Health Improvement Advice Centre Here for you and your health

Health Improvement
Advice Centre
Here for you and your health
Issue 5; May 2015
Our focus this month is on the importance of working together to promote healthy lifestyles in Oxfordshire.
Community partnerships and engagement
Adam Godwin the Coordinator for Active Body Healthy Mind
joined us for a pop-up stand at the John Radcliffe Hospital on
30th April to promote the positive effect that physical activity
can have on mental wellbeing.
Thanks to resources provided by Sue Jordan (Assistant Director Public Health) from Community Dental Services CIC; the newly commissioned Dental Health service for Oxfordshire, we have been promoting National Smile Month (18th May - 18th June) within our Centre and at hospital and community events we attend.
Smokefreelife Oxfordshire met with Here for Health, Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) Public Health
Team and Anna Hinton (Occupational Health and Wellbeing at OUH) to discuss
and plan for the establishment of a strong partnership with us, form referral
pathways and provide support for people to quit smoking.
Helen Hewlett from the Charity Organisation Sound Resource
( visited Here for Health in May and introduced us to Oxford-based singing groups that promote physical
and mental wellbeing; as well as providing an opportunity to connect
with new people in the community.
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Health Promotion Unit (HPU)
The HPU has been invaluable to us in supplying free
health promotion materials and resources to stock
the Here for Health Centre. This has enabled us to
make the Centre look welcoming and allowed us to
deliver a more effective service.
Signposting / Referrals
It is essential that we continue to strengthen our relationships with hospital and community services. If you
know of a service that would benefit from linking with us, or you would like to update Here for Health about
your service please contact us at or telephone 01865 221429.
Do people who use your service require advice or support with healthy living? Why not signpost them to Here
for Health. Leaflets outlining our service, contact details and how to access the Centre can be provided.
Here for Health at Promotional Events
Benson Community Health Fair (25th April) - Here for Health were invited to run a workshop on ‘Eating
for Health’ which was well received by those that attended. It was also a good opportunity to meet Community Organisations such as Rethink, Turning Point, Mind, Carers Oxfordshire and MacMillan Cancer
Lady Margaret Hall (6th May) - We supported the Wellness Week organised by Anne Harpin, LMH College Nurse, with a health promotion stand that focused on measuring blood pressure and exhaled carbon
monoxide levels of both staff and students at the college. In 1.5 hours we were able to discuss health improvement with 24 individuals (13 staff and 11 students).
International Nurses Day Conference, OUH John Radcliffe
Hospital (12th May) - Exhibiting meant that not only could we
promote healthy living but we could share in the great work
that nurses do, discussing with those who attended how we
could best support them. Thank you to Catherine Stoddart,
Chief Nurse OUH and Sue Robertson, Executive Assistant Chief Nurse for organising the day.
Healthy Hospital Day, OUH Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre,
(14th May) - We were delighted to be invited by Anna Hinton, Staff Health and Wellbeing Promotion Specialist, to this event. Our pop-up stand in the main Atrium provided healthy living information to staff,
visitors and patients. 45 individuals had a 1:1 discussion with a member of the Here for Health team, with
15 of those having a mini Health MOT. Jane Trenchard, Physical Activity Officer for Oxford Sports Partnership, and her team from Go Active Get Healthy also provided Health MOT’s in support of the day.
Many individuals expressed appreciation
for the day so thanks to Anna for organising such a well-received event.
Upcoming Events
Exhibiting at the Diabetes UK ‘Living with Diabetes’ day in Oxford on 11th June.
Healthy Hospital Days - West Wing, JR Hospital on 17th June and the Churchill Hospital on 30th June.
Presenting at the Oxford GP Pathology Day organised by The Lab Medicine team, OUH on the 2nd July.
Health promotion stand with Community Dental Services CIC on 9th July (Level 2 of the JR Hospital).
Supporting Oxford Play Association Community Play and Activity day’s on 22nd July (Banbury) and 12th August (Wallingford).
If you have any feedback/suggestions for the Here for Health Centre we would be grateful for your
Contact us at or telephone 01865 221429
Áine and Emma appreciate your continued support
and look forward to future collaborative work.