Education Planning In New York, in his letter, Dr. - 3 - iiiiiiinv •_ •!•";• '"••"• •• • i rr ^ - i ' • ii Minn n i i i • -1111111111111 iirii I1 i ' • r" i« m i i i i inni"n • i .>v , inii.ni«iiiiiiiiiilriiiiiimibi»iiiin< inn Mortorona listed the St; Louis Community - Junior College as one of the most effective two-year colleges In terms of new and imaginative curricular offerings and techniques in Instruction and working relationships with the business and industrial community, 1.6.5 The secretary, Miss Wentzel, also read a letter addressed to Dr; Cosand from B; W, Robinson, Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Education for Missouri. Mr. Robinson stated that the staff members of the Department of Education would be eager to visit with Dr; Cosand when they have information firm enough for the JCD to move ahead with Its vocational education program expansion and developm nt; 1.6.6 Mr; Bruce Woodruff, Counsel for the District, presented a petition filed by John E. Miller, as plaintiff, against the Junior College District of St, Louis St; Louis County. Board Member McCalpin briefed the Board members on the contents of the petition, stating that he was the owner of two amusement rides on the property formerly owned by the St; Louis Arena Corporation. He is trying to recover $6,000 which he claims was wrongfully appropriated and condemned by the JCD. Board Member McCalpin moved that this petition be referred to the Counsel of the District to defend us in this matter. Mr. Get I seconded the motion, and It was passed unanimously. 2. PERSONNEL •HMMIMIMPMMWINI 2.1 Certificated Personnel The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel: Vera G. Phillips - Assistant Professor - Nursing - 11-2 - Effective 1/11/65 9 Bernard E, Schrautemeler - Assistant Professor - Physics - I M - Eff, 10/1/64 9/28/64 * 4 - i n '•V.; :; '•. < i>;;;-^^ A general discussion followed with respect to their academic background and qualifications* Whereupon, on motion by Mr; Williamson, seconded by Mr; McCalpin> and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board; FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be, and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Pcrt-fime The President of the College recommends the employment of the following part-time certificated personnel, as noted below: William Bailey FPCC Counselor 3 hrs. @ $170.00 Martha Jo Pring MCC Asst. Lib; ' 1-3/4 hrs. @$135.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Eff. 8/24/64 A general discussion followed with respect to their academic background and qualifications* Whereupon, on motion by Mr McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for part-time employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out - said so lory classification having been previously approved by the Board; 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Sick Leave The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommends that Mr» Leonard Davis, Counselor at Fore** ?ork Community College, be granted a Leave of Absence without pay, due to illness - effective 8/28/64, and to continue during the 1964-1965 contract year until such time as he Is able to return. 9/28/64 - 5 - i \ > ' • • ^F • . . ':' : • . ' ' ' . ' . • • • • • : , . . • . / ' , • • Dr. Cosand explained further to Hie Board that Mr, Davis was taken III with a very serious eye ailment, and has been unable to fulfill his responsibility with the District beyond the first few days. A general discussion followed involving all Board members* Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Williamson/ and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board , It was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees grant Mr. Leonard Davis a Leave of Absence without pay, effective 8/28/64, and to continue during the 19641965 contract year until such time as he Is able to return. 2.4 Certificated Personnel - Administrative Staff The President of the College recommended that Mr; James W. Hobson, Vic President for Business Services, be changed in classification from Step 2 to Step 3 of the salary schedule. Dr. Cosand explained to the members of the Board that du» to Dr. Tirrell's resignation, Mr. Hobson will be required to assume additional responsibilities In the Central Office administration for the remainder of the 1964-1965 college year. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, . seconded by Mr. McCalpIn, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, It was RESOLVED, That the classification of Mr; James W. Hobson, Vice President for Business Services, be changed from Vice President - Step 2 , to Vice President Step 3 of the salary schedule previously adopted by the District. Reclassification 'to become effective 10/1/64. FURTHER RESOLVED, That Mr. Hobson's contract with the District be and hereby Is amended accordingly. 2.5 Classified Personnel The President of the College recommended the employment of the following qp classified personnel: 9/28/64 ^ « • - ; - • • - . : • - 6 - • ••^ ~ John J . Stiller - Bookstore Clerk - Fewest Park - Ronge 7 Step A - Eff, 9/29/64 Virginia Burton - Steno-Clerk - Meramec - Range 8 Step A - Effective 9/29/64 Dale W, Frederickslon - A - V Technician - Florissant Valley - Range 7 Step A Effective 9/29/64 Judith Geistlinger - Secretary - Forest Park - Range 9 Step A - Effective 9/29/64 Anthony A , Upinski - Assistant Manager - Purchasing - Central Office - Range 24 Step A - Effective 10/1/64 Horace Graessle - Systems Co-ordlnator - Central Office - Range 30 Step A Effective 11/5/64 Robert Slough - Business Manager - Florissant Valley - Range 27 Step A - Eff, 10/1/64 A general discussion followed involving all Board members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr 0 Williamson, Seconded by Mr* RufRn, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the classified personnel listed above be employed by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated, 2,6 Classified Personnel - Reclassification The President of the College recommended the reclassification of the following classified personnel: Fred Diaz - Bookstore Manager, Forest Park Campus - from Range 18 Step C to Bookstore Manager, Forest Park Campus - Range 22 Step A Effective 10/1/64 Mary Jane Calais - Assistant Manager Accounting Services, Central Office From Range 24 Step B to - Manager, Accounting Services - . Range 28 Step A - Effective 10/1/64 Dolores Tygard - Executive Secretary - from Range 15 Step C , plus additional assignment - totaling $7200,00 - to Assistant, Community Relations, Central Office - Range 23 Step A - Effective 10/1/64 T 9/28/64 - 7 - A general discussion followed; Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Ruffln, and upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board/ It was RESOLVED, That the classification of the above-mentioned personnel be changed as recommended; 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Progress Report - Temporary Buildings - Florissant Valley Campus The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, called upon Dr. Douglas F. Ubby, Jr., Campus Director of the Florissant Valley campus, for an up-to-date report on the construction at the Florissant Valley Campus. Dr» Ubby reported that they were still seeding and sodding, and also that they had lost some ground because of the rain over the weekend; however, they were taking care of this. The grass is beginning to grow, thus improving the looks of the campus' radically. Me added that the crushed rock on the walkways has helped a great deal with the dwt problem - they are using macadam rather than concrete for the walkways; Dr. Ubby also reported that they are starting the third parking lot by the Warner property, and are putting up permanent lights on the parking lots, which help a great deal; Mr. Hobson, Vice President for Business Services/ added that they are checking into the possibility of putting an ornamental fence up to separate the subdivision on the West end of the campus from the campus Itself. He further stated that everything else should be pretty well wrapped up. A general discussion followed Involving all Board members. 4.2 Final Payment to Arrow Construction Company - Meramec Campus The President of the College recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize 9/58/64 - 8 - ^& the final payment of $6,Q28;25 for the work completed at the Meramec campus by the Arrow Construction Company. Dr. Cosand told the Board that the architects, Smith & Entzeroth; the administrative staff on the campus; and Mr. Hobson, had all reported the work to be satisfactorily completed. The total cost of the construction, including the cafeteria unit, the garage, and the Dental Assisting Laboratory, amounted to $46,547,2% A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County submit the final payment of $6,028.25 to the Arrow Construction Company for the work completed at the Meramec Campus. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Acceptance of Scholarship Grant from the Executives' Secretaries, Inc. The President of the College requested the acceptance of a scholarship grant from the Executives1 Secretaries, Inc., St. Louis Chapter, in the amount of $300.00, t provide a scholarship for a woman enrolled in a Business Program at any campus in the JCD. The recipient of the grant is to be selected by the college based on need and general capacilities. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, It was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District accept the donation of $300,00 from the Executive Secretaries' Inc., St; Louis Chapter to provide a scholarship for a woman enrolled In a Business Program in the JCD. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the College, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, extend the Junior College District's appreciation for this donation. 9/28/64 - 9 - -. ^ ' " •—' • " " —*••—' • 5.2 ; t t • • "•• • 11111111111 i•"•• iii W I ' I W W W ^ ^ I in in Minimi — — _ — — — — ^ — — — _ „ — — — — - — - — - — — — Ratlflcafion of the Telephone Agreement- between the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and the JCD ___«_>____ The President of the College requested the ratification of the telephone agreement between the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and the JCD for installation of telephone switchboards and switching gear. Board President Bastion pointed out that this agreement had been discussed at the last meeting of the Board, and it had been decided at that time that she would poll the Board informally for agreement to sign the contract; A general discussion followed. Whereupon, it was moved by Mr, Williamson that we formally ratify the telephone agreement mentioned above. Mr. Glaser seconded the motion. Upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St; Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, enter into an Agreement with the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for the installation of four switchboards and automatic dialing mechanisms, said Agreement to be in the form attached hereto, and by reference incorporated herein, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement in the form attached to these Minutes to be attested to by the Secretary and affixed with the official seal of the District, 5*3 Ratification of Inves tmenfe The President of the College requested ratification of the Investments made by the Treasurer of the College for the period between September 14th and September 28,1964, On September 17th we purchased $250,000 in U.S. Treasury Bills due October 8th from the First National Bank In St. Louis on a 3.28 basis, at a total cost of $249,544,44; $250,000.00 In U.S. Treasury Bills due October 29th from Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, 9/28/64 - 10 - ™ Fenner, Smith, Inci on a 3.43 basis, ot a total cost of $249,023.40. Or) September 18th we purchased from First National Bank in St. Louis $200£00.00 in U.S. Treasury Bills due September 30th on a 3.15 basis at .a total cost of $199,790.00. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the foregoing investment by the Treasurer of the Junior College District of St; Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri - be ratified, approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees. 5.4 Audited Financial Statements Prepared by Ernst & Ernst The President of the College requested the acceptance of the audited financial statements and other financial information of the Junior College District of St; Louis St, Louis County, Missouri, as of June 30, 1964, as prepared by the firm of Ernst & ^& Ernst. It was unanimously agreed that this be postponed until the next Board meeting on October 12, 1964. 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Dr. John E; Tirrell explained to the members of the Board that some months ago grade reports had been sent to those high schools which had transferred students to the Junior College District during the past year. He added that since we have such a small number of students from any one high school, it is difficult to make any generalizations; However, as we build up information historically, we can see that over the years we can better understand their program, and they ours - which will be of help to the District; A general discussion followed involving all of the Board members. It was mentioned that a report of this type will be of tremendous help to the counseling staff, since it gives us real tacts to work with. 9/Z8/M - 11 - 9 9; ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastion asked If there were any further business to come before the Board* There was not, and Mr* Williamson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Mr, McCalpin seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, (JfoJbr^o P' c / ^ ^ ^ - ^ N Dolores Bi Tygord U U Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St, Louis-Sti Louis County, Missouri 9/28/64 - 12 - i •immiiiiiiii •nMniiinii •••wi» • •••• •nniM nimm •••mnniiiiniiiiniiiiiiiM i •milium iniiiiminiiii • 'i M"V r -"' i ' j. TERMINATION AUWSEMISNT (Oonorul) • JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUISST. LOUIS COUNTY (DISTRICT OFFICES) A< s~~\ >• | j 1 | PA 6-U686 (Homo of Ouototnor) (Telephone Number)" } Ao provided by the tlonoral Exchange Ttirif.Co of bho Houthweotorn B a l l Telephone Company, t h i n agreement l u oupplomuntttl t o thu r e g u l a r c o n t r a c t f o r tolophono eorvioo between t h e undersigned parbieu and i » offooblvo f o r 60 raontho obarbing from tha d a t a of i n u b a l l a t i o n of bho 1 2 - 2 Wav d i a l repeating t i e l i n e s located a t , .7508 Forsyth Blvd., S t . Louis, Mo. .6310$ ; , (Daaoription and Location oiTfqulpnionb, F a o i l i t i o a o r Service). I n t h a event t h a t t h a opnbract f o r bho use .of the. oquipmant, f a c - l l l t i e o , o r oorvjio© doaoribod above 1« terminated by tho auebomar w i t h i n t h e minimum oorviao period of 60 monbha, tho undersigned cuutoraor, o r i b a e o a l g n s , agx*cea t o pay t o t h e Telophono Company t e r m i n a t i o n chargeo equal t o $ 2,220.00 -reduced by 1/60 f o r oach month uorvloe i a r e b a l n o d , nibh p r o p o r t i o n a t e r e d u c t i o n s f o r f r a c t i o n a l p o r t i o n s of a month. • ffliero the uoo of a p o r t i o n of the equipment, f a c i l i t i o a , o r o e r v i c e , oubjeot t o termination charged under t h i n agreement;, l a t e r m i n a t e d within tho minimum s e r v i c e p e r i o d , toi'iuinablon charges apply oqvial t o tho o r i g i n a l nob 000b of t h a t p o r t i o n of t h e equipment or f a c i l i t i e s , bho uao of which i n • t e r m i n a t e d , reduced by l / 6 0 £qr each month aorvlco l o r e t a i n e d , with p r o p o r t i o n a t e rcduobiona f o r f r a o t i o n a l p o r t i o n s of a month. Xtt c t t h o ouotomcr'o r o q u e a t , ong:lnoer.b.ig, manufacttirlng, o r i n s t a l l a t i o n work onco bogun l a otopped and the inabul3.ubion i o nob completed, tho ouotomor agroeo t o pay tho n o t oo3to i n c u r r e d I n l l o u of bho above termination c h a r g e , '••-"•' BIQ d e s t r u c t i o n or p a r t i a l dootruotion of t h e c u s t o m e r ^ premiaon by f l r a , f l o o d , etorui, o r other aota of Qod o h a l l not be conoldex'od aa a t o r a d n a t l o n by t h o oustomor of t h l o agreement. I f , a f t e r ouoh doctrucbion* corvlco oovorod by t h i e agreement I s ro-onbabllohod f o r t h l o ouatojaor w i t h i n t h i r t y daya, e i t h e r a t Ml oaino o r another l o c a t i o n * ouoh i n t e r r u p t i o n o f oontinuoua eorvlco o h a l l n o t bo oonaldei'od aa a break i n t h o offoobivo p e r i o d of Ohio c o n b r a o t . Bl g nod September 14 ^ 33 6h JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUIS ST LOUIS COUNTY (DISTRICT OFFICES) (Noindbf Guutbinar) UUtloJ President, Board of Trustees Accepted (FEH) Bat,, —""""" o f , 19 / ,3jnobaILutionJ » fin »n IIWI "• Borrioo Ordor N • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELETHQNB CQUPANX 1 in.. I , I I ' » * " a t a m i i M 2^ r " JA^Z^-* • J&- SSy TIMMlNATION AOUBBMISMT (Oonoral) i ^ ^ ^ '•:;./^\ JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUISST. LOUIS COUNTY (DISTRICT OFFICES) PA 6-U686 (Namo of Ouobomor) (Telephone Number) As provided by the General. Kxobango Turiffo of thattoubhnootornBoll Toiophono Company, thio agroomont io oupplomontal to bh« regular oontrcot for toiophono Qoryioo between the undersigned partieu and i« offocbivo for 60 raonbho starting Iron the dato of Installation of the #608 Switchboard with 7hOE. 2 digit dial system located . r at 7508 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis g. Mo. , (Ooaorlption and~~Looabion of i^ulpment, Faollibioa or £>arvioo)r In tho ovent thub tha contract for bho uoe of the. equipment, facilities, or oorvio© doooribod above in terminated try the aUBtomor nithin the minimum sorvloo period of 60 montho, tho undersigned customer, or its assigns, agrees to pay to the Toiophono Company termination chargoo oqual to #5,270.00roduoed by j / 6 0 for each month service io rubainod, tilth proportionate reductions for fraotional portions of a month. • Where the uoo of a portion of tho equipiuout, facilities, or oervice, subject to termination chargoo under thin agr-comonb, io torcdnatod within tho minimum eervioo period, torraination charges apply oqual to tho original neb ooot of that portion of r,ho equipment or faoilitios, bhn uoo of which io termlnatod, reduced by 1/60 £qr each month service io retained, with proportionato roduotions for fraotional portions of a month. If, at tho customer's request, engineering, manufacturing, or installation trork onco begun io abopped and the installation le not completed, tho ouatomor agrooo to pay the nob oo3to incurred in liou of tho above termination charge. 1?""^ .•'•.•>-/ Tho dostxnwtion or partial destruction of the customer•» preraloen by fire, floods etorm, or other aoto of Qod uhall not bo considered as a torjainatlon by the oustomor of thio ngrooment. If, after ouch destruction, corvlco oovorod by thio agreement io ro-ootabliohod for thio ouobomor within thirty daya, either at tho oamo or another location, ouch intez*ruptioa of continuous oonrico shall not bo oonoidorod ao a break in tho ofi'ootivo period of thia contraot* Blgnod September 14 „ 3j> 6h JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUIS_ ST. LOUIS COUNTY ( D I S T H T Q T OFFTfiPnS) (Name of Customer) -V7 .'•V--' y (titles) President, Board of Trustees Accepted ^Sl? C"' / , 19 . Dato or IDwbanaUono — Borvloo Ordor No. . 00UTHWE3TEKN BELL TELETHONS OOUEANX ^P^f ' . "- ^ / ^ S^p&>?**fi?<*£*- s>^ -. - ' • • • • ' . • • . ' ' ' • : j : ' ' ' • ' • TKUMINATION AUIUSISMISNT (Gonoral) JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUISST. LOUIS COUNTY (SOUTH CAMPUS) (Homo of Ouoboraor) w .,*-*. "" • . ' ) f ! PR 1-8850 (Telephone Number) Ao provided by the tionoral Exobango TurilTo of tha Bouthneatorn Ball Telephone Company, thla agroemont lo oupplomnntul to i>ht» regular oontraot for talephone sorvioa botvraen the undoroign.ed partieu unci i» offooblvo for 12 jnonbho aborting from the date f installation of the _75>6A two digit qA console equipped for 60 stations i located at 3185 Gravoi3 Rd., St. Louis, Mo. _^ > (Doaoriptlon dhoTXooablon ojTTSquJ.pmont,tfabllitioaor Sorvioa) In the event that tha oonbract for bho uae of tho. oquipmont, fttcllibieo, or oervio© doooribed above iti terminated by tho customer within tho minimum oorvloo period of 12 montho, tho undersigned cuatomor, or ito aoolgno, agx*eoa to pay to tho Telephone Company termination ohargo8 equal to fy,2,000.00—.—--— reduood by l/l2 for each month sorvioe io robainod, with proportionate roduotiona for fractional portions of a month* Where the uoo of a portion of tho equipment, fncilitioa, or oervice, oubjeot to termination chargeo undor thin agx*eamont, ia terminated within tho minimum oervioo period, termination charges apply equal to tho original nob coot of that portion of the equipment or faollitJ.es,fcheU H O of which in terminated, reduced by 1/12 fqr each month aorvlco lo retained, with proportionate raduotiono for fraotlonal portions < of a month* Jf, at the customer1 o request, engineering, numufuctux'ing, or installation work onco begun is otoppod and the inabul3.ablon io nob completed, tho ouotomor agreeo to pay tha not oosto inoux-rod in lieu of tho above termination charge* j ; j The deatruction or p a r t i a l destruction of the customer's premised by f i r e , flood, etorm, or other acta of God ohall nob be conoidox'od aa a. torminatlon by tho oustomer of thio agreement. If, after ouch destruction, uorvico aovored by this agreement i s ro-ontabllDhod for thio cuotoraor vritbin t h i r t y dayo, either at tho oarao or another location, ouoh interruption of aontinwous eorvico ohall not bo oonoidorod aa a break i n the offootiva period of thio contraot. /"""^ .*S- :: Blgnod - *" •- September 14 JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS COUNTY (SOUTH CAMPUS) (Name of Ouotomor) , ly 6h By tyv^c <fC>. ~-A c. •-./}*. c -u ,v ... <: . ~ (Titld) President, Board of Trustee?: ' Aocoptodj JLJO^ c£y , 19/fiY > SOUTHMSSTEttUffiLL TELETHONS OOUPAHX Dato of JriotallationB (FEH) ... ^^2~~ ,* X° (mio) "~~ST* jrf^^smw ¥ Borvjoa Ordor No. 1 :-•'".'• ' . ' , - " - ' " ' . • - • • • • ' . - . • - . i ,' ^ \ i | j TIMM.!MT.r,ON AOIlEliMBNT (Qonorul) # JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS COUNTY (MERAMEC CAMPUS) —mrmmMi n -—-. »•« I'IIM < •'•' ' • • • • ' »••• • ' • ' • • • • — 1 • • • • " • ' i YO 6-3)402 ' nip • * < • • • • — . « « • • I — W I — » > • U 11. i 1. IJM . l - i j»fiii«pnirqii (Narao of Ouototnor) - i .1.. . . . HlL._HlpOrjrff (Telephone NumborJ ha provided by the General. Exchange Tariff 0 of the Bouthnootorn Ball Telephone Company, thio agreement io supplemental to thu regular oontraot fox* telephone oorvioo between the underoign.ed partieu and i« effective for 12 montho otarting from tho data of inutallatlonof tho #7£6A two df sit with liA console equipped for 60 stations. T located 959 S. Geyer Rd. , Kirkwood, Mo. ; (Doacription and~Location oi^fquipwsnt,tfaoilitToaor Sorvioo). In tho ova n't that the contract for tho ueo .of tho, oquipmont, fo.cili.tioo> or oorrioo deeoribod above in terminated by tho customer nithln tho minimum oorvloo porlod of 12 a montho, tho undersigned customer, or lta aoaignfit, agx*cea to pay to tho Tol phono Company termination' charges oqual to & g>OQQf 00 , -rad.uood by l/j.2 £ ° r oach month service in retained, with proportionate roductiona' for fractional portion© of a month. Where tho uoo of a portion of tho equipment, fncilltlea, or oervice, oubjeot to termination charged under tliln agreement, la terminated within tho minimum eervioo eriod, termination charges apply equal to the original net coot of that portion of he equipment or facilities, the use of mulch in terminated, reduced by l/l2 fqr each month aorvlco io retained, with proportionate roduotiono for fraotional porbicno of a month. ? IE, at the customer'a requeat, ong.inoer.ljng, manufacturing, or installation Trork onco bogun ia utopped and the InabulDxvtlon io not completed, tho ouatomor agreoa to pay tho not ooeto incurred, in lieu of tho above termination charge, ( w • ' Baa dootruotion or partial destruction of the cuetome.r'o premloen by fire, flood, etorm, or other aoto of God ohall not be considered an a termination by tho oustomer of thio agreement« If, after ouch destruction, uorvico oovorod by thie agreement io ru-ootabllohod for thio cuotomor within thirty daya, either at tho oamo or another location, ouoh interruption of continuous ctorvico shall not bo oonoidax'od ao a broak in tho offootive period of this contract. BiRnod ** September 14 1 - - II-II ii • i ii ( in. i i...i „ ig i n -g [• i in • • JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUISST. LOUIS COUNT* (HBRAMEC CAMPUS) 64 * ^ i i ,i I.L i in, j wir.ii... .. i JH.. • .i ..•• ii. ii i i i HI m mm ». »m rmnrr i . n n a i-nr • r ' i nr • • n i - i - T i -ii -t-li-iitT-Wfrtrnr (Name of Customer; " S O , ( 11 J Wlfcla; President, Board of Trustees Aocoptod go* Mf^ 6 cCttf a 19^ /i SOUTOVISSTEIMELL TELEPUONBpOUPAlfX Data of JJaoUallatioun -- - • ' ,-•• • Borvioo Order Ko^ i^y^'y^ ' BW • rr (!iVXtl0} Sfmw *^*2jt<>^ MANAGER Jf - # • > • • •ftf ' . » ; ® ;' • • ' • • ' • ' • ' . • • . ' . • • : . . ' • ' , • - TttHMJLNM'JON AdUEBMIiNT (General) JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUISST. LOUIS COUNTY (FLORISSANT CAMPUS) '_, - Jk 14-2020 ?NaJn8 of Customer) (Telephone Number) Aa provided by the UoiieraJ. ISxoli».t»i5« TurlfTo of tho Bouthnestorn Bell Telephone Company, fchia agreement l e oupplomoutnl to the r e g u l a r contract for telephone servioft b twaen the .undersigned pnrtieB and l« off active* for 12 jaonths s t a r t i n g froa tho date of inwtftllati.on of tho .#756A two d i g i t swbd. with UA console equipped for 60 s t a t i o n a located 3UOO P e r s h a l l , Ferguson, Ho« (t>oooriptiori~an3~7jocat,ibn' oi^iqulpnlent, Faoilit'Ioe or Sorvioo) In the event t h a t tho oontract for tho uao of the oquipmont, f a c i l i t i e s ^ or eervio deaoribed above in terminated by tho ouetomer within the minimum oorvioe p e r l d of 12 months, the undoroignod customer, or i t a a o s i g n s , agrees t o pay to t h e Telephono Company termination oharges oqual to $ 2 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 - - — reduced by V l 2 for each nonth s e r v i c e io r e t a i n e d , with p r o p o r t i o n a t e reductions for f r a o t i o n a l p o r t ! n» of a month• i I v ^n. ^P Where the uoo of a p o r t i o n of tho equlproout, f a c i l i t i e s , or o e r v i c o , oubjoot t o termination chargeo undor t h i n agreoinonb, i o toruiinatod within the minimum e e r r i o e p e r i o d , termination charges apply aqua J. to thy o r i g i n a l not cost of t h a t portion t t h e equipment or f a o i l l t j . e s , fcha uoo of nhioh it) torminatod, reduced by 1/12 for each month aorvico i o r e t a i n e d , with proportlonuto ruduotions for f r a c t i o n a l p o r t i o n ! of a month* Xtf a t the yuotomor'a roquoet, enginoorlng, manufacturing, or i n s t a l l a t i o n work once begun i s otoppod and the I n s t a l l a t i o n io not completed, tho ouotomor agrees to pay t h e not oosto incurred i n l i e u of tho ubovo termination charge. The d e s t r u c t i o n or p a r t i a l doBtruotlon of tho customer's premises by f i r e , flood? storm, or othor a o t s of Qod u h o l l not be considered aa a termination by the oustooer of t h i n a g r e e n e n t . I f , a f t e r ouch d o e t r a c t i o n , s e r v i c e oovorod by t h l o agreement I s ro-eotabliohod for t h i s customer n l i b l n t h i r t y days, e i t h e r a t tho earns o r another l o c a t i o n , suuh i n t e r r u p t i o n of continuous serriteo s h a l l not bo o neldared as a break i n tho e f f e c t i v e p e r i o d of t h i s c o n t r a c t . \, I [ L Blgnadl September 14 , l y 61. r' I Uy I I ft JUNIOR COLLEOE DISTRICT - ST. LOUISST. LOUIS COUNTY (FLORISSANT CAMPUS) (Nome'of Gustomor} AooopUd w ^Jfly,, — Borvioe Order Ho» / , 19 (p4- 9 **—~ < ~''St~<'„<- f*~*~*~ ^' ^Kf~;j^ c < f l - « «-r P i t l e ; President, Board of Trustees SOUTHWESTERN BELL TKLEPHONIS COUPAUT muoj UNIT miwnm <