MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1964 - 8;00 P.M. A w A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis--St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, February 24, 1964, at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mr. Gerald V . Williamson, called th meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: A'irs. Joseph C. Bastion Messrs. Lester C. Geil Morris Glaser Guy S. Ruffln F. William McCalpIn Gerald V . Williamson Also present were Dr. John E. Tlrrell and Mr* James W. Hobson, Vice Presidents of the Junior College. Dr. Douglas F, Ubby, Jr., Campus Director f Florissant Valley Community College, was also present. Dr. Joseph P. Cosond, the President of the Junior College, was HI and could not attend the meeting. Mr, Bruce E, Woodruff, of th© firm of Armstrong, Toasdale, Roos, Kramer, and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. 2/24/64 1.3 Minutes Board President Williamson called for a reading of the Minutes of the regular meeting of February 10, 1964. The/ were read and discussed. Board Member Ruffln called Mrs. Dolores Tygard's attention to a typographical error on page 9. The word "source" should be substituted for the word "course". Mrs* Tygcrd noted this change. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G laser, seconded by Mr. Ruffln, and passed with the aye vote of all members of the Board, the Minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1964 were approved. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Williamson introduced Mr* James Herron - a reporter for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat » to the Board members. 1.6 Communications The President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, called the Board's attention to a news release which had gone out from the Centra! Office of the College regarding the filing deadline for the election of a Trustee to the Junior College District. The release stated that the election for the Trustee v/ould be held at the general election on Tuesday, April 7, 1964. The District would elect one Trustee from the county at this time for a full six-year term. Those persons wishing to file for election to the Board would have to file their Declaration of Candidacy with the Secretary of the Board thirty-six days prior to the e!ection,wh!ch would be midnight, March 2 . 2/24/64 - 2 - •rr—irrYTi" ininiiiwufiiii'ni'anfiiiiiir'iifirnm-YfntiTrtTr-ir' i • >fii!••• m w * * i i i • n n i w i • * * w i w * w i n » i i t i i f i f t ^ i i i m i j • < • • • !•• 111iiiaiii11• i)nmir w iiin n - i . n • •-,••-, , , k • - „ •„ ri •„ - ,-, I r flT r i n .-inii., L L - .. _. Mr. Williamson also called upon Mr, Woodruff, Counsel for the District, to review the necessary procedure so far as the election was concerned. Mr. Woodruff told the Board that It would be necessary for the Secretary to file notice In the newspapers for three consecutive weeks before the election, starting with Friday, March 20th„ A general discussion followed. 2. PERSONNEL 2,1 Certificated Personnel - Professional Staff The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel: Donald C , Bridgman - Campus Director - Step 3 - Effective 3/1/64 Leroy A . Bay - Asst. Prof. - Chemistry - 11-3 - Effective 8/26/64 Frank McMahon, Jr« - Counselor - l l - l - Half time, effective 3/9/64 George C. Ragland - Asst. Prof. - Mathematics - M-4 - Effective 8/26/64 (Summer Session - 9 hours - $170.00/cr,hr.) Jack M . Tyler - Librarian - 1-1 - Effective 8/26/64 (Summer-$135.00/cr,hr. - Effective 7/1/64) ) A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds and general qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs, Bastion, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Tin- II as set out In the foregoing list, be employed In the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board, 2/54/64 - 3 - . i FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form "Instructors' Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District, 3. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3.1 Physical Distribution Program /dvlscry Committee The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended that the Board approve the appointment of the following people as members of the Physical Distribution Program Advisory Committee, in accordance with 2.17 of the Policies and Procedures Manual. Dr. Tirrell told the Board that members of this committee would serve for the remainder of the college yeor, up to August 3 1 , 1964. Mr. Frank B, On, President Mr. Ray Dussold, TNT The Traffic Club of St. Louis, Inc. 2306 N . Broadway St. Louis, Missouri 63102 Wagner Electric Corp. 6400 Plymouth St. Louis, Missouri 63114 Mr. Gil Kasten Monsanto Chemical Company 800 N . Lindbergh St. Louis, Missouri 63166 Mr. William F. Rake, Sales Representative Darling Freight Inc. 1008 Carr Street St. Louis, Missouri 63101 Mrs. Nina Cannon, President The Women's Traffic Club of St. Louis c/oAlcoa Steamship Company Charter National Life Building 8301 Maryland St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Mr. Dennis Connolly, Practitioners Assistant Manager, Commerce Dept, Southwestern Freight Bureau 1015 Locust Street St. Louis, Missouri 63101 •"•' Mr, James H. Harris Monsanto Chemical Company 000 N . Lindbergh St. Louie, Missouri 63166 Mir, R. W. McGowan Delta Nu Alpha Chapter *83 Peabody Coal Company 301 Olive Street St. Louts, Missouri 63102 9 2/24/64 - 4 - * w A general discussion followed with regard to these appointments. Mr. McCalpin recommended, informally, that Dr. Tirrell consider the advisability of appointing representatives from barge lines and major airlines servicing this area. Further discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the foregoing people be appointed as members of the Physical Distribution Advisory Committee, in accordance with point 2.17 of the Policies and Procedures Manual, and that members of this committee be asked to serve in this advisory capacity for the remainder of the college year, up to August 3 1 , 1964. 3.2 Report from Or. Cosand Dr. Tirrell asked that President Cosand's report on two recent national meetings, which have involved the Junior College District in consultive capacities, be postponed unti I a later date. 3.3 Report from Dr. Tirrell on recent meetings held in St. Louis The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, reported on two conferences which had been held in St. Louis over the weekend. Dr. Tirrell told the Board that these two meetings were held in this area due to the initiative of college administrators. On February 2 1 , a meeting had been held at McDonnell Automation Center which involved McDonnell, the Systems Development Corporation of Santa Monica, California, the Scientific Director of the Xerox Corporation, the Educational Facilities Laboratory, a representative from an Industrial design concern in Chicago, two representatives from an electrical engineering laboratory In Chicago - approximately eight people from McDonnell, and admlniitr^:,'': Of the Junior College District. 2/24/64 - 5 - Dr. Tirroll told the Board that this was a preliminary, joint meeting discussing instructional methods being used via the computer - and the planning going on at the present time in the development of instructional resources for the St. Louis Junior College District. Dr. Tirrell also told the Board that the second meeting involved Mr. Word Arbury of the Statler Foundation, and Dean Emeritus H. B. Meek, of Cornel! University. The meeting involved the Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, which held a two-day meeting - February 22 and 23 - at the ChasePark Plaza Hotel. This meeting was for the purpose of establishing minimum standards for a two-year college program, which would be supported by the Statler Foundation. A. At the meeting, too, were discussed such things as curriculum for placement students and transfer students, practice requirements, required facilities, faculty,,etc. Representatives attended from all parts of the United States. Mr. Jack Miller of the Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Operations program, and Dr. Tirrell, represent d the Junior College District. 3.4 Recommendation for Associate in Engineering Degree - and Associate in Technology Degree The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended that the Board of Trustees, in addition to the presently approved degrees of Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Business Administration, also grant the Associate in Engineering, and the Associate in Technology Degrees, © 2/24/64 - 6 - A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, McCalpin, seconded by Mr, Glaser, and passed with the aye vote of all Board Members, It was RESOLVED, That In accordance with point 2.18.2 of the Policies and Procedures Manual, an Associate Degree In Engineering, and an Associate Degree in Technology, shall be granted to those students who have completed the required two year course. These Degrees are to be granted in addition to the previously approved degrees of Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Business 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 National Defense Education Act Grant The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, informed the Board that the N . D . E . A . request, which had been approved by the Board of Trustees at the February 10, 1964 Board meeting, had been submitted to the State Office of Education in Jefferson City. The request was for matching funds to be spent for science and language laboratory equipment. More than ninety-five percent of the total Junior College District request was approved. Dr. Tirrell stated that the total amount needed was estimated at $176,325.32. The total amount approved was $173,659.37. Half of this will be provided by N . D. E.A., with the Junior College District providing the balance from local funds. 4*2 Temporary Buildings - Florissant Valley Community College Campus The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended that Mr. Kenneth Wischmeyer and Associates be authorized to proceed with working drawings for the temporary buildings to be constructed on the Florissant Valley Community College campus. Dr. Tirrell stated that it was the staff's hope that bids could be approved so that construction could start by April 1, 1964, In order to have the buildings completed 2/24/64 - 7 - - by . mid-summer and equipped and ready to use by Monday, August 17, 1964. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, the Board granted permission, informally, for Mr. Wischmeyer and his Associates to proceed with the working drawings* subfect to approval by the , Vfce President of the College, Mr. Hobson, on Thursday of the ensuing week. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Treasurer's Report The Goard President, Mr, Williamson, called upon the Treasurer of the College, Mr. Hobson, to read the Treasurer's Report. Mr. Hobson presented the Treasurer's Report for the period from January 1, 1964 to January 3 1 , 1964. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. McCalpin, and seconded by Mrs. Bastion, that the Treasurer's Report be approved as submitted, and be attached as an addendum to these Minutes, Upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, the motion was approved unanimously, 5.2 Contract! with Drink's Inc. The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, recommended the approval of a contract with Brink's Inc. for armored car service,, Mr, Hobson stated that with the opening of the Mercmec Community College it was necessary to draw up a new contract, adding this location. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. G laser, and upon the aye v Oe f all members of the Bcwd, It wa» 2/24/64 - 8 - WBSM ••••. ' » i y RESOLVED, That the District enter into an amended agreement with Brinies, Inc., said agreement to be in the form and on the terms of the agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the District. 5.3 Contract with Harry Weese and Associates The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, recommended the approval of a contract between the Junior College District and Harry Weese and Associates. Mr. Hobson told the Board that a committee consisting of Mr. Lester C. G e i l , Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff, Mr. James W. Hobson, and Dr. Cosand had discussed, and negotiated this contract with the architectural firm of Harry Weese and Associates, and were submitting it in its final form* A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, the following resolution was adopted. RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri employ the firm of Harry Weese and Associates to furnish architectural services in connection with the master planning and construction of a Junior College campus on a St. Louis city site, said agreement to be in the form and on the terms and conditions of the written agreement attached to these Minutes, and by reference Incorporated herein. I | FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute said written agreement on behalf of the District in the form attached as an addendum to these Minutes. A 2/24/64 - 9 - —" i • -• ' ,ni ' i"ir"" "• ^'i—j--'-inn •r^"lWtnr f - v i •• -n i i n 1 n m • r ...r r-i'ihui nr > m 11 id mriiiinii. nn'i w i r r - 1 5.4 Changes in the Policies and Procedures Manual The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, recommended that sections 1.1.2; 6 . 1 ; 6.6; 6.16; 7.2; and 7.9 of the Policies and Procedures Manual be changed in accordance with the proposals which were lodged with the Board of Trustees at its February 10, 1964 meeting. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following amendments to the Policies and Procedures Manual, involving sections 1.1.2; 6 . 1 ; 6.6; 6.16; 7.2; and 7.9 be approved. The proposed amendments — all of which were lodged with the Board of Trustees at its February 10, 1964 meeting -- ere as follows: 2/24/64 - 10 - A 1,1.2 Filing For Election All candidates for the office of Trustee shall file their declarations of candidacy with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees on forms to be provided by The Junior College District at least thirty-six (36) days prior to the date on which the election of said Trustee will be held. The Declaration of Candidacy forms shall include the following information: 1. The full name, address and age of the candidate. 2. The length of tine said candidate has resided in the District. 3. A statement that the candidate has been a resident taxpayer of his election district for at least one whole year next preceding the election for which the candidate is filing. 4. A statement that the applicant is a citizen of the United States/ together with a designation of the birthplace of the candidate if born in the United States, or the date on which and the place at whfch the candidate became a naturalized citizen, whichever is applicable. 5. Such other and further information as may be required by law or by resolution of the Doard of Trustees. Each Declaration of Candidacy shall be signed by the candidate before a Notary Public or other person authorized to talce statements under oath. 6,1 2/24/64 Purchases in Excess of $10,000.00 When any purchase to be made by the DisJrict shall exceed the sum of $10,000,00, the Secretary shall cause to be inserted in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation In the City and County of St. Louis, advertisement for bids for the sale and/or furnishing to the District of all supplies, equipment, furniture, and sundry items available from wore than one source; Advertisements shall be run at least five times in at least three different weeks, with at lea st five days between the publication of the final advertisement and the opening of bids. In addition to such public advertisements, bids may be solicited directly from such persons as may be deemed reliable and competent to furnish the item or items required. All bids shall be opened in the presence of two members of the Board or one member of the Board and counsel. That bid which the Board in the exercise of Irs discretion considers best in the circumstances may be accepted provided, however, that the Board shall always reserve the right to reject any and all bids. *' 11 - . 1 . • V u . |i i' 0,0 2/24/64 Emergoncy Advertisements Notwithstandlng'tKe other provisions of this Division, the Board of Trustees may, upon a two-thirds vote of the members of the Board, allow advertisements for bids to be made on an emergency basis as follows: If the Board shall determine that the best interests of the District warrant the shortening of time for advertisement for bids provided under Rule 6. 1 . , it may allow bids to be solicited by advertisements published at least three times with such period of time as the Board may specify between the publication of the last advertisement and the opening of bids. 6.16 Investment Procedure Before any surplus funds are invested in bonds, notes, bills or other actively traded obligations of the United States, the State of Missouri or of any corporation wholly owned by the United States competitive bids shall be obtained from at least three dealers in such securities. Before investing any surplus funds in open time deposits for ninety (90) days or in certificates of deposit, the Treasurer unless otherwise directed by the Board shall cause advertisements for bids to be published in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the City and County of St. Louis at least five (5) times in at least three different weeks with at least five (5) days between the last such publication and the opening of bids. The Board shall have the right to accept or reject any or all bids for investments* If bids for open time deposits or certificates of deposit are accepted on behalf of the District, the deposits shall be secured as provided by law. 7,2 Advertisement The necessary specifications and drawings shall be prepared for all such work, and bids therefor shall be solicited by advertisement in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the City and County of St. Louis. Advertisements shall be run at least five times in at least three different weeks with such period of time between the final advertisement and the opening of bids as the Board may specify for such contract. Contracts involving the expenditure of less than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) for work to be done and materials or equipment to be furnished may be made directly upon approval by the Board, without public letting and without advertisement for or inviting bids. In addition to public advertisement, bids may be solicited directly from such persons as may be deemed reliable and competent to do the work required. The Board of Trustees may, however, insofar as possible use its own mployees to alter, maintain and repair school buildings, to maintain or repair apparatus or equipment, or to make improvements or school grounds without the letting of contracts whenever the Board so decides that such action is appropriate and practical. No bids shall be entertained which are not made in accordance with the specifications and drawings furnished by the Board of - 12 - Trustees and all contracts shall be let to the bidder which the Board in Its discretion determines has submitted the best bid in the circumstances; provided, however, that the Board of Trustees shall have the right to reject any and all bids. 7.9 6 « Emergency Advertisements Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Division, the Board of Trustees may, upon a two-thirds vote of the members of the Board, allow advertisement for bids to be made on art emergency basis as follows: If the Board shall determine that the best interests of the District warrant the shortening of time for advertisement for bids provided under Uule 7 . 2 , it may allow bids to be solicited by advertisement, in the same manner and within the time limits provided under Rule 6.6 of these Policies and Procedures. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 Modifications of Sections 2.5.3 and 2 . 5 . 4 of the Policies and Procedures Manual The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, informed the Board that the modifications of Sections 2.5.3 and 2.5.4 of the Policies and Procedures Manual were considered by the administrative staff. The question was raised concerning the phrase, "subject to dismissal" and whether it might not be better to use "dropped". Dr. Tlrroll stated that terminology pertaining to this action was generally based on common usage throughout the United States. This term was normally "subject to dismissal". In order to avoid confusion in record offices and among students, Dr. Tirrell recommended tha? the action taken by the Board at its January 27, 1964 meeting remain unchanged. A general discussion followed. It was informally agreed to rotain point 2, 5,3 and 2.5.4 in the Manual as previously written. 2/24/64 - 13 - 6.2 Calendar fey 1964-65 College Year The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended that the following complete calendar be adopted by the Doard for the 1964-65 College Year: 2/24/64 - 14- THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSO'JRI ^ CALENDAR SPRING - SUMMER SESSION - 1964 (14 weeks of instruction) South Campus and Florissant Voile/ Community College April 25 Final date to file application for admission May 7 Completion of student registration May 8 Late registration May 11 Classes begin June 5 Last day for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) June 26 Instructors report mid-session grades to Registrar July 3 Withdrawal after this date results in failing grades in all courses August 17, IS, 19 Final examinations August 21 Instructors turn in final grades to Registrar SUMMER SESSION, 1964 (Meramec Community College) 8 weeks, including final examinations) June 15 Final day to file application for admission Juno 25 Completion of student registration June 29 Classes begin July 10 Last day for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) July 24 Withdrawal after this date results In failing grades In ail courses August 19, 20 Final examinations August 21 Instructors turn In final grades to Registrar 'i}'-" ' ' ' . ' ' • F A L L S E S S I O N - 1964 (AII Campuses) (15 weeks of Instruction) # July 3? Final date to file application for admission August 27 Completion of regular r ?gisfration August 28 Late registration August 31 Classes begin September 7 No classes - Labor Day September 8 Classes resume September 25 Last day for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) October 16 Instructors report mid-session grades to Registrar October 23 Withdrawal after this date results in failing grades in all course-; November 26, 27 No classes - Thanksgiving Holiday November 30 Classes resume December 14, 15, 16 December 18 Final examinations Instructors turn in final grades to Registrar W I N T E R S E S S I O N - 1965 (]5 weeks of instruction) December 11, 1964 Final date to file application for admission ^H January 7 , 1965 Completion of regular registration January 8 Late registration January 11 Classes begin February 5 Last day for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) February 22 No classes - Washington's Birthday February 23 Classes resume February 26 Instructors report mid-session grades to Registrar ^k Winter Session, 1965 cont. March 5 Withdrawal after this date results In failing grades in all courses April 16 No Classes-Good Friday April 19 Classes resume April 26, 27, 28 Final examinations April 30 Instructors turn In final grades to Registrar May 3> - 21 (Faculty only) Reports, evaluation, planning. S P R I N G - SUMNAER S E S S I O N (14 weeks of instruction) - 1965 April 9 Final date to file application for admission May 6 Completion of regular registration May 7 Late registration May 10 Classes begin June 4 Last day for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) June 25 Instructors report mid-session grades to Registrar July 2 Withdrawal after this date results in failing grades in all courses August 16, 17, 18 Final examinations August 20 Instructors report final grades to Registrar A genera! discussion followed. Whereupon on motion by Mr. G laser, seconded by Mr.Ruffin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the foregoing complete Calendar be adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, for the 1964-65 College Year. 6.3 Information Sheet The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, called the Board's attention to an information sheet which had been distributed to all School Superintendents and High Schools within the Junior College District, regarding the administrative procedures in the various areas of admission. The memorandum front the President of the College, Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, follows; 2/M/64 -18- February 17, 1964 MEMO TO; All Superintendents of School Districts/ and Principals of High Schools in St. Louis - St, Louis County, Missouri FROM: Joseph P. Cosand, President of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri Questions have been raised concerning the enrollment, on the Junior College campuses* of high school seniors - prior to their formal graduation, in order that the Junior College District clarify its position with respect to this procedure, the following information is being distributed directly to the administrative heads of the Districts, and of all of the high schools. 1. ACCELERATED PROGRAM High School seniors who have superior academic records; and who, in addition, have time during their senior year to enroll at one of the Junior College campuses in a course or courses for college credit, may do so - provided the Principal of the high school grants his approval, and the counselor at the high school and the counselor at the Junior College campus are in joint agreement that such enrollment is to the best advantage of the student concerned. Under no conditions would such an enrollment be a unilateral action on the part of either institution. It Is pointed out that courses to be taken would be those which are not available in the high school. Under no circumstances would the Junior College wish to enroll students in classes where students could take the same classes during their senior year at the high school. 2. EARLY ENROLLMENT JUST BEFORE GRADUATION Because of the fact that we are on a trl-mester program, certain sessions of ours commence from 2 to 4 weeks prior to the close of the semesters In the secondary institutions of St. Louis City and County. We hove been asked If we would permit a student to enroll In a college program while still completing his high school program, We do not believe that a student can do justice to both programs; and, therefore, would strongly urg thaithe student concerned wait for the next session for his enrollment In the Junior College district. Superintendents and Principals cont. Page 2 9 However, It may be possible, under extenuating circumstances* Again, I would recommend that the same action be followed as was Indicated In the procedure for the Accelerated Program - and would further state that under no circumstances should such a student, while still attending his last weeks of high school, be enrolled In more than 6 college units during this overlap session. 3. SUMMER SESSION Of Interest to all concerned is the fact that we purposely have scheduled a Summer Session commencing on June 29, to take care of those high school graduates who wish to enroll immediately In a college program. This will be an 8-week session wher students will be limited to 8 units of college work, except in extenuating circumstances. The regular full 15-.week session commences on May 11; and this, of course, is the problem which I have been attempting to clarify. This session to be held at Meram c Community College only. As always, I would be most happy to have any suggestions you may care to make about our mutual interests where, whenever possible, we can coopsrato to the best advantage of the individual student. 46 6.4 Stcill Survey The Vice President of the College, Or. Tirrell, reported upon the summary of the St, Louis orea Skill Survey which had been distributed previously. Dr. Tirrell explained the implications of the survey with respect to the educational offerings of the Junior College District; 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 7.1 Press Release Index The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, commented upon a press release index which had been distributed to the Board. This noted the specific items which were covered in news releases to all communication media. 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Citizens Advisory Committee The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, submitted a list of names of prominent St. Louis citizens, who might, be considered for an official Citizen's Advisory Committee. This committee would consult with the Board of Trustees in the areas of campus development. The matter of a Citizen's Advisory Committee had been discussed, informally, in previous meetings of the Board. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, It was 2/24/64 . 21 - ^P RESOLVED, That a group of citizens In St. Louis and St. Louis County be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis and St. Louis County, Missouri to serve as a Citizen's Advisory Committee, to be appointed for a term of one year, for the purpose of counseling with the Board of Trustees in the matter of campus development for the three permanent campuses of the Junior College District. FURTHER RESOLVED, That Mr. John Fox, President of the Mercantile Trust Company in St. Louis, be asked to serve as Chairman of this committee, and that the following individuals be asked to serve with him: ^^ ^P Mr. Milton Bierbaum, Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District Mr. Leo Bohannon, Urban League Dr. Carl Dauten, Washington University Mrs. Gilbert Harris, St. Louis City Schools - Board of Education Mr. Benjamin F. Jackson - Price Waterhouse and Company Mr. Edwin S. Jones - First National Bank Mr. William Crthwein, Jr. - McDonnell Aircraft Corporation The Very Rev. Paul C. Reinert, S. J . , St. Louis University Mr. P. C. Robinson, irnember of the National Realty Association Mr. John Rollings, AFL-CIO Mr. Ethan Shepley, Jr. - Boatmen's Bank Mr, Ray Shockley - Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Admiral Sidney W. Souers - General American Life Insurance Company Mr. Harold Thayer - Mallinckrodt Chemical Company 8.2 Investment of Surplus General Funds Board Member McCalpin advised the Board that it would be appropriate to give the Treasurer the authority to invest the surplus funds of the District from time to time. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and upon the unanimous aye vote of all Board members, it was RESOLVED, That the Treasurer of the District be and he is hereby authorized to invest surplus general funds of the District, which shall accrue from time to time, in bonds of the United States of America redeemable at par or in short-term obligations of the United States, a* such times and in such amounts a. the Treasurer shall determine will not be needed for the general purposes f the District for a period of six months; provided, however, that the Treasurer shall, at the next regular meeting of the Board following any such investment, make a report t the Board thereof and secure ratification of the same. 2/24/64 -22- The President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, stated that the Board wished to make official mention of the fact that Dr. Cosand, the college president, was recovering from maior surgery at St, Mary's Hospital in St. Louis. The Board members were happy to know that Dr. Cosand was making such rapid progress, and they wished him a most speedy recovery. 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Williamson asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Geil seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted Dolores B. Tygard, Secretary Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Mo.' 2/24/64 - 23 - JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS JANUARY 3 1 , 1964 Balance December 3 1 , 1963 Receipts: Taxes Maintenance Fees Interest Earned on Investments Gifts & Grants Auxiliary Services Bookstore (Gross Sales) Student Activities Insurance Proceeds $2,565,075.19 $1,708,876.47 162,795.00 895.13 625.00 31,803.95 242.00 193.00 Rent 100.00 Transcript Fees Other U .11 636.41 $1,906,178.07 Disbursements: (See Schedule A) Salaries $101,302.28 Less Withholdings 22,222.07 Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Auxiliary Services (Cost of Sales) Payroll Taxes & V.ithholdings Tuition Refund Miscellaneous $79,080.21 27,976.65 113,171.15 11,157.27 33,254.78 54.00 17.50 $ Excess of Receipts over Disbursements 264,711.56 $1,641,466.51 Less write-off of bad checks 123.15 Balance January 3 1 , 1964 $4,206,418.55 • W H M M W I H i i W M M H H t Balance January 3 1 , 1964 consists of: Cash on hcnd (petty cash funds) Cash in Bank: Mercantile Trust General Account Mercantile Trust Payroll Account Investments: (See Schedule B) Treasury Bills Certificates of Deposit TOTAL $ $58,722.26 500.00 $ 700.00 59,222.26 746,496.29 3, 400,000.00 $4,146,496.29 $4,206,418.55 riiyi'T'.i.iiwiu i II n asgasa^jaass^^ m, •w'HiMMMiBnMfflMwiiii i SCHEDULE A RECONCILIATION OF WARRANT CHECK REGISTER TO DISBURSEMENTS Warrant Check Register Total January 31, 1964 Plus Check #3219 not Included in Total $3,260,325.58 515.23 $3,260,840.81 Less: Coslsof Investments purchased during month Transfer to payroll bank account to cover check number #2263 issued in December TOTAL Disbursements For Month of January 1964 $2,995,801.50 327.75 $2,996,129.25 $264,711.56 SCHEDULE B INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY, 1964 Purchase Dot Purchased From 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/30/64 1/7/64 1/13/64 1/13/64 1/22/64 1/24/64 1/29/64 Boatmen1* Bank Lindell Trust Co. Southwest Bank Seeorlty Trust Co. Boatmen's Bank " " " " First National Bank C. J . tivlne Mercantile Trust » « " " " " becurity Trust Type of Investment Certificate of Deposit " " " ' " " " * " " " Treasury Bills " " " " M M " " Repurchase Agreement Certificate of Deposit (a) Sold January 14, 1964 (b) Pledged 1/20/64 per escrow agreement Rate of Interest 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.85 3,43 3.45 3.46 3#55 3.39 3-3/B 3.9 Maturity Value $200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 300,000.00 100,000.00 250,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 300,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 Cost $200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 300,000.00 99,714.17 249,305.21 199,557.89 247,362.15 299,576.25 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 Maturity Date January Maturities 2/5/64 $ 2/5/64 2/5/64 12/17/64 12/17/64 9/18/64 3/23/64 1/30/64 100,000.00 2/6/64(a) 250,000.00 2/6/64 4/30/64 2/6/64 1/29/64 1,000,000.00 4/29/64 •' • . * JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS JULY 1 , 1963 TO JANUARY 31, 1964 Account No, 11-901 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 Receipts For Month Item Toxes City of St. Louis: Real Estate Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers Merchants Railroads St.Loucs Housing Authority Revised Estimated income Budget 1963-1964 Receipts Year to Dote $535,622,02 $1,140,867,99 62,515.36 177,193.25 79,424.28 13,630.10 104,444.10 3,212.60 67,896.40 57,558.98 57,558.98 $672,539.06 $1,627,385.00 $1,166,000.00 185,000.00 47,000.00 105,000.00 65,000.00 58,000.00 5,700.00 $1,631,700.00 11-902 101 102 103 .04 106 107 St.Louis County: Real Estate $ 791,935.88 $1,311,232.11 Personal Property 106,841.88 175,593.20 Intangible 27,024.84 27,101.39 Manufacturers & Merchants 17,361.20 52,624.02 Railroads 92,722.20(a) 94,641.84 Utilities 51JS7 g,035,886.00" $1,661,24471? $1,350,000.00 185,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 12,000.00 80,000.00 $1,702,000.00 11-903 103 106 Jefferson County: Intangible & Property Railroads TOTAL TAXES 11-908-110 State Aid Grant $ 451.41 - $ 451.41 - $ 400.00 1,100.00 $ 451.41 $ 451.41' $ 1,500.00 $1,708,876.47 $3,289,080.54 $3,335,200.00 $ $ 440,000.00 - $ 600,000.00 12,13,14-951 Maintenance Fees 120 Resident $ 161,695.00 $ 34^040.00 $ 121 Non-Resldont 1,100.00 1,100.00 123 Vocational Rehabilitation 1,600.00 $ 162,795.00 $ 348,740.d0" $ 400,000.00" Investments U-971^98 Interest Earned $ 895.13 $ 41,610.56 $ 70,000.00 Gifts And Grants 11-871-170 (78TT Mrs. Aaron Fischer Scholarship fund $ 225.00 11-871-170(783) Russell E. Schmidt Memorial 280.00 11-871-170(784) Women's Advertising Club 11-871-170(785) m&gtffSg* - $ 225.00 280.00 500.00 200.00 $ ^^ ^P Account N o . 11-971-170(786) 11-971-170(787) 11-971-170(788) 11-971-170 12-801-130 13-801-130 14-801-130 12-802-140 13-802-140 12-801-199 13-881-199 12-881-199 11-140-437 H-971-199 13-951-199 Receipts For Month Item Educational Facilities Lab. Morris Glaser Library Fund Department of Nursing Fund Other AUXILIARY SERVICES Bookstore Gross Sales; South Campus Florissant Campus Meramec Campus Vending Machine Income: South Campus Florissant Campus Other Income OTHER RECEIPTS & REFUNDS Student Activities: Florissant Campus South Campus Insurance Proceeds Rent-Constructioneer's Transcript Fees Other TOTAL RECEIPTS $ Receipts Year to Dote 100,00 20.00 $625.00 15,100.00 100.00 20.00 10.00 $16,435.00 $14,927.36 6,973.68 9,677.45 $52,950.93 23,087.51 9,677.45 225.46 $31,803.95 1,008.76 19.46 11.20 $86,755.31 72.00 $ 84.42 170.00 170.00 193.00 193.00 100.00 100.00 11.11 11.11 636.41 2,111.06 1,162.52 ~2,669.59 $1,906,178.07 $4,385,291.00 •iiini.iin.ii i 111 ii iHi-A-j-»r Revised Estimated income Budget 1963-64 mi ' ' i III i III i urn 'MMP - $ $130,000.00 $ $4,375,200.00 .atBtansnBEBaHmsB. (a) Includes Railroads and Utilities •• 2 •• (in JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (l t) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARY 31, 1964 A W Account No. (300) 321 321 321 322 341 Item Revised Appropriated Budget 1963-64 Salaries Joseph Cosand,Pres. $ John Tirrell VP Inst. James Hobson VP Bus. Administration Clerical 391 Other _______ TOTAL SALARIES $147,940.00 (400) 401 403 421 422 423 424 429 431 437 447 448 449 451 452 461 462 463 465 466 467 469 487 492 494 Operating Expenses Audit Fee $ Auto Expense Contractual Services-Legal Contractual Services-Consultant Contractual Services-Other Other Services Annuity Employment Cost.Proc. General Insurance Meetings Faculty Meetings & Expenses Relating Thereto Memberships Payroll Taxes-Cert Payroll Taxes-Non-Cert. Postage & Freight Data Processing Printing Public Information Publications & Subscriptions Rent R pairs & Maintenance Stationery Supplies - Office Supplies-Other Disbursemerits For Month Disbursements For Year UnencumOpen bered Encumbrances Balances $ 1,750.00 $ 12,250.00 $ 8,750,00 $ 1,666.67 11,666.69 8,333.35 1,416.67 9,916.69 7,083.35 1,949.16 12,363.66 9,748.30 4,014.07 24,789.35 20,666.50 93.02 1,974.55 $10,889.59$72,960.94 $54,581.50 $20,397.56 $ ' 453.48 $ 4,872.00 $ 2,633.35 $ 500.00 11,346.41 200.00 200.00 1,071.05 2,554.57 31,183.93 666.66 2,333.31 113.40 ]65.45 193.00 4,839.47 174.48 1,9C1.14 708.70 936,50 882.00 1,310.27 1,803.45 20,305.00 1,870.66 15,375,57 413.42 732.97 191.00 126.00 219.33 403.10 205.42 1,958.22 4.50 61.53 392.94 755.14 6,256.97 228.58 653.84 4,372.33 1,836.74 560.00 1,666.65 363.20 3.00 390.07 260.00 2,612.32 994.50 214.20 5,597.35 272.30 259.85 2,634.81 284.13 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENT & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARY 31, 1964 Account N . Revised Appropriated Budget 1963-64 Item 495 Delivery Services 496 Telephone & Telegraph 497 Travel 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $159,040.00 (500) 501 502 511 513 521 541 561 • Capital Outlay Sites $ Land Improvement Temporary Buildings Master Plan Equipment Furniture Instructional Appar. 591 Other TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Disbursements For Month Disbursements For Year 16.25 1,264.01 496.16 (1,558.61) 101*50 3,677.87 2,322.82 1,769.48 $10,919.52 (Cont'd) Unencum Open bered Encumbrances Balances 19.71 116.79 " " $96,575.84 $6,248.88 $46,215.28 $63,316.46 $1,456,190.62 $13,112.50 6,534.56 9,834.56 1,159.50 1,578.80 178,196.34 1,786.60 517.60 5,738.62 1,937.70 1,716.11 284.50 1,630.71 1,039.87 46.98 3,533.65 $2,114,252.00 $72,231.92 $1,657,109.18 $18,814.58$438,328.24 $2,421,232.00 $94,041.03 $1,826,645.96 $ 89,644.96$504,941.08 - 2- / JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES (701) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARY 31, 1964 Acc ant No, (300) 321 341 391 Item Salaries R. Jones, Director Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES Revised Appropriated Budget 1963-64 Disburse- Disbursemerits merits For Month For Year UnencumOpen bered Encumbrances Balances $ $1,041.67 $7,291.69 B94J30 4,146.00 1,879.46 $5,208.35 4,348.00 $ 25,210.00 $1,935.67 $13,317.15 $ 9,556.35 $ 2,336.50 $ $ $ (400) 403 424 451 452 Operating Expenses Auto Expenses $ Other Services Payroll Taxes-Cert. Payroll TaxesNon-Certificated 461 Postage &. Freight 466 Publications & Subscriptions 467 Rent 469 Repairs & Maintenance 492 Supplies - Office 494 Supplies - Other 497 Travel 499 01 her Expenses TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 7,640.00 (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment $ 541 Furniture 571 Books & Periodicals _ _ _ _ _ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $136,690.00 T0TAL $169,540.00 17.80 $ 251.00 42.00 175.45 251.00 294.00 32.42 218.44 29.60 12.00 2.50 1,091.14 2.72 3.62 158.42 6.11 113.97 546.05 (251.00) 170.75 $ 1,520.00 109.60 373.15 $ 104.45 $ 3,063.54 $ 2,002.75 $ 385.00 $ $ $5,828.91 $48,186.10 $61 f 901.07 $26,602.83 $7^869.03 $64,566.79 $73,460.17 $31,513.04 695.71 789.38 5,443.91 46,701.01 $ 2,573.71 224.07 $ 970.00 60,707.00 JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT AUXILIARY SERVICES (801) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARYS!, 1964 A \\'** Account No. Itero (300) Salaries 322 Adm" inestrative Non-Certificated 341 Clerical 391 Other TOTAL SALARIES Revised Appropriated Budget1963-64 $ . $""l7,220.00 (400) 403 424 452 Operating Expenses Auto Expense $ Other Services Payroll Taxes Non-Certificated 461 Postage & Freight 492 Supplies-Office 496 Telephone & Telegraph 499 Miscellaneous \ TOTAL T OPERATING EXPENSES $ .'4,230.00 (405) Books & Supplies For Resale (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment 541 Furniture TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Disburse- Disbursemerits merits For Month For Year UnencumOpen bered Encumbrances Balances $ 1,132.80 $ 4,371.80 $5,960.00 350.00 1,951.60 1,750.00 565.18 1,728.67 $2,047.98 $8,052.07 $ 7,710.00 $ $ $ $ 72.84 138.57 1.50 68.60 70.40 $1,457.93 $ 244.16 897.80 7.58 5.09 1.50 " $ 212.9? $ 1,295.13 $ $ 2,934.87 $14^,660.00 $11,157.27 $76,907.74 $18,909.45 $46,842.81 $ $ 1,057.50 $ 1,161.52 $2,142.75 397.65 $ $ 4,8B0.00 $ 1.057.50$ 1,559,17 $ 2,142.75 $1,178.08 $168,99CV.00 $14,475.66 $87,814.11 $28,762.20 $52,413.69 _______ssartsa ,,'n r, m i r _ _ _ ' r.ar,iiiiiiiT,iii_»_)_ t.1..";,^^ 1 "-! 1 """"'' J > ••-"•»»•' ' fcwtfi- JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SOUTH CAMPUS STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARY 3 1 , 1964 g& W Accaunt No. (300) 321 321 322 302 303 306 331 341 491 Item Salaries G.Clark, Director $ Administrative-Cert. Administrativo-Non.Cert. Counselors instructors Librarians Janitorial Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES (4®0) 403 423 424 433 434 436 447 448 451 452 461 462 463 466 467 469 482 487 491 492 493 494 495 496 Revised Appropriated Budget 1963-64 $600,007.00 Operating Expenses Auto Expense $ Other Contractual Serv. Other Expenses Water Electricity Gas Meetings Meetings-Faculty Payroll Taxes-Cert. Payroll Taxes-Non.Cert. Postage & Freight Data Processing Serv. Printing Publications & Subscriptions Rent Repairs & Maintenance Testing Services Stationery Supplies- Instructional Supplies-Office Supplies-Custodial Supplies-Other Delivery Services Telephone & Telegraph Disburse" merits For Month Disbursements For Yeor UnencumOpen bered Encumbrances Bounces $ 1,250.00 4,166.66 750.00 4,193.02 44,049.78 1,321.11 1,122.40 3,774.70 1,586.77 $ 8,750.00 $ 6,250.00 $ 17,001.71 15,583.20 3,000.00 3,750.00 12,986.13 8,565.53 230,017.38 177,390.32 3,765.55 5,994.44 2,118.92 8,550.00 14,572.16 19,707.46 6,000.84 - $62,214.44 $298,212.69 $245,790.95 $56,003.36 $ $ 208.67 338.88 75.64 17.43 69.00 49.35 6.38 3,097.47 311.15 212.24 1,197.99$ 2,526.88 84,13 547.31 92.11 77.18 125.63 12,842.65 1,950.10 1,108.87 178.23 $ 830.00 785.00 50.00 200.35 31.70 26.85 107.42 998.44 702,77 325.07 760.45 59.60 173.75 10,632.97 186.36 411.83 22.50 8,071.31 3,547.60 1,038.99 1,918.23 2.60 807.12 183.52 156.00 1,133,30 5.25 327.82 11,456.32 1,809.16 864.27 846.33 SOUTH CAMPUS STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARY 31, 1964 A Account No, Item Revised Appropriated Budget 1963-64 497 Travel Expenses 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $152,750.00 (500) Capital Outlay 511 Temporary Bldg. $ 521 Equipment 541 Furniture 561 Instructional Appar. 591 Other Capital Expenditures 596 Deposits TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $165,212.00 Special Appropriation Student Activities 423 Other Contractual Serv$ 424 Other Services 463 Printing 467 Rent 494 Supplies-Other 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 9,768.00 Disbursemerits For Month Disbursemerits For Year UneneumOpen bered Encumbrances Balances 1,037.73 849.32 38.77 (Cont'd) 34.73 $ 7,437.28 $ 49,431.39 $ 18,682.05 $84,636.56 $ $ 7,192.69 15,471.79 11,388.34 $ 18,416.88 34,402.16 17,880.38 7,955.38 340.40 $ 36,277.93 9,165.13 26,610.96 _______ """ $ 34,052.82 $ 78,995.20 $72,054.02 $14,162.78 (881) TOTAL $927,737.00 L_Kin.ian i iTJiar, n 11 a s $ $ 11.75 300.00 J56.35 7.60 $ 225.00 39.25 1,126,25 300.00 496.99 183.90 $ $ 1,370.44 17.40 125.00 475.70 $ 2,371.39 $ 1,512.84 $5,883.77 $104,180.24 $429,010*67 $338,039.86$!60,686.47 ~> rar'Stnuamas _ a -2- tssnessur i, i UXVM I n~_a vsssout'iWi .mas SBBCBSSJEC _* u. aw . JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT NORTH CAMPUS STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARY 31, 1964 Account No* (300) 321 321 322 302 303 306 341 391 Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Item Salaries Dr.Libby,Director $ Administrative-Cert. Administtative-Non.Cert. Counselors Instructors Librarians Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES $238,625.00 (400) 403 424 447 Operating Expense Auto Experise $ Other Services Meeting & Expenses Relating Thereto 448 Meetings-Faculty 451 Payroll Taxes-Cert. 452 Payroll Taxes-Non.Cert. 461 Postage & Freight 463 Printing 466 Publications & Subscriptions 467 Rent 469 Repairs & Maintenance 487 Stationery 491 Supplte*-Instructional 492 Supplies-Office 493 Supplies-Custodial 494 Supplies-Other 495 Delivery Services 496 Telephone & Telegraph 497 Travel & Related Expenses 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 48,535.00 . Disbursements For Month Disbursements For Year UnencumOpen bered Encumbrances Balances $1,208.33 1,750.00 750.00 2,128.05 15,736.02 611.11 1,580.80 449.79 $ 8,458.31 $ 6,041.65 $ 11,375.00 8,750.00 1,329.53 3,750.00 11,620.25 7,022.20 96,516.70 62,944.08 2,485.65 2,444.44 7,524.15 8,620.00 1,427.64 $24,214.10 $140,737.23 $ 99,572.37 ($i 1,684.60) $ 28.10 $ 2,552.66$ 101,20 402.12 10.00 1,198.10 115.70 140.52 64.65 388.10 14.75 47.12 9.60 47.81 344,85 4.82 $ 2,515.32 10.00 75.00 5,456.45 936.86 423.76 95.65 57.54 7,251.33 14.75 26.60 2,629.24 1,598.27 10.00 265.30 2.60 875.52 750.52 312.31 $ 50.00 147.50 124.58 15.00 79.27 2,756.71 593.67 108.70 23.00 $ 24,746.48 $ 3,898.43 $19,890.09 •—HMWJ—WIII i , n i i w w i M i W W i » > W W B W W W W M M M W , , w w w ^ W W M > w l w | | w w n w t M | w , , 1 1 M | | 1 i M l | a | | , '-~—T l l l u W i r m rmiiimm-rii.TTOUijmiJi---- mi mirr—nrr NORTH CAMPUS STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES JANUARY 31,1964 A Account No. (500) 521 541 561 591 596 Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Item Capital Outlay $ Equipment Furniture Instructional Appar. Other Deposits _______ Disburse'ments For Month $ Disbursements For Year $ •" CAPITAL OUTLAY $41,162.00 Special Appropriation Student Activities 423 Contractual Services4 Other 424 Other Services 463 Printing UnencumOpen bered Encumbrances Balances $ 5,104.80 6,622.90 325.81 2,790.00 1,000.00 TOTAL $ - (Cont'd) $ 753.50 4,130.99 4,876.25 45.50 - " $ 15,843.51 $ 9,806.24$15,512.25 (881) $ $ $ 184.00 329.28 105.00 211.00 359.28 125.00 129.63 26.50 125.00 150.95 144.00 $ 930.72 • 467 Rent 494 Supplies-Other 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,800.00 TOTAL $333,122.00 $ 794.41 $ 1,095.23 $ $27,523.83 930.72 $2,774.05 $182,422.45 $114,207.76 $36,491.79 -2- • ,.:\- . IV . . . ' • . . . ' contract £ 1 mm MIMORAKDUM OF AGREEMENT try « * * between BRINK'S. INCORPORATED. 1111111 8 t| 41 'in^^'eMi^^'fmii' E»««iitMjt8ik..., ,...«.$**.; I if 1 i i n«»e ft#o tntbe aft m JajMfaffp 1 , I9«4» »- T»M potty apron* to «aS we sealed sfcijaswals comafariag moneys, tfewdb, mad/or wcterfriea, torawlpt*ereMOM in Eke ««adki<mto* designated consignee, i The feregelftg aaieejaeMt stall bt performed seooriffag to the fe&rwi&g s&e&aae aad damg regular business bmg*, estept that, IfftdmgMted i*f or 4et* fstts e* • ffenoay or * hunkfol&ajr,at In Ik* event of 0mm ether irwgn&rHy, perfomenee ahSS be Mttattaattyegreed opwa. BBS ; » ^ a R s l .vj?S«K jj BaLjvjijgia S ^ S: ^ S H»B ^jgSB ^S"tLaJffi "3 4 4 SCHEftUtE -'"'.'' '','"" '•*''OAVO«OATR C*8«t s«eoad pssty*s &6CftU««* 3fe**«i«t*i0» U«t«MU«w.«^,»« $a QB&» TfiRH8 or Plfl <teai$»at«4 d*p» each vwfe B''^^ | | i \z&£ ^ S ^ B I If *'«' safe**; *<a'<*^iJJ^^iv^^vj^^v^jjj^^^— .My «ft....../ r**?p?wr , w***... * * * * **? w fotlewSag D&*c*ta , u , i M , « a i i ***»* *.-»», u 4 w w ™ III'ill Hi'^n Ili^SS W f f t I g l * W < l ItSHB&A gaBfcii'iKW'Otwuiiii^iiimwWinjiiwKi.iBiiiii.i « ..u..i...«rot s*~„«.*«. * J » « _ T ^ j ^ ^ ^ i ;' ^ CTtwytBfl aty»"w>«»i»iiii—»»» NteClttt* ftigti School • 189* S, F l o r i s s a n t &4,, Pergosea, Mo. . » • * » « • i t Higte Se!»*t - 3230 ftartford S t . , S t . Lewi*, Mo. K**mt« Coaamsity C o l l e g e * *39 8. foyer fcd,, KlrkraMj, Ht». . Ti<c moaning of the word "Daily»" whw «mi if uand bi th« above t*bed*J«, aJwB ha umkwmoed to bo ewtusive ot gu&cteyc 3 . F i m party «sraw t o MBUGO* entiw liahiUty for a » y k»» of « a y Bhipo»«t tip t o the araxiftt of I 1 .TAP. .TIKWMOTrrrrTrr.TTT^^^^^ DolfaM* (I. .10,OOO.OOwwwww). Said liability ohcli oommenoe nrfeea «ud MiipotnU fmve been rceeivcd into Us poaseonoaftftdithalt termiimt* when suite have been delivered to th« dwugnajed oon»ien«e; provided, bovvftr, that in mas any ahipi&ent iadollvtswed to first party not dwtiiwtively and securely aeaied, a&idfiratparty ahall In m> event be liable for any shortagg elabned in any «ueh thipnwnt. 4. First party ahall not be liable for noo^Msrfortnance or oV)ay» not fauwd byi£it(auHor nefkvt, norfor non< per(onaan«e or deUys caused by sirikw*, lorkouta or other labor disturbance*,riot*,authority of law, acta of God or mean* beyood iui control; but firtt party agreed to beHeblefortbo^etyofa^Bomof moi^,ebetk*,a»d/or«e<urities received into iu poaeasaioo at any time up to the amount stated to wetkm three (3) hereof. 5. 11U agreed that thefirstparty shall not be Uabto- for noa-perforniaftoe, delays or ku» or damage caused by or rwultiag from: (a) hostile or wartike action In time of peace or war, imdudiag action ia hindering, combatisg or <l«fe»dsng against aa actual, impending or expected attack, (I) by any government or sovereign power (de jure or de facto), or by 1 ny authority maintaining or using miUury, naval or air forces; or (2) by military, naval or air forces; or (3) by an agiflt 0/ any such governmeat, power, authority or foreea; (b) aay weapon of w»r employing atomic fission or radkntctive force whether in time of peace or war; (c) snnurrection, rebeQloa, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken \>y governmental authority in hindering, combating or defending against such an occurrence, or coo fetcatioo by order of any government or public authority; (d) nuclear reaction or nuiiear radiation or imdio^tcttve : j j j || • - 8 ILMA awSe is H S K i | j | JaB BJSlli JMJJSWSjH •Mt h&fek twltdajra. 5 GKBS MBH s^<^^ ms® '."^ fl^g rontamination, all whether controlled or uncontrolled, and whether eueh Um be direct or in<lirect, proximate or rwnow, or I* in whole cr in part'eaueed by, contributed to, or aggravated by the perilts) sgainxt which fintt party tumtmen liability in this contract; howrvtr, xubject to (he furcg/Mng and all provision* of thU roniruct, dinxl loan by firv rr-»ultiiif frutu riuclpur reaction or nuclrttr nnii«in>n or radioactive ronKkminatioti in AMunt^l by firxt party 6 (») For all of lh«« al>ovp «crvi<*a at^jml jwu-ty agrww to pay ftret party, U|x*n pn^w'iiUtioii of {K-riodic invtnivii, the following: 113 00 p«r aonth p«r l o c a t i o n irhea service i s rendered oq one d«sisnsted dar each week iJf.fvi per aonth per l o c s t l o a nhen nitric* i s rendered on three designated daya each ve«B $40,f»0 per wooth per location when service i s rendered on five designated days each w e e k l It i s under stood end agreed that not*ithstsnding the aaxiMun l i a b i l i t y hereinabove s t a t e d ! the rate of covpenaation i s based on an sv« rage i i s M l i t y of j2,(X>0.no per shipaent. 1 C' ii'dcrivl, »Ut<» and or local takiMi, wlun- 6.nnli<ahli- »SJIAII IM> iui(i«d to tin- chuiKf" l»n'iii ^wcifir.l | 1 ^ | | ^ :5^^ flHM'folfli jJJPt^aSS B | M | m ^ ^ M IflSSI^PSH S^fe^M ra&Pffli ffljllllli ffiil^MI JBwt^MB 'fflni|||ra .JWPJilMJ w | H ^ i|B%||||» inaffiln )BB:^^| 'IBHrmW ; BH|ffl8|ii BwR^^^ SHBHBMB |«re*MJH| jJMiHB «Bj|f^^{ I^H^^S fSffl'lll fflSSi BM. 31S " "" - —' - • <. < -'i'» iiiiiN^i»iMM»»«M*M<M*wwaiMMM»aHMBHwMew8BBaMwaw^ THIS AGREEMENT made as of the ^'-/'day of _ -/V .-//•,,, .-..A ., ,! In tho year- Nineteen Hanarod and Sixty-Throb by and between THE JUIJIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST, LOUIS, ST, LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI (hereinafter called the "Owner"), and HARRY WE2SE, d/b/a HAKRY UEE3S & ASSOCIATES, Chicago, Illinois (hereinafter called tho WITNESSETH, that whereas the Cv:ner intends to master plan and erect a Junior College on an urban site in St. Louis, Missouri (hereinafter called the "Project"). = NOW, THSREFOm, the Owner and the Architect for the conaiderationa hereinafter set forti: agree as follows: ^"•"^ A„ Tho Architect agree:- to perform professional services for the above Project an hereinafter set forth. B. Tho Owner agrees to pay tho Architect as compensation (1) For hia basic aorvicea the Architect Hhull receive compensation based on a percentage of any single stage of Project construction cost (hereinafter roforrod to as the "Basic Rata") In accordance v/ith the followlr.r; Project Construction Cost u •" Loos than $100,000 At loaot $100,000 bat loas than $2£0,000 At loaat .feo,000 but looa than !?»>,000,000 $5,000,000 or moro Coiiip on nation '{'/•> 6.!# 6.0;:' i^.&f - • ' ! * j Q >2) i,,0r oxtrn ::c-.rv ^ ce:; n.:f-.V:v5i('! .In Artie It.) I I and A r t i c l e XI hereinafter,, i..:v. J>;VK:P pa./ the Archib -ct two arid one-half agroeij to (2,5) Loo Direct Personnel EKpo;:i;;e a;j defined tiinoa iu A r t i c l e V horo.iiaf t:er including p r i n c i p a l s f tirco at $10.00 poi> hour. (3) Keiuburoable o::ponso as defined h e r e i n a f t e r in A r t i c l e V to the araount expended, C» r ihe p a r t ion hereto : url'her agroo to the i'ollcv.'ing condi- tion a 1 J ° BASIC ;.!.Ji;nyicasr OP T K AROKI'PJCT 1.Schematic Dooifz.n PJ-P.s.o - o s (a) *» y I'iio Architect /.hall eonnult with the Owner to aocoroam t.o reqeiror.iontij of tho Project unci ahull oonf rra ,'jueh requirement:] to tho Owner. (b) lie shall prcpa o {jchewatie dooi^n studies loading to a r' cotuciionded aolution, together with a funeral descriptioii 01" ohe Project for- approval b, the Owner. (c) ho aho.ll submi to the Owner a atutowont of tho probable Project construction coat based on current area, volume or other un:It couts. (d) The {jo sorvieoo shall bo performed 01.. cai.-b particular phaso of tho Project an it is- carried beyond the master planning ota^o and shall bo in addition to master planning; a.. — *. * I,. v ^ . . ^ ......... ' " ' . ... . ' .. ^ •• • hereinafter defined in Ari;'ule XI of this section. 2.pes iffn Dovelomnont Phaso •• (a) The Architect shall prepare from the approved schematic design studied, the design devolopme'-.it documents consisting of plans, elevations.and other drawings, and outline specifications, to fix and Illustrate the size and character of the entire Project in its essentials as to kinds of materials, type of structure, mechanical and electrical systems and such other work as may be required. ^^ (b) He shall submit to the Owner a further statement of the probable Project construction cost and, if authorised by the Owner, obtain a semi-detailed estimate of such cost. 3•.Construction Documents Phase (a) The Architect shall prepare from the approved design development documents, working draw- |:;: inga and specifications sotting forth in ^vf detail and proscribing the work to bo done, and the materials, workmanship} finishes„ and oquipwont requlrod for the architectural, <:') . .,,...,..........,.. ^ . -^ t . ........... , ., « utructural, rn3.1han.tcai, e'i ectrioal; servlccconnooted equipment, and aitc woi-h; and the nooeaaary bidding information,, General Conditions of cho Contract, and oup.: lomontary General Conditions of tho Contract, ana akail aaaiat in the Jrafting of propoaai and contract forma. , b) lie a half keep the Owner informed of any ad~ juatroenta to p-evioua atatements of tho probable Project conatruction coat indicated by changes in 2cope, requirementa or market conditions, f^\ (c) Tho Architect-shall bo roaponaiblo for filing the required documents to secure approval of governmental authorities having juriadietion over tho desigi of the Project. br, Oonatruotion Phase • General Adrniniatrutien jf Con,'.;trlietion Contracta __ __ (a) The Architect shall aaoiat the Owner in obtaining proposals from Contractor;: and in awarding ar.r.1 preparing conatruciicn contracts. The Architect shall ala~ nuke i-ecoiuwondatioro on all clairua of the Owner and Contractor and on all mattery relating *> , bo the execution and progross of the work oi* the interpretation of tho Con-brae I; Document::;. (b) Ho ahall check and approve sample:;, schedules, shop drawings and other submission..; for conforinance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given by the Contract: Documents, prepare change orders and assemble written guarantees required of the Contractors. (c) The Architect will make periodic visits to the site to familiarise Uivnsolf generall;/ with the £°\ progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Document:.!. Ho will make ori- al te inspections weekly or as needed to check the quality or quantity of the work, bub will not be ro quired to ma Ice exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections. During such visits and on tho basis of his observations while at the site, ,: . ho will keep tho Owner informed of tho progress of the work, will endeavor bo gui-rd uho Owner uguinai; defects and deficiencies in the work wi: Contractors, and he may condemn w..rk a a failing k (/ If.' j if • * » to conform to tho Contract DwcuKonu;,. ~l'>" Dusod o on audi obaorvationa end the Conoractor'n Applications for Payment j, ho will determine tho amount ow:i ig to the Contractor air'! will iaauo Certificates for Payment in such amountu. Thooo Certificates will eonytituto a roproaontation to tho Owner, "baaed on auch obuorvaticna and tho data comprising tho application for Fa;;wont, that tho work hua progressed to tho point indicated. By issuing a Certificate for Pay-wont, tho Architect Trill also represent to tho Owner that^ to the boat of his knowledgo, information and belief baaed on what hia observations have f~\ revealed, the -quality of tho work io in accordance with tho Contract Documents, li'e will conduct inspections to determine tho datos of substantial ani final completion and issue a final Certificate for Payment. (d)(1) A full time i'rojoct Representative selected by Architect aid approved by Owner will bo retained for the first conatruotion phaao. Ho will act aa thei Architect'a representative at tho site and protect the righto of the Owner und-.a* the contract, Tho Project Representative \.'ill be responsible to tho Architect. The Owner agrees that if the Project constructi.on oust (••" Jl'.A.'.-: - M < , I *l. . • ' . . . . . • . • ^ 1 . . . . . .• • , . , . - • • , : • • , . ' ; • . , " ,•• ' . . ' . . : , . , 6 - , . • . . - . . / - . • • , • • . . • •. . , . : , , . , : < • . . .•..,.•';. . ' ' • ' • • - " ' • • •• • ' • , ' - < - <[ , ... -••'J for the first phase of the Project is t~~' '.••' ';•'• y^', 000,000 or more, It will pay an additional <} OHO half of or;5 percent (0, $'/.?) °i said .Vrojoct conatraction cost for tho services of a Project Representative. y, v'-•' / If, however, tho Project construction cJot for .said first phaau is leas than $>,000,00J, the Architect will furnish a Project Repres mtative as part of his basic services* d)(:li) In any sues ,quenb phase of construction in furtherance of tho Master Plan, tho Parties will determine at the timo of the letting of f^\ bids whether t ie services of a Project ropresontativo are accessary for such phase and the compensatl m, If any, to be paid for such services. I), Poraotmol * a) The Architect agroes to assign a. Project Architect w'r.c ;ill direct and supervise all phases of arch .toctural services, said Project architect to bJ acceptable to Owner. Except for events or -.ircumstancoo beyond tho central :- of tho Archito -t this Project Architect shall not bo rep'la.?.^ i without tho Owner's consent. 6* Prrors ami Ocii,ssio_n • (a) The Archltuoc ..-hall bo responsible Per ocr^rs - • ( • • Mil- i ..,,„, ^ „ ... • • . . . . . •.....,.....,. ..,;.. o and omlaoiona in t-i\z work of any consultant ho retains. 7» HeviMionnj^o Contract T_-: :h-:ontn The Architoct agreei- to rovieo the contract document:;) au roquirod W-Luhout additional oxpenae to the Owner If the low taiu exceeds by %> or more the amount of the cost estir.are • approved by the Owner, exclusive of increased ccsta cautsed by unforooon increases in rates for lc.tor„ XI - KX'JHa .Ta-K VICES OF THE An:PlT2CT The following services, if performed due to unusual circumstances, cause the Architect extra expense., /"'"> and shall ho paid for by Cwner us a Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense: 1. Making planning surveys and special analyses of the Owner*'a no ado t- clarify requirements" of the Project when roquesrod by the Owner. L1. Making measured drc./inga of existing construction when roquirod for planning additions or alterations thereto, 3- iiovising previously approved drawings or specifications to accompliAn changes ordered by the Owner. i;.« Preparing document:: for change order::j requested by the Owner, I : '" i "I'I 'lit TII ii i .11 r n r Y'l i i mi in - i'ii 1.1'I n1 • n i i i i • i .... o ;. Const!.!.tution concerning iz-e placement of any work da;::a;yjd by fire or oilier cause durinr construction and furiii ,hin[; professional icvvico:! of the types act", forth in paragraph d 1 ab^vo as tuay bo required in connection with the vopiar. &j)it of such v/orlc. i, Arranjin;^ for • .Vie v/ork to procoe:: should the Contractor defaulu duo to doliiiquonc;. or insolvency. Preparing as-built draninus sboniu^ ecus truobion change a in the work and final locations of mechanical service lines and outlets, if requested by the Owner. £~~\ I. Making an insp cticn cf the Project prior to expiration of th guarantee period and reporting observed discrepancies) under r,uarante<::; provided by the cons tru ;• tlon contracts 3 if requested by •, the Owner. Ill. : ]Li OhMish'o idhu-POiiS [ B I L I T J . ^ ". The Ouner shall provide full inf crii;ai;ie:i us to his requirements for* the Project. i:. iie shall designate, when necessary, representatives authorised !;o >ct in his behalf. lie ;:'.\all examine doeu;::enfu submitted bv the Architect and rendei' decisions pertaining thereto promptly, lu avoid unreasonable d:;lay in the progress of vhu ( ^ ,-•' Architect's work, he shall observe it..; procoduro o of j.ssuing orders to Contractors only tin'ough tho Architect. 3. Ho shall furnish or direct the Architect to obtain at tho Owner's expense, a certified survey of tho site, giving, as required, graces and linos of atrecvs^ alloys, pavements, and adjoining property; rights of way, restrictions, casements, encroachments, zoning, deed restrictions., boundaries, and contours- of the building site; locations, dimensions, and complete data pertaining to existing buildings, other Improvements and trees; full information as to available /~~"\ service and utility linos both public and private, and test borings and pits necessary for determining subsoil conditions. [{., lie shall pay for structural, chemical, mechanical, soil mechanics or other tests and reports if required, l>, lie shall arrango and pay for such legal and auditing services as may bo required for the Project, 6, If zh,i Owner observes or otherwise becomes aw-;, re of any defect in tho Project, ho shall give prompt writi/on notice thereof to the Archli:o<..t. -10- 4 o iv. :jHOJi.;-ri? C O N S T R U C T I O N U COI^T Project construction cost as herein referred to ;;;euns tho total coo b of all work designed or specified by the Architect,, but dees not include any payments made to tho Architect or consultants, P. Project cons tract ion cost shall be based upon one cf the following aources "with precedence in the or-dor listed: (a) Lowest acceptable bona fide Contractor's proposal r iceived for any or all portions of the Project. Cj) (b) Estimate o;.' Project construction cost as defined in paragraph 3 below, (c) The Architect's latest statement of probable Projeet construction cost based on current ar-;a, volume or other' unit costs. I. If a fixed limit of Project construction cost is seated herein, or if otherwise authorised by the Ownerj ostimatis of the Project construction cost prepared in so rjl-dctuiled or detailed form by an o;.poi'lenccd estimator will bo secured by i-hc ArchiLocc duri ig the Design Development or Construetion Documents Phase, •-U- l\.. If the ostl-natod Project construction cost or t-Viu lowest bona X'idc proposal is in oxcosa of any limit stated heroin, the Owner aliaII give written approval of an Increase in the limit, or he shall cooperate in revising the Project scope or quality, or both, to reduce the cor,t as required. 5. Since the Architect has no control over the coat of labor and materials, or competitive bidding, ho does not guarantee the accuracy of any statenenta or* estimates of probable construction cost, except as set out in £~~*\ Article I, sub-paragraph '/ of this Agreement. V « THli; ARC HIT! OCT'S aX?:^!SE 1. Direct Personnel Expense Includes that of principals and employees engaged on the Project including architects, engineerrj, designers, job captains, draftsmen, specification writers, typists and Project Representatives, in consultation, research, designing, producing drawings, specifications and other documents pertaining to the Project, and services during construction at the Project site. Lmployeos' time shall bo at their regular rates of pay. P., '' , Ueimbursablo I-w.'onso includes actual expenditures made by the A-vhltoot in tin interest ui' the •- i P." A ••"'/!£% Project for thj following incidental expenses, (a) Expense of transportation (not to exceed the equivalent rate for tourist air travel) and living of Principals and employees (not to exceed $20 per day per porson) when traveling in con lection with the Projoct; long distance calls and telegrams j reproduction of drawingJ and specifications, excluding copies for Architect's office use and eight complete ssts at oach phase for tha Owner's review and approval; and fees paid for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction ov-Dr the Project, %^) (b) If authorized in advance by the Owner, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates, sen.i-dotailed and detailed estimates of Project construction cost, perspectives or models for the Owner's use. (e) If their employment is authorized in advance and in writing by the Owner, fees of special consultants, other than thoao listed in Article X. VI. PAYMENTS. TO THIS ARCHITECT 1. Payments ••on account of the Architect's basic uervicos shall bo orndo monthly in proportion to services performed to Increase the compensation -13- ...:.. for basic services to the following percentages at the completion of each phase of the work: 2. (a) (b) (e) Design Development Phase Construction Dccutnent3 Phase Receipt of Bids ?&% 7£/; 80^ ( d) Cons truetion Phase 1005-- Payments for extra services of the A r c h i t e c t as defined in A r t i c l e II above and In A r t i c l e X I , and for reimbursable Expense as defined in A r t i c l e V, p a r a g r a p h 2, shall be made monthly upon presentation of Architect's detailed invoice. 3. 1-fo deduction shall bo made from the A r c h i t e c t ' 3 compensation on a c c o u n t of p e n a l t y , liquidated ^^ d a m a g e s , or other sums withheld from p a y m e n t s to Contractors. !.(.. I f any work designed or specified by- the A r c h i tect during a n y phase of service is abandoned or suspended ii w h o l e or in p a r t , the A r c h i t e c t is to be paid for the service performed on account of it prior to receipt of w r i t t e n notice from the Owner' of such a b a n d o n m e n t or suspension. vJ I - • A'-'CObvi'IIIG r(V-k:0HI>3 UP Tiiii! A^CIII'l.'h'CT Records of tire Architect's Direct P e r s o n n e l , C o n s u l t a n t , and Reimbursable ivxponso pertaining to this P r o j e c t and .••- records of accounts b e t w e e n the Owner and C o n t r a c t o r -111.- ahull bo kept on a y:rierally recognised accounting €v ba.:ia and shall be available to the Owner or hia authorised reproaoir-j.tivo at mutually convenient tinea, and upon dc-ci::!, Architect 3 hall report VIII. Re Lcnburaable Zxpen^c^ in writing to Owner, '?:•••;•-tHiiJATiQH I?T OF AGR:-.:: Thi.s Agreement way be terminated by either party upon ao .'cn daya' wr i 110r. r..: 11co for any eauae w11 ataoe vcr. In the event of termination, due to the fault of others thin the Architect, ::.o Architect ahall be paid the re iaonablo value of hi a aervicos performed to termination date, together vith reimburaemonta then d u e IX * OW ^RShif OF ^001)1=^3 Owner ahull have the right to use freely Architect's drawine.a and specifiration i'^i1 planning, and i'ov ether \^J Junior College projects; provided, however, that no otier building shall be constructed uaing plant- and ap :;oif icatioiia under Architect'a aeal without hi a en^rcaa written consent, /•„ , ('' O() O |r V'^K.'L <-l t'.l •_> UM'1-'l''' i J. i'...;, 1. The Architect a;rooa to auboiit for approval by the Owner the v.c ;es and qualificutions of ail consultants to ; :• employed 1J,V hiw for thia woric. This aiial :. include a alio engine:;!', a tructuraJ. ongi: eer., iiioetKUiicai engineer, electrical orifyl.'';• •-*••, acoua ileal eonau '.tanl^ * , ' .• . . . ' • . • . . . ' • . • • . . • ft \LJ landscape architect, kitchen consultant and all other conoultanta the Architect doomo necessary for the oucceaoful completion of this work. The Architect ahall pay the coat of thoao conaultanta out of his fee. If, however? the Owner instructs the Architect to engage a particular consultant, the consultant'a qualifications muot be acceptable to the Architect, and the Owner shall pay any additional fee required above the fee charged by the consultant of the Architect'a choice, 2. -pr>. The Owner shall retain and pay the coat of a aoils consultant, including the coat of all teat holea and pita, laboratory toatu, and ueila engineering reports, XI. MASTKli PLANNING- SERVICES OV THP. ARCHITECT 1« The Architect will develop a Program for- the eonutruction in pbaaca of the ultimate campus. Thin Program will bo baaed on educational upocifications and projected enrollment figuroo pi'ovidod by tlrj Owner. When the Program moota with the approval of both partioa it will bo proaenuod to t;ie Owner for formal approval. Vt The Architect will develop from the apprevod Program a plan for the uLilination of a specific -1.6- ^•'•' alto. Tho Own si1 will confer v;ith the Ai'chitoct during thia phaao of the work, V'hen tho plan akoichoa and other data are aatlufaetory to both partiea a May tor Plan Pro Don cat ion villi bo made, ;$. 'i'lio iiaator Plo i Prcaontation uiil eonaiat of tho following: K^,J (a) Program aid any program reviaiona. (b) Area arialysia. (c) Building i:atorial I'oooiuinondationa. (d) i'ioohanicai. analyaia. (e) Goat oati-iate baaod on gro;;a building a.fo aa u (f) Si to Plan showing buildinga;. roadu, parking, ••io.liin P landscape arid mechanical and ati'liir/' lineu„ (g) Skotchca ->r those oloiuonta noceaaary to espial J. tho Site Pi.an and oatabliah tho chare vtor of tho architecture (h) A Si to Me <ol in auf iieioni dotaii to convoy tl ., thi'oo divaonalenal maaalng of tho ce n]juau (j.) A color r .ndcring auitablo for uao in lU'io publi J relatione program of tho Owner. I;.. Approval by tl J Owner of tho i-lacier fir.n will bo eonaidorod iho eom^lotion of Uv.) taw;'I or pi ana lug aorvJcea undor thia o M U •. M O U . p. Gumprnaaclon /or the i^mUn' p'a>e..;:.:, ;\< r\ .A. >..'.-:t will, b.-.j at the rav<> uoaigna Avi iv-f < ..i.ra ,..:;.-v ?.-.- . in paragraph B(2) of this Agreement and shall _ bu in acklition bo the compensation provided fur in Article XII, except as provided in paragraph 7 balow. The cant of reproduction, models, renderings, and materials used in the development and presentation of the Program and Master Plan will be fieimbursablo .'.iixpense. However, the Architect's cempensatien plus the Kcimbursable Mxoonse shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars (#1)0,000.00) for the Master Planning phase. 6» Both compensation and reimbursable expenses for this phase shall be payable monthly upon receipt by the Owner of statements from the Architect, /•^ computed on the previous menth's time roeo/ais and reimbursable expenses. 7. The Architect will credit to the Owner, one half l of the Master Plan for which he provides basic- (V-, - y.. ' v of his master planning compensation for that portion ,,'.-•••' services as defined in this Agreement. This credit v.'lil bo based on the master plan r:ross areas and will be subtracted from the? final payment at the end of the construction phase. h \\ '••' XII. MMl^ixi! ... A r b i t r a t i o n of a l l q u e s t i o n s in d i s p u t e under t h l a Agreement s h a l l bo at; the choice of e i t h e r ; ^',p! -IB- '• .--•'" // A il ^ I ilfo- party • - • i^J and iihalX bo i n a c c o r d a n c e viih obuuininf/;, the previuicm;, then of t h e S t a n d a r d Koran of A r b i t r a t i o n d u r e of The Amori.Cc i i. . . V l t u t o of A r c h i t e c t ; . . ; . • i o e i u i o n by t h e art. ; . t r a ' ; o r u s h a l l bo a ; TO c e d e n t t o t h e r i ,ht of any i o ^ a l ProceA condition action. IN V.'I liAdo hiiiOiuilCL-1 t h e r \ r i i e ; j b.orc v.o have wade and bhis A^rec a o n t , t h e day and j . a r f i r s t executed above v u ' i t t o n . •lilAHY ''::;f3i^ & ASSOCIATE::; i i:A j - ^ - c^ ^.-,.v /M Tli"C JUKKA COLLilGi: DISTAiff OF i'A\ LUlil;.', ST. LOUIS C0U1ITY, AiSSOURl -^ ,, A ,A: ... ; r. i'reLildent;, lioard of Tru3';eoo i o c r e t . a r y j ;j ^