Milestones 2006
D o n or s f or S e p t e m b e r 1 , 2 0 05– A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 0 6
Page 41
GOLD ($3,000-$4,999)
Bill Bennett
South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Mike & Kerry Billingsley
Summus Industries, Inc.
City Bank
Buster’s Gin, LTD
R. A. & Peggy Brown
Texas Collectible Tins, LLC
First Ag Credit
Excel Corporation
Dan & Phyllis Davidson
Tulia Livestock Auction
Gordon Davis Management Trust
Harris Hideaway Angus Ranch
Elise Neal Davis
U-L-L Farms, INC.
Harrison Properties, LLC
Longhorn Institute of Food Technologists
Sean & Donna Davis
Vars Farms
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Board
Robert Esparza
West Texas Golf Course
Marketing & Technology Group, Inc.
Texas Pork Producers Association
Helen Henard
Foundations & Trusts
Nutrition Physiology Corporation
Texas Seed Trade Association
William & Phebe Hethcock
Margaret E. Coil Revocable Trust
Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife
Gretchen Hilton
Parker Family Foundation
Robert & Elena Brown
Bruce & Tricia Jolesch
R. B. Price Family Foundation, Inc.
Waylon & Ruth Carroll
Amy Juba
The Trinity Company
Charles & Jane Eatherly
Wynnell Lewis
Jack & Patricia Adkins
Foundations & Trusts
Don & Linda Eudy
Bruce & Kathy Maunder
Dennis & Loraine Anthony
Chapman Forestry Foundation
Wayne and Callalya Hudnall
Michael & Rebecca McConnell
Gary and Carol Bellomy
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc.
Lee Rousselot
Thomas & Eva Morrow
Rick & Robyn Bohls
Lavern Newsom
John & Elizabeth Boswell
Boyd & B. J. Ramsey
Locke & Rebecca Carter
Eric Rothe
Marvin & Tommye Cepica
Donnie Swink
Robert & Lynne Duncan
Darrell Taylor
Barry & Kari Ezra
Gerald & Jean Thomas
Stacy Gilbert
Cliff A. Skiles, Jr. DVM, PC
Owen & Francine Gilbreath
Herman & Barbara Wheatley
James & Susan Horton
W. T. & Toni Zimmerman
Samuel and Tanya Jackson
Donald & Priscilla Joseph
Agricultural Communicators of
Thomas Louthan
San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc
George and Fay Young Foundation, Inc.
Helen Jones Foundation, Inc.
SILVER ($1,000-$2,999)
Louise B. Belsterling Foundation
Lubbock Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.
Aluminum Metal Products, Inc.
Marshall Formby Foundation
Bayer CropScience
Rockwell Fund, Inc.
District 1 Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
The CH Foundation
Dow AgroSciences, LLC
Ecolab, Inc.
B. L. Allen
Farmers Cooperative Compress
Haynes & Myrnavae Baumgardner
Lehigh Agri & Bio Services, Inc.
Don & Sammie Bricker
Livestock Publications Council, Inc.
Shirley & Mildred Garrison
Martin Brothers
Chuck & Dolores Gibson
National Cowboy Symposium
David & Margaret Grohne
National Farm Life Insurance Company
Walter Willis Hammond
Native Plant Society of Texas
Clyde & Pat McCall
Nu Construction Company, Inc.
BRONZE ($750-$999)
Don & Bettejoe Pendleton
Plains Cotton Cooperative Assoc.
Eve Pilgrim
Plains Ginners’ Association
American State Bank
Dale & Cheryl Swinburn
Poole Chemical Company, Inc.
Grass Seed Services, Inc.
Mike & Mary Wischkaemper
PYCO Industries, Inc.
Seitz Gift Fruit, L.C.
Southwest Meat Association
PLATINUM ($5,000-$9,999)
TBG Partners
Bobby & Kay Fletcher
Texas Independent Ginners Association
Delta and Pine Land Company
Tringle Cooperative Service Company
Lubbock Chapter of Safari Club
U. S. Smokeless Tobacco Brands, Inc.
Verett Farms, Inc.
Pecan Deluxe Candy Company
Wylie Manufacturing Co.
South Texas Cotton & Grain Association
XF Enterprises, Inc.
Star of Texas Fair & Rodeo
Foundations & Trusts
Texas Corn Producers Board
Southwest Meat Foundation
Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association
Grant & Toni Aldridge
Terry & Kelly Crofoot
Mart & Tonya Armstrong
Helen Dieckow
David & Bettye Baumgardner
Stephanie Warnock
Don & Betty Bell
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Terry & Patricia Moore
City of Paris
Bill & Marca Morris
Texas Pest Control Association, Inc.
June Moss
SUSTAINING ($500-$749)
Big Country Electric Cooperative
Cap Rock Energy Corporation
Concho Valley Electric Cooperative
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Lamb County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Lighthouse Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Inc.
North Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Plains Capital Bank
Production Seeds Plus, Inc.
James & Kim Parker
Thomas & Pamela Sellers
Dick & Donna Ridgway
Jack Spears
Edward & Julie Tally
George Tereshkovich
Lubbock Council of Garden Clubs
Robert L. Duncan Campaign
SUPPORTING ($250-$499)
A & R Equipment Sales, Inc.
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Bailey County Electric Cooperative
B-H Services Inc.
CEV Multimedia, LTD
Coffey Forage Seeds, Inc.
Coleman County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Deaf Smith Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Dunlap Painting, Inc.
Rex McCormick
Griffin Farm
Elmer & Josie Ahrens
Gerik AG LLC
Glynn McGee
J & J Farms
Joseph Akumcho
Golden Peanut Company
Terry & Carol McLendon
J. Coffman, Inc.
Bob & Donna Albin
Mike Klein General Contractors, Inc.
Clemon & Carolyn Montgomery
Lubbock Master Gardener Association
Clinton & Paige Alexander
Real Estate Solutions
Gerald and Debbie Nobles
Lusk Plantation, Inc.
Jimmy & Billie Alexander
Ricetec, Inc.
Michael & Dianne Phillips
McManus Ranch
Dovi & Tchotchovi Alipoe
Richardson Seeds, Ltd.
Greg & Robin Pierson
Meyer Farms
James & Rinda Allison
Shoaf Construction Company
Frank & Ginger Price
Mittel Ranch Company
James & Jane Allison
State National Bank
C. Mark and Jeni Ramsey
Nikkel & Sons, LLC
Corinne Allen
Swisher Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Mickey & Debbie Ramsey
Oleo Acres Farms
Joe Alspaugh
Tom Nichols
Ralph & Becky Ramsey
Owens Co-op Gin Co.
Jennifer Andrews
Tom’s Tree Place
Levon Ray
Paul Nash & Associates, Inc.
Dean & Carolyn Anderson
Willhite Seed, Inc.
Phillip Ray
Plains Cotton Growers, Inc.
William & Mary Anderson
Patricia Rayburg
Pogue Agri Farms Partners
Fernando and Patricia Andrade
Woodrow & Avis Allen
Bryan Reynolds
Portfolio Services
Barry & Jeannine Arndt
Joe & Mary Ann Anthony
Wayne & Carolyn Richardson
Prime Hoof Care
Brandon Arnold
Julie Feil & Art Bachman
Mack & Sharla Shurbet
PS Rock Farms
Mike & Debbie Arrington
Cindy Barnes
Frank & Lori Simms
R & D Cattle Company
Lloyd & Angela Arthur
Joe Baumgardner
Pam & David Sirmon
Relationship Therapy Center
Ronnie Aston
Jim & Janell Black
Ed & Jennifer Smith
Royal Plastic, Inc.
Eulas & Wanda Atkinson
Trace & Julie Blair
Bryan & Lisa Smitherman
Sandefur & Swindle
Thomas & Patricia Atkisson
Lewis & Jennye Blau
Victor & Katherine Spooner
Scott Cattle
Dick & Sherry Auld
Zachary & Danielle Brady
Benita Terrell
State Farm Insurance Companies
Jim & Jill Avis
Alan & Tracy Cain
Charles & Martha Thompson
Syngenta Chemical Company
Gregory Aycock
William & Sandra Connell
O’Brien Thompson
T. W. Hlavaty Farms, Inc.
Mohamed & Beverlie Ayoub
Donald & Terri Davis
Hughlyn & Marsha Todd
The Third Garage
Bart Bacak
James & Linda Draper
David Waits
The Waggoner Law Firm
Robert & Marianne Bachman
Keith & Stacie Earnest
Jamie Walker
T-P Livestock
John & Joan Baize
Geraldine Elliston
Will & Peggy Wallace
Wesley Schmidt Farms
Edward & Barbara Baker
David & Treva Franklin
Alan & Nan Zeman
Western Blackland Farms, Inc.
Matt & Becky Baker
Westmoreland Family, Ltd.
John & Rita Ballard
Zone Nine Landscape & Design, Inc.
Rick & Sheila Barnes
Foundations & Trusts
Bonnie Barnette
Estate of Gary Ivey
Larry & Janet Bartek
Hilton and Peggy Higgins Marital Trust
Michelle Barton
Lubbock Memorial Arboretum
David & Debra Barnard
Kent & Gabrielle Gordon
James & Rachel Graham
Terry & Jana Gunter
Lawrence Hagy
Charles & Melinda Hallmark
Keith & Glenda Hansen
Marie Hargrove
Brian & Carolyn Heinrich
Deidre Hirner
Robert & JoAnn Hopper
Tracy Jarman
William & Diane Jones
Damon & Zanna Jordan
LeeRoy and Betty Kiesling
Craig & Glenda Kitten
Robert Kline
E. T. Leidigh
Bryan & LeeAnna Mask
Robert Masterson
Craig & Janet McCormick
PARTNER ($1-$249)
7 Cattle Company, Inc.
Ag Texas Farm Credit Services
Ag Workers Mutual Insurance
Almy & Company
Foundation, Inc.
Arrow-A Construction
Bill Weatherby Livestock
David Swinford Campaign Fund
Bradford Ranch
Lubbock Rose Society
Clar Schacht Insurance
Sigma Lambda Alpha National Honor
Cliff Jones Cabinet Shop
Craig R. Stock Landscape Design
South Plains Plant Society
Dale Carnegie Courses
The Nature Conservancy
Doherty Herefords
Dolle’s Lawn & Garden
Richard & Elisa Adams
El Bigote Cattle Company
Tom & Dorothy Adams
E-Z Shred
Travis & Kelly Adams
Fry Farm Equipment Co., Inc.
Lu Ann Aday
Gilbreath Brothers
Milton & Geneva Adkisson
Gray’s Agri Consulting
Gerald Adrian
Greg Batenhorst
David & Gina Becker
Richard & Alison Beckham
Joe Becton
Gregory & Lisa Bednarz
Arthur & Martha Bell
Doug & June Bell
Fred & Janice Bell
Freddy & Carole Bell
Gary and Cynthia Bell
Kevin Belt
Aaron & Memory Bennett
Mack & Mary Bennett
Mark & Sharyn Bentsen
Page 43
Robert Bentz
Larry & Dorlene Butler
Jessica Davis
Charles & Jerie Flowers
Gerald A. Berkowitz
Brandon & Erin Byers
Keith & Shari Davis
Sydna Flowes
Bob & Kathy Berry
Michael & Tracey Byrd
Waymon & Carol Davis
Jay Flusche
Bill and Priscilla Bickel
Philip & Tima Calvit
Ken & Nancy Dawson
Paul Flynn
Cliff & Torri Bickerstaff
Arthur Campbell
J. O. & Cheryl Dawdy
Ross & Jane Forbus
Shanti & Indu Bilimoria
Brent & Lisa Campbell
Sonny & Sydney Dean
Amber Forrest
Camille Billington
John Campbell
Alfred & Peggy Dearman
Joyce Foster
Noel Bingham
Michael & Julia Campbell
Steven Decker
A. T. & Betty Fouts
Brian & Gia Binkowski
Christopher & Becky Canon
Willis & LaRae DeLozier
Roger & Carol Freeman
Gregory & Debra Black
Mandy Carr
Blake Denbow
Darren & Sonia Froman
Tiffany Black
Jack & Sheila Carroll
Leonard Dintenfass
Kenneth & Judy Frymire
Barton Blaydes
Casey Carrothers
Travis & Jennifer Dodson
Westal & Patsy Fuchs
Rodney & Michele Bohr
Jerry & Sheila Carson
Thomas & Karin Doederlein
Eldon & Glenda Fuqua
Billy & Brenda Boles
Karen Carter
John Dorff
Franklin & Delores Furr
Amber Bonds
Maricela Carter
Karen Doty
Richard & Laura Furr
Missy Bonds
Jimmie & Shannon Caughron
Steven & Sherri Dowhower
John & Marilyn Galbraith
Tom & Susan Boone
Lois Chalfant
John Downes
Kent & Graciela Galindo
John & Betty Boren
Brad Chambers
Junior & Anita Dozier
David & Jill Gates
David Bownds
Fred & Jane Chandler
Dale & Kathleen Drawe
Arlan & Lisa Gentry
Billy & Melba Boyd
James & Deborah Chapman
Dylan & Amy Drummond
Chris & Kelly Gerber
Ed & Linda Braden
Steven Chapman
Timothy Drummond
Edwin & Dorothy Gerik
Jody & Valerie Bradford
David Cheatham
Larry & Zackie Dunbar
Stephen & Christie Gesell
Patrick & Stacy Bradley
Jennifer Christian
Eric & Geneva Duncan
John Gibbens
Amber Brady
Ed & Jean Clark
Kerry & Julie Duncan
Clay & Susie Gibson
Kenneth & Patricia Brandenberger
James & Margaret Clepper
Michael & Cindy Dunn
William & Barbara Gill
Todd & Mindy Brashears
Lewis Cobb
Anthony & Joann Dycus
Charles & Kristi Gillispie
David & Canzada Bray
William Collier
Jim & Nell Edlin
Steven Gillum
John & Amy Brennan
Michael Collins
Eddie & Rae Edwards
Mike & Vickie Glenn
Jim & Pamela Brink
Ryan & Jessica Colvin
Emmett & Belinda Elam
Barry & Rachel Glover
Frank & Martha Brixey
Joe & Cynthia Compton
Stephen & Weslie Elliott
James Glueck
Manuel Brooks
Scott & Cindy Cooksey
Joe & Kathy Ellis
David & Wendy Goode
Glen & Sherri Brosch
Scottie & June Cooper
Johnny & Coralea Emerson
Bradford Goodwin
Steven Brosch
James & Judy Cooper
Travis & Misty Engel
William & Mary Goodwin
Robert & Betsy Browder
Rhea & Tracey Cooper
Jose & Gabriela Escamilla
James & Melanie Gordon
Jeffrey & Tonia Brown
Andy & Pamela Copeland
Brian Essex
Floyd & Susan Gossett
Matt & Christy Brown
Ray & Carolyn Corbin
Don & Kathie Ethridge
Kevin & Lynn Gott
Charles & Magda Browning
Paul & Joanne Cotter
Flora Ezzell
Amy Grace
Louis & Charlotte Brooks
Lynn Cowden
Richard & Jennifer Fadal
Shelee Granberg
Brad Bryan
Donald & Pat Cox
Michael Farmer
William & Melanie Greaser
Fred & Janis Bryant
Lawrence & Frances Coyne
Karen Favers
Tom Green
Ray & Kathy Bryant
Lloyd & Martha Crabb
Norma Favers
Brent & Carolyn Gregg
R. E. & Margaret Bryant
Ashley Craig
Robert & Nancy Fehleison
Dan & Dana Gregory
Stephen & Julie Bryant
Jim & Alta Cromer
Jared Ferguson
Troy & Kellie Griffin
Jack & Mildred Buchanan
Chris & Amy Crownover
Dale & Mary Finch
Jesse & Sarah Griffith
Michael & Cathy Buchanan
Ken & Gaye Crump
Missy Finck
John Griffis
Stephen & Penny Bunting
Rick & Sandra Cunningham
Greg & Tassie Fish
Gary and Frances Grogan
John and J.Sue Bunton
Charles & Betty Cunningham
Charles & Kaye Fitzwilliam
Don & Elsie Grossman
Bobby & Debra Burge
Mary Daniel
Dan & JoAnn Flemming
Gilberto & Jacqueline Guerrero
Rufus & Mary Burleson
Jerry & Kaye Darter
Denzil & Lisa Flood
Alioune & Lupe Gueye
Richard & Shelly Burnett
John & Patricia Dauer
Silas and Frances Flournoy
James & LaNell Gunter
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Eddie & Jerri Hajek
Jimmy & Sammie Howard
Joel & Joyce Lackey
Todd & Marianne McCartney
Brian & Stephanie Hall
Mark & Robin Howard
Brad & Keila Lance
Franklin & Paula McCauley
Mark & Anna Hall
Kennard & Sylvia Howell
W. H. & Grace Langdon
Paul & Nancy McCawley
Brent & Cari Hamilton
Session & Katie Howell
Vernon Lansford & Loni Walton
Fred & Lydia McClanahan
Pat Hamilton
Bingru Huang
James & Bertie La Roe
Lynn McClendon
Preston & Andrea Hance
Gregg Hudspeth
Brock & Andrea Laubhan
Charles & Stella McClure
Jeffrey & Sarah Harbaugh
Thomas & Cheri Hughes
Robert & Celia Laurie
Jared McGill
Robert Harle
Brent & Drusilla Isom
Lindy & Billie Lawler
David & Jennifer McKay
Celia Harmon
Herbert & Vera Itz
Gary and Sheryl Lawrence
SuJo McKee
Ellen & Dennis Harp
Jerry & Jean Ivey
Joe & Wanda Leach
Mildred McKelvy
David Harris
Randell & Katherine Jackson
Bill Lee
Jimmy & Jana McKenzie
Robert & Mona Harris
Craig & Catherine Janssen
Natalie Lee
Chad & Ronda McMullin
Jamie Harvey
Donald & Monett Jenkins
Peyton & Kelly Legg
David & Claudia McMurry
Greg & Jennifer Haseloff
Al & Barbara Johnson
Robert & Barbara Leidigh
George & Kay McWhorter
Thomas & Kay Hatton
Jeff & Judy Johnson
Mary Jo Lewis
Owen & Carol McWhorter
Richard & Vickie Havens
Phillip & Trudi Johnson
Terry Lewis
Paul & Mary Meredith
Bryan & Cathy Hawkins
Roy Johlke
M’Lys Lloyd
Frank & Cathy Merickel
Richard Hayden
Gerald Johnston
Donald & Janice Loafman
John & Virginia Merrill
Bob & Nancy Hayter
Charles & Maxine Jones
Buddy & Beverly Logsdon
Bob & Charlotte Middleton
Andrew & Mary Heard
David & Judith Jones
Corey Long
Mace & Jeana Middleton
Craig & Donna Heenan
David & Cindy Jones
Scot & Shelli Long
Marty & J. J. Middleton
Fred & Kay Hefley
Donald and Chris Jones
Terry Long
Elam & Linda Miles
Pamela Hefner
Janell Jones
Trent and Susanne Long
Daniel & Susanne Miller
Craig and Melinda Heinrich
Jerry & Mary Jones
W. L. & Margaret Louthan
J. C. & Elena Miller, Jr.
Mark & Davia Heinrich
Ordie & Sandra Jones
Douglas & Martha Lowe
Pamilyn Miller
Louis & Barbara Heinze
Richard Jones
Paula Lowe
Roger Miller
Bobby & Lavada Helton
Wilbur & Elouise Jones
Jon Lovvorn
Travis & Cindy Miller
Jerry & Jean Henderson
Brian Jordan
Armon & Arvella Luaderback
Foy & Mitzi Mills
Ab & Deb Hendley
Darren & Kimberly Jost
Gary & Elaine Lundberg
Jim & Inda Mills
Mike Hendricks
Chad & Risa Kacir
Raymond & Valine Lunn
Miscellaneous Contributions
Dale & Arletta Herring
Kendall & Patricia Karr
Bobby Lusk
Sukant & Rina Misra
James & Lisa Herring
Leonard & Betty Keeton
Jayson & Christy Lusk
George & Marita Mitchell
James & Patsy Hewlett
Jimmy Kemp
Barbara Lust
Philip Modesitt
Len & Joan Hickey
Hustlin Kennel
Buddy and Barbara Lutrick
Keith & Linda Moffett
Jeffrey & Hollie Higgins
Joy Van Keuren
Conrad & Victoria Lyford
Lewis & Delzene Moncrief
Kevin Hill
Saranga & Pankaja Kidambi
Catherine Lyons
Mark & Lori Moon
Matt & Kassidy Hill
Ernst and Junita Kiesling
Donald & Judy Macha
Billy & Beth Moore
Michael & Marilyn Hill
Earnest & Vickie Kiker
Melvin & Tina Macha
Jo Moore
Darrell & Glenda Hobgood
Chad & Carrie Kindle
Jaime Malaga
Garland & Rachel Moore
Chris Holcomb
Robby & Amy Kirkland
Ted & Vanisha Mallory
Russell & Kelly Moore
Dan & Jenifer Holland
Paul Kiser
Julie & K. J. Marrow, Jr.
Joseph and Connie Moreland
Daniel & Susan Holland
Donald and Gina Kitten
Robert Martin
Adrian & Loreen Moreno
Joe & Violet Holmes
Troy & Stacy Klemke
Carl Marugg
Kirk & Maureen Morris
William & Norma Homer
Tom & Beth Knight
Richardo Mata-Gonzalez
Michael & Claire Morris
Paul & Cindy Hons
Dan and Lee Ruth Krieg
Keith & Kristi Mathis
Nancy Morris
Bobby & Lynn Hooker
Wade & Karen Kuehler
Ronald & Cindy Mattson
Nathan Morris
Norm & Marge Hopper
Anna Kukowski
Donald & Nelda Mauney
Tammy Morrison
Scott & Lisa Horne
Kevin & Jennifer Kuper
Cyril & Joan May
Mark & Christine Moseley
Stanley & LaDon Horsford
Alon & Susan Kvashny
Todd Maynard
Duane & Norma Mounts
Rayburn & Jeannette Houston
Zurick and Paula Labrier
David & Constance Mayo
Alexandre & Olga Murova
Page 45
Charles Murphy
Michael Pounds
Mike & Amy Schueler
James & Marcia Stevens
August Myszka
Kenneth & Diane Powell
Herbert & Jane Schuelke
Frankie and Julia Stewart
Kim & Cyndi Nelson
Robert & Anne Pragnell
Brenda Schumann
Jerald & Pam Stewart
Monte & Carol Nesbitt
Charles & Ramona Prater
Ronald & Linda Schuster
William & Marilyn Stovell
Wayne & Laura Netherlin
Marlin Priddy
Lee Schwaller
Scott & Mardell Strawn
Jarry & Suzie Nevins
Benny & Mary Pryor
Michael & Sharon Schweitzer
Tullie & Valerie Struve
Sam & Esther Newberry
Rodney & Kathy Purswell
Gilbert Schwertner
Charles & Willa Sudduth
Corey & Barbara Newsom
Travis Quirk
Jerry & Jeanene Scoggin
Adrian & Maria Sustaita
Glenn & Patsy Newsom
Dan & Pennye Ralston
Kenneth Scott
Jesse & Carol Swagerty
John & Mikella Newsom
Richard & Catherine Ramage
Ed & Tammy Segarra
John & Mary Sweeten
Steven and Rhea Newton
Jimmy & Ava Ray
Tapan & Tripti Sen
William & Lindsay Swift
Jimmy & Kaye Nickell
Charles & Marceal Reeves
Charles Senter
Nicholas & Branda Tacquard
Alvin Nored
Nelson and Ruth Reinsch
Gary & Janet Setliff
Lynn & Sondra Tate
Beade & Darlene Northcut
Roderick M. Rejesus
Lewis & Carla Settle
Roger & Clare Taylor
James & Ann Norwood
C. R. & Helen Releford
Erwin & Nancy Seydler
Douglas & Jenny Thiessen
Thomas & Lori Novak
Nell Revier
Christopher & Jacinda Shanks
Kris & Janet Thomas
Eric & Kelly Nyman
James Richie
Scott & Holly Shepard
Robert & Delia Thomas
Barry & Susan O’Brien
Toby & Elizabeth Rider
Kerry & Mary Siders
Alton Thompson
Bernard & Sarah O’Brien
Walter & Brenda Riggs
Marti Sikes
John Thompson
Charles & Susan O’Dell
Deaton & Jan Rigsby
Carl & Gail Simmons
Kevin & Brigid Thompson
Bruce Odom
Martin Riley
Ralph & Laura Simmons
Dick & Claudia Thornton
Laura Offutt
Robert Riley
Robert & Laura Simmons
Regina Tihfon
Michael & Stefanie Ogle
Norton Robbins
Stan & Debbie Simms
Brad & Cheryl Tinsley
Stephen & Tresa Oldham
Joyce Roberts
Albert & Patricia Simnacher
Judy Tolk
LeRoy Olsak
Carl & Kaye Robertson
Gerald & Kathryn Simnacher
James & Dawn Tollett
Carolyn O’Neal
Arin Robinson
Mike & Patsy Simpson
Michael Toombs
Shane & Marcy Orman
Bob Robinson
Jerry & Linda Singleton
George & Denise Trenfield
Janice Pakula
Doyle & Brenda Robinson
Kenneth & Charlotte Sjogren
M. J. & Gail Trlica
Thad Parsons
Jay & Debra Robinson
Jerry & Virginia Skaggs
Kelly & Jenifer Tucker
Jeff & Sherry Pate
Jeff & Lois Rogers
Don Slaughter
Patricia Tucker
Eric & Rebecca Patton
Bart & Tami Roye
Edward and Jo Anne Smith
David & Linda True
Jeffrey & Kristi Payne
Lee & Kay Rucker
Frank Smith
Bradley Vaughn
Tom & Terry Payton
Laurence & Barbara Rudd
Kenneth & Andrea Smith
Gary & Fannie Vaughn
Mike & Josefa Peacock
Brandon Rusch
Brian & Julie Snellgrove
Lowell & Shelly Vaughn
Charles and Mary Peek
Steven Rutledge
Cole & Kimberly Sorrels
Jerry & Sue Vines
Harold & Indre Pemberton
B. F. & Lawanda Rutherford
Ron & Gail Sosebee
Gary & Leanne Vogel
Raymond Pendergast
Jose & Elma Saenz
Delbert Sours
Max & Anne von Roeder
Scott Penn
Ronald & Emily Saiz
Edith Spalding
Bobby & Shirley Waddle
Kevin & Michelle Pepper
Richard & Margaret Salley
Jaynette Spears
Larry & Paula Wade
Alfonso & Elia Perez
Herschel & Anne Sanders
Carlos & Dorothy Spencer
Travis Walden
Chris Perkin
Jim & Beth Sartwelle
Harold & Janette Spink
Brian & Debbie Walker
Tommy & Rhonda Perkins
Hyman & Virginia Sauer
Scott & Susan Staggenborg
Don & Elaine Walker
J. K. & Willie Pettit
Leonard & Marcella Sauter
William & Joe Ann Standlee
Ferdie Walker
DaNay Phelps
Bobby & Mary Sawyer
Max and Christie Stapleton
James & Waldine Walker
Lois Phillips
Kenneth Scarth
Marvin & Verlene Stegemoeller
Ricky and Donna Walker
Eric & Melissa Pierce
Randolph & Kristine Schaefer
Albert & Shirley Steinfath
James Wallace
Sonie Pinkert
Matthew Schertz
Shirley Steinfath
George & Meredith Waller
John Pitts
Donald & Marie Schiller
Randy & Kris Stephens
Kenneth & Kelly Walter
Matthew Pollock
Ron and Elsie Schilling
Steven & Leigh Stephens
Billy & Shirley Warren
Bob & Barbara Poteet
Gary & Donna Schovajsa
Brett & Laura Sterling
Jack Waters
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Mark & Barbara Waters
Dr. Donald and Sammie Bricker
Shirley and Mildred Garrison Scholarship
Danner & Anna Watson
Regents Endowed Chair in Wildlife
Fund in Agricultural Education and
Brian Watt
Ted & Debbie Weatherford
Guy Weaver
Steve & Debra Weaver
Randy & Imelda Wegwerth
Irvin & Karla Welch
Tommy and Nell Welch
Tami Wells
Charles & Anne Wendt
Dwayne & Beverly West
Marco & Dolores Westmoreland
Joe & Sara Wheeley
Clint & Amy White
Montague & Linda Whiting
Robert & Linda Whitson
Jay & Laverne Wiginton
Gerald & Debbie Wiles
Bob & Melanye Wilkinson
Amber Williams
Carl & Nona Williams
Gene and Janice Williams
Monty Williams
David Willis
Fred & Wanda Willis
Donors: Dr. Donald and Sammie Bricker;
Lubbock; established in 2005
JG “Get” Watson Endowed Scholarship
Donors: Friends and family of Get
Watson; Representatives, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Brackeen; Grand Prairie;
established in 2005
Daniel Brackeen Food Technology
Endowment Fund
Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brackeen;
Grand Prairie; established in 2005
A. F. and Kathleen Wischkaemper
Scholarship Endowment
Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Wischkaemper; Hobbs, NM;
established in 2005
Lubbock Chapter of Safari Club
Jeffrey Wolfla
Dub & Betty Womble
Donor: Lubbock Chapter of Safari Club
International; Representative, Dr.
Ralph Menard; Lubbock; established
in 2006
in 2006
Nutrition Physiology, Inc. Food Safety
Donor: Nutrition Physiology Inc.;
Donors: G. W. Davis and Family,
Representative, Gordon W. Davis;
Lubbock; established in 2005
Gordon W. Davis Meat Science
Enhancement Endowment,
Donors: G. W. Davis and Family;
Representative: Gordon W. Davis;
Lubbock; established in 2005
Bellville; established in 2006
Jim and Paula Prewitt- Government
Internship Fund
Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prewitt; Flower
Mound; established in 2006
Stella M. Ray Memorial Scholarship Fund
Donor: Phillip Ray; Lubbock; established
in 2006
Richard and Donna Ridgway / James
Donors: Richard and Donna Ridgway;
Flower Mound; established in 2006
Summus Industries Inc. Scholarship
Donor: Summus Industries, Inc.;
Representative, Rodney Craig;
Sugarland; 2006
J. L. and Audine Newsom Chancellor’s
Council Endowed Scholarship
Donors: Donna Newsom Ridgway and
Mound and Lubbock; established in
Donor: Marketing and Technology
Gordon W. Davis Regents Chair
Donors: Lloyd and Betty Van Horn;
Hill, NC; established in 2006
John & Bernadette Zak
September 1, 2005—August 31, 2006
Barbara Newsom Paddack; Flower
Poultry Support Program Fund
Lubbock; established in 2005
Wyman Tidwell Memorial Scholarship
Representative, Doug Ware; Chapel
Micky & Kathy Woodard
Donna and Richard Zartman
R. Bell; Representative, Jennifer Ritz;
Scholarship Endowment
Donor: June Moss; Matador; established
Milburn Wink
Donors: Family and friends of Kenneth
LaMunyon Chancellor’s Council
N.L. “Bill” Moss Memorial Scholarship
Lalith & Ruwanthi Wimalarathne
Kenneth R. Bell Scholarship
Brent & Anna Wilson
Thomas & Patricia Wilson
Lubbock; established in 2006
International Graduate Fellowship
Matt and Christy Wilmeth
Matthew & Carol Wilson
Donors: Shirley and Mildred Garrison;
Group, Inc.; Representative, Jim
Goldberg; Collierville, TN; established
in 2006
Hoss Newsom Viticulture Scholarship
Donors: The Newsom Family;
Representative, Ms. Dacota Julson;
Grapevine; established in 2006
Agricultural Economics/Marketing
Graduate Assistantship
Donors: CoBank, First Ag Credit, Tx
Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo Scholarship
Donor: Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo;
Representative, Bucky Lamb; Austin:
established in 2006
The Rodeo Facility Enhancement Fund
Donors: David Grohne, Jim Harrison and
Bob Herd; Wilmington, IL, Phoenix,
AZ, and Tyler; established in 2006
Delta Pine and Land Endowment
Donor: Delta and Pine Land Company;
Cotton Ginners, PYCO, Plains Cotton,
Representative, Ann Shackelford;
Cooperative Association, Farmers
Scott, MS; established in 2006
Underwood Family Endowment for
Equine Programs
Donors: Fred and Pam Underwood;
Lubbock; established in 2006
Diamond ($10,000 or More)
Ag Finance Institute Endowment Fund
B. L. Allen Endowed Professorship in Soil
American State Bank Rodeo Scholarship
Bayer Cropscience Regents Professorship
Dr. Donald and Sammie Bricker Regents
Endowed Chair
E. G. & Evelyn Cauble, Jr. Scholarship
Moise Cerf Memorial Fellowship
Endowment Fund
Gordon W. Davis Endowment for
Excellence in Meat Judging
Gordon W. Davis Meat Science
Enhancement Endowment
Gordon W. Davis Regent’s Chair
Endowment in Animal and Food
Gordon W. Davis Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. John Henry Dean Jr.
Scholarship Endowment
Harold & Mary Dregne Graduate
Program Endowment
Feedmill/Feedlot Maintenance
Shirley & Mildred Garrison Professorship
Endowment in Rural Youth
Chester “Pots” and Cleta Gilmore
Houston Livestock Show and Rode Catt
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Scholarship Endowment
Robert Huston Endowment
Helen Devitt Jones Graduate Fellowship
Endowment in CASNR
Cooperative Compress, and Texas
Underwood Rodeo Endowment
Independent Ginners; established
R. B. and Kate Kirk Endowment
Donors: Fred and Pam Underwood;
Caesar Kleberg Fellowship in Wildlife
in 2006
Lubbock; established in 2006
Conservation Endowment
Page 47
Caesar Kleberg Professorship in Wildlife
Conservation Endowment
M. F. and Virginia Landwer Scholarship
to Range, Wildlife and Fisheries
Dean Leidigh Memorial Professorship
J. A. Love Endowment for Plant and Soil
L. M. Hargrave & T. L. Leach Agricultural
Education Endowment
John R. & Kathryn Hunter Scholarship
Endowment in Range & Wildlife
Hunter/Wright Cost of Education Range
and Wildlife Endowment
L. E. “Sonny” Nance Scholarship
Aubrey E. & Doris F. Pilgrim Endowment
Bob and Debbie Macy Endowment for
Sujit Roy Memorial Endowment
Excellence in Animal Husbandry
Dan & Linda Taylor Endowment
L. Edward Marvin Scholarship in
Landscape Architecture/Young
Foundation Endowment
Rockwell Fund Inc Professorship in PSS
Charles C. Thompson Endowment in
Agricultural Finance
Jessie W. Thornton Chair in Animal
Science Endowment
Jessie W. Thornton Chair in Plant and
Soil Science Endowment
San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc.
Chair in Animal & Food Science
San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. Graduate Student Endowment Fund
San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc.
Meat Sciences Endowment
George C. & Vivian Wilson Scholarship
Platinum ($5,000—$9,999)
Afton A. & Dorothy O. Allen Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Stanley Anderson/Animal Science
Alumni Association Scholarship
J. Raymond Boyd/Lubbock Kiwanis
(Downtown) Scholarship Endowment
Frank M. Carter Memorial Endowment
Clayton Fund for Undergraduate
Scholarship Endowment
Cotton Cooperatives Endowment
Louis M. Dieckow Scholarship
Excellence in Meat Science Endowment
C R “Bob” Glazier Meat Science
Fellowship Endowment
Charles R. Gibson University Scholarship
Walter Willis Hammond Endowment for
Range & Wildlife Management
G. R. White Trust Endowment
Gold ($3,000—$4,999)
Agricultural Education Alumni
Association Endowment
Agronomy, Horticulture & Entomology
support Quasi Endowment
Daniel Brackeen Food Technology
Endowment Fund
College of Ag Sciences Endowment
Ellis W. Earle University Scholarship
Edgar L. Hawkins Intercollegiate Judging
Teams Endowment
Rob Lewis Scholarship Endowment in
Ivey Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Charles P Mahoney Horticulture
Endowment Fund
G. T. & W. D. O’Brien Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Plains Cotton Growers, Inc. Endowment
for Government Intern Support
San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. Graduate Student Endowment
Benny J. Simpson University Scholarship
Memorial Endowment
Krista Simpson Agricultural Achievement
Dean W. L. Stangel Perpetual
Jerry Stockton Collegiate FFA
Scholarship Endowment
Dale & Cheryl Swinburn University
Scholarship Endowment
Triumph Seed Company Graduate
Fellowship Endowment
A. W. Young Graduate Student Support
Silver ($1,000—$2,999)
Robert C. and Donna A. Albin
Scholarship Endowment
Page 48 | Landmarks 2007
B. L. Allen Soil Science Endowment
Food Technology Endowment
Howard Alford Memorial Scholarship
George Fugitt Texas Turfgrass
Dr. M C & Priscilla Althaus & W A & G
Hester Endowment
Ag Sciences Student Assistance Fund
Ag Seniors Scholarship Endowment
Agronomy, Horticulture and Entomology
CHMN Quasi Endowment
Donald Ashdown Scholarship
Don Ator Memorial Scholarship
Bill Baker Scholarship Endowment
Bankers Agricultural Credit Conference
Tom C. Barnsley Foundation Scholarship
Endowment Fund
John Henry Baumgardner Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
J. Wayland Bennett Scholarship
Endowment Fund
W. F. Bennett Ambassadors for
Agricultural Scholarship Endowment
Block and Bridle Scholarship Term
R. A. Brown Ranch Scholarship
Raymond Boyd Scholarship Endowment
Clyde, Brian and Virginia Butler
Scholarship Endowment
Don Clark Scholarship Endowment
Margaret Coil Endowment for Floral
Sam E. Curl Ag Leadership Endowment
J. O. & Mildred Dalton Scholarship in
Food Technology Endowment
Alvin G. and Barbara A. Davis Rodeo
Scholarship Endowment
Electric Coop Scholarship Endowment
Nolie G. Elliston Alpha Zeta High
Freshman Memorial Scholarship
Ellwood Graduate Assistantship
Ex-Student Scholarship in Range &
Wildlife Management Endowment
Hallie I. & Ernest Fish Scholarship
Associatoin Scholarship Endowment
Fund for Excellence-Ag Sciences
S. L. & Mildred Garrison Graduate
Fellowship Endowment
Shirley & Mildred Garrison University
Scholarship Endowment
J. Owen and Francine Gilgreath
Scholarship Endowment
James W. & Lindl T. Graves Scholarship
Great Plains Cattle Feeders Scholarship
Clabber Hill Ranch Scholarship
Bob and Helen Henard Scholarship in
Reange & Wildlife Management
Dave Hopper Rodeo Scholarship
Dave and Joan Hopper Scholarship
Robert H. Huston Mineral Endowment
David Koeppe Memorial Scholarship
Clem Kuehler Memorial Scholarship
Robert L. Leach Memorial Endowment
A. E. Leonard Scholarship in Range &
Wildlife Conservation Endowment
Ollie F. Liner Scholarship Endowment
Bob Lokey Distinguished Lectureship
Fund in Range and Wildlife
Management Endowment
Gladys Manjeot Memorial Scholarship
of District I, Texas Garden Club, Inc.
Dan & Julia Manning Scholarship
Arthur G. (Jerry) and Roberta E.
Matches Endowment
Clemon Montgomery Scholarship
Julie Morrow Memorial Endowment
Ray C. Mowery Scholarship Endowment
Panhandle-South Plains Fair Scholarship
Pendleton Scholarship in Range and
Wildlife Management Endowment
David Phillips, Saddle Tramps, Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
J. W. & Lillian Potts Scholarship
Boyd, Jane and B. J. Ramsey Scholarship
Buddy Reger Memorial Rodeo
Scholarship Endowment
Rodeo Heritage Endowment
W. B. Rushing Family Scholarship in
Agriculture Marketing Endowment
San Antonio Livestock Exposition,
Inc. - Mary Nan West Scholarship
San Antonio Livestock Exposition,
Inc. - Ralph H Winton Scholarship
South Texas Cotton and Grain
Association Government Internship
Dale and Debbie Taylor Scholarship
Texas Chapter American Society of
Landscape Architecture Scholarship
Texas Cotton Ginners Association
Scholarship Endowment
Texas Tech Ag Ex-students Scholarship
Texas Tech Rodeo Association
Scholarship Endowment
Thompson Family of Abernathy
Scholarship Endowment
Underwood Family Rodeo Scholarship
Greg H. Westmoreland Scholarship
West Texas Ag Chemicals Institute
Scholarship Endowment
Charles Weddle Wildflower
Distinguished Lecture Endowment
John C. White Endowment in Ag
Sciences & Natural Resources
Lawrence and Dorothy Whiteley
Scholarship Endowment
Henry A. Wright Memorial Scholarship
WTACI/ COASNR University Scholarship
A. W. Young Scholarship Endowment
W. C. “Brigham” Young Memorial
Bronze ($750 - $999)
Agricultural Economics Former Student
Scholarship Endowment
Waylon and Ruth Carroll Scholarship
CASNR Lubbock Cotton Auxiliary
Scholarship Endowment
Bill and Oneta Dahl Scholarship
Charles R. and Jane A. Eatherly
Lectureship Endowment
Excellence in Meat Science Research
Kirby Hill Memorial Scholarship
Dean W. Hughes Memorial Lecture
Series Endowment
Donald A. Johnson Scholarship
Knowlton’s Dairy Dean’s
Scholarship Endowment
Ralph Riddell Scholarship Endowment
George & June Tereshkovich Scholarship
Wichita Farm & Ranch Club Scholarship
Wittenburg-Britton Scholarship
Ross R. Wolfe-Luther Burbank
Scholarship Endowment
George & Malcolm Young Scholarship
Eddie Flowers Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Arthur Frederick and Mary Lene
Gohlke Scholarship Endowment
Gamma Sigma Delta Scholarship
Inez and Laurence Harmon Scholarship
Malcolm R. Hester Memorial Lectureship
Noble & Kay Koepp Graduate Fellowship
R. A. and Elizabeth Long Graduate
Jack R. Gipson Memorial Scholarship
Flora Mayfield and Ross Ayers Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Joe S. McIlhaney Scholarship
Robert R. Reed-T V Munson Scholarship
Student Agricultural Council Scholarship
Texas Association of Agricultural
Consultants Scholarship Endowment
Texas-New Mexico Sugar Beet Growers,
Inc. Scholarship Endowment
G. W. Thomas Outstanding
Agriculturalist Endowment
J. J. Willingham Memorial Scholarship
Sustaining ($500 - $749)
Supporting ($1 - $499)
Agricultural Education and
A. W. Dalrymple Conservation Award
Communications Rushing Family
Foundation Scholarship Endowment
Jack and Twila Aufill Scholarship
Cecil L. Ayers Scholarship Endowment
W. F. Bennett Ambassadors for
Agriculture Program Endowment
John E. Birdwell, II Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Leland Chandler Scholarship
R. H. “Herb” Davis Memorial Scholarship
Marvin J. and Gladys Dvoracek
Scholarship Endowment
Agricultural Education and
Mechanization Fund for Excellence
Agricultural Economics Support
Cecil & Elizabeth Brashear Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Cal Brints Ag Eco Scholarship
Dr. Ralph M. “Doc” Durham Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Lewis Egenberger Fellowship
Endowment in Agricultural Education
Olivia and Dick Eudaly Endowment
O. A. “Cotton” Fanning Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Bill Griffin Memorial Scholarship
Doc Harbaugh Endowment
Charlie Henderson Memorial Scholarship
Wilson and Ann Holden Scholarship
Dr. Bill G. Jackson Memorial Scholarship
King Ranch Scholarship Endowment
Jerry & Pat Zimmerman Lawrence
Scholarship Endowment
Lubbock Chapter of Safari Club
International Graduate Fellowship
Marion Mayes Memorial Scholarship
W. R. McMullan Scholarship Endowment
Media Relations Training for Agricultural
Leaders Endowment
Palah Support Endowment Fund
Rushing Family Scholarship in Animal
Science Endowment
Harmon Staus Memorial Scholarship
Student Range & Wildlife Management
Club Scholarship Endowment
Howard Taylor Memorial Scholarship
Texas Tech Entomology Scholarship
Libb Wallace Memorial Scholarship
J.G. “Get” Watson College of Agricultural
Sciences Scholarship Endowment
West Texas Water Institute Scholarship
“Bid Ed” Wilkes Scholarship Endowment
for Agricultural Education and
Willard F Williams Former Student
Memorial Scholarship Endowment
A.F. & Kathleen Wischkaemper
Agricultural Sciences Scholarship
& Communications
Page 49
Box 42123 · Lubbock, TX 79409-2123