___________________________________________________________________________ 2008/ISTWG35/016 Agenda Item: P4.1 New Developments in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Russian Federation Purpose: Information Submitted by: Russia 35th Industrial Science and Technology Working Group Meeting Ha Noi, Viet Nam 8-9 September 2008 1 New Developments in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Russian Federation 35th Industrial Science and Technology Working Group Meeting, Hanoi, Vietnam. MAIN POLICIES 2 y Basics of policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of scientific and technological development for the period till 2010 and further perspective; y Basic policy directions of the Russian Federation in the sphere of innovative system development for the period till 2010; y Strategy of development of science and innovations for the period till 2015; y Programs of social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the mid-term perspective. Goal of national policy in the sphere of scientifictechnological development 3 y Transition to innovative course of development on the basis of the priorities established. y The Priority directions of scientific and technological development and the List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation was approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2006. Comprehensive program of scientific-technical development of economy of the Russian Federation till 2015 4 The comprehensive program is designed to provide purposefulness of the governmental efforts and private business in the process of promotion of scientific-technological development and technological modernization of the Russia’s economy, it is also very important addendum to the set of the measures taken by the government in order to provide the scientific-technological development and technological modernization of the Russian e c o n o m y Nano-Industry Development Strategy 5 y The Russian Nanotechnology Corporation was established (Federal Law № 139 from July 19, 2007). y The Governmental Nanotechnology Council was formed. y The members of the Council was approved (the related Government decree № 364 of the Russian Federation and Decree № 756, both from July 9, 2007). y The Concept and Federal special-purpose program «Development of nano-industry infrastructure in the Russian Federation for 2008-2010» Fundamental science – national strategic priority 6 y The Program on modernization of the structure, functions and mechanisms of financing of academic sector of science was being realized in 2006-2007. y The Russian Academy of Science and sectoral academies of science is the governmental institutions – nonprofit organizations. The Organizational Charter of the Academies are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. y The Program of fundamental scientific researches of governmental academies for 2008-2012. National support of gifted youth 7 y In 2007 in the result of various scientific competitions and contest among youth 5350 young people were awarded. There exist various President’s Grants for scientist (Ph.D and Doctors of Science), their research supervisors, leading scientific schools in the Russian Federation. y In 2006 for these purposes the federal budget allocated more than 10 million of US dollars, 1000 young scientists – Ph.D, 200 Doctors of Science and 395 leading scientific schools were supported in performance of their researches. Basic directions of policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of innovative system development till 2010 8 The policy of the Russian Federation in the field of innovative development is a component element of national scientific – technical and industrial policy, representing itself the set of social-economic measures targeted to: y creation of favorable environment for development of production of competitive innovative products on the basis of advanced achievements of science, technology and engineering; y increase of share of such products in the production pattern; y development of the system of promotion and realization of the products and services in domestic and foreign markets. Private-public partnership 9 y Absolutely new relations between business and government, when the governmental authorities and business act as the equal partners, complementing each other. y Key factor for private-public partnership development at the federal and regional level is in the motivation of business to invest money in R&D, modernization of current production facilities and development of new ones on the basis of competitive innovative solutions, and motivation of scientific organizations and corporate sectors of the Russian economy to search for new ways of partnerships. y In the sphere of innovations the most importance of private-public partnership should be attached to realization of measures directed to involvement of institutes of higher education into the innovative processes, setting the governmental priority of financing of basic and applied researches with participation of business, financing of allRussian, sectoral and regional councils for technological policy. Federal law «On special economic zones in the Russian Federation» 10 y 4 technical-promotion zones were created (Saint- Petersburg – IT sphere, Moscow – Zelenograd – microelectronics, Moscow region – Dubna city – nuclear technologies , Tomsk – new materials sphere). y 2 industrial-production zones were established (Lipetsk region – household appliances production, and furniture production, Tatarstan, Elabuga city – production of buses, automobile parts and hi-tech products of oil-chemistry complex). Creation of technological parks in hi-tech sphere 11 y y y y y y Among basic tasks of technological parks establishment are the following: development and support of Russian hi-tech production, increase of investment attractiveness of hi-tech productions, increase of investment attractiveness of hi-tech branches of industries, creation of environment for location of international companies’ production facilities in the Russian territory, increase of export volumes of hi-tech products, development of small and medium business in hi-tech sphere. The national program plans to establish till 2010 a number of technological parks in Republic of Tatarstan, Moscow region, Novosibirsk region, Nizhni Novgorod region, Kaluga region, Tyumen region, Saint-Petersburg. Innovative Infrastructure 12 Recently Russia has seen the establishment of basic elements of innovative infrastructure, namely: y 55 technological parks, y 66 innovative-technological centers (ITC), y 80 business incubators, y 86 centers for technologies transfer, y 10 national information-analytical centers (NIAC), y innovative - industrial complexes, innovative – technological clusters, etc. Federal program «Research and developments in priority directions of scientific-technological complex promotion of Russia for the period of 2007-2012» 13 Basic purpose – development of scientific-technical potential of the Russian Federation for realization of priority directions in the development of science and technology in the Russian Federation. The program is being realized only on a competitive basis and with compulsory engagement of public-private partnership. Competition within the program determines the leading scientific organizations which, through technical reequipment, personnel re-training, intensification of international scientific-technical cooperation, are capable of catching up the global leaders in hi-tech for short period of time by assuming the responsibility for development of applied technologies in Russia. Russia maintains relations with 87 countries, intensifying mobility of the Russian scientists in foreign scientific centers 14 Russia participates in international organizations and programs in the most promising spheres of scientifictechnical development, which of the global importance: { { { { { { { { International Forum for Carbon Sequestrum; International Partnership «Methane to markets»; International Partnership for Hydrogen Economy; International Partnership for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Large Hadron Collider (CERN, Switzerland); European X-rays Free-Electron Laser (Germany); International thermo-nuclear experimental reactor (France); Heavy-ion accelerator (Germany).