Year 12 Information Tel : 01527 872375 NBHs6th @NBHS6thOfficial North Bromsgrove High School Information 2015/2016 Year 12 Handbook September 2015 I am delighted that you have chosen to continue your studies with us, and look forward to working with you to ensure you access the best pathway for your future. Whichever path you choose, obtaining the best possible grades in your subjects is vital this year. It is so important that you take responsibility for your own success straight away. Therefore keeping up with work set, and asking for help when you have difficulty should ensure you have a greater chance of achieving the grades you want. Decide now that you are aiming high and commit yourself to hard work. The Sixth Form Team are here to help and support you with the transition to becoming an independent learner and reach your potential. This handbook will hopefully serve as a guide to the basic expectations and key information for students/parents/carers for Year 12 study. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Sixth Form Team as listed below. For further ease of reference there is a flow chart of communication to assist any enquiry you may have. I look forward to helping you make this a fantastic year. Sarah Figg Sixth Form team Miss S Figg Mr D Gleave Miss H Skate Head of Sixth Form: Senior Teacher Dean of Students Head of Year 12 Year 12 tutors: Mr D Gleave Mrs A Davidson Miss D Price Mrs J Evans/Mrs N Haley Year 13 tutors: Mrs K Mann Miss S Chater Mr R Williams Mr M Horton/Mr J Holt Contact details: Email: Tel: 01527 872375 Sixth Form Life – The Essentials Sixth Form Day Please note there is a slight change to the timetable from September 2015. Tutor time is now moved to 10.30 to 10.55 each day Time Period 8.30 8.45 8.50 – 9.40 9.40 – 10.30 10.30 – 10.55 10.55 – 11.15 11.15 – 12.05 12.05 – 12.55 12.55 – 1.35 1.35 – 2.25 2.25 – 3.15 Briefing Warning bell Period 1 Period 2 Tutor Time/Assembly Break Period 3 Period 4 Lunch Period 5 Period 6 Personal Tutor Time/Assembly/Academic Coaching Each morning students will meet with their personal tutors for 25 minutes. Personal tutors will provide pastoral care and guidance and support academic achievement and transition into sixth form life through our Academic Coaching programme. Independent study Positive routines are vital in sixth form and the key to success will be managing study time out of lessons. It can be difficult to adjust to a reduced timetable of 3 subjects and managing study; there are no ‘free’ lessons. Out of lessons students should be working independently for 4-5 hours per subject per week. This can take place in any of the suite of study rooms, the Library, the Dining Hall or in any area of the school pre-arranged with subject staff – wifi is available across the whole site. Settling into a study routine will be essential for those wishing to enter Further or Higher Education. These skills will also be valuable for the world of work. Independent study might consist of: Teacher set tasks, essays, research Revisiting/rewriting class notes to consolidate learning from the start Wider reading – reading around topics/subjects to develop understanding or reading ahead Completing past examination papers/questions Preparing a presentation Watching a documentary or DVD related to your subject/topic and making notes Reading a newspaper article relevant to your subject – some broadsheets have sections dedicated to for example scientific or technical developments, sociology and media, literature Progress Reviews A progress Review is sent home each half term which will indicate how students are performing against target and also their efforts during half term. Dates of these reviews are on the up to date calendar on the school website. If a student is 1-2 grades below target, subject staff, personal tutor and student will use Academic Coaching sessions to establish a way forward. All Year 12 students are placed on a trial which starts on Monday 7 September and ends on Monday 28 September. Students, parents/carers will be invited to discuss success and areas of concern and a way forward where necessary. We are committed to ensuring students achieve and being open and realistic about future pathways. Enrichment Activities Enriching student life in sixth form is crucial to complement learning and develop skills that universities and employers value, such as initiative, resilience and responsibility. In Year 12, students will allocate at least 2 lessons per week specifically for them to participate in whole school opportunities and enrichment activities. For example: College duties and competitions, mentoring, Prefect duties, curriculum support, sports clubs, Duke of Edinburgh and work experience. Students will identify their chosen activities with their personal tutor and this will become part of their 600 hours study. Honeycomb and OurSchoolsApp All sixth form students are required to have access to an Electronic Learning Plan (ELP), which consists of their programme of study, timetable and all sixth form information. For this we use Honeycomb and OurSchoolsApp. Therefore it is vital all sixth form students use both Apps. Honeycomb is our electronic planner which is used to: Identify programme of study (PofS) Access independent study contact students for students and staff to monitor completion of tasks OurSchoolsApp is an innovative tool to improve sixth form – parent communication, by allowing us to cascade information rapidly to parents, quickly and easily. Using the system has been designed to be simple – both for the sixth form and the parents. Below is a brief guide on how to use the system, and to give some pointers on the sorts of information you could add. Free download at App Store or Google Play Windows phone and desktop version also Work Experience All Year 12 students will organise and complete a work experience placement in the final week of the summer term. The purpose of this is to develop skills and gain experience in fields of employment that they may wish to pursue. University admissions departments and employers also wish to see evidence of experience to support, where possible, chosen areas of study. Personal tutors will contact placements for initial feedback and employers will be asked to complete a report for the students own record. Attendance Attendance is a crucial factor in determining success in academic studies. Students are expected to attend at least 600 hours of timetabled classes, exams, academic coaching sessions, personal tutor time and enrichment over the course of the year. This expectation has to be met to become a full time student and is expected of all students nationally at sixth form level. If you experience difficulty meeting this standard due to unforeseen personal or medical circumstances you must inform your personal tutor. Miss Figg or Miss Skate will also be informed to offer the appropriate support and guidance. Punctuality to lessons is an important habit and both attendance and punctuality are commented on in all references. If a student is late for lessons more than three times in any given half term, subject staff will raise this issue with a student and pass their concerns to the relevant personal tutor. Absence Please telephone the Attendance office on the first day of absence. Year 12 students need to bring a note from their parents to confirm their reason for absence on their return to school Family holidays Because full attendance is such an important factor in a student’s success and to meet the 600 hours requirement to study full time A levels, we strongly advise that parents do not arrange holidays in term time and students are not permitted to arrange independent holidays in term time. Part Time Work Whilst we recognise that many students start part-time employment whilst studying, and that this can offer financial and personal work experience, it can also have a negative impact on your studies. We strongly recommend students: Work no more than 8 hours a week, preferably at weekends Do not undertake work that is unduly tiring e.g. that involves working late at night affecting concentration or attendance the next day Are always available for timetabled or other commitments in sixth form Where a clash of commitments occurs, sixth form takes priority Dress Code The code is smart office wear, separates or a suit. Smart wear is required and expectations have been updated after consultation with Sixth Form Council, parents and staff. This now means: A dark suit and tie for male students with white or pale coloured shirt; Smart dark suit (skirt and jacket or tailored trousers and jacket) with pale coloured or white blouse or dark dress for female students; Formal footwear for all. Denim, trainers, leggings, UGG style boots and hoodies are not acceptable. Cars/Motorcycles Students should only park in the bays at the far end of the car park, near the gate. These are limited in number. Parking elsewhere is not permitted. Additional parking is available in the bays on School Drive. Study Rooms and Lockers It is up to students to ensure that these facilities do not deteriorate. Clothing and other belongings should not be left in the Sixth Form Centre overnight. There are lockers available in the School. Students requiring a locker should ask at reception. 16-19 Bursary Our policy for the administration of the scheme is available on the school website. For any further information about the scheme please contact the relevant personal tutor. Examinations When Year 12 students have completed AS examinations in unreformed subjects they return to Sixth Form to follow the Year 13 timetable. Students will continue with all courses at this time and make decisions as to A2 courses following examination results in August. Reformed A Level subjects (see below) will have end of year exams and students return to Year 13 after these take place. Reformed A Level Subjects (September 2015) Art and Design Business History English (Lang and Lit) Sociology Computer Science Physics Psychology Biology Chemistry For each subject a students is studying you can find useful information on the following On these websites you will find details as to specifications (syllabus) and schemes of work. There are past papers and mark schemes available, especially on the AQA website. Edexcel have an online order form to download past papers (small charge may apply). Examination Dates The main examination period is in May and June. May for AS and June for A2 exams. Coursework will be ongoing and Departments will have highlighted dates for drafts and completion via The Registry to allow for formative assessment to be conducted. GCSE English Language and/or Maths retakes If you have not gained a C grade in English Language and/or Maths you are required to retake these qualifications. Students will have at least one lesson a week for each subject and will be expected to complete significant independent study to ensure success. The students will be considered Private Candidates for these exams and will therefore need to complete the relevant documentation, as advised by the Examination Officer. The opportunities to retake will be in November as well as June and therefore students will be expected to enter themselves and attend all lessons/revision sessions until at least a C grade is achieved. Exit Interviews Students who wish to terminate A2 study at any point in Year 12 before courses have ended, have to complete an Exit Interview. This process is straightforward and only happens in a minority of cases. Students meet with Head of Sixth Form to discuss their intentions to enable the following: We legally have to report on destinations for every young person who leaves us, whether that be for university, further training, apprenticeship, employment or relocation. Examinations costs need to be explained and recovered. If a student fails to complete any A level course and has been entered for the examinations, the student has to pay these costs. All relevant resources need to be returned Timetables and Coursework Once timetables have been agreed a copy of students’ timetables will be sent home to parent(s)/carer(s) together with an overview of the assessment calendar for all courses which will include details of coursework deadlines. Should there be any amendments; students will be informed in good time. Coursework Deadlines for AS Examinations Draft Submission Final Submission Product Design 3D Research and Design Design Development Making 19 October 30 November 18 February Evaluation and Testing 23 April Draft Submission Final Submission Textiles Research and Design Design Development Making Evaluation and Testing 19 October 30 November 18 February 23 April Draft Submission Final Submission Art & Design, Fine Art and Photography Unit 1 - Sketchbook 29 January Draft Submission Final Submission Food Technology Research and Design 25 September Design Development Making Evaluation and Testing Complete Submission 16 October 18 December 29 January 26 February Draft Submission Final Submission 23 October 30 November 5 February N/A N/A 16 November 15 January 4 March 2 March (Provisional) 23 March Media, Film and Drama Film – Film Analysis Film – Productive Piece Media Drama – Concept Drama – Exploration Notes and Theatre Review Draft Submission Final Submission Health & Social Care Unit 2 Unit 3 27 November 26 February Science Chemistry Biology Physics AS/A2 Music Harmony Exercise 1 Essay 1 Harmony Exercise 2 Essay 2 Harmony Exercise 3 Essay 3 Practice Composition Due Harmony Exercise 4 Essay 4 Assessed throughout the year Draft Submission Final Submission Monday 28 September Monday 12 October Monday 19 October Monday 9 November Monday 23 November Monday 7 December Friday 11 December Monday 14 December Monday 11 January AS/A2 TPE Oral Assessment Practical Assessment w/b 18 January 18 March Please note: If a subject does not have coursework, deadlines are not required. The Registry All coursework, formal assessment essays and Personal UCAS Statements will be handed into The Registry. Deadlines for each subject are overleaf 1. Coursework pieces (drafts and final submissions) are handed to The Registry. 2. A student signature is required. 3. Staff collect relevant coursework from The Registry by 4pm on the day of the deadline. 4. Non submission by the deadline results in a U grade and a letter outlining the issues failure to comply with the deadline causes. Expectations & Formatting: All work must be printed – memory sticks or emails directly to staff are not acceptable unless specifically specified by staff and sent via The Registry. Work that is printed or moving image needs to be in a specified format e.g. wmv, jpeg etc whatever applies. It is up to the student to check each file works and opens, otherwise if staff cannot open the file a U grade will be awarded Special Considerations: Extensions to deadlines will only be given by a Faculty Leader in certain circumstances. These comply with examination board requirements and are listed below: temporary illness or accident/injury during the time frame of the assessment, accompanied by a Dr’s note bereavement during the time frame of the assessment domestic crisis arising during the time frame of the assessment which has been shared with personal tutor/Head of Year/Head of Sixth Form participation in sporting events or other competitions at an international level which hinder the time frame of completion, e.g. representing country at an international level in football or hockey Learner enrolment agreement: Sixth Form Commitment: We agree to provide: A curriculum offering a range of learning opportunities, including enrichment opportunities; Teaching and independent study tasks to support your academic progress A Personal Tutor who will support you and act as an Academic Coach to ensure you make the transition to A level study; Staff who will help you understand the expectations of A level study; Regular progress reviews for you to act upon; Parental reports on progress; Information on post-18 pathways; UCAS information, Apprenticeships and general career information Student Commitment: You agree to: Attend all personal tutor times, assemblies, Academic Coaching sessions, timetabled lessons, examinations and enrichment activities – at least 600hours across the academic year Complete all independent study tasks 4-5 hours per week and lesson tasks Meet coursework deadlines issued by staff through The Registry Make effective use of study periods should they fall in the sixth form day, by using the Quiet study Room, Library, Dining Hall Inform and seek advice from subject staff or personal tutor if you have any difficulty with any aspects of your studies Keep subject folders organised Accept a shared responsibility with others in the sixth form for good conduct in school and for careful upkeep of sixth form areas Meet the smart dress code Accept a general responsibility for acting as a positive ambassador of the learning community for Lower School students Adopt a sensible, mature approach with all staff Parent/Carer commitment I/We support the expectations and guidance as outlined and agree with the standard of attendance. I/We will confirm receipt of all progress views and communications and endeavor to support my/our child achieve. Key dates Term Dates : AUTUMN TERM 2015 TED DAY – Thursday 3 September 2015 Term starts: Friday 4 September 2015 Half term: Monday 26 October 2015 – Friday 30 October 2015 TED DAY – Wednesday 18 November 2015 Term ends: Friday 18 December 2015 SPRING TERM 2016 Term starts: Monday 4 January 2016 TED DAY: Tuesday 19 January 2016 Half Term: Monday 15 February 2016 – Friday 19 February 2016 Term ends: Wednesday 23 March 2016 TED DAY: Thursday 24 March 2016 SUMMER TERM 2016 Term starts: Monday 11 April 2016 Half Term: Monday 30 May 2016 – Friday 3 June 2016 TED DAY: Friday 8 July 2016 Term ends: Friday 22 July 2016 Other key dates Friday Monday 04 Sep 07 Sep Friday Wednesday Monday Friday Friday Thursday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Monday Tuesday Monday Thursday 11 Sep 24 Sep 28 Sep 23 Oct 18 Dec 14 Jan 08 Feb 24 Feb 17 Mar 18 Mar 24 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 18 Jul 18 Aug Y12 – Term Begins Y12 three week trial starts Y12 Expectations Evening Y12 ALIS test School photographer Y12 trial ends Sixth Form Progress Review issued Sixth Form Progress Review issued Sixth Form Parents’ Evening Sixth Form mocks Sixth Form mock results issued Y12 UCAS Convention - Worcester Uni (provisional) Sixth Form reports issued Y12 Birmingham University open day (provisional) Sixth Form bridging activities Y12 return to A2 studies Sixth Form Work Experience begins A Level results day The Learner CARE & GUIDANCE SEN ATTENDANCE CURRICULUM Behaviour & Safety Inclusion Attainment LAC Holidays, illness or medical Subjects and lessons FORM or PERSONAL TUTOR CLASSROOM TEACHER College Tutor for the student As per student timetable HEAD OF YEAR SENCO Year 12: Miss H Skate Mrs S Duggal ATTENDANCE SUPPORT Mrs K Middleton SUBJECT LEADER Teacher in charge of subject area Year 13: Miss S Figg Dean of Students : Mr D Gleave HEAD OF FACULTY Teacher in charge subject or groups of subjects HEAD OF UPPER SCHOOL Miss S Figg ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER (PASTORAL) Mr A Smith DEPUTY HEADTEACHER Mrs S Schofield HEADTEACHER Mr D Hadley-Pryce