Health Improvement Advice Centre

Health Improvement
Advice Centre
Issue 8; February 2016
Here for Health hopes you have had a healthy start to 2016, our quarterly newsletter will update you on
our delivery and development so far this year.
The focus of this issue is on our most recent service advancements, including; a new team member, new
partnerships and an exciting joint project with the OUH Oncology Team and Macmillan Cancer Support.
Statistics are also provided as a continued overview of who is using the Here for Health Service and the
topics that have been discussed.
A warm welcome to Kate
Kate Hutton, Smoking Cessation Advisor has joined the Here
for Health team on an honorary contract at OUH. Kate is employed by Solutions4health, who provide the smoking cessation support service across Oxfordshire.
Kate’s working hours are Thursday and Friday 0930-1700. She
will be providing a drop in service and appointments at the
Here for Health Centre as well as pop up clinics in various locations across the hospital.
She offers one-to-one smoking cessation support consisting of
advice, motivational support, CO monitoring and nicotine replacement therapy. Kate can also provide educational sessions
to OUH staff.
For further information contact or
New partnership
Here for Health are working
with the Oxford BioBank.
Participants to the Biobank
study can be signposted to
Here for Health for support
to make health behaviour
changes and Here for Health
are able to signpost service
users to the Biobank project.
Thank you to Louise Dennis
& Dianna Mantripp for their
enthusiasm for healthy living
and for recognising how our
services can link together.
Figure 1: Kate Hutton on a promotional stand
Figure 2: Designation of service users
Figure 3: Topics covered with services users (Note; more than 1
topic covered with each service users)
OUH and Macmillan ‘Here for Health’
Health and Wellbeing event
13th April 2016
In partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support,
Here for Health and the OUH Oncology Team
are hosting a health and wellbeing event for cancer patients who are transitioning from treatment to a life living with and beyond cancer.
Here for Health will deliver a behaviour change
workshop alongside Oxfordshire Sport and Physical Activity and Oxfordshire Mind providing sessions on being active and practical ways to wellbeing.
The main hall will host a market place for
attendees to browse Oxfordshire’s Health and
Wellbeing services. Promotional stands are proving popular, contributing to making it a positive
and empowering day. The event will also provide
a networking opportunity for services.
If we have not been in contact yet and you would
like to promote your service at this event please
let us know.
It is essential that we continue to strengthen our relationships with hospital and community
services. If you know of a service that would benefit from linking with us, or you would like
to update Here for Health about your service please contact us at: or telephone 01865 221429.
Áine, Emma and Kate appreciate your continued support .