Measurement Procedure 【Enter/Leaving the lab】

Measurement Procedure
【Enter/Leaving the lab】
 DANGER light is not blinking (outside).
 The small light behind the door (inside) is red.
 Push the small red button to make the light ●→●.
 Go to the laser controller, push PAGE↕ to Interface Settings ID #001 “Faults Reported [
(right button), and push LASER ON till the lights are the same with the above.
] →[X]”
Air Pipe:
 Turn on the electric power board for the heaters (but it does not work as airflow< regulator setting);
 Open the valve (parallel to the pipe), increase the air flow till the board power on (~30) and then
decrease the flow but the board is still on (<0.25)
Heating Control:
Reference (Temperature Controller manual: Ω CN755** or CN7**.pdf)
Heater 1: ~210℃
Heater 2:~176℃
Heater 3:~76℃
Output Time Percentage:
Press MENUout 1, then ENTER till
 Temperature cannot go up—wire open or pipe leaking.
 Check the heater connections or change the heater.
 Wrap the insolation cloth closely and mount safely.
(usually LO 40 and HI 60), ENTER
Check or terminate the former measurement if cycle No.>=100
File name: “”
Press  (run the program), input steps you need (usually, +  cell/ – cell)
<How to change the sample>
 Remove the sample
 Clean the each side of the new sample by alcohol, install it carefully and lock the screw
 Be sure the lower side position of the sample ~ the upper side of the pickup coils (tighten or loosen
the screw on the end of the stick to adjust the tilt angle)
(Try to move the motor to confirm the direction correctly)
 Move the motor cell (4000step/inch) till the front side of the sample touching the cell.
 Don’t STRIKE the cell
Check □ including Y axis
Click Set All Axis to zero
Close this motor file.
 Select proper capacitor boxes for different B;
 The HM coil (holding field) power source: IB=8G =3.60; I B=4G =2.40; I B=2G =1.20…
 Check the pickup coil and amplifier connections……
System Test File: “He3 data acq Target(no record).vi”(Filter on. , Press TRIGGER)
File: “”
f=γ(=3.24)B (fB=2G ~6.5kHz; fB=4G ~14kHz; fB=8G ~26kHz)
Tune the frequency of the function generator
Find filter block in diagram of the *.vi, change the frequency range and save.
Change Igradient field when necessary
If Position Mass-in=Mass-out, the motor will not move during the measurements
Change the related parameters (Port No., cycles, mass-in/out, time to wait…)
Monitor one or two cycles
 The motor never moves
 No new data file generates
 Plug/Unplug the USB device
 Reset DAQ card
 USB port No..
 Power off the pulse generator and Restart the PC, check the port No. and modify.
 Run the files again.
【Data Analysis】
 check file letters: CAPITAL?
Run PuTTY: input the Host (, Net ID, password
Procedure (for one cycle):
raw data → *.root (by fill.C) → find peak (SearchPeak.cpp);
peak[cycle].txt → peak_run.txt ( → peak_run.root (ana.C) →analysis (fit.C)
1. Parameters need to change (runNum and cycle number for all *.pl or *.C)
2. Data analysis
run_[cycle].job (→
(make the *.pl executable)
 In order to analyze huge data, enter another server (login1→condor)
(all peak files→
3 How to use root browser
Run Xming