AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Mansour Zahedi Chemistry for the degree of presented on Doctor of Philosophy in August 30, 1993 Title: Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) of Transient Species Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy The O.S.U. high resolution CARS facility was employed to study the CH3 methyl radical produced by the 266 nm photodissociation of methyl iodide CH3I cooled in a free jet expansion. Rich rotationally-resolved spectra in the CH3 v1 symmetric stretching region were obtained. In the first phase of this research, the spectroscopic properties of CH3 were the objective and many observed N,K rotational Q-branch transitions of the u1 vibration were measured and assigned. Because of the high translational velocity of the dissociated radicals, the lines showed appreciable Doppler broadening and simulation of the fundamental spectrum was necessary to extract accurate frequencies and intensities. Vibrational-rotational molecular parameters as well as the band origin for the u1 transition and the CH bond length were determined. This work has been reported in Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 96(3), 1822 (1992). During the course of this work, a new long pulse injection-seeded Nd:YAG laser (custom made by Continuum) was incorporated into the CARS setup. Part of this thesis effort was devoted to the characterization and optimization of this new laser. Because of the temperature instabilities of the seed laser, frequency locking of the laser proved necessary. A procedure was developed in which the seed laser frequency was stabilized to ± 8 MHz by locking the second harmonic output to the side of a Doppler-broadened absorption line of iodine. A Doppler-free experiment was also done which showed the laser line width to be in good agreement with the Fourier pulse-transform limit of 10 MHz. This shows the laser to have a factor of 5- 10 higher resolution than most commercial systems. This work has been published in Optics Letters, 18(2), 149 (1993). The second phase of our study of CH3 radicals took advantage of the improved resolution and shot-to-shot reproducibility of this new system. Improved spectra were obtained of the u 1 fundamental transition 1000,-0000 (v2 = 0) as well as of the 1100_0100 hot band transition (v2 = 1) of CH3. The frequency analysis was extended to deduce vibrational-rotational parameters for both v2 = 0 and 1 transitions, yielding band origins of 3004.426(11) and 2996.21(4) cm-1 respectively. From simulations of the spectra, rotational and vibrational populations were extracted for the near-nascent distributions obtained under low density jet conditions. The effect of collisional partners in the initial collisional heating and the subsequent cooling of the hot CH3 radical were also examined. COHERENT ANTI-STOKES RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY (CARS) OF TRANSIENT SPECIES. by Mansour Zahedi A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed August 30, 1993 Commencement June 1994 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Profess° of Chemistry in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Head of Department of Chemistry Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate Sc Date thesis is presented Typed by researcher for August 30, 1993 Mansour Zahedi To my wife ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis is dedicated to my wife Ezzat, for her patience, enthusiasm, love and constant support during my graduate study. Her understanding throughout our many years of graduate student life is beyond explanation. I also appreciate her loving care as a wonderful mother in raising our two sons, Amin and Ali, who have filled our life with lots of joy. I would also like to thank my father, who as a chemist and my high school chemistry teacher, nurtured my interest in science. It is an honor for me to attempt to follow in his foot steps. I will be in debt for the rest of my life to my advisor and friend, Professor Joseph W. Nib ler. I feel quite unable to express all the reasons for this in english. Suffice it to say that I think the best decision I ever made was to come to O.S.U. and work under his guidance; I would certainly do it again, and hope that many others may be fortunate enough to do likewise. I also wish to thank the many people in the research group who have contributed to the success of this research. First thanks go to Dr. Kyung Hee Lee and Dr. Kirk Brown, who introduced me to the lab. I am especially grateful to Dr. James A. Harrison for his friendship and close assistance, and for showing me how much fun something like data collection can be, during the last one and a half years of my research at O.S.U. Finally, I appreciate the ongoing help of all members of the Nib ler group, who, in the spirit of their leader, have provided a uniquely warm and supportive research atmosphere. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I OVERVIEW 1 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy Description 4 4 4 7 7 8 11 12 CARS Signal Intensity Phase Matching Condition Polarization Combinations for Low Frequency CARS Resonances and Interference Effects CHAPTER III CHARACTERIZATION AND FREQUENCY STABILIZATION OF A LONG-PULSE INJECTION-SEEDED Nd:YAG LASER FOR HIGH RESOLUTION CARS SPECTROSCOPY . . . Preface Advantages of Seeded Long-pulse Lasers Seeder Laser Crystal Temperature Tuning Seeder Laser Frequency Stabilization Laser Line Width Determination Using Doppler Free Experiments Application for High Resolution Spectroscopy Summary CHAPTER IV HIGH RESOLUTION STUDY OF THE u1 VIBRATION OF CH3 BY CARS PHOTOFRAGMENT SPECTROSCOPY Preface Introduction Experimental Results Analysis and Discussion Assignments Spectral Simulations Rotational Population Distribution Interference Effects on Frequencies Molecular Parameters Summary CHAPTER V 266 nm CH3I PHOTODISSOCIATION: CH3 SPECTRA AND POPULATION DISTRIBUTION BY COHERENT RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 18 18 18 20 . 21 23 25 27 43 43 43 47 49 52 52 53 58 59 60 64 79 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Introduction Experimental Results Analysis and Discussion Spectral Analysis Collision Numbers Vibrational Population Distribution Spectra Simulations Rotational Temperatures v2 = 0 Rotational Distribution K Conservation v2 = 1 Rotational Distribution Conclusions 79 83 86 89 89 92 94 96 97 98 100 102 104 REFERENCES 125 APPENDICES 133 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 Four wave mixing arrangements, (a) Collinear wave vector addition, (b) BOXCARS wave vector addition, (c) CARS energy levels diagram 14 2-2 BOXCARS phase matching geometry with perpendicular polarizations indicated for rotational measurements 15 2-3 Four wave mixing energy level diagrams 16 2-4 (a) Real x and imaginary x" parts of two adjacent Lorentzian, (b) Each part is separately summed, the imaginary sum is the Raman profile, (d) real and imaginary sum squared, (d) Final CARS profile 17 3-1 70 ns TEM00 oscillator long pulse custom made (Continuum) Nd:YAG laser optical layout 29 3-2 Time profile of the doubled output Nd:YAG laser pulse at 532 n m 3-3 Scan of an iodine cell using the 532 nm output of the long-pulse seeded Nd:YAG, obtained by varying the seeder laser crystal temperature 31 Seeder laser temperature stability scans of CO2 u1 Fermi diad at different case temperatures 32 3-4 . . 30 3-5 Results of the seeder temperature stability scans (Figure 3-4) showing the frequency drift of the seed laser as function of case temperature . 33 3-6 High resolution scan of the seed laser near the YAG gian maximum over two 12 lines number 1110 and 1111 34 3-7 Seed laser stability experiment using Doppler broadened iodine line 1111 35 3-8 Doppler free experimental setup 36 3-9 Doppler free polarization spectrum of iodine line 1107 showing a 16±2 MHz effective resolution 37 3-10 Doppler free spectrum obtained for 12 line number 1108 38 3-11 Doppler free spectrum obtained for 12 line number 1110 39 3-12 CARS spectrum of the Q-branch of the 2v2 transition of CO2 taken LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Figure Page at 2 Torr and at 298 K 40 CARS spectrum of the Q-branch of the 2v2 transition of CO2 taken in the jet 41 Spectrum of the Q-branch of the u1 Fermi diad transition of CO2 in the jet 42 4-1 O.S.U. high resolution experimental setup 69 4-2 CARS spectra of CH3I (bottom trace, uv off) and CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis 70 CARS spectra of CH3 produced by photolysis of CH3I at various pressures 71 3-13 3-14 4-3 4-4 CARS spectra of CH3 produced by photolysis of 10% CH3I in He 4-5 High resolution spectrum of CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis at CH3I at X/D = 1 in a jet expansion of neat CH3I at 0.5 atm 73 High resolution CARS spectra of CH3, top trace is the first portion of the spectrum shown in Fig. 4-5, middle trace is a simulated spectrum and the bottom trace is a calculated spectrum with an asuumed T = 540 K 74 4-6 . 72 4-7 Boltzmann fit of CH3 CARS spectrum of Fig. 4-6. The N quantum numbers are shown, with implied K values decreasing from left to right 75 4-8 Line shifts of calculated transitions (stick spectrum) produced by linewidth convolutions 76 4-9 Comparison of Raman and CARS line shifts (in units of F) produced by two adjacent Lorentzian lines of equal intensity 77 4-10 Potentail energy diagrams for CH3I (bottom) and photodissocaition pathways for CH3I photolysis at 266 nm (top) 5-1 5-2 . High resolution CARS spectra of CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis at X/D=1 in a jet expansion of 23% CH3I in argon at 2 atm. See text for discussion of assignments CH3 CARS spectra produced by photolysis of 0.46 atm CH3I in a 78 116 LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Figure 5-3 Page He jet at various driving pressures. For experimental conditions of each spectrum see Table 5 117 High resolution CARS spectra of CH3 obtained under near-nascent condition. The simulated spectra are also shown for each spectrum 118 5-4 Boltzmann fit of CH3 CARS spectrum of Figure 5-3 (top spectrum). The NK quantum numbers are shown to the right of each data point 119 5-5 CH3 rotational temperatures (assuming Boltzmann distribution) as a function of log of total number of collisions for several carrier gases. See Table 5 for experimental conditions 120 5-6 Relative CH3 rotational populations for individual NK states in the fundamental region (v2 = 0) for the two near nascent spectra shown in Figure 5-3. NK values are shown below for different K groups. Contributions from overlapping transitions are included and are labelled above 121 5-7 ConTarison between the CH3 NK nascent distributions of Chandler et al. /2 and the near-nascent distributions for the two cases shown in Figure 5-3. Only non-overlapping transitions are included 122 5-8 High resolution CARS Q-branch jet spectrum of CH3I in the u1 C-H symmetric stretching region. a) Obs. spectrum at X/D=8. b) Calculated spectrum assuming Boltzmann distribution at 35 K. c) Obs. spectrum at X/D=5. d) Calculated spectrum assuming Boltzmann distribution at 50 K. e) Stick spectrum for 50 K distribution 123 Relative CH3 rotational populations for individual K states in the fundamental region (v2 = 0) for the two near nascent spectra shown in Figure 5-3 124 C-1 O.S.0 new high resolutin pure rotational experimental setup 181 C-2 Q-branch CARS spectrum of u1 C-I symmetric stretch of neat CH3I in a free jet expansion at X/D = 1 182 C-3 Pure rotational scan of air (1 Atm.). Dye laser resolution was 625 MHz and 2 laser shots were averaged 5-9 C-4 CH3I pure rotational jet spectrum. Neat sample of 400 Torr 183 LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Figure Page pressure and at X/D = 0.5 184 Simulation of CH3 pure rotational spectrum, transitions due to the v2 hot band are also included in the calculation 185 Pure rotational jet spectrum of line S7 of N2 used as a driving gas for CH3I 186 C-7 Pure rotational jet spectrum of line S8 of N2 in jet 187 C-8 Pure rotational jet spectrum of line S12 of N2 188 C-5 C-6 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3-1 Hyperfine components of several 12 lines 28 4-1 u1 Q-branch transition frequencies for CH3 (cm-1) 66 4-2 Vibrational-rotational parameters for CH3 (cm-1) 67 4-3 Molecular parameter for CH3 and related molecule 68 5-1 Relative vibrational populations and rotational temperatures for nascent CH3 106 5-2 vi Q-branch transition frequencies for v2=0, 1 states of CH3 (cm-1) 107 5-3 Unassigned transition frequencies and their relative CARS intensities in the overlap region with the hot bands 111 5-4 Vibrational-rotational parameters for CH3 (cm-1) 113 5-5 Calculated rotational temperatures (Boltzmann dist.) and number of collisions for CH3 in the jet. Experimental conditions as well as collision diameters used in calculations are also given 114 Rotational population distribution for CH3 with calculated Boltzmann intensities 115 5-6 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Quick Basic 4.5 source codes written for Tektronix digital oscilloscope model 2440 B C Page 133 Quick Basic 4.5 source codes written for Stanford Research programmable module SR245 158 CARS studies in the low frequency rotational region 178 COHERENT ANTI-STOKES RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY (CARS) OF TRANSIENT SPECIES CHAPTER I OVERVIEW Transient and short-lived reactive species have long been of interest to chemists. A century ago, traditional studies of reaction mechanisms involved the mixing of reactants and, after completion of the reaction, identification and measurement of products. This information was then used to postulate intermediate steps and to propose the existence of transient intermediates. It was only about the early 1920's when transient species were first directly detected in reactive mixtures, flames, and electrical discharges by the use of optical methods. Flash photolysis techniques developed by Herzberg and others in the 1930's were then extensively used to generate and study the electronic emission and absorption spectra of transient species in the gas phase. This remained the principal probe of radical properties until, during world war II, the development of radar provided the low frequency tuning capability needed for microwave EPR study of free radicals stabilized by isolation in cold inert gas solids. Although no rotational structure exists in such solid matrices, and therefore no bond lengths could be deduced, EPR nonetheless established the existence and symmetry of many radicals and, eventually, EPR studies of these in the gas phase became feasible. 2 It was not until the 1950's that detection of vibrational-rotational spectra of transients was achieved in the pioneering development of rapid scan IR spectroscopy by Pimentel and co-workers. The other probe of vibrational- rotational transitions, Raman spectroscopy, played no role in these early studies of transient species because of the weak nature of the effect and the obvious low number densities of the free radicals to be studied. The invention of the laser in 1960 greatly improved all optical measurement capabilities by giving an exceptionally intense light source to spectroscopists. This has enabled rapid progress in the study of transient species by enhancing their production, identification, and characterization by visible-uv absorption and emission methods and by infrared techniques. In the 1970's tunable, pulsed laser technology evolved to a state such that the nonlinear coherent Raman measurements became possible, thus overcoming the low sensitivity of conventional Raman spectroscopy. In the 1980's, access to Raman transitions of transient species finally was achieved. The high resolution of Coherent AntiStokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) technique has made it an especially useful tool in distinguishing rotational structure of small radicals. In this thesis CARS has been used to study one of the most important transient species, the CH3 radical. Species such as CH3 are of considerable interest because they play important roles as intermediates in reactions in areas such as combustion, atmospheric chemistry, interstellar media and plasma diagnostics. As one of the simplest hydrocarbon free radicals, the structure and 3 properties of the planar CH3 species have long intrigued both experimental and theoretical chemists. The outline of this thesis is as follows. In chapter II a brief discussion of the theory and practical applications of CARS is presented, with points relevant to the subsequent work stressed. In chapter III the modification of our CARS setup by incorporation of a new Nd:YAG laser is discussed and the efforts to characterize and frequency stabilize this system are described. In chapter IV the first phase of the research on the high resolution CARS spectroscopic studies of CH3 is reported. This work focusses on the spectroscopy and molecular parameters obtained for the u1 symmetric stretching mode of the CH3 radical. Chapter V extends the spectroscopic studies of chapter IV and covers the study of v2 = 1 hot band as well. In addition the vibrational-rotational population distributions of near nascent CH3 radicals are determined and the effect of subsequent collisions by various gases is examined. 4 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy Description The first observation of a coherent anti-Stokes Raman (CARS) signal was made by Maker and Terhune in 1965.2 Along with subsequent improvements in experimental methods, the theory of various coherent Raman processes has developed to a remarkable level in the past couple of decades. This chapter provides a brief sketch of some of the relevant aspects of this theory, as applied to the research discussed in the following chapters. For more details on the theory, the reader is referred to the references at the end of the chapter.1-25 In a classical view of the interaction of matter with an electric field, the polarization (dipole moment per volume) induced in a medium is written as a power series in the electric field E5 P = X(1) -E X (2) EE + x(3) :EEE 2-1 Here, x(n) is the susceptibility of order n and the term x(3) is the third order 5 susceptibility, which is responsible for all coherent Raman phenomena such as CARS, CSRS (coherent Stokes Raman scattering), SRG (stimulated Raman gain), SRL (stimulated Raman loss) and PARS (photoacoustic Raman scattering). The third term of Equation 2-1 corresponds to a four wave mixing process since it can involve three input beams at frequencies 6)0, 6)2, and co 1 which couple in the medium through its susceptibility to yield a fourth wave which emerges from the sample at one of the frequency combinations 6)3 = ± (A)1± (I) 2 In the case of CARS, the induced oscillating polarization oscillates at ca3 = Wl 2-2 + 6)2 and is written as P((3) )3) x(3) [4)3,4)0,4)1,(021:E0. E 1.E; 2-3 For experimental simplicity a three-wave variant is often used for CARS in which 4)0 is chosen to be equal to (01, termed the pump beam, while 4)2 is called the Stokes beam. The signal, called the anti-Stokes beam, is at 4)3 = 24)1 - 4)2 = 4)1 + A wvib for vibrational CARS studies where the resonance condition is A wvib = - 4)2 Since 6)3 is higher in frequency than 6)1 by A covib, spectral filters can be used to eliminate the unwanted 4)1 and 4)2 scattered photons and one has the advantage that the signal occurs in a spectral region where fluorescence of the medium and other materials is not a problem. 6 For pure rotational CARS studies however, the pump and Stokes frequencies are almost identical and discrimination of w3 from these is difficult. In this case a four wave experiment is favored in which one chooses coo (pump) and w2 (Stokes) both in the yellow (or red) region of the spectrum. These beams act to drive the Raman resonance. The induced polarization is then probed by an w 1 beam in the green region so that it is possible to eliminate the pump and the Stokes scattered photons easily by the use of filters and a monochromator. Discrimination of w3 = wi + (00 - w2) = w 1 + A wrot from the scattered w 1 (green) photons can be achieved with a polarizer since the signal beam and the green beam will have orthogonal polarizations if those of wo and w2 are orthogonal. Equivalent discrimination can be obtained by using an iodine vapor cell as a sharp filter; more details about this latter method are given in chapter III. The fact that the signal at (A)3 is coherent and has all properties of a laser originates from the fact that the induced polarization (Equation 2-3) is coherently generated in the medium (i.e. many molecules are caused to vibrate in phase at wo - w2) Contrary to conventional incoherent spontaneous Raman spectroscopy where the scattered photons have random phases, in CARS the stimulated emission is coherent. The resultant in-phase addition of anti-Stokes amplitudes produces large signal gains (-106) over conventional Raman scattering and it greatly increases the collection efficiency since the signal is both unidirectional and single frequency. 7 CARS Signal Intensity The time averaged intensity of the anti-Stokes signal is given by the relation84 13 = 256 7r4 (41(nonin2 n3 C4 ) I XTARS 12 /0 /1 /2 /2 [sin(Ak//2)/(6, k//2)]2 2-4 where 1i and ni are the intensity and index of refraction, respectively, of the ith laser beam, x(3) is the third order susceptibility, E. is the interaction length, and Ak = ko + ki - k2 - k3 is the phase mismatch. Since 13 0= 10 II 12 , the use of focussed lasers with high peak intensity is greatly favored. The x(3) term in Equation 2-4 contains all of the spectroscopic information of interest and is given by10 (3) XCARS=XNR± E C4/(4t16342) X (Ni-Nf)/(6)fi-630+632-irfi) X (a Gfi No) 2-5 v' where xNR is the nonresonant susceptibility. From Equation 2-5, the resonance condition is seen to occur when Wri = Wo - W2 . The term (do-Mi) is the spontaneous Raman cross section and Ff., is the natural Raman linewidth of the transition which is identified as the halfwidth at half maximum (HWHM). As Equations 2-4 and 2-5 indicate, the CARS signal intensity is directly proportional to the square of the population difference (Ni Nf) of the initial and 8 the final states involved in the resonance process. In the vibrational region, most of the population is in the ground vibrational state and the Nf term does not contribute much. In the pure rotational region however, CARS signals are in general weaker due to the fact that the population difference tends to become smaller as the two resonance states become closer and therefore there is a higher chance for the population to be distributed over many closely spaced levels. In this case a significant enhancement of the CARS signal can be achieved by cooling the gas samples in a free jet expansions so as to concentrate the population within fewer states. Phase Matching Condition In Equation 2-4 the last term [sin(Akt/2)/(Ake/2)] 2 will be a maximum (equal to one) when Ak = 0, i.e. the exact phase matching condition is satisfied. This corresponds to the wave vector addition A k = k3- /co ki +1c1= 0 2-6 where I ki I = niwi/c with ni being the refractive index at wi. Shown in Figure 2-1 (a) is a vector diagram for the common collinear phase matching arrangement. For such collinear beams focussed by a lens of focal length f, -75% of the CARS signal is generated within a length of 6b (where b is the confocal parameter b = irw02/2),. and w0 is the focal waist diameter NI = 41f/irw for a Gaussian beam of diameter w).84 A wave vector diagram for an alternative, folded-BOXCARS86 phase 9 matching scheme (trace b) as well as a CARS energy level diagram (trace c) is also shown in Figure 2-1. Here the signal level is generally lower (- a factor of 10) due to the decreased interaction length of the crossed beams. However, this geometry is advantageous in that the signal generated is spatially separated from the unwanted Stokes and pump beams so that, with a simple aperture, one can discriminate against them. Another big advantage of this geometry is the tightness of the size of the beams at the probe volume due to the crossing angle. This feature becomes important when one needs spatial resolution to probe molecular beams along the jet axis in expansion experiments. A third advantage of the BOXCARS geometry is that the contribution of the nonresonant third order susceptibility from the optics and the background gas is greatly reduced because the beams only overlap at the focus. This is particularly significant when one works in the pure rotational region where the resonance signals are inherently weaker for the reasons discussed earlier. In order to derive an expression which relates the physical spacing of the four BOXCARS beams on the focusing lens to the wavelengths of the four waves, one can write the three components of the wave vectors along the three Cartesian coordinates shown in Figure 2-1 (b) as: A k=k3-ko-k+k2=0 2-7 10 Akz = 1k3 Icos03 lko Icos00 -Iki Icosei + 1k2 Icos02 = 0 2-8 1k1 'sine = 0 2-9 A ki=1k0 I sin00 A ky=1k3Isin03- Ik2Isin02=0 2-10 As shown in Figure 2-2, for input and output lenses of common focal length f, the distance Pi from the lens center to each of the beam spots on the lens is ki = f tan 0i 2-11 Combining this relation with the Equations 2-8 to 2-10 and knowing that I ki I = nioi/c one can solve for all four values of 0i, and hence Pi, once one of these is chosen. For gases ni is essentially unity, for small 0i, it can be seen that Pi is essentially proportional to li so that, for the beam with the shortest wavelength, the distance from the lens center is shortest. This point is pictorially illustrated in the view of the output lens from the focus for the BOXCARS geometry in Figure 2-2. Proper spacing of these beams would be especially critical when there are large wavelength differences in the mixing process. 11 Polarization combinations for low frequency CARS The polarization directions of the laser beams are also important in four wave mixing experiments. For vibrational CARS the greatest intensities are obtained via the third order non-linear susceptibility term 6x (3) where the x's refer to the electric field Ei polarization directions of the CARS beams with the order i = 3, 0, 1, 2 from left to right respectively. Here all four waves are vertically polarized and the effective polarizability tensor element sampled is x - a230 = a2 = a2zr 6 For a crossed polarization experiment, one measures x YY - a2 xY which is much smaller for strongly polarized vibrational transitions. For rotational CARS measurements however, the transition is depolarized and one can take advantage of an orthogonal polarization arrangement such that the resulting CARS signal at 633 emerges from the sample with a polarization orthogonal to that of the co 1. In this way discrimination against the green scattered photons at w I becomes possible by the use of a polarizer. The effective third order susceptibility in this case has the form 6xxyxy and the polarizability element sampled is axy2 = 3/4 a ,a2.6 The polarization arrangement corresponding to the resonance condition of Figure 2-1 (c) is illustrated in Figure 2-2 in the view of the output lens from the focus for the BOXCARS phase matching geometry. An equivalent signal would be obtained if all polarizations are rotated 90°. It may be noted that the best signal condition is for the 647 Kr+ line to be ca2 and the tunable dye wo to be scanned to higher energy. 12 Resonances and Interference Effects Schematic diagrams of the spontaneous Raman (a) and the three types of processes that contribute to the CARS signal are illustrated in Figure 2-3. The two processes c and d contribute to the xNR term and represent all of the off- resonant vibrational and electronic contributions as well as the two photon electronic transitions such as cafi - 26)2 which add to the x(3) signal produced by the process of interest b. For pure compounds at resonance (co fi = (o2 - 6.) 1), the nonresonant term xNR is small in comparison with xR but for dilute mixtures, xNR can be comparable to xR since it comes from all species in the medium. The total CARS signal intensity is proportional tol° I X CARS 12 =E Ixii-xNR12+ 1 x112 2-12 where xi, is the real part of the susceptibility term i and xi" is the imaginary part (Note that xNR is purely real, in the absence of absorption). In the spontaneous Raman process the only contributing term is the imaginary part of the susceptibility, xi". For CARS however, one can have interferences between the various contributing terms in the Equation 2-12. In the CARS case, due to the dispersive shape of the real part of the susceptibility xi ' , the I xi ' 12 term tends to build up intensity out in the wings of two adjacent peaks while it has the effect of canceling out some of the intensity in the region between the peaks. The net effect of this interaction of the two 13 parts of the susceptibility on the two closely spaced CARS peaks is to cause a small outward shift from the central positions. Thus, for accurate measurement of transition frequencies and in deducing spectroscopic constants in a high resolution study one must take proper account of these shifts due to interference effects.5 Another effect of the summation of real and nonresonant susceptibility terms in Equation 2-12 is to cause the CARS lines to have a nonsymmetric shape, in contrast to that of the spontaneous Raman. Figure 2-4 illustrates these interferences for two closely spaced Lorentzian profiles. Trace (a) shows real and imaginary parts while trace (b) is the separate sum of them. The spontaneous Raman profile is thus shown as sum(x"). Trace (d) shows the CARS line shape obtained by summing the separately squared parts of the susceptibility trace (c). Trace (d) also suggests the slight shift in the peaks position due to the interference effect. More details about these effects are given in chapter IV. Despite some of these lineshape complications of CARS, work in our laboratory has shown it to be a valuable technique in studying molecules in the gas phase and in probing molecular clusters found in free jet expansions. In this thesis, CARS is applied to yet another challenging problem, the spectroscopic study of transient species. The result of such studies on methyl radical are presented in chapters IV and V. 14 I; > k0 It >. il (a) 1k31>lk11>lk01>lk2 I wi w Z (b) Y A 6)3 2 (c) Figure 2-1. Four wave mixing arrangements, (a) Collinear wave vector addition, (b) BOXCARS wave vector addition (c) CARS energy levels diagram. 15 co 3 signal x View of output lens from focus Figure 2-2. BOXCARS phase matching geometry with perpendicular polarizations indicated for rotational measurements. For vibrational measurements, all polarizations are vertical (X). The distances E. are exaggerated. 16 W3 CO2 6)() (a) Spontaneous Raman W1 (b) CARS 631 6)2 6) o (02 ()3 6)1 6.)3 W1 (d) (c) Nonresonant Processes Figure 2-3. Four wave mixing energy level diagrams. 17 (b) Sum Sum x' x' -20 -10 10 20 -20 (c) -10 10 20 (d) ( CARS 1 x 12 II (x')2 -20 -10 J _ 0 10 20 -20 -10 10 20 Figure 2-4. (a) Real x ' and imaginary x" parts of two adjacent Lorentzian, (b) Each part is separately summed, the imaginary sum is the Raman profile, (d) real and imaginary sum squared, (d) Final CARS profile 18 Chapter III CHARACTERIZATION AND FREQUENCY STABILIZATION OF A LONG-PULSE INJECTION-SEEDED Nd:YAG LASER FOR HIGH RESOLUTION CARS SPECTROSCOPY Preface During the course of this research, a new Nd:YAG laser was incorporated into the high resolution CARS system at O.S.U. This chapter describes our efforts to characterize the frequency resolution and to lock the frequency. This work has been published in Optics Letters, 18(2), 149 (1993), and this paper is reproduced below, along with a few expansions of the discussion. Advantages of Seeded Long-pulse Lasers Injection-seeded Nd:YAG lasers26 offer several advantages to spectroscopists. As an example of a high resolution application, Esherick and Owyoung obtained sub-Doppler polarization spectra of gas phase iodine by scanning an injection-seeded Nd:YAG system with near Fourier transform-limited bandwidth (s40 MHz) at 532 nm.27 The reproducible single mode operation of seeded lasers is also important in that it gives rise to smaller shot-to-shot intensity 19 fluctuations,28 an especially useful feature in coherent Raman spectroscopies. Additional benefits have been realized in coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) when the temperature, and hence frequency, of the seed laser is carefully controlled. Tuning the doubled-frequency of the seeded laser to the peak of an iodine vapor absorption allows the occasional unneeded shots to be sensed, and rejected, by monitoring the transmission through an 12 cell. Furthermore, another 12 cell can then be used as an exceedingly sharp spike filter to eliminate 532 nm background light from the frequency-shifted CARS signal.29 Some of the characteristics of a novel injection seeded Nd:YAG system which is recently being utilized for high resolution coherent Raman spectroscopy at O.S.U. are described here. An optical layout of this laser is given in Figure 3-1. The key elements are a diode pumped, monolithic" Nd:YAG seed laser (Lightwave Electronics Model 122-1064-50F) which drives a custom high power pulsed laser built by Continuum. The latter consists of a 6 mm diameter oscillator rod in a 2 m TEM00 stable resonator configuration which is operated near threshold and Q-switched to give -7 mJ 1064 nm pulses at 20 Hz and with a FWHM of -55 ns. These are then sent sequentially through a Faraday isolator, 7 and 9 mm amplifier rods, telescopes, and a 50 mm type II KDP* doubling crystal, yielding 150-200 mJ 532 nm pulses of 35-45 ns widths. Seeding is achieved by injection of -9 mW cw 1064 nm light into the oscillator via a polarizing element. The cavity length is stabilized with a piezoelectric end mirror using a commercial Faraday isolator and mirror control system (Lightwave Electronics 20 Model S100, sans seed laser). This laser is unusual in that its long pulse duration (-45 ns at 532 nm) gives 5-10 times greater resolution than conventional systems. A temporal profile of the frequency doubled output of the laser at 532 nm is illustrated in Figure 3-2. This trace was obtained by interfacing a Tektronix digital oscilloscope (Model 2440 programmable oscilloscope) with a personal computer. Since this is the first such application of the 2440 scope, copy of the computer codes is provided in appendix A. Seeder Laser Crystal Temperature Tuning The seed laser temperature control electronics provide for convenient frequency scanning of the laser over a range of -2 cm-1 (Figure 3-3). For this trace, <1 mJ of 532 nm light was sent through a 174 mm glass cell containing 12 vapor at room temperature (ca. 300 mTorr31). The light was attenuated to ensure that saturation did not occur and was spatially integrated with opal glass placed several cm in front of a photodiode detector. A similar setup without a cell was used to provide a normalizing reference and both signals were sent to a pulse integrator (Stanford Research Systems Model SR250), digitized using a programmable computer interface module (Stanford Research Systems Model SR245) , and stored in a microcomputer. For scanning, the above module was interfaced with a computer to generate an analog voltage which was stepped (10 mV/step) and sent to an external temperature control input on the seed laser 21 electronics. A list of this computer code is included in appendix B. At modest scan rates of 20 MHz/s, the oscillator piezo servo system was easily able to maintain single mode operation, interrupted only by periodic resets of the piezo mirror. These resets were sensed by the computer and the corresponding data points collected during the reset duration were rejected. This scan of Figure 3-3 encompasses iodine atlas32 lines 1106 to 1113 for our seeder temperature variation from 50 to 20 °C but extensions to lines 1104 and 1116 can be achieved by operating the pulsed laser oscillator crystal at higher or lower temperatures.27'33 Also shown in the figure are assignments and absolute frequencies, corrected from the iodine atlas values by subtraction of 0.0056 cm-1.34 In scanning, the seed laser was observed to change mode periodically, jumping back 20 GHz about every 32 GHz scanned. In each mode range, a somewhat nonlinear scan was observed, with a scanning coefficient determined to be: avlat(MHz1°C)= -5768 +66 xt+ 1.5 xt2. 3-1 Seeder Laser Frequency Stabilization A smaller but significant frequency variation was noticed when the seed laser crystal temperature is fixed but the overall seed laser case temperature increased -5 °C; the temperature coefficient in this instance was -320 MHz/°C. This value was obtained by taking CARS spectra of the CO2 molecule in the u 1 Fermi diad region at various case temperatures (Figure 3-4) and making a least 22 squares fit of the frequency shifts against the case temperature. The result of the fit is illustrated in Figure 3-5. The positive slope of 320 MHz/°C suggests that the stabilizing electronics are themselves temperature sensitive, a troublesome feature if a fixed frequency output is required. Although one could control the case temperature, we chose to lock the output to an absolute reference such as 12, as described below. For locking purposes, we selected the midpoint of the steep high frequency side of the 1111 line at 33 °C, near the gain maximum of the pulsed laser. A high resolution scan of the 1110 and 1111 lines is illustrated in Figure 3-6. This 50% value is calculated to be at 18788.4624(7) cm-1 from a calibration of the scale using the fitted peak maxima. The result of the fit using a Gaussian line shape function is also shown in the same figure. The 50% point has an absolute uncertainty of 0.0007 cm-1 but it can clearly be set more precisely than the relatively flat peak maximum. A variation of ±5% transmission corresponds to holding the frequency stable to ±26 MHz. Analog circuits to hold the frequency stable to this level are relatively simple to construct but, for demonstrating feasibility, a computer was programmed (appendix B) to hold the 50% level constant, yielding the results shown in Figure 3-7. To control this midpoint, 20 normalized transmission measurements were averaged and, after comparing the average to the initial 50% value, the seeder control voltage was stepped up or down 0.5 mV (1 MHz) each second. As shown by the middle trace of Figure 3-7, the slow case temperature drift, and possibly 23 other factors, caused a correction voltage to be sent to the seeder. This correction, sampled once a minute, is displayed as the MHz shift that would have occurred in the absence of locking of the 50% point and is calculated from a separate determination of dv/dV by scanning over lines 1110 and 1111 (Figure 3- 6). The cell transmission, also reported once a minute, can be expressed in terms of MHz using the measured slope at the 50% position and this is shown as the upper trace of Figure 3-7. The standard deviation of this trace (3.4% transmission) implies a ±18 MHz frequency uncertainty, but this is a maximum since a good fraction of this deviation comes from laser pulse energy fluctuations, not frequency variations. A better measure of the short term frequency fluctuations can perhaps be obtained by displaying (lower trace) the minute to minute changes (derivative) of the correction voltage. The standard deviation of this quantity is ±8 MHz, a value which includes a measured ±3 MHz dither broadening of the piezo servo electronics. Laser Line Width Determination Using Doppler Free Experiments An improved procedure might employ locking to one of the 12 hyperfine components which can be resolved if one uses a Doppler-free method such as the Wieman and Hansch technique.35 A second motivation for making such a measurement is to determine the actual laser linewidth (the theoretical Fourier limit for our 45 ±2 ns pulse is 10 ±1 MHz, Figure 3-2). Accordingly, a Doppler free polarization experiment was performed in which a 1µJ pump pulse (45° 24 polarization) was passed through the 174 mm cell with 12 at -100 mTorr and a vertically polarized 0.1 AJ probe beam was counter-propagated collinearly. A schematic diagram of the Doppler free experimental set up is shown in Figure 3-8. To carry out the experiment the probe beam was nulled off resonance by use of a quarterwave plate followed by an analyzing polarizer and the residual light, reduced by -104, was detected by a photomultiplier (Hamamatsu Model R955). A signal was then produced by changes in the probe polarization when the pump and probe frequencies were scanned into resonance with the zero velocity subgroup of molecules. A normalizing signal, as for Figure 3-7, was also used. Figure 3-9 shows the resultant Doppler free spectrum produced by scanning the seed laser over line 1107, R(86) 33-0; for comparison, the normal Doppler broadened absorption is shown at the top. Most of the predicted 15 components of this even-J line (21 components for odd J) are resolved. The pattern can be easily analyzed using the hyperfine splitting relation derived by Levenson and Schawlow (equation 8 of Ref. 36) and a least squares fit yields the relevant parameters A(eQq), the difference in the quadruple field gradients of the two states, and A AGexp/I, the change in magnetic spin-rotation interaction. Three even-J transitions 12 lines 1107, 1108, and 1110 (Figure 3-9 to Figure 3-11) were examined in detail and the results are summarized in Table 3-1. It should be noted that the values of A (eQq) are close to those given for other J > 20 states similarly measured using a 514.5 nm argon ion laser.36 At the bottom of Figure 3-9 is a spectrum calculated using a best fit 25 Gaussian broadening of 16±2 MHz. The broadening due to the dither used in the piezo adjustment circuit was determined to be 6±1 MHz. (This could probably be reduced by half without loss of seeding performance.) Since the natural linewidth and collision broadening at 100 mTorr are negligible (<1 MHz) the residual width of 10±3 MHz reflects the laser linewidth, a value which is in good agreement with the Fourier limit of 10±1 MHz. For the Fourier transform calculations we have assumed Gaussian shapes for which AtAv = 21n2hr, where At is the FWHM in time and A v is the FWHM in frequency. The well-resolved hyperfine components indicate that their use for frequency locking37 of this pulsed system is feasible. This is probably of marginal gain, however, since locking to the Doppler broadened peak gives stability comparable to the linewidth. It is useful to mention that an alternative approach would be to lock the cw 1064 nm seed laser output directly to an absorption or one of its Doppler free components. Cesium dimer has been suggested for such a purpose and its Doppler free spectrum near 1064 nm has been published.38 In addition, a table of reference frequencies for CS2 in this wavelength region has been compiled.33'38 Application for High Resolution Spectroscopy To demonstrate the resolution capabilities of the OSU CARS apparatus utilizing this laser, a scan of the Q-branch structure of the 2v2 Fermi diad spectrum of CO2 at -298 K is shown in Figure 3-12. In this experiment, the 26 Nd:YAG frequency was fixed and the output divided to serve as both a CARS pump beam and as an amplifier for a cw single frequency dye laser (Coherent 699- 29). The three main contributions to the peakwidths are the Doppler width, the collisional width, and the instrumental width. For the well resolved J=24-32 lines the calculated Doppler width at 300 K and for the 0.04 radian crossing angle of the pump and Stokes beams is 84 ±4 MHz.39 The collisional width at 2 Torr is 8.-± 1 MHz.4° A CARS simulation program using these parameters then yields a value of 43 ±15 MHz for the instrumental resolution of our CARS spectrometer. This value is in good accord (1.3 greater) than the best case CARS resolution of 33 MHz derived from the Fourier transform linewidth (plus dither) of the Nd:YAG (16 ±2 MHz) and of the amplified dye (17±1 MHz from a measured 26±2 ns pulsewidth). It is good to note that, for stimulated Raman gain/loss spectroscopy, the resolution would be even better since it is determined by the amplified dye only (the cw probe beam resolution being <1 MHz). As the Doppler width is by far the largest broadening contribution, ways to decrease this are desirable. Vibrational studies of samples cooled to 10-90 K in free jet expansions would benefit from a corresponding 2-5 fold decrease in the Doppler width. This fact is illustrated in Figure 3-13 by scanning the same region of spectrum of CO2 but using a 10% mixture in Helium and probing the molecule at a X/D=12 along the jet expansion axis. The top trace is the observed spectrum while the bottom trace is calculated using the simulation routine and the same instrumental as well as collisional width but with a Doppler width of half the value 27 used for the spectrum in Figure 3-12. Extension of these studies to lower Raman shift transitions in the pure rotational region41 can further reduce this width to less than 1-2 MHz. Collisional widths are also negligible if the jet is probed beyond a few nozzle diameters from the opening so that the high resolution of this pulsed laser system will be especially useful in studies of molecules cooled in such expansions. Figure 3-14 is a demonstration of the combined advantages of employing this high resoluton long-pulse laser in a free jet expansion experiment to resolve one of the narrowest Q-branch structures known. This scan is taken from the u1 Fermi diad of CO2 and it clearly reveals some of the structure under this extremely sharp transition. Summary The frequency tuning and stabilization of a novel long-pulse seeded Nd:YAG laser is described. The laser frequency was stabilized to ±8 MHz by locking it to an iodine absorption transition near the gain maximum of the pulsed laser. A Doppler free experiment shows the laser linewidth to be in good agreement with the Fourier transform limit of 10 MHz. Molecular hyperfine frequencies and parameters were determined for three 12 absorption lines. The use of this laser as a pump and a cw probe amplifier for CARS spectroscopy is illustrated by a scan of the Fermi diad pairs 2v2 and v1 Q-branch transitions in CO2, and the instrumental resolution is found to be 43 ±15 MHz. 28 Table 3-1. Hyperfine components of several 12 lines 12 atlas line # 1107 1108 1110 vo lit. (cm-1 )a 18787.2800(4) 18787.3389(3) 18788.3371(6) vo cal. (cm-1 ) 18787.2806(2)b 18787.3394(2) 18788.3391(1) A(eQq) MHz 1900(54) 1888(40) 1813(18) LIO.LG)/I MHz 0.135(36) 0.123(22) 0.100(26) Quantum Number Obs. Obs.- Obs. Obs.- Obs. Obs.- mic Shiftd Cal. Shift Cal. Shift Cal. M2 2.5 -2.5 -463 4 -459 5 -413 -4 -1.5 -2.5 -213 23 -224 16 -159 28 1.5 -2.5 -177 10 -186 3 -130 8 2.5 -1.5 -177 -7 -169 -1 -130 -1 2.5 2.5 -140 -20 -129 -12 -102 -21 -0.5 -2.5 -64 12 -75 6 -19 15 0.5 -2.5 -49 9 -58 4 -3 12 2.5 -0.5 -13 -3 -11 -2 35 12 2.5 0.5 5 -3 7 -2 35 -7 1.5 -1.5 117 6 111 4 143 1 -0.5 -1.5 233 13 222 7 267 21 0.5 -1.5 242 4 239 5 267 3 1.5 -0.5 277 7 275 9 299 4 1.5 0.5 277 -11 275 -10 299 -15 0.5 -0.5 399 0 395 2 419 2 a See Refs. 32, 34 b Values in parenthesis are standard errors from fitting procedure and do not include the absolute uncertainty of v0 values nor contributions from any small local nonlinearities in the temperature scanning of the hyperfine structure. M1 and M2 are the components of the nuclear spin of iodine atom 1 or 2 on the molecular axis. See Ref. 36. d The uncertainty (MHz) of the observed shift frequencies is 25 + 0.12 x (Obs. Shift). 29 20 18 11 6 16 15 17 13 12 11 1 1 / 14 21 3 lb 11 2 3 4 %4 5 3 6 3 7 % 11 T I / / 10 Seeder \ I seeder telescope 10 10 beam dump la. Mirror, rear, +5 m 13. Apodizer, soft, 4 mm lb. Mirror, rear, +2.4 m 2. Pockets cell 14. 7x115 mm rod, flashlamps 15. Div. lens, -120 mm 3. 1/4 plate 16. Con. lens, +155 mm 4. Polarizer, dielectric 5. Pinhole, 1.5 mm 6. 6x115 mm rod, flashlamps 7. Wedge 8. 1/2 plate 9. Faraday rotator 10. Mirror, turning, 45° 11. Div. lens, -104 mm 17. 9x115 mm rod, flashlamps 18. SHG, Second Harmonic Generator 19. Dichroic, 532 nm 20. THG, Third Harmonic Generator 21. Dichroics, 355 nm 22. Reflector, 20%, 45° 23. Faraday isolator 12. Con. lens, +300 mm Figure 3-1. 70 ns TEMP oscillator long pulse custom made (Continumm) Nd:YAG laser optical layout. 30 PREDICTED FOURIER 1 I I A v ..a t=21n2/7c Av= 10 MHz At 43.4 ns I -120 I -80 I I -40 I I 0 I I 40 I I 80 I 120 TIME (ns) Figure 3-2. Pulse profile of the doubled output of the Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm. 31 1106 18787.1285(4) 1108 18787.3389(3) 1110 18788.3371(6) 1112 18789.0256(6) P (119) 35-0 R (56) 32-0 R (106) 34-0 1107 18787.2800(4) 110918787.8042(6) R (86) 33-0 1111 18788.4454(7)1113 18789.2769(4) R (134) 36-0 P (83) 33-0 1 P (142) 37-0 P (103)34-0 P (53) 32-0 Mode Hops R (121) 35-0 I I 1 #* lov I il i ) 00 0 0 Il r..1 .0 0 00 -4 0 VD -4 14 N 0 11 I 50 I 46 I I 42 I 1 38 I I 34 I I 30 1 I 26 I I 22 SEEDER TEMPERATURE (C°) Figure 3-3. Scan of an iodine cell using the 532 nm output of the long-pulse seeded Nd:YAG, obtained by varying the seeder laser crystal temperature. Seeder laser mode hops of -20 GHz are marked by arrows. The frequencies and rotation-vibration assignments are from Refs. 32, 34. 32 1387.97 1388.01 1388.05 1388.09 1388.13 WAVENUMBERS Figure 3-4. Seeder temperature stability scans of CO2 v1 Fermi diad at different case temperatures. 33 CRYSTAL CASE TEMP. C° Figure 3-5. Result of the seeder temperature stability scans (Figure 3-4) showing the frequency drift of the seed laser as function of case temperature. 34 l'AJ1 18788.4639 50 470-- 18788.4624 40 18788.4610 0% # 1110 18788.3371(6) 18788.3 # 1111 18788.4454(7) 18788.4 18788.5 WAVENUMBERS Figure 3-6. High resolution scan of the seed laser near the YAG gain maximum over two 12 lines number 1110 and 1111. 35 +5 60 % I 0 \II I i 40 -50 30.1 (Case Temp.) 30.2 300 29.: 250 Unlocked 29. 29.4 100 29.. 29.2 Locked 50 ii,Lti Al,..1,...Likk.i..i7 ,LI. Thr,Aa ivi A,....1, gytilli.,,T 1,,Ti 0 50 I 0 I 50 I I I I 100 TIME (MEN.) yil , I I 150 Figure 3-7. Seed laser stability experiment using Doppler broadened iodine line 1111. The upper trace is the variation of the 50% locking point, expressed in MHz, and is a maximum since it includes a large contribution from shot-to-shot intensity fluctuations. The lower trace is the minute to minute frequency correction applied to the seeder while locking, and the middle trace is the calculated frequency drift which would have occurred in the absence of locking. 36 PMT Seeded Long Pulse Nd:YAG L PH V to electronics OG ND F-1> to electronics PD A - variable aperture lin - waveplate GT - Glan-Thompson polarizer BS - beamsplitter ND - neutral density filter PH - pinhole L - lens OG -opal glass Figure 3-8. Doppler free experimental setup. 37 12 Line Number 1107 18787.2800(4) CALC. 16 MHz I' 11 I milli ,, -800 -400 i 1 ,-___-.1 ,-- ,, 0 400 800 SHIFT (MHz) Figure 3-9. Doppler free polarization spectrum of iodine line 1107 (middle trace) showing a 16 ±2 MHz effective resolution. The lower trace is the calculated spectrum using the parameters in Table 3-1. The Doppler broadened absorption is shown above. 38 12 line Number 1108 18788.3389(3) 1 -800 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 Shift (MHz) Figure 3-10. Doppler free spectrum obtained for 12 line number 1108. 800 39 I2 Line Number 1110 18788.3371(6) \ II -800 -600 I I -400 I I -200 I I 0 ) I I 200 I I 400 I I I 600 Shift (MHz) Figure 3-11. Doppler free spectrum obtained for 12 line number 1110. 800 40 20 J-0 10 30 I 1285.4 I I 1285.5 I I 1285.6 1 1 1285.7 WAVENUMBER Figure 3-12. CARS spectrum of the Q-branch of the 2u2 transition of CO2 taken at 2 Torr and 298 K. 41 JET, X/D=12, 10%/He CAL., T-12 K 111-111 1285.88 1285.92 1111 1285.96 1286 WAVENUMBERS Figure 3-13. CARS spectrum of the Q-branch of the 2u2 transition of CO2 taken in the jet. The bottom spectrum is calculated assuming Boltzmann distribution. 42 12% IN He x/D=5 CAL. 1 16 24 STICK SPEC. 0 40 48 1 1 1388.14 1388.16 1388.18 1 I 1388.20 1388.22 WAVENUMBERS Figure 3-14. Spectrum of the Q-branch of the v 1 Fermi diad transition of CO2 in the jet. The top trace is the experiment. The bottom trace is the calculated stick spectrum with the corresponding J quantum number assignments. The middle trace is the convoluted spectrum. 43 CHAPTER IV HIGH RESOLUTION STUDY OF THE v1 VIBRATION OF CH3 BY CARS PHOTOFRAGMENT SPECTROSCOPY Preface The research described in this chapter concentrates on spectroscopic aspects of the CH3 radical, produced by photolysis of CH3I. This work has been published in Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 96(3), 1822 (1992), and the following is essentially this paper with minor additions. Introduction The methyl radical is an important reaction intermediate in many combustion and photochemical processes, and as one of the simplest hydrocarbon free radicals, its structural and spectroscopic parameters have been of considerable interest for many years.42-58 The production of CH3 by UV photolysis of CH3I has been especially studied,59-83 as this fragmentation process has long served as a model for polyatomic photodissociation. The nature of the dissociative potential surface is now known in considerable detail and Morokuma59 has discussed the efforts to bring theoretical and experimental results for fragment energy 44 distributions into accord. Although the latter have been extensively studied, there remain some uncertainties about the full rotational and vibrational state distribution of the CH3 from the CH3I photolysis. In this work, the value of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) in the vibrational-rotational study of CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis of CH3I is demonstrated. It is also shown that the sensitivity of CARS is adequate for detection of CH3 photolyzed in jet-expanded samples of CH3I so that product distributions can be probed for rotationally-cold parent molecules. The high resolution of the technique permits observation of individual N, K Q-branch transitions of the symmetric stretch and thus allows a direct determination of relative vibrational-rotational populations. In this chapter the focus is on the spectroscopic analysis of the main band transitions (1000)(0000) of the methyl radical spectrum, while in the next chapter more attention is paid to the frequency analysis of the hot band spectrum (1100)+40100) as well as a more detailed population analysis. The molecular parameters of the methyl radical have been sought for many years but have been difficult to obtain because of its short lifetime and the absence of electronic transitions in the visible and near-UV. The first spectroscopic observation was by Herzberg and Shoosmith42 who used flash photolysis and photographed Rydberg transitions in the VUV for both CH3 and CD3. Although much of the rotational structure was diffuse due to predissociation, analysis of the bands led to the conclusion that the methyl radical must be planar in its ground 45 electronic state. photoelectron ;43, 44 This finding has subsequently been confirmed by EsR, 4546 and high-resolution infrared spectroscopies.52,53 Three of the four fundamental vibrational modes are accessible by infrared (IR) techniques. The v2 out-of-plane bending mode of CH3 was first detected in argon and nitrogen matrices by Milligan and Jacox.49 This mode as well as the v3 anti-symmetric stretch and the v4 in-plane bend were subsequently seen by Snelson50 in neon-matrix spectra. Gas phase observation of v2 followed soon afterward with the development of a rapid scan IR spectrometer by Tan, Winer and Pimentel in 1972.51 More recently, using tunable IR laser sources, very high resolution studies of two of the three IR active fundamentals of CH3 have been reported. The v2 fundamental at 606.4531 cm-1 and the hot bands 2 , 1 and 3 , 2 were observed by Yamada, Hirota and Kawaguchi using diode laser absorption spectroscopy.52 In their study, transitions from the K=0 rotational levels for N= odd, v2= even and N=even, v2= odd were not seen, confirming that the methyl radical must be of D3h symmetry. Amano et al. 53 used IR difference frequency laser spectroscopy to accurately determine the v3 band origin (3160.8212 cm-1) and rotational constants. To our knowledge, no gas phase IR data on v4 have been reported in the literature to confirm Snelson's neon matrix value of 1396 CM -1 . Of course, because of the D3h symmetry of CH3, the v1 symmetric stretch is IR-inactive. Early attempts in the O.S.U. CARS laboratory to observe this fundamental transition by Raman matrix isolation methods and, in 1976, in the gas 46 phase by CARS were unsuccessful. However in 1983, Harvey and Fleming were able to detect a CARS signal for this mode in CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis of CH3I in a large excess of SF6, which served to thermalize the CH3 and thereby concentrate population in fewer states.54 Subsequently, Holt et al. obtained improved Q-branch CARS spectra of CH3 produced from the photolysis of azomethane.55 Band contour simulations of their 0.3 cm-1 resolution spectra yielded the origin of the transition (3004.8 cm 1) as well as the change in rotational constants am = B0-B1 and aci = Co-C1 upon v1 excitation. More recently Kelly has used UV resonance Raman spectroscopy to study CH3 and, although limited in resolution, this technique has permitted the observation of v1 + 2v2 and 2v1 band contours, from which the anharmonicity constants x11 and x12 were deduced.56 The work presented in this chapter has been a collaborative study between the CARS groups at Oregon State and at Irvine (now Columbia). It has led to much improved CARS v1 spectra of methyl radicals formed from the 266 nm photolysis of CH3I, both in flow cells and in free jet expansions. Many of the N, K Q-branch lines have been measured at high resolution and analyzed to give accurate values for the vibrational-rotational parameters for this transition. Due to the high density of lines and the large Doppler/collisional broadening produced by the high dissociation velocity, the spectral analysis of the band head region is somewhat involved. Interference between neighboring resonances can produce significant frequency and intensity shifts in CARS spectroscopy and the effect of 47 this on the spectrum is examined. Experimental CARS setups of varying resolution were employed at Oregon State University and the University of California, Irvine, in the course of these experiments. At OSU, the primary source was a Quanta-Ray DCR-1 Nd-YAG laser which has been retro-fitted with a Lightwave Electronics Model 6300 Injection Seeder to yield 1.06 Am radiation in 8 ns pulses with a linewidth of 55 MHz at 10 Hz. The 266 nm fourth harmonic of this laser output served as the photolysis source while the residual second harmonic at 532 nm was partitioned for use as the CARS pump beam and as the pump for the Stokes dye laser. Medium resolution (0.25 cm-1) spectra were recorded using a Quanta-Ray PDL-1 dye laser as the tunable source. This laser also allowed high resolution (0.05 cm-1) scans by insertion of a pressure-scanned etalon assembly. With nitrogen as a scan gas, a 2 atm pressure change corresponded to an 11 cm-1 scan range at 630 nm (DCM in dye laser). Scans with a resolution of 0.04 cm-1 were taken at Irvine using an injection seeded Quantel 682 Nd:YAG laser and a Lumonics HD500 narrow linewidth dye laser. The very high resolution (0.005 cm-1) spectra were obtained at OSU using a Coherent 629 cw ring dye laser and a three stage pulse amplifier pumped by the injection seeded Nd-YAG laser. A schematic diagram of this high resolution set up is shown in Figure 4-1. Further details on these systems can be found in references 84 (OSU) and 85 (Irvine). 48 The very high resolution spectra were calibrated by sending a portion of the dye output through an iodine cell and recording the absorption spectrum. The Nd-YAG frequency is determined by the cw seed laser whose output was temperature tuned so that the harmonic matched the 18788.445 cm-1 P53 (v' = 32,v " =0) overlapped with P103 (v' = 34,v " =0) absorption of 12. By monitoring the absorption of this light through a 5 cm cell, a day-to-day frequency reproducibility of better than 0.005 cm4 was possible. Absolute values of the Nd- YAG second harmonic to about 0.002 cm-1 were deduced from the 12 calibrated dye output and CARS scans of known methane vibrational lines. Both collinear and folded BOXCARS phase matching arrangements were used in recording the CARS spectra. The UV photolysis beam was precisely overlapped spatially with the CARS probe beams. Optical delay lines provided for temporal delay of -1 to +21 ns of the CARS probe relative to the UV photolysis pulse. Energies for the CARS pump, CARS Stokes and photolysis pulses were 8-15 mJ, 1-8 mJ and 5-15 mJ, respectively. The CARS signal beam was separated from the input beams by dichroic and color filters and monochromators, then detected and stored by a photomultiplier, boxcar, digitizer and microcomputer. The methyl iodide used in these experiments was purchased from Aldrich (99.9%) and used without further purification. The sample was delivered through various pulsed nozzle sources in all experiments. For flowing gas conditions the CH3I was pulsed into a small photolysis cell subject to slow exhaust through a 49 needle valve. In some experiments He or SF6 was also introduced into the cell at flow pressures of a few to a hundred Ton so as to localize the CH3I in the focal volume. This sample localization reduced UV absorption and CARS signal generation outside the focal volume. For the supersonic jet experiments, the cell was evacuated continuously and the jet valve was pulsed synchronously with the laser. Nozzle diameters of 0.2 to 0.5 mm were employed and the jet was probed from 1 to 15 nozzle diameters (X/D) downstream. The CH3I sample reservoir was heatable to produce driving pressures of 0.5 to 1 atm to achieve cooling of the parent prior to dissociation at various positions in the jet. In some experiments, He was used as a carrier gas at 1 to 2 atm to further cool the CH3I parent. The optimum overlap of the CARS beams was achieved by maximizing the signal of the intense CH3I band near 2971 cm-1 with no photolysis beam present. Then the latter was introduced and adjusted for a null in the parent intensity. A greater than 90% loss of this signal on exposure to the 266 nm beam served to ensure nearly complete photolysis of the CH3I in the volume probed. Results Figure 4-2 shows the CARS Q-branch of the parent CH3I in the symmetric C-H stretching region, along with the rich CH3 spectrum that occurs at higher wavenumbers on 266 nm photolysis. This result as well as those shown in Figure 4-3 were obtained by Nancy Triggs in this laboratory.87 Spectra in Figure 4-2 were 50 taken at 0.25 cm-1 resolution in a flow cell with neat CH3I at 350 Torr pulsed into the cell maintained at about 2 Torr flow pressure. For the dominant dissociation channel to ground state CH3 + I* (Figure 4-10), the CH3 velocity is - 4000 mis,72 implying that about 2 collisions occur in the 8 ns photolysis-probe period (if one assumes cross sections of about 0.4 and 0.8 nm2 for CH3 and I, respectively.) In Figure 4-3 this same spectrum is shown as trace (a), while traces (b) and (c) illustrate the effect of increased number of collisions (-20 and 40) as background helium was added to bring the cell pressure to 15 and 35 Torr respectively. The observed shift of the CH3 spectrum from the band head region near 3005 cm-1 is a clear indication of the very rapid redistribution of the high excess translational energy of CH3 into internal rotational- vibrational degrees of freedom. Of course collisional heating of the background gas also occurs. Eventual cooling is seen for the methyl radical, especially when the relaxation process is enhanced by addition of a more effective collision partner such as SF6, as shown in traces (d) and (e) of Figure 4-3. Here a 2:1 SF6:CH3I mix was pulsed into He background flows of 23 and 119 Torr, corresponding to -20 and 110 collisions, respectively, assuming a cross section of 0.8 nm2 for SF6. The increased deactivation clearly serves to reverse the intensity shift toward that of a thermalized CH3 rotational distribution. CARS spectra of CH3 have been recorded by Peter De Barber under collision free conditions at Irvine.103 Figure 4-4a shows a spectrum obtained for 10% CH3I/He flowing in a cell at - 3 Ton, conditions corresponding to -- 1 51 collision. Traces (b) and (c) are for CH3I cooled in a He/CH3I free jet expansion (PTotal = 1020 Torr) at X/D = 1.5 and 7 respectively. The coupling of the parent rotation to that of the fragment is evidenced by the shift of the CH3 spectrum toward the bandhead as the CH3I rotational temperature is reduced. The jet spectra also show more clearly the onset of a second band progression near 2996.5 ±0.5 cm-1 which can be attributed to the v2 = 1 hot band. The frequency analysis of the spectra in the hot band region to extract photofragment rotational and vibrational state distributions is presented in the next chapter. The jet results of Figure 4-4 encouraged us to record 0.005 cm-1 resolution CARS spectra with the system at OSU in order to resolve most N, K Q-branch features and to measure more accurate CH3 transition frequencies. Figure 4-5 is a representative of a rich spectrum obtained at X/D= 1 for a neat expansion at 350 Torr driving pressure. In Figure 4-6 the band head region for the (1000) (0000) transition of this same trace is illustrated. Also displayed are calculated spectra and assignments resulting from the analysis discussed below. Table 4-1 is a compilation of the measured values in the 2997 to 3005 cm-1 fundamental region, along with assignments and obs.-calc. differences. Two to five measurements were made for most lines and the frequencies are believed to have an absolute accuracy of 0.02 cm-1 with a relative accuracy of 0.01 cm-1. Also shown in the table are peak x amplitudes deduced as described later for each transition considered in the simulation of the band head region above 3000 cm-1. The analysis of the other features seen below 2997 cm-1 required more improved experiments because of 52 extensive overlap with the (1100) 4-- (0100) hot band. This task is accomplished and the results are discussed in the next chapter. Analysis and Discussion Assignments CH3 is an oblate symmetric top for which the rotational energy levels of a given vibrational state are represented by Fy(N,K)=BN(N +1)+(C B)K2 DNN2(N +1)2 -DNKN(N +1)K2 -D KK4 4-1 The quantum number N characterizes the rotational angular momentum which couples with the unpaired electron spin so that spin-rotation splittings of the levels occur. From the work of Yamada et al.,52 these are known to be quite small, -0.01 cm -1 for the ground state. The spin interaction was ignored in the analysis since, for the Q-branch transitions observed here, both upper and lower levels should be similarly shifted. For the v1 fundamental the observed lines were fit by linear regression to the expression Q(N,K)= v 1+ F1(N,K) Fo(N,K) assuming the planarity relation,5288 4-2 2DN + 3DNK + 4DK = 0. In initial 53 calculations, the parameter values of Holt et al.55 were used and assignments were made by comparison of observed and calculated frequencies. As assignments became more certain, transitions were added to the least squares set and the process was repeated until almost all peaks down to 2997 cm-1 had been accounted for. Asterisks in Table 4-1 identify a few lines which were not included in the analysis, usually because of overlap with another transition of higher expected intensity. The absence of K =O, N odd transitions is in accord with the planar structure of CH3. The quality of the fit can be judged by the generally small obs.-calc. differences shown in Table 4-1. In all, 43 transitions were fit to obtain v1 and the differences B0-B1, etc., and twice their standard errors are shown in Table 4-2. Also given are the resultant upper state parameters for v1 and the other fundamentals, along with the very accurate ground state constants of Yamada et al.52 Spectral Simulations The relative peak CARS line intensities for the v1 Q-branch of CH3 are given by l(N,K)=constant[S NK( no") ]Z , 4-3 where the line strength factor SNK includes both isotropic and anisotropic scattering contributions. The former is a constant but the latter includes a weak N,K dependence, which is neglected in these calculations since it is expected to be 54 extremely small for strongly polarized bands such as the symmetric CH3 stretch. Further justification for this assumption comes from the absence of any 0 or S branch features in the spectra, since the anisotropic contribution gives all of the intensity of these lines. In analyzing the intensities to deduce the rotational population distribution of the ground vibrational state of the CH3 photofragment, the upper state population n1NK is assumed to be zero. For a Boltzmann distribution, the relative number density of the N, K'th level would be noivr= (2N +1 )gNexp [ Fv(N,K)hc I k 4-4 where the nuclear spin degeneracy factor gNK is 0 (K=0, N odd), 4 (K=0, N even), 4 (K=3p) or 2 (K=3p-±- 1).89'90 In general, significant deviations from such a distribution were seen in the spectra, making less useful the normal comparison of calculated and observed intensities as an aid in making N,K transition assignments. The instrumental width is known to be about 0.005 cm-1 for our system104 but, at the laser powers used in recording the spectra of Figure 4-6, an increase of a factor of about 2 is estimated to arise from AC Stark and saturation broadening. The overall instrumental lineshape function was taken to be a Gaussian with a FWHM value of 0.01 cm-1 and this was used in the final convolution of I x 2 for comparison with the experimental CARS spectra. Even though this spectral resolution is a substantial improvement over that of Figure 55 4-4, it should be noted that the measured peak linewidths for the two experimental arrangements are not that different. This is so because collisional and Doppler line broadening give limiting transition widths of about 0.06 cm-1. Because of the high dissociation velocity of the CH3 fragment, both the Doppler and collisional broadening effects are much greater than would normally occur in a cold, low density jet. Consider first the Doppler line widths. In these experiments, the polarizations of the nearly collinear photolysis and probe laser beams were the same. Thus, immediately following photolysis, the CH3 velocity component (and hence Doppler shift) will depend upon the final CH3I orientation with respect to the probe laser propagation direction(0). The maximum shift for CH3 fragments moving at ± 4000 m/s would be ± 0.04 cm-1, much larger than a calculated thermal Doppler width (FWHM) of 0.01 cm-1 at 300 K. At low photolysis levels, a broad, nongaussian lineshape is thus expected and, indeed, a predicted 1-cos20 profile has been seen very recently by Suzuki et al.91 in their infrared studies of v2 under collision free conditions. However, for the high, saturating, photolysis levels used in these experiments a more isotropic distribution can be anticipated, and such distinctive shapes should not be seen. Also, in the jet spectra residual collisions occurring at the high gas density of the X/D = 1 sampling point used in the high resolution experiments will effect the observed lineshapes. A rough estimate of the number of CH3 collisions expected during the 8 ns photolysis/probe period can be made using the common isentropic expansion 56 mode192 for a jet of neat CH3I initially at 350 Ton and 298 K. Using the expansion parameters of Murphy and Miller,9293 one obtains the parent density at each centerline X/D position and this density is taken to be the same for CH3 and I*, assuming 100% photolysis. The dissociation velocities of CH3 and I* are - 4000 and - 500 m/s and the collision cross sections are chosen to be 0.4 and 0.8 nm2 respectively. For the 8 ns interaction period, gas kinetic theory then predicts 40, 9, 4, and 2 total methyl collisions at X/D = 1, 2, 3, and 4. It should be noted that these are maximum numbers of collisions since there is some time overlap of photolysis and probing pulses and, in addition, the high initial CH3 velocity will degrade due to collisions. There is of course some uncertainty in the choice of origin for X/D; the X = 0 distance is taken as the point at which the 0.1 mm focused laser waist strikes the edge of the 1.0 mm thick nozzle shim (D = 0.5 mm). The sampling point of X/D = 1 thus could really range from perhaps 0.5 to 2 or more. Nonetheless the estimates clearly show collisions to be important at small X/D values and they indicate that the number of collisions falls below one only at X/D greater than 6. Thus, at X/D = 1, it is reasonable that velocity randomizing collisions would tend to produce more Gaussian lineshapes with a full Doppler width somewhere in the 0 to 0.06 cm-1 range. These same collisions in the jet will also produce significant Lorentzian broadening due to dephasing effects. For strong collisions resulting in complete loss of phase memory, the uncertainty broadening would be 0.053, 0.013, 0.005 and 57 0.003 cm"1 (FWHM) for the collision frequencies calculated at X/D = 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Both broadening mechanisms are thus important but, since exact linewidth contributions at the sampling point of these experiments are not obvious, the experimental lineshapes for selected isolated resonances were empirically fit. Reasonable shapes were obtained for FWHM values of 0.03 ±0.01 cm-1 for each of the Doppler and Lorentzian contributions and these were then used in simulating the entire spectrum. The convolution of these gives the proper effective linewidth of - 0.06 cm-1. The fitting procedure involved calculating transition frequencies from Equation 4-2 using the parameters of Table 4-2. For each transition j, an initial xi peak amplitude was estimated from the square root of the measured peak heights in the experimental CARS spectrum. Each transition was given a Lorentzian shape and both real and imaginary parts of x were then convoluted by a Gaussian using a program adapted from that of Palmer.94 The nonresonant susceptibility was set to zero since the lineshape simulations showed it to be unimportant. The parts of x were then squared, added, and the result convoluted by the Gaussian laser lineshape function using a fast Fourier transform method. Comparison with the experimental CARS spectrum led to corrections of the xj's and the process was iterated until the agreement was judged satisfactory. 58 Rotational Population Distribution It should be noted that, due to interference effects between adjacent transitions, the final peak xi's differed by up to 55% (avg. = 30%) from the initial values estimated directly from (Ipeak-Ibase)1/2 from the experimental spectrum. This is important since it serves as a warning that proper simulation of the spectrum is necessary if accurate population distributions are to be extracted from CARS data. The peak xi's are directly proportional to the 9 populations and relative values of these are indicated in Table 4-1. Due to the residual collisions at the sampling point in the jet, these are not nascent populations. A fit to a Boltzmann distribution yields a rotational temperature of 540-1-90 K and a rather poor linear relationship (R2 correlation coefficient 0.6), as seen in Figure 4-7. A calculated spectrum at this temperature is shown at the bottom of Figure 4-6. The population deviations are largest for high N values and for overlapping transitions. For a given N, there is no obvious enhancement of low K levels, in contrast to the results obtained for truly nascent products by Chandler et al. using photoionization methods.72 These authors found that their data could be represented by a Boltzmann factor exp[-ENK/kTN] times an extra factor exp[- EKK/kTK] to account for the preferential production of low K states. They obtained rotational temperatures of TN = 120 K and TK = 30 K. The higher value of 540 K is reasonable given that collisions will rotationally excite CH3 and blur any population irregularities. Clearly, CARS studies under collisionless conditions are necessary to extract the nascent populations and some such 59 improved results obtained in our laboratory will be discussed in the next chapter. Interference Effects on Frequencies It is interesting that, in modeling the spectra, some small systematic frequency shifts were noted when convolving the initial "stick spectra" based on line frequencies from Equation 4-2. Figure 4-8 shows these differences v - v inn for each non-overlapping N, K peak in the spectrum, where yam corresponds to a maximum in the calculated, convoluted I x 12 spectrum. These shifts arise from CARS interference effects between adjacent transitions and, in general, they will differ from similar differences produced by band overlap in conventional Raman spectra, which depend on Im x, rather than I x12. For example, Figure 4-9 shows the Raman and CARS shifts predicted for two adjacent Lorentzian peaks of equal intensity and linewidth (F), as a function of separation (A/I'). For small separations, the peaks are not resolved and the shifts (errors) are linear in separation, reaching a maximum of about 0.3 linewidth. Note that the maxima of the Raman peaks always shift toward the mean position of the line pair (positive shift) whereas the CARS shifts are only positive for nearly overlapping peaks. The negative CARS shifts for larger separation result from the dispersive shape of the real part of x, which partially cancels in the region between the maxima. For transitions of unequal intensity, the shifts are greatest for the weaker line. Similar interference effects occur when the linewidths are predominantly 60 due to Doppler broadening. For CH3, the relatively large collisional and Doppler widths enhance the interferences between the densely spaced transitions so that there is an overall negative shift "pressure" on all transitions relative to the most intense central region near 3002 cm-1. The least squares solid line of Figure 4-8 gives a slope of 0.01, implying that frequency corrections of about 0.02 cm-1 are needed at the extremes of the spectra. In principle, the exact shifts should be applied to the experimental line maxima to obtain a better measure of the true transition frequencies and the regression procedure to extract molecular parameters repeated. This was not done in this work because the maximum shifts were comparable to the uncertainty of the frequency measurements and because test calculations including the shifts gave parameters within the standard errors discussed below. Molecular Parameters The molecular parameters from the analysis of the high resolution data are shown at the top of Table 4-2 along with a comparison with the literature data. The standard deviations given in parentheses are twice those from the least squares fit, the increase to account for a possible absolute frequency error (for vi) and for relative errors in the difference parameters due to interference effects. The agreement with the CARS results of Holt et al.55 is quite good considering the fact that their values are derived from contour fitting rather than knowledge of precise vibrational-rotational transition frequencies. The ab initio values of 61 Botschwina et al. 57 are in only fair accord with the experimental results. Combining the difference parameters with the ground state constants of Yamada et al.52, one obtains the (1000) constants shown in the bottom of the table. Also given is the available information for the other fundamental levels. The planarity of CH3 is evident in the fact that B -=---- 2C and, for levels involving in-plane modes, the inertial defect A = Ic - 21B is small but slightly positive, as expected.95 The B and C values decrease slightly, by 1%, on excitation of the symmetric C-H stretch, in accord with a larger average bond length as one moves up the CH potential curve. From the B values R1000 is 1.0838 A, slightly larger than the ground state value of 1.0790 A. The latter is compared with several reference hydrocarbons in Table 4-3; the close proximity to Ro values of C2H4 and C6H6 is consistent with the similar sp2 hybridization expected for these molecules. The equilibrium bond length Re in the methyl radical can be calculated from the equilibrium rotational constant, Be, given by Be = B0000 + (aBi + aB2)/2 + aB3 + aB4. With this report of am, three of the four a values necessary to compute Re have been determined experimentally; and for aB4, the value calculated by Yamada et al.58 using an anharmonic potential function is taken. The resultant Re = 1.076 A can be taken as the prototype value for an sp2 hybridized CH bond. This value is 0.010 A shorter than the spa length in methane98 and is 0.015 A longer than the sp CH bond in acetylene. It is interesting that the centrifugal distortion constants show a 6% decrease when the CH symmetric stretch is excited, suggesting that the molecule is more 62 like a rigid rotor in the (1000) state. This is surprising since one might expect that anharmonicity in the bond would make it easier to stretch, and hence to centrifugally distort, in higher vibrational levels. However, examination of Dv values of diatomic molecules shows a similar behavior in which Dv decreases up to about v = 5-10 and then increases due to a higher positive term of order (v+1/2)2. This is most likely due to limitations of the phenomenological expression used to represent the energy levels rather than an indication of the potential shape, since decreases in level spacings indicate that cubic anharmonic terms are important even for v<5. The symmetric and antisymmetric CH stretching vibrations of CH3 and related molecules are displayed in Table 4-3, along with the weighted mean frequencies and the CH stretching force constants. These increase with increased s orbital participation, as expected. It is interesting that the mean frequency and fr for CH3 are noticeably larger, and Ro shorter, than for the other sp2 cases of ethylene and benzene. This suggests that the lone electron in the carbon pz orbital contributes more to the CH bond strength when it is not "distorted" from its threefold symmetry by formation of a CC pi bond. Using the high-low frequency separation method,100 the frequencies of the deuterated forms of methyl radical can be estimated. The results are: CH3 3004.4 Al 3160.8 E CH2D 2271.0 Al 3066.2 Al 3160.8 B2 CHD2 2195.0 Al 3116.9 Al 2357.5 B1 63 CD3 2125.3 Al 2357.5 E The CD3 estimates may be compared with experimental values of 2157.5 cm-1 (A1, cARs101) and 2381.1 cm-1 (E, diode laser absorption102). The calculated frequencies of the deuterated species are of course low due to anharmonicity but the relative positions of the frequencies of the mixed isotopic species are likely to be correct. It may be noted that these calculations predict that the symmetric Al fundamentals of the different isotopic species are well resolved from one another, in contrast to the antisymmetric B1 or E stretches. Thus high resolution CARS studies of the mixed isotopes should be feasible without complications due to band overlap, even if vibrational hot bands contribute. The CARS data clearly show the contribution of v2 = 1 and possibly 2 hot bands, although it is apparent that these are weaker than the ground state transition. The data at present, particularly the jet spectra shown in Figure 4-4, suggest that the (0100) hot band transition is at about 2996.5(5) cm-1, implying that the anharmonicity constant X12 is -7.9(5) cm-1. This is in reasonable accord with a value of -9.8(1.5) cm-1 obtained by Kelley and Westre57 from low resolution resonance Raman spectra. No evidence was seen of significant population in the (1000) state although this has been detected in some photoionization studies72 and it is possible that the (2000) . (1000) hot band is contributing to the rich structure in the region below 2997 cm-1. From the X11 = -22.7 cm-1 anharmonicity constant of Kelley56, this band should be below 2982 cm-1. A more detailed analysis of this region requires better frequency measurements and such results obtained with new 64 improvements in the O.S.U. CARS setup are discussed in the next chapter. Summary Methyl radical was formed via the 266 nm photolysis of CH3I and CARS spectra of the symmetric stretching mode were obtained under a range of experimental conditions. Quasi-static cell measurements with added buffer gases showed the rapid conversion of the high initial kinetic energy of CH3 into rotational energy, with ultimate thermalization to a Boltzmann population distribution after about 100 collisions. Jet spectra at medium resolution gave simpler spectra due to the cooler parent and to the reduced number of collisions in the expansion region. Spectra at 0.005 cm-1 resolution near the nozzle showed that, despite appreciable Doppler and collisional broadening due to the high recoil velocity of the CH3 fragment, most N, K vibrational-rotational Q-branch transitions were resolved. Even at this high resolution such broadening of the transitions lead to interference effects among the closely spaced Raman transitions that influenced both the line positions and intensities in the observed CARS spectra. Procedures for extraction of accurate rotational populations were developed and the transition frequencies in the band head region were analyzed to obtain the molecular parameters: v1 = 3004.418(34), _a Bi = 0.04753(70), aci = 0.04753(70), DN1 -DNO = -0.000046(8), DNK1 -DNKO = 0.000083(20) and DK1 -DK0 = -0.000039. These results and infrared data in the literature yield a CH bond length of 1.08378(5) A for the (1000) state and, with some assumptions, an equilibrium bond length Re 65 of 1.076 A for this prototypic case of sp2 bonding. These studies show that the resolution, sensitivity, and short probe period of CARS can be quite advantageous in the investigations of short-lived transient species. 66 Table 4-1. u1 Q-branch transition frequencies for CH3 (cm-1) N * K Obs. Obs.- X Ca lc. Ca lc. N K Obs. Obs.- X Ca lc. Ca lc. 0 0 3004.423 0.007 0.155 8 8 3000.690 -0.022 0.511 1 1 3004.284 0.000 0.216 7 5 3000.646 0.003 0.293 2 2 3004.059 0.002 0.327 7 4 3000.347 0.015 0.282 2 1 3003.936 -0.009* 0.322 8 7 3000.207 0.036 2 0 3003.922 0.014 0.728 7 3 3000.117 0.021 3 3 3003.721 -0.014 0.969 7 2 2999.950 0.021 3 2 3003.547 -0.002 0.528 9 9 2999.824 -0.003* 3 1 3003.439 0.000 0.438 7 1 2999.824 -0.006 4 4 3003.308 -0.009 0.623 8 6 2999.698 -0.019 4 3 3003.066 0.006 0.857 8 5 2999.333 -0.010 4 2 3002.892 0.014 0.350 9 8 2999.230 0.012 5 5 3002.807 0.000 0.722 8 4 2999.030 -0.015 4 1 3002.756 -0.013* 0.561 10 10 2998.831 -0.019* 4 0 3002.721 -0.013 0.864 8 3 2998.831 0.014 5 4 3002.468 -0.009 0.533 8 2 2998.645 -0.012 5 3 3002.227 0.003 0.623 8 1 6 6 3002.185 -0.017 0.850 8 0 2998.540 0.010 5 2 3002.044 -0.002 0.512 9 6 2998.220 -0.046 5 1 3001.940 -0.001 0.614 9 5 2997.875 -0.034 6 5 3001.789 -0.012 0.696 11 11 2997.798 0.017 7 7 3001.487 -0.016* 9 4 2997.708 6 4 3001.487 0.008 1.000 10 8 2997.588 6 3 3001.245 0.011 0.828 9 3 2997.387 -0.020 6 2 3001.059 -0.003 0.544 9 2 2997.255 0.001 7 6 3001.059 0.027* 0.834 9 1 2997.189 0.027 6 1 3000.927 -0.031* 0.745 10 7 2997.121 -0.011 6 0 3000.927 0.003 0.312 2998.540 indicates lines not used in linear regression analysis M.022* 0.085* 0.007* Table 4-2. Vibrational-rotational parameters for CH3 (cm 1) v aB aC DNO-DN1 DNKO-DNK1 CARS This Work 3004.417(34) 0.08510(78) 0.04753(70) -0.000046(8) 0.000083(20) (-0.000039) CARS Ref. 14 3004.8(2) 0.085(2) 0.048(2) LEVEL 0000 1000 REF. 14 This Work v as ac B C e(amu A2) DN DNK DK R(A) 9.57789 4.74202 0.03490 0.000770 -0.001358 0.000634 1.07895 3004.417 0.08510 0.04753 9.49279 4.69449 0.03928 0.000816 -0.001441 0.000673 1.08378 Ref. 16 3067 0.092 0.044 0100 0010 0001 15 a 3160.8212 1396 0.10679 (-0.25397) 0.04035 9.47110 (9.83186) 4.70167 -0.13823 0.02562 0.004940 0.000759 -0.000706 -0.001366 0.000282 0.000637 1.09743 1.08502 (1.0624234 14 606.4531 0.31975 -0.06962 9.25814 4.81164 Equil b 9.63313 1.07585 a. v4 value is Ne matrix value from Ref. 50. Values in parantheses derive from aB value calculated by Hirota and Yamada, Ref. 58. b. Be = B0000 + (aBl aB2)/2 aB3 aB4 68 Table 4-3. Molecular parameters for CH3 and related molecule.a spa sp2 Sp a Ro v sym v asym v mean fr A cm-1 cm-1 cm-1 mdyn/A CH4 1.0940 2917 3019 2994 5.04 CH3 1.0790 3004.4 3160.8 3109 5.30 C2H4 1.086 3026,2989 3130,3106 3056 5.08 C 6H6 1.084 3062,3068 3063,3047 3058 5.15 C2H2 1.058 3374 3289 3332 5.92 Except for CH3, R0 and 4. are from Refs. 48, 55, v's from Ref. 56. 69 Single-mode Ar+ laser ring dye laser II t, II spatial filter 12 filter CD Sample cell Monochromator c) 266nm 532nm A dye Seeded Single-mode Nd:YAG laser CD 0 Dye amplifier chain Figure 4-1. O.S.U. high resolution CARS experimental setup. 70 1 2965 2975 i 2985 2995 WAVENUMBERS 1 3005 Figure 4-2. CARS Q-branch spectra of CH3I (bottom trace, uv off) and CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis. 71 E (q 2965 2975 2985 2995 WAVENUMBERS 3005 Figure 4-3. Static cell spectra of the Q-branch structure of CH3 produced by photolysis of CH3I at various pressures. 72 P (TORR) STATIC 3 i \A P. (TORR) XID 1020 1.5 1020 7 A . JET 11111111111111111 2990 2995 3000 3005 WAVENUMBERS Figure 4-4. CARS spectra of CH3 produced by photolysis of 10% CH3I in He. 73 2992 1111111111111 2994 2996 2998 3000 3002 3004 3006 WAVENUMBERS Figure 4-5. High resolution CARS spectrum of CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis at X/D = 1 in a jet expansion of neat CH3I at 0.5 atm. 74 =N IIIII K= 02 4 I I 6 II I I 15 Ill 14 I It 1113 in 2 I OBS. 110 1 I j \ lki CALC. AA CALC.: T rov uu ROT l.) 11 J \./ = 540 K ,JuAk W 3001 3002 3003 3004 WAVENUMBERS Figure 4-6. High resolution CARS spectra of CH3, top trace is the first portion of the spectrum shown in Fig. 4-5, middle trace is a simulated spectrum and the bottom trace is a calculated spectrum with an asuumed T= 540 K. 75 0 200 400 E(NK)/Ic 600 (K) Figure 4-7. Boltzmann fit of CH3 CARS spectrum of Fig. 4-6. The N quantum numbers are shown, with implied K values decreasing from left to right. 76 0.02 1 I I 0.01 I I 6 I 0.00 I I I g I -0.01 I -0.02 3001 3002 3003 3004 WAVENUMBERS Figure 4-8. Line shifts of calculated transitions (stick spectrum) produced by linewidth convolutions. See text for discussion. 77 0 5 10 A/r Figure 4-9. Comparison of Raman and CARS line shifts (in units of F) produced by two adjacent Lorentzian lines of equal intensity. 78 i \ - I/ C I .0° i + C '66 NN I 73% I' +C 27% II CH3 I Potential Energy Diagram 25 20 5 0 i I :1 r C-I 6 (A ) Figure 4-10. Potential energy diagrams for CH3I (bottom) photodissociation pathways for CH3I photolysis at 266 nm (top). and 79 CHAPTER V 266 nm CH3I PHOTODISSOCIATION: CH3 SPECTRA AND POPULATION DISTRIBUTIONS BY COHERENT RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY Introduction Due to it's appeal as a prototype for polyatomic photofragmentation, CH3I has been the target of numerous experimental and theoretical studies in the past It is well known that U.V. absorption of CH3I in the couple of decades. wavelength region from 360 to 200 nm produces methyl radical via two exit channels, one involving dissociation to CH3 + I(2P3/2), the other to CH3 + I*(2Pia).115 Evidence that the iodine photoproduct was mostly generated in the latter population-inverted state led to an early focus on the use of alkyl iodides for photodissociation lasers, as first reported by Kasper and Pimentel in 1964.64 From techniques such as time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry,6745 resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI),71,73, 116 infrared fluorescence109'75 and absorption91'76 spectroscopies, and U.V. emission spectroscopy,8 1 the I*/I branching ratio is now reasonably well-determined for various photolysis * wavelengths. Both I and I fragments originate from a parallel (300,1A1 ; a ,n) 80 transition. At 266 nm, Riley and Wilson65 and Hess et al.124 have shown that about 75% of the iodine atoms are generated via the spin-orbit excited I* channel which correlates to the 3Q0 state. The ground state I atom correlates to a 1Q1 excited state which is apparently accessed by a curve crossing with 3Q0 at a C-I bond distance of 2.4 A,117 about 0.3 A longer than that at the instant of absorption. Amatatsu et al.117 describe the potential surface at this intersection point and give a good survey of earlier experimental and theoretical work. Because of the common 3-fold symmetry of the excited electronic state of CH3I and the CH3 product, the system has often been modelled as a pseudo linear triatomic system, with all three hydrogen atoms regarded as one atom. A more realistic, but still simple, model allows internal excitation of those vibrational modes of CH3 which retain the three-fold symmetry of the dissociation process. This implies that only the A, 1 symmetric CH3 stretch (u1) and the A"2 out-ofplane bend (u2) might be excited in the CH3 product. Since the CH3 group goes from a pyramidal to planar configuration along the dissociation coordinate, it would be expected that excitation of the u2 umbrella mode would be most likely. However, measurements of the distribution in this mode have given conflicting results (Table 5-1). Sparks et al.67 first found by a TOF experiment of the 266 nm photodissociation of CH3I that the distribution peaked at v2 = 2 for the I* and at v2 = 4 for the I channels respectively. Van Veen et al.69 and Barry et al.68 subsequently deduced similar inverted population distributions at 248 nm. These 81 TOF measurements were limited in resolution and the results had a large uncertainty. However, Hermann et al.75 also obtained inverted v2 vibrational distributions from a fit of broad infrared emission spectra and reported up to 10 quanta of excitation in the umbrella mode with the peak of excitation at v2 for both 248 and 266 = 2 nm photolysis. These experimental results were supported by the theoretical calculations of Shapiro et al.60, who assumed a linear pseudo-triatomic model for CH3I and predicted distribution peaks at v2 5 for 266 = 2 and and 248 nm photolysis respectively. More recent resonant ionization TOF measurements71'73'116 indicate a quite different distribution. For example, Loo et al.71 deduced nearly equal populations in the v2 al.72 = 0,1,2 states of CH3 produced at 266 nm and Chandler et saw evidence of some v1 = 1 product. Although quantitative estimates from these and other REMPI results may be subject to question due to uncertainties in the intensity factors for the excitation and ionization steps in the experiment71, a non-inverted v2 vibrational distribution was also reported by Suzuki et al.91 for 248 nm products probed by direct infrared absorption. This latter method was again used in the studies of Hall et al.76 where a similar distribution was deduced for CD3 products formed at 248 nm.76 Also recent theoretical trajectory calculations using an ab initio potential energy surface117 have given distributions which are in good agreement with the results of Suzuki and Hall. Finally we note that a noninverted distribution was evident in our recent study of the u1 symmetric stretching 82 mode of CH3 by coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS).105 The rotational distribution of nascent CH3 has also been of interest but has been less studied since rotationally-resolved spectra have been hard to obtain. Sparks et al.67 found that a 300 cm-1 wide rotational distribution (Trot - 290 K) gave the best fit to their broad TOF data. In similar experiments, Loo et al.71 were able to resolve some rotational structure and deduced a rotational temperature of 120 ± 30 K for the CH3 v2 = 0 state, with an indication of some excess K = 0 rotational population. Such an excess was also seen by Chandler et al.72 and they found their spectra were best fit using two rotational temperatures TN = 120 K and TK = 30 K. These experiments are in accord with the recent calculations of Amatatsu et al.117, which predict an increase of only one unit of angular momentum when the cold parent dissociates via the I* channel. However, for warmer parent such as the room temperature effusive beam experiments of Black and Powis116, a preference for K = ± N products was seen and the rotational temperature of CH3 (200 K) was colder than that of CH3I. In none of these studies of nascent CH3 product distributions were individual N, K transitions resolved and the populations deduced involved a rather complex simulation procedure as discussed by Loo et al.71 In the present work, such detail has been seen in the vibrational-rotational spectrum of CH3 using an improved high resolution CARS apparatus. By use of supersonic expansions of CH3I with various driving gases, and by photolyzing and probing at different 83 positions in the expansion, spectra are obtained under a variety of collision conditions. Extensive rotational excitation of the CH3 product is seen after a few collisions and the rich structure is partially analyzed to give improved vibrational- rotational parameters for the (1000,-0000) fundamental and the (11004-0100) hot band transitions. Spectra were also obtained under near-nascent conditions and the analysis to deduce vibrational-rotational population distributions is presented and discussed. Experimental The CARS experimental setup84,105 at Oregon State University has recently been modified for high resolution studies by addition of a novel long-pulse injectionseeded Nd:YAG pump laser. This laser (custom made by Continuum) is special in that it provides single frequency 532 nm pulses of -45 ns duration (FWHM) with up to 200 mJ of energy. It consists of a 2 m stable TEM00 oscillator followed by two amplifier stages, with seeding for single frequency output achieved by injection of -9 mW of cw output from a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser (Lightwave Electronics seeder, model 122-1064-50F). A piezoelectric driver for the oscillator end mirror is controlled by electronics to ensure the stability of the cavity length at a resonant frequency determined by the temperature of the seed laser. For some experiments, a short cavity oscillator modification (0.75 m) was used for shorter pulses (-10 ns) of higher peak power (-5x), yielding significantly increased 84 CARS signals. More details about the characteristics of the system are given in reference 106. The above laser served as both a CARS pump source and a pulsed amplifier pump for the Stokes beam derived from a cw ring dye laser (Coherent 629). The latter laser was excited by an Ar+ laser (6-7 W) and the dye laser was operated with a dye mixture (Exciton DCM mixed with Kiton red) optimized to providing 200-500 mW of power at -630 nm. This cw output was pulse amplified in four stages to give a maximum gain factor of -106. Typical powers for the pump, and Stokes pulses were 20-30 and 5-10 mJ per pulse respectively. For 0 ns second U.V. delay experiments, the 532 nm YAG laser beam was frequency doubled using a KDP* crystal and the doubled light at 266 nm served as the photolysis source. For experiments with longer U.V. delays (0-3 ms) a separate Cooper LaserSonics MY-118 Nd:YAG laser was used to generate the 266 nm pulse. For the 02 frequency calibration, part of the dye laser beam was sent through an iodine cell at -40 °C and an absorption spectrum was recorded simultaneously with the CARS spectrum. For the ca YAG laser frequency calibration the seed laser was temperature tuned to 18788.4624(7) cm-1, 106 which corresponds to the 50% transmission point (high frequency side) of the 12 Atlas32 line number 1111 near the YAG laser gain maximum. A computer was used to actively lock the seed laser to this frequency to correct for drift due to 85 temperature instabilities of the temperature control electronics. The absolute uncertainty of the Raman shift frequencies (col - 6)2) is estimated to be less than 0.02 cm-1 and, from standard deviations of relative shift values of four or more measurements, the relative CH3 frequencies are believed accurate to 0.006 cm-1. All of the experiments were done under supersonic jet expansion conditions. For this purpose the methyl iodide precursor (99.9% Aldrich) at -350 Torr was pulsed into a cell pumped to maintain a background pressure of 100-500 mTorr. The pulsed nozzle valve was synchronized with the pump and photolysis lasers for suitable time overlap of the beams and the molecular beam. Mixtures using rare gases or ethane as driving sources at pressures of 1-7 atm were made by bubbling these through CH3I liquid contained in a metal vessel at room temperature. Nozzle diameters (D) of 0.9 and 1 mm were used and the molecular beam was probed at X/D positions of 0.1 to 11 in the jet. At higher driving pressures some clustering to form dimer and higher aggregates of methyl iodide would be expected but no indication of such species was seen in scans of the spectral region of liquid and solid methyl iodide (2946-2960).107 Thus most of the CH3 product observed is believed to derive from photolysis of monomeric CH3I. The folded BOXCARS phase matching technique was used, with beams focussed to -0.1 mm diameters with a 400 mm focal length lens aligned by optimizing a strong CH3I CARS signal at 2971.2 cm-1. The U.V. beam focal diameter was larger (-0.20 mm) and, when aligned, gave >95% reduction of the 86 parent signal. All polarizations were parallel for maximum CARS signal and rotation of the U.V. polarization had little effect, indicating saturation of the U.V. absorption. Some effort was made to study alignment effects of the CH3 product at reduced U.V. powers but the lower CARS signals then seen for CH3 made the results inconclusive. Similarly at large X/D distances in the expansion, where the CH3 products are nascent, the CARS signals were quite low due to the low number density. To improve the signal to noise the short cavity mode of the Nd:YAG laser was used, resulting in a signal gain of about 100. Under these conditions some power broadening of CH3I parent Q-branch was seen due to AC Stark shifts and saturation broadening. This effect was not obvious for CH3 due to the broader Doppler profiles of the radical so that the CH3 distributions deduced from peak areas are believed to be reasonably accurate (-10-20 %). Results Figure 5-1 displays a representative CARS spectrum of the methyl radical Q-branch structure in the u1 symmetric stretching region and shows the richness of the spectrum after many collisions have occurred. This trace was obtained in a jet by driving the CH3I at 298 K and 350 Torr with 2 atm of argon and by photolyzing and probing the radicals without delay at X/D = 1 along the expansion axis. The Q-branch origin starts at -3004.5 cm -1 and the rotational structure extends about 35 cm-1 to the parent CH3I region near -2971 cm-1. The CH3I 87 Q-branch peaks observed in this latter region are about 10 % of the intensity seen prior to introducing the 266 nm U.V. photolysis beam. Indicated on the top portion of Figure 5-1 are the N, K assignments for the v1 fundamental Q-branch transitions. These assignments are based on our earlier study105 of this mode and are extended here to include part of the overlap region with the hot band transitions. Table 5-2 contains the observed frequencies of all assigned lines as well as the obs.-calc. differences for each transition. Also given in the table are the relative CARS intensities obtained from simulations of the spectrum of Figure 5-1. For rotationally hot CH3 products many transitions were seen below -2997 cm-1 where overlap with vibrational hot bands in v2 and v1 might be expected. Some were assignable to the v2 = 1 hot band (Table 5-2) but many others remain as yet unassigned. Table 5-3 is a compilation of these unassigned but reproducible features, along with the relative intensities corresponding to Figure 5-1. All frequencies in Tables 2 and 3 are the average value of at least four measurements with standard deviations averaging 0.006 cm-1. The details of the spectral analysis are given in the discussion section. In figure 2 a series of CARS Q-branch jet spectra illustrate the rotational heating caused by increasing number of collisions of CH3 with other CH3 radicals, with I atoms, and with helium. Collision numbers are deduced by using the isentropic expansion mode192 for a jet to calculate the local translational temperature and number density at each X/D position. The photolysis was 88 assumed to be 100 % efficient so that CH3 and I densities are those of the parent CH3I. Gas kinetic theory then was used to calculate the number of collisions during the photolysis-probe period, assuming collisional diameters which are listed in Table 5-6, along with the results and the experimental conditions for the spectra. It should be noted that this calculation also requires an estimate of the relative collision velocities, a point we return to later. The top trace (a) of Figure 5-2 is a jet spectrum at X/D = 8 with helium driving pressure of 4 atm. These conditions correspond to a near-nascent distribution for which a Boltzmann temperature of 230 K is deduced as described in a following section. As the number of collisions increases, traces (a-e), the rotational distribution clearly shifts away from the band origin as higher N and K states become populated. The translational to rotational (T-- R) energy transfer results in an increase in the rotational temperature from 230 K in trace (a) to a maximum of about 1160 K in trace (d). With further collisions, the distribution shifts back towards the band origin in trace (e) and the lower Boltzmann temperature of -930 K for this case suggests a nearly thermalized sample. In several experiments N2 was used as the driving gas and the lowfrequency pure rotational region was scanned in an attempt to directly monitor the rotational distributions of both CH3 and N2 as a function of collision number. Extensive pumping of N2 population from low to high rotational levels was seen after a few collisions but no features attributable to CH3 were detected.108 Since 89 good spectra were obtained for CH3I parent molecule, the low apparent intensity of the CH3 radical suggests that the rotational Raman cross section, and hence the polarizability anisotropy, of CH3 is quite low. Analysis and Discussion Spectral Analysis For an oblate symmetric top the rotational energy level expression for each vibrational state is given as F(N,K) = BN(N+ 1) + (C-B)K2 - DNN2(N+ 1)2 - DNKN(N+1)K2 - DKK4 + HNN3(N+ 1)3 + HNKN2(N+1)2K2 + HKNN(N+1)K4 + HKK6 (1) where the N quantum number characterizes the total rotational angular momentum while K determines its component along the 3-fold symmetry axis. B and C are the usual rotational constants while the D and H parameters are centrifugal distortion constants. No effects of electron spin are included since the level splitting caused by this is known to be quite small (0.01 cm-1 or less)52 and to essentially cancel for Q-branch transitions in which AN and AK = 0. These transitions occur at frequencies given by 90 QNK = u + F1(1`1,1() Fig(N,K) (2) where u is the band origin and and refer to upper and lower vibrational states respectively. This expression, without H's, was used in our earlier analysis of this band105 but, in the present work, the increased frequency accuracy and extension to higher NK values required inclusion of the H constants for a satisfactory fit. Table 5-2 contains the obs.-calc. differences obtained with and without the H parameters and it is clear that they are important in fitting the high NK transitions. However, in general these H's are not well determined since they depend critically on high NK transitions, of which only a few could be assigned confidently due to the complexity of the spectrum below -2997 cm-1. From the analysis of the rotational structure of the u1 fundamental of CH3, it is clear that many of the lines below 2997 cm-1 must be assigned to one or more vibrational hot bands. This is especially evident in the cold, near-nascent spectra shown in Figure 5-2 (a) and (b), where the onset of a separate band system attributed to a v2 = 1 starting level is seen. With increasing number of collisions, higher NK lines of the fundamental overlap the hot band region and this made identification of the hot band features difficult. Nonetheless, by examining the intensity changes and positions of the features below 2997 cm-1 for different expansion conditions, it was possible to assign a limited number of the transitions to the hot band. These are listed in the bottom of Table 5-2 along with relative 91 intensities corresponding to the spectrum of Figure 5-1. Since only low NK transitions are assigned, the higher order H centrifugal distortion constants were omitted in fitting these hot band data to Equation 2. In addition, the planarity condition 2DN + 3DNK + 4DK = 0 52 was assumed to reduce the number of fitting parameters. Given in Table 5-4 are the new vibrational-rotational u parameters for both the v2 = 0 fundamental and v2 = 1 hot band, along with molecular constants calculated for the upper states using the lower state values of Yamada et al.52 For both transitions, the B value decreases about 0.09 cm-1 on excitation of the 01 CH stretch by one quantum, corresponding to an average bond length increase of 0.005 A. These and other parameter values for the fundamental transition fall within the uncertainties of our earlier measurements105 and the comparisons offered there with similar molecules remain valid. From our frequency of the hot band origin 2996.21(4) cm-1, we deduce a value of -8.23(5) cm-1 for the x12 anharmonicity constant. This value is in reasonable agreement with a value of -9.8(1.5) cm-1 estimated by Kelly et al.56 from their low resolution resonant Raman spectra of CH3. This x12 value serves as the basis for predicting the band origins of higher overtones of 02, as indicated in Figure 5-1. Also shown there is the origin of the vi = 1 hot band predicted from the approximate x11 value of -22.7 cm-1 reported by Kelly et al.56 Some structure is seen near these origin positions in Figure 5-1, but we note that no strong features were observed below 92 2990 cm-1 for scans corresponding to near-nascent products (Figure 5-2a, b and others). It is of course possible that higher vibrational levels are excited due to an increase in the number of collisions occurring under the conditions for Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 c-e, a point we consider below. Collision Numbers One would like to relate the spectral changes seen in Figure 5-2 a-e to the number of collisions experienced by a CH3 with another species during the photolysis-probe period At. From simple gas kinetic theory, this is given by nCH3...X = crel ir [(dcH3 + dx)/2] 1/2 Here crel = [c2cH3 c2x ,i i/2, Nx At (3) Nx is the number density in the jet, and At is taken as the half width of the undelayed 532 nm CARS pump beam. The initial velocities of CH3 and I are about 4000 and 500 m/s respectively72 while that of the driving gas is eX = [8RThrm] 1/2 (4) where T is the local translational temperature in the jet and M is the average molecular weight of the expansion mixture. Use of the initial velocities for CH3 93 and I gives total collision numbers of 7 and 17 for our nearly collision free conditions, X/D = 8 and 5 (Figure 5-2a, b). However, these are clearly too high since, for the first few successive direct CH3He collisions, momentum-energy conservation indicates that the CH3 velocity drops nearly by half each time. Taking this into account, we estimate that more realistic values are -3 and -6 collisions at these two X/D positions. At higher jet densities, the CH3 experiences even more collisions and it can be expected that the CH3, I, and background gas in the photolysis volume will reach some sort of thermal equilibrium in the translational energy. One would expect this effective translation temperature to be higher than the local isentropic jet temperature due to the photolysis heat input but a direct measure of Ttrans is not available. Eventually this should equate to the internal rotational temperature of the CH3 radical which we can deduce from the CARS spectra, as outlined later. Accordingly, we have used these Trot values in Equation 4 to estimate CH3 velocities and hence average collision numbers for the cases listed in Table 5-5. The exceptions in this table are the X/D = 8 and 5 instances in He expansions where this approach gives values of 1 and 4 respectively, somewhat lower than the -3 and -6 values we believe to be more realistic. 94 Vibrational Population Distribution Since translational to vibrational (T -*V) energy conversion usually requires many collisions, the CARS spectra obtained under low density cold conditions give access to the nascent vibrational populations. To deduce these distributions, four cold jet spectra such as those shown in Figure 5-2 (a) and (b), were chosen since in these there were no overlapping rotational peaks between the fundamental and the hot band transitions. After proper baseline subtraction, the square root of the CARS signal intensities was taken to give peaks which are essentially proportional to the populations of each individual NK state. The area under the fundamental band from 3005 to 2997 cm -1 and that for the hot band from 2997 to 2985 cm-1 was then obtained by integration and an average ratio of the relative v2 = 0 : v2 = 1 populations was found to be 1.00:0.27(10). The uncertainty is relatively large due to the low S/N for these spectra, however the result is consistent with the more recent, non-inverted experimental distributions noted in Table 5-1 and is in good accord with the theoretical ratio deduced by Amatatsu et al.117 Amatatsu et al. also predict a low relative v2 = 2 population (0.09), about one third of that of the v2 = 1 product. Since the CARS signals scale as number density squared, our S/N would be marginal for detecting such a low relative concentration and it is not surprising that in scans under near-nascent conditions, we were unable to discern any CH3 feature in the v2 > 1 region. However under higher density conditions involving more collisions, extensive 95 structure appeared in the hot band region, as can be seen in Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 c-d. Most of this is attributed to T-'R collisional heating rather than T--,V excitation, based on the relatively low number of collisions occurring for most of our sampling conditions compared to common V--0T/R collision numbers. For example the 711 cm-1 u5 bending mode of acetylene requires -1100 collisions for deactivation in neat samples and this increases to 22,000 and 15,600 in Ne and Ar.121 Comparable numbers might be expected for the u2 mode of CH3 at 606 cm-1 and even larger values for the other CH3 modes of higher frequency. Since only about 50 collisions have occurred for the sample whose spectrum is displayed in Figure 5-1, little vibrational excitation is expected and most of this structure must come from rotational excitation of the nascent vibrational distribution. It might be argued that the first few high velocity CH3X collisions could be especially effective in producing vibrational excitation but the nearly constant v2 = 0 : v2 = 1 intensity ratio seen in Figure 5-2a and b argues against this. Finally, we note that, after -6300 collisions (Figure 5-2e) where rotational-translational equilibrium is likely to have occurred, no indication of excess v2 = 1 (or higher) population was seen. Thus we believe the nascent vibrational distribution is frozen during the time periods for our measurements and that the complexity of the region below 2997 cm-1 comes from collisional excitation of the high NK rotational states of the v2 = 0 and 1 vibrational levels. 96 Spectral Simulations To extract accurate relative rotational populations it was necessary to simulate the CARS spectra as discussed in Ref. 2. The relative intensities of the CARS Q-branch lines are, to a good approximation, proportional to the square of the population n"(N,K) of the lower vibrational state n"(N,K) = (2N+1) g"NK exp[-F"(N,K)hc/kT] (5) For the A"1 v2 = 0 levels with K = 0, the nuclear spin factor gNK = 0 for Nodd, 4 for Neven while for the A2 v2 = 1 level gNK = 0 for Neven, 4 for Nodd. For all levels with K o 0, gNK is 4 (K = 3p) or 2 (K = 3p ± 1) where p is an integer. The simulation involved an iterative procedure in which the square root of a measured CARS peak intensity was taken to give an initial estimate of xNK nNK INK112* Line width parameters were chosen empirically to reproduce the shapes of isolated lines. A Lorentzian width of 0.05 cm-1 (FWHM) was used to account for natural width and collisional-broadening and the real and imaginary parts of x were then Doppler-broadened by a Gaussian line shape (FWHM = 0.03 cm-1) using a CARS program derived from that of Palmer.94 The two parts of x were squared and summed and, to account for the contribution of the laser widths, the result was convoluted by a Gaussian line shape function (FWHM = 0.006 cm- 97 1). Further small refinements of the peak xNK values were then made to account for interference effects between neighboring peaks until a good visual fit of all features in the spectrum was achieved. In general the final peak intensities differed by no more than 12% (avg. 5%) from the original observed intensities. Figure 5-3 shows a comparison between observed and calculated spectra for CH3 obtained under near nascent conditions [(350 Torr CH3I with 4 atm He driving gas and at X/D = 8 (trace a) and 5 (trace c)]. Here some of the weaker NK transitions were not included in the simulation but the overall quality of the fit is considered good and the relative populations are believed to be accurate to about 10 to 20%. Rotational Temperatures The relative rotational populations deduced from the simulations of each spectrum were then fit to extract a corresponding Boltzmann rotational temperature. This of course is not expected to precisely characterize the true population distribution but it does serve to provide a rough measure of this in terms of a single parameter. A representative Boltzmann fit is shown in Figure 5-4 for the near-nascent spectrum of Figure 5-3a (-3 collisions) and a rotational temperature of 230(40) K is obtained. A similar fit of trace c (-6 collisions) of Figure 5-3 results in a somewhat higher temperature of 1180(50) K. Table 5-5 gives Trot values obtained for a variety of other expansion mixtures where more 98 collisions and higher rotational temperatures were observed. Figure 5-5 summarizes the variation in Trot with total number of collisions, most of which are with the driving gas. Although qualitative, the figure clearly suggests little difference in T R conversion efficiency among the inert gas collision partners. For these, maximum heating to -1100 K occurs after -100 collisions and then cooling occurs as the radical becomes thermalized. Ethane was used as the collision partner in a few experiments and, from the figure, it is clear that is more efficient in accepting the collisional energy due to the many internal vibrational degrees of freedom available to it. At very low driving pressures or at large X/D values, the collision-free limit is reached but we were unable to achieve this extreme due to low S/N in our current experiments. However, Chandler et a172 and Loo et al.71 have obtained a value of 120 K in their photoionization studies under cold, nascent conditions and we show this limit in the figure. v2 = 0 Rotational Distribution A more detailed measure of the rotational distributions obtained for near-nascent condition is given in Table 5-6. A visual comparison with the corresponding Boltzmann population is offered in Figure 5-6 where the N populations for each K value are grouped together. In some cases, the experimental values are for overlapping peaks and here the NK assignments of 99 other contributing lines are shown above the bars and the predicted Boltzmann results are summed. In general the deviations from Boltzmann population distributions are surprisingly small, given the near-nascent experimental conditions. Little change occurs in the distributions we obtain for -3 vs -6 collisions, the principal difference being a slight increase in relative intensity for the higher N lines for each K value. It is perhaps noteworthy that the (non-overlapped) low K states have populations somewhat larger than Boltzmann while for K = 3 and higher this trend reverses. This enhancement of the low K states is consistent with the findings of Loo et al.71 and with the photofragment imaging results of Chandler et al.72, both of which were obtained under truly nascent conditions. Although no K structure was actually resolved in the latter study, some relative N,K populations were extracted from spectral simulations and we list these results also in Table 5-6. Figure 5-7 gives a visual comparison of the relative populations for those states which were seen in both studies and which were not involved in overlapping CARS transitions. Not surprisingly this comparison shows that, as the nascent fragments undergo an increasing number of collisions, the higher N and K levels are increasingly populated. 100 K Conservation In part, the comparison of Figure 5-7 is misleading since the initial rotational distribution of the parent CH3I is also expected to influence the final product distributions. An important aspect of the dissociation dynamics of the methyl iodide is the retention of the molecular symmetry axis in forming CH3. This implies that the repulsive forces causing dissociation in the excited CH3I molecule must be directed along the symmetry axis. In this simple picture, no torque is exerted around this axis, and there would be no rotational excitation of the photoproducts about the symmetry axis of the molecule. This in turn implies that the K quantum number characterizing spin about the figure axis must be preserved in the dissociation process. To examine the validity of this prediction an analysis was made for the population distributions of the rotational K states of the parent CH3I and CH3 under the same experimental conditions. A representative Q-branch spectrum of neat CH3I in a jet at X/D = 6 is shown in Figure 5-8 and the individual Qbranches for each value of K are seen to be well resolved. Also shown is a simulated spectrum at a Boltzmann temperature of 80 K, along with a stick spectrum calculated using the rotational parameters of Popplewell et al.123 The K distribution is seen to peak at K = 0 and only states up to K = 3 have appreciable population. The individual J lines of each QK branch are not resolved but from the calculated stick spectrum a Jmax value of about 10 is deduced, which 101 indicates that the parent has most of the angular momentum about an axis perpendicular to the figure axis. Similar spectra were obtained for CH3I in helium expansions under conditions corresponding to the near-nascent results of Figure 5-3. Here the parent was clearly colder, as evidenced by narrower QK branches and by an increase in the intensity of the K = 0 band relative to the higher K bands. These spectra shown in Figure 5-8 were simulated too, yielding parent rotational temperatures of 35 and 50 K at X/D = 8 and 5. Since Q-branches for the different K values were well separated, the total K populations were more directly obtained by simply integrating these peaks in the (square-rooted) spectrum. The results are shown as the hashed bars in Figure 5-9 while the solid bars represent the K state distributions observed for CH3. Where overlapping occurred for the CH3 peaks, the population sum was apportioned according to the Boltzmann predictions. The sum of all of N populations for each K value of CH3 was obtained and, for both parent and product, the total populations were normalized to one. These results show a clear excess population in the higher K states of CH3 compared to CH3I. This trend appears to increase in going from 3 to 6 collisions so that, under nascent conditions, a closer match of the K distributions would result. We note that it probably takes two collisions for K to increase in the CH3 product because its high fragmentation velocity component is along the symmetry 102 axis. The first collision is thus much more likely to cause an increase in tumbling rather than spinning motion. No parent distributions were accessible in the nascent photofragmentation studies of Chandler et al.72 but their expansion conditions should have produced colder CH3I with most of the population in K = 0 and K = 1. (These would have equal populations at absolute zero, assuming no nuclear spin relaxation). The fact that they see no product in states higher than K = 3 is reasonably consistent with the simple picture of "spin" conservation in the dissociation step. v2 = 1 Rotational Distribution The relative population of the v2 = 1 rotational states seen in the near-nascent spectra are tabulated at the bottom of Table 5-6. Comparison with the population predicted at the Boltzmann temperatures deduced for the v2 = 0 products shows large discrepancies. Efforts to characterize the v2 = 1 distributions by separate Boltzmann temperatures led to very poor fits and to values of about 800-1.- 350 K for both X/D = 5 and 8 positions. This poor agreement with a Boltzmann model suggests that the distributions are probably complicated by the production of v2 = 1 via both I and I* dissociation channels. The I/I* ratio for the v2 = 1 product has been measured as 0.38 by Chandler et al.72 and as 0.30 by Loo et al.71 while the same authors obtain ratios of only 0.1 and 0.08 for the v2 = 0 CH3 product. Thus it is perhaps defensible that we have ignored consideration of 103 the I channel product in discussing the v2 = 0 distributions and reasonable that this neglect leads to poorer fits for the v2 = 1 case. It is also noteworthy that the hotter rotational distributions that we see for v2 = 1 CH3 are consistent with the theoretical predictions of Amatatsu et al.117 of greater rotational excitation for the I versus I* channel (by about 4-5 quanta). 104 Conclusions The new high resolution CARS setup at Oregon State University was employed to study the photodissociation dynamics of CH3I at 266 nm. CH3 spectra were obtained in free jet expansions under near-nascent conditions as well as at higher densities where many collisions with various molecules occur. The rich spectra obtained under the latter conditions permitted a slight extension of our earlier assignments in chapter IV for the individual N, K transitions in the fundamental region (v2 = 0). From the analysis of the near-nascent spectra, the v2 = 1 hot band origin was measured and a number of transitions were assigned and analyzed to give rotational constants and the x12 anharmonicity constant. Due to the complexity in the hot band region, many transitions were left unassigned but a compilation of these is provided as an aid for possible future work on this radical. In the near-nascent spectra there was no overlap between the fundamental and hot band regions and, from integrated areas, the vibrational population ratio for v2 = 0 : v2 = 1 states was found to be 1.00:0.27(10). This value is in much better agreement with theoretical calculations than are previous experimental results. This ratio indicates that the planar CH3 molecule forms slowly and adiabatically along the dissociation coordinate, rather than rapidly with excitation of the bending mode. The spectra under the near-nascent condition gave rotationally-resolved NK information for the first time and these data were used to extract rotational 105 population distributions. Fits of these populations to Boltzmann distributions resulted in rotational temperatures of T = 230(50) K and T = 1180(90) K at X/D = 8 and 5 jet positions. From rotational populations obtained for both the CH3I and CH3, the retention of spin angular momentum about the three fold symmetry axis in the dissociation process was confirmed. Comparisons with distributions obtained under nascent conditions by Chandler et al.72 show that only small changes occur in the rotational distributions after 3-6 collisions. An average rotational energy of about 140 cm-1 is deduced, in good accord with the latest theoretical estimates. 106 Table 5-1. Relative vibrational and rotational temperatures for CH3 photoproduct Vibrational Distribution X(nm) v2=0 v2=1 v2=2 Method Ref. Year 280 1 1.14 1.95 TOF F.J. Black 1988 266 1 11.8 Theory 1 13.3 TOF 266 (1) (4)b 14.3 IR-Em M. Shapiro R.K. Sparks H. W. Hermann 1980 266 e 14.7 266 1 0.91 0.91 MPI R. 0. Loo 1988 266 1 0.26 0.09 1 0.27 Y. Amatatsu This Work 1991 266 Theory CARS 248 1 17.2 1 4.67 17 248 1 0.44 0.12 248 1 0.39 0.12 Theory IR-Abs. M.D. Barry G.N.A. van Veen H. Guo T. Suzuki 1983 248 TOF TOF 55.6 1981 1981 1993 1984 1990 1991 Rotational Temperature Trot(lqc 280 200 TOF F.J. Black 1988 266 290d TOF R.K. Sparks 1981 266 120 MPI R. 0. Loo 1988 266 120(TN)e REMPI D.W. Chandler 1989 CARS This Work 1993 30(TK) 266 230 a Later unpublished work by this group suggests that these results may be erroneous (see footnotes in Ref. 8, 15) b v2 = 0, 1 relative populations of Sparks et al. assumed. c Temperatures deduced assuming. Boltzmann distribution. d Calculated from Erot = 300 cm" 1 3/2 kTrot c Separate Boltzmann temperatures assumed for N, K distributions. 107 Table 5-2. 1)1 Q-branch transition frequencies for v2=0, 1 states of CH3 (cm-1) N K Obs. Freq. Rel.a CARS Obs.- Obs.- Ca lc. Ca lc. Int. No H's With H's 0 0 3004.445 3 0.019 0.008 1 1 3004.321 4 0.030 0.021 2 2 3004.087 4 0.028 0.017 2 1 3003.972 4 0.022 0.024 2 0 3003.884 14 -0.030 -0.024 3 3 3003.707 21 -0.024 -0.037 3 2 3003.528 7 -0.022 -0.018 3 1 3003.424 6 -0.017 -0.005 4 4 3003.294 12 -0.013 -0.029 4 3 3003.042 23 -0.013 -0.009 4 2 3002.876 8 0.001 0.013 4 1 3002.785 22 0.017b 0.033b 5 5 3002.785 22 -0.004b -0.0196 4 0 3002.717 46 -0.016 0.001 5 4 3002.459 13 -0.007 -0.004 5 3 3002.230 32 0.013b 0.020 6 6 3002.174 60 -0.0056 -0.015b 5 2 3002.040 15 -0.001 0.010 5 1 3001.930 16 -0.005 0.004 6 5 3001.783 13 -0.003 0.001 7 7 3001.474 41 -0.003b -0.004b 6 4 3001.474 41 0.005b 0.013b 6 3 3001.231 36 0.007 0.012 6 2 3001.045 50 -0.0066 -0.007b 7 6 3001.021 50 0.005 0.009 108 Table 5-2. Continued N K Obs. Freq. Rel.a CARS Obs.Cale. Obs.- Int. No H's With H's Ca lc. 6 1 3000.924 50 -0.023b -0.031b 6 0 3000.924 50 0.011 0.001 8 8 3000.695 19 0.010 0.019 7 5 3000.635 28 0.002 0.009 7 4 3000.335 16 0.013 0.015 8 7 3000.185 12 0.025 0.027 7 3 3000.094 42 0.011 0.004 7 2 2999.935 21 0.022 0.003 7 1 2999.813 70 0.001b -0.02611 9 9 2999.812 70 0.003 0.022 8 6 2999.698 49 -0.012 -0.008 8 5 2999.333 10 -0.003 0.002 9 8 2999.227 20 0.009 -0.003 8 4 2999.040 12 0.007 0.007 10 10 2998.863 59 0.014 0.029b 8 3 2998.812 53 0.012 0.003 9 7 2998.669 10 -0.037 -0.043 8 2 2998.619 12 -0.016 -0.036 8 1 2998.535 52 -0.001 -0.030b 8 0 2998.535 52 0.032 -0.001 10 9 2998.201 100 0.006 -0.041 9 6 2998.201 100 -0.068 -0.057 9 5 2997.869 28 -0.037 -0.011 11 11 2997.788 30 -0.021 -0.036 10 8 2997.703 13 0.081 0.048b 109 Table 5-2. Continued N K Obs. Freq. Rel.a CARS Obs.Ca lc. Obs.Cale. hit. No H's With H's 9 4 2997.590 13 -0.022 0.011b 9 3 2997.399 37 0.014 0.046 11 10 2997.251 11 amb 0.033 9 2 2997.179 12 -0.046b -0.018 10 7 2997.105 21 -0.022b 0007 9 1 2997.105 21 -0.024b -0.001 12 12 2996.796 60 0.100 0.010 -0.062 10 6 2996.573 79 0131b 11 9 2996.573 79 0.111b 0.014 10 5 2996.285 17 -0.067b 0.050 10 4 2995.886 29 0181b -0.020 10 3 2995.658 46 -0.190b -0.017 10 2 2995.508 30 -0.185b 0001b 10 1 2995.433 18 -0.167b 0.023b 10 0 2995.657 18 0.088b -0.043b 13 12 2995.187 71 0.515b -0.007 11 6 2994.808 74 -0.216b 0.032 15 15 2993.902 83 0.981b 0.002 18 18 2992.710 44 4.099b 0.000 12 6 2992.584 43 -0.658b -0.007 13 9 2992.480 66 -0.209b -0.005 110 Table 5-2. Continuedc N K Obs. Freq. Rel.a CARS Obs.- Obs.- Ca lc. Cak. Int. No H's 1 0 2996.012 19 -0.009 2 1 2995.705 16 0.011 3 3 2995.492 30 0.004 3 0 2995.164 11 0.045 4 1 2994.406 19 -0.085 5 0 2993.672 32 0.008 6 1 2992.904 11 0.039 7 0 2991.933 16 -0.011 8 1 2991.165 22 -0.003 With H's a Intensities from spectrum shown in Fig. 1. b Indicates lines not used in linear regression analysis due to overlap or uncertain assignment. c The assignments for v2 = 1 state are given in this portion of the table. 111 Table 5-3. Unassigned transition frequencies and their relative CARS intensities in the overlap region with the hot bandsa 2996.692 17 2996.573 38 23 2983.148 27 2977.585 27 79 2989.437 2989.300 2982.941 10 2977.526 12 2996.285 10 2988.770 23 2982.886 12 2977.297 18 2996.050 19 2988.639 54 2982.810 17 2977.259 21 2995.887 29 2988.537 22 2982.740 9 2977.211 21 2995.750 16 2988.445 11 2982.299 10 2977.147 9 2995.658 46 2988.359 22 2982.146 14 2976.983 9 2995.508 30 2988.057 15 2982.109 14 2976.907 14 2995.433 18 2987.935 16 2982.007 28 2976.834 14 2995.239 71 2987.855 22 2981.933 18 2976.755 9 2995.078 11 2987.580 56 2981.856 27 2976.662 18 2995.014 16 2987.445 12 2981.801 19 2976.469 9 2994.942 11 2987.336 12 2981.703 11 2976.362 10 2994.617 11 2987.205 10 2981.506 20 2976.259 10 2994.503 22 2987.117 22 2981.377 10 2976.186 35 2994.406 19 2987.029 26 2981.297 22 2976.125 13 2994.297 36 2986.864 13 2981.184 22 2976.034 7 2994.188 14 2986.719 13 2981.072 63 2975.970 8 2994.130 20 2986.620 19 2980.998 17 2975.888 7 2993.780 21 2986.186 26 2980.929 17 2975.813 11 2993.674 32 2986.129 12 2980.880 29 2975.644 17 2993.592 14 2986.038 12 2980.800 29 2975.599 17 2993.489 11 2985.910 25 2980.747 11 2975.518 17 2993.096 28 2985.849 31 2980.534 11 2975.457 10 2993.024 14 2985.771 28 2980.330 16 2975.384 8 2992.930 11 2985.713 11 2980.228 26 2975.309 16 2992.896 27 2985.563 13 2980.151 15 2975.240 13 2992.828 27 2985.494 19 2980.035 15 2975.119 14 2992.656 16 2985.415 19 2979.970 13 2975.003 11 2991.967 16 2985.201 18 2979.925 12 2974.934 12 112 Table 5-3. Continued 2991.905 16 2984.946 17 2979.879 12 2974.857 15 2991.765 30 2984.878 12 2979.814 11 2974.616 10 2991.379 53 2984.810 12 2979.432 18 2974.569 9 2991.323 47 2984.703 37 2979.118 10 2974.511 9 2991.245 22 2984.608 15 2979.060 9 2974.392 15 2991.174 22 2984.535 18 2978.912 17 2974.328 14 2991.036 26 2984.386 18 2978.836 20 2974.245 11 2990.970 26 2984.324 13 2978.748 16 2974.181 15 2990.773 11 2984.237 46 2978.694 10 2974.072 10 2990.720 11 2984.101 10 2978.612 16 2973.967 12 2990.556 28 2984.053 14 2978.405 11 2973.919 12 2990.474 44 2984.005 11 2978.311 11 2973.870 10 2990.374 56 2983.934 14 2978.264 11 2973.766 12 2990.296 40 2983.854 14 2978.124 26 2973.701 12 2990.154 19 2983.713 33 2978.054 14 2973.625 11 2990.089 19 2983.643 15 2977.963 9 2973.520 11 2989.976 11 2983.531 13 2977.881 12 2973.467 17 2989.779 58 2983.490 13 2977.798 13 2989.698 58 2983.390 11 2977.703 13 2989.561 12 2983.261 20 2977.626 27 a Frequencies are the average of 2-4 measurements with standard deviations less than 0.01 cm 1. Intensities are from the spectrum shown in Fig. 1. 113 Table 5-4. Vibrational-rotational parameters for CH3 (cm-1) u CARS This work (1000)440000) 3004.426(11) aI3 0.0856(7) aC 0.0489(6) 0.0471(6) 0.0536(103 DNO-DNla -46(9) -168(20) -334(45) DNKO-DNK1 53(20) 331(44) -244(1300) -20(12) -131(26) (350)b Trans. DKO-DK1 CARS This work CARS This work (1100)440100) (1000),-(0000) 3004.436(12) 0.0890(10) 2996.21(4) 0.0948(31) -0.98(12) HNO-HN1 HNKO-HNK1 2.21(4) HKNo-HKNI -0.22(49) HKO-HK1 -0.82(21) Level 0000 1000 1000 0100 1100 Ref. 20 This work This work 20 This work 3004.426 3004.436 606.4531 u 2996.21 B 9.57789 9.49232 9.48891 9.2581 9.16329 C 4.74202 4.69311 4.69490 4.8116 4.75799 770 816 938 494 828 DNK DK -1358 -1411 -1689 -706 -462 257 (_93)b HN -0.32 0.66 HNK 1.00 -1.21 HKN -0.40 -0.18 HK -0.20 0.62 DN R(A) 634 1.07895 654 1.08380 765 1.08400 1.09743 1.10309 a D and H values should be multiplied by 10-6. b This value is calculated using the planarity condition 2DN + 3DNK + 4DK = 0. 114 Table 5-5. Calculated rotational temperatures (Boltzmann dist.) and number of collisions for CH3 in the jet. Experimental conditions as well as collision diameters used in calculations are also given. Driving gas Collisiona Dia.(nm) Number of Collisions 6 14 Ar Ne He Ethane 0.34 0.28 0.26 0.54 X/D 3 2 Press. Atm 20 2 20 20 20 620( 90) 660(100) 1090(150) 1140(210) 2 4 20 20 20 20 20 20 760(170) 820( 90) 1010(140) 1140(200) 1010(190) 1230(220) 1 1 1 2 14 2 2 2 1 0.5 0.1 0.3 Trot Boltz. 2 23 50 24 50 140 240 320 Collision Time (ns) 4 2 2 1 8 4 20 4 5 4 20 230( 50) 340( 90) 20 3 4 25 840(240) 490 0.3 4 20 1160(160) 6300 0.5 4 370 930(140) 230 330 500 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 2.6 4.2 20 20 20 720( 70) 650( 90) 580( 90) 490( 70) 1740 7 4.7 120 a Diameters are from Ref. 40. Values of 0.36 and 0.50 nm were used for CH3 and I. 115 Table 5-6. Rotational population distribution for near-nascent CH3 along with calculated Boltzmann values. v2 N K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 2 4 5 3 6 5 6 2 5 1 6 5 6 3 6 2 8 8 7 5 0 7 4 0 8 7 0 7 0 0 7 3 2 7 1 0 8 1 1 6 0 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 0 1 4 1 1 5 0 1 6 1 1 7 8 0 1 1 X/D = 5 X/D = 8 -6 Coll. -3 Coll. Rel. NNK 0.53 0.42 0.58 0.44 1.00 0.88 0.49 0.66 0.45 0.57 0.23 0.46 0.75 0.28 0.38 0.53 0.49 0.43 0.39 0.28 0.21 0.32 0.40 0.26 0.25 0.45 0.26 0.52 0.40 0.29 0.36 0.30 0.74 0.33 0.37 0.43 Rel. NNK 0.20 0.28 0.42 0.40 0.78 1.03 0.47 0.44 0.55 0.96 0.43 0.45 0.79 0.99 0.35 0.33 0.40 0.57 0.26 0.34 0.26 0.22 0.25 0.38 0.17 0.16 0.39 0.55 0.40 1.03 0.87 0.42 0.68 0.26 0.34 0.10 Rel. NNK 0.47 0.40 0.53 0.40 1.00 0.67 0.32 0.49 0.34 0.48 0.17 0.37 0.44 0.37 0.41 0.41 0.33 0.33 Ref. 72 Nascent Rel. NNK 0.23 0.31 0.45 0.41 0.80 1.02 0.44 0.40 0.50 0.81 0.35 0.33 0.54 0.70 0.23 0.21 0.25 0.31 0.38 0.45 0.61 0.39 0.28 0.83 0.41 0.34 0.53 0.80 0.33 0.44 0.13 0.13 0.03 0.41 Rel. NNK 0.63 0.65 0.29 0.61 1.00 0.15 0.26 0.43 0.43 0.24 0.03 0.15 116 2970 2975 2980 WAVENUMBERS Figure 5-1. High resolution CARS spectra of CH3 produced by 266 nm photolysis at X/D=1 in a jet expansion of 23% CH3I in argon at 2 atm. See text for discussion of assignments. 117 rot No. of Collisions (b) 340 -6 (c) 840 20 A 1 2987 2991 i I I 2995 I 2999 3003 WAVENUMBERS Figure 5-2. CH3 CARS spectra produced by photolysis of 0.46 atm CH3I in a He jet at various driving pressures. For experimental conditions of each spectrum see Table 5. 118 2989 2991 2993 2995 2997 2999 3001 3003 3005 WAVENUMBERS Figure 5-3. High resolution CARS spectra of CH3 obtained under near-nascent condition. The simulated spectra are also shown for each spectrum. 119 00 -2.6 _ Trot = -1/SLOPE oll = 230 (40) K 22 0 0 20 1 0 330 NK 031 32 520 051 0 44 0 54 0 43 0 65 0 42 053 -5.0 0 66 0 63 0 200 400 600 E(NK)/1( (K) Figure 5-4. Boltzmann fit of CH3 CARS spectrum of Figure 5-3 (top spectrum). The NK quantum numbers are shown to the right of each data point. 120 0 1 2 3 4 Log(No. of Collisions) Figure 5-5. CH3 rotational temperatures (assuming Boltzmann distribution) as a function of log of total number of collisions for several carrier gases. See Table 5 for experimental conditions. 121 0.18 41 55 Exp. - 3 Collisions Calc. (230 K) 0.14 0.10 61 76 77 0.06 0.02 0.14 41 55 gm. Exp. - 6 Collisions Calc. (340 K) 0.10 0.06 0.02 0020406080 1121315171 223242526272 3343536373 44546474 6575 6686 87 88 NK Figure 5-6. Relative CH3 rotational populations for individual NK states in the fundamental region (v2 = 0) for the two near nascent spectra shown in Figure 5-3. NK values are shown below for different K groups. Contributions from other overlapping transitions are included and are labelled above. 122 1.0 Nascent - 3 Collisions - 6 Collisions 0.8 - 0.2 0.0 00 20 11 21 31 22 51 32 42 52 33 43 NK Figure 5-7. Comparison between the CH3 NK nascent distributions of Chandler et al.72 and the near-nascent distributions for the two cases shown in Figure 5-3. Only non-overlapping transitions are included. 123 QK I 2 3 1 01 (a) Caic., Trot 35 K (b) X/D = 5 (c) Cak., Trot - 50 K (d) (e) I 2970.5 2970.7 I I 2970.9 2971.1 WAVENUMBERS i 2971.3 2971.5 Figure 5-8. High resolution CARS Q-branch jet spectrum of CH3I in the u1 C-H symmetric stretching region. a) Obs. spectrum at X/D=8. b) Calculated spectrum assuming Boltzmann distribution at 35 K. c) Obs. spectrum at X/D=5. d) Calculated spectrum assuming Boltzmann distribution at 50 K. e) Stick spectrum for 50 K distribution. 124 CH3 I - 3 Collisions 0.40 CH3 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.40 - 6 Collisions 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K Figure 5-9. Relative CH3 rotational populations for individual K states in the fundamental region (v2 = 0) for the two near-nascent spectra shown in Figure 5-3. 125 REFERENCES 1. Raman, C.V. and Krishnan, K.S., Nature, 121, 501 (1928). 2. P.D. Maker, and R.W. Terhune, Phys. Rev. A., 137, 801 (1965). 3. S. Druet and J.P. Taran, Prog. Quant. Electr., 7, 1 (1982). 4. G.L. 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APPENDICES 133 Appendix A Quick Basic 4.5 source codes written for Tektronix digital oscilloscope model 2440 134 9********************************************************************** 'PROGRAM WRI1 TEN FOR TEKTRONIX DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE-2440 'TO TRANSFER WAVEFORMS FROM THE SCOPE TO THE IBM-PC 'CALLED "TEKWTRAN6.BAS" 'MANSOUR ZAHEDI AUG.29.1990 ; VERSION MODIFIED JUNE.7.1991 ,********************************************************************** CLS : KEY OFF: LOCATE 25, 1: PRINT "Press any key to exit program";: LOCATE 1, 1 '***** Establish communication with device driver ***** OPEN "$DV488" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "BUFFERCLEAR" OPEN "$DV488" FOR INPUT AS #2 ON ERROR GOTO ERSVC '***** Initialize MBC-488 board using "SYSCON" command ***** PRINT #1, "SYSCON MAD1=3 CIC1=1 BA1=&H200 CLK=8" '***** Read Serial Poll byte ***** CLS COLOR 0, 7 LOCATE 3, 35 PRINT " WARNINGS !!!! " COLOR 7, 0 PRINT : PRINT "YOU MUST HAVE THE TWO SYSTEM FILES CALLED VIPARSE.SYS " PRINT "AND DV488PC.SYS IN C: \UTIL SUBDIRECTORY, ALSO ADD THE" PRINT "LINES BELOW TO THE END OF YOUR CONFIG.SYS FILE, GOOD LUCK!" PRINT "device= C: \UTIL \VIPARSE.SYS /HK=ALT H /MK=ALT M /SK=ALT TAB" PRINT "device=CAUTIL\DV488PC.SYS" PRINT : PRINT "HIT ANY KEY TO CONTINUE!" WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND CLS : PRINT #1, "STATUS 12" INPUT #2, SPOLL% PRINT : PRINT " Testing Serial Poll Byte for 'RSV'" PRINT : PRINT " Serial Poll Byte = &H"; HEX$(SPOLL%): PRINT IF (SPOLL% AND 8) <> 8 THEN PRINT " No Request In Serial Poll Byte" ELSE GOTO EVENT '***** Set TIMEOUT (timeout time=0.056 x A%) ***** TIMEOUT: A% = 100 PRINT #1, "TIMEOUT", A% '***** WAVEFORM TRANSFER ROUTINE FOR TEK-2440 ***" DIM WAVE%(5000) 135 DIM SIG!(5000) DIM RESP$(50) DIM EVENTS(50) DIM ANSWRS(100) GOTO GETCHANNEL GETCHANNEL: PRINT : PRINT " Choose A Channel For Your Data Source! (1 OR 2)?" REP$ = INPUT$(1) PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "PATH OFF" IF REPS = "1" THEN COMM1$ = "DATA SOURCE:CH1": CLS : PRINT : PRINT " * * * * * Data Source Is Channel 1 *****": GOTO GETNUM IF REPS = "2" THEN COMM1$ = "DATA SOURCE:CH2": CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** Data Source Is Channel 2 *****": ELSE CLS : GOTO GETCHANNEL GETNUM: PRINT : INPUT " Enter Number Of Data Points To Be Transferred (Max. # = 1023)"; NUMDATA% IF NUMDATA% = 0 THEN NUMDATA% = 1000 IF NUMDATA% > 1023 THEN NUMDATA% = 1023 CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** Number Of Data Points = "; NUMDATA%; ""*"" ACQMODE: PRINT : PRINT " Choose Data Acquisition Mode! : Normal, Average, Envelope (N, A, E), [Def=N]" DA$ = INPUT$(1) IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" OR DA$ = "A" OR DAS = "a" OR DA$ = "E" OR DA$ = "e" THEN GOTO CONT ELSE CLS : DAS = "N": GOTO CONT END IF CONT: SELECT CASE DA$ CASE "N", "n" CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** Data Acquisition Mode Is Normal *****" COMM3$ = "ACQUIRE MODE:NORMAL" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM3$ GOTO GETRESP CASE "A", "a" CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** Data Acquisition Mode Is Average *****" COMM6$ = "ACQUIRE MODE:AVG" PRINT : PRINT " Choose Number Of Waveforms To Be Averaged (2 ^ n); (n=1,2,...,8) ?" NM = INPUT$(1) IF NM = "1" THEN NA% = 2: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:2": GOTO GETRESP IF NM = "2" THEN NA% = 4: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:4": GOTO GETRESP IF NA$ = "3" THEN NA% = 8: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:8": GOTO GETRESP IF NM = "4" THEN NA% = 16: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:16": GOTO GETRESP IF NM = "5" THEN NA% = 32: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:32": GOTO GETRESP 136 IF NM = "6" THEN NA% = 64: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:64": GOTO GETRESP IF NM = "7" THEN NA% = 128: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:128": GOTO GETRESP IF NM = "8" THEN NA% = 256: COMM4$ = "ACQUIRE NUMAVG:256": GOTO GETRESP CASE "E", "e" CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** Data Acquisition Mode Is Envelope *****" COMM3$ = "ACQUIRE MODE:ENV" PRINT : PRINT " Choose Number Of Waveforms To Be Enveloped (2 ^ n), (n=1,2,...,8); Or" PRINT " Choose Continuous Mode (C)" NES = INPUT$(1) IF NE$ = "1" THEN NE% = 2: COMMS$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:2": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "2" THEN NE% = 4: COMMS$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:4": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "3" THEN NE% = 8: COMM5$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:8": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "4" THEN NE% = 16: COMMS$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:16": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "5" THEN NE% = 32: COMM5$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:32": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "6" THEN NE% = 64: COMM5$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:64": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "7" THEN NE% = 128: COMMS$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:128": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "8" THEN NE% = 256: COMMS$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:256": GOTO GETRESP IF NE$ = "C" OR NE$ = "c" THEN COMM5$ = "ACQUIRE NUMENV:CONT" END SELECT GETRESP: CLS PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Smooth The Waveform? (Y OR N), [Def=N]" RESP$ = INPUT$(1) IF RESP$ = "Y" OR RESP$ = "y" THEN COMM$ = "SMOOTH ON" CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Is Smoothed *****" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM$ GOTO GETREPP END IF NONE: IF RESP$ = "N" OR RESP$ = "n" THEN COMM$ = "SMOOTH OFF" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM$ CLS GOTO GETREPP END IF RESP$ = "N": GOTO NONE GETREPP: PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want Volt Conversion Of Your Data? (Y Or N)" PRINT " If So, Choose Rlbinary (Signed Integer) Or RPbinary (Positive Integer) Next." REPP$ = INPUT$(1) IF REPP$ = "Y" OR REPP$ = "y" OR REPP$ = "N" OR REPP$ = "n" THEN GOTO HERE ELSE CLS : GOTO GETREPP HERE: CLS PRINT : PRINT " Choose Data Format You Want? RIbinary, RPbinary, AScii or QUit (RI, RP, AS, QU)" PRINT : PRINT " [Default = RI]" DF$ = INPUT$(2) IF DF$ = "AS" OR DF$ = "as" OR DF$ = "RP" OR DF$ = "rp" OR DF$ = "RI" OR DF$ = 137 "ri" OR DF$ = "QU" OR DF$ = "qu" THEN GOTO CONTIN ELSE CLS : DES = "RI": GOTO CONTIN END IF CONTIN: SELECT CASE DF$ CASE "AS", "as" CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Data Format Is Ascii COMMO$ = "DATA ENCDG:ASCII" GOTO GETPK2PK CASE "RP", "rp" CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Data Format Is Positive Integer *****" COMMO$ = "DATA ENCDG:RPBINARY" GOTO GETPK2PK CASE "RI", "ri" CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Data Format Is Singed Integer *****" COMMOS = "DATA ENCDG:RIBINARY" GOTO GETPK2PK CASE "QU", "qu" END END SELECT '***** PEAK TO PEAK MEASUREMENT SET UP ***** GETPK2PK: ONEPOSORIG! = 0 TWOPOSORIG! = 0 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? 'ITOS:ONE" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", ONEPOSORIG! INPUT #2, ONEPOSORIG! PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? TPOS:TWO" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", TWOPOSORIG! INPUT #2, TWOPOSORIG! CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Would You Like A Peak To Peak Measurement Of The Waveform (Y Or N)?" PP$ = INPUTS(1) FE$ = "" SELECT CASE PP$ CASE "Y", "y" IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF ELSE GOTO ENVEL2 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using 138 Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = M]" OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUALO ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUALO: IF REP$ = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR: GOTO AVGPK2PK ENVEL2: IF DA$ = "E" OR DA$ = "e" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF' ELSE GOTO NORM2 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = M]" OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL01 ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUAL01: IF REPS = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REPS = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR: GOTO ENVPK2PK NORM2: IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFFPRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = M]" OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL02 ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUAL02: IF REP$ = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR GOSUB PK2PK IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETAREA EVEFLAG% = 0 139 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO USUAL02 GOTO GETPK2PK CASE "N", "n" IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF': GOTO GETAREA ELSE GOTO ENVELOPE2 END IF ENVELOPE2: IF DA$ = "E" OR DA$ = "e" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF': GOTO GETAREA ELSE GOTO NORMAL2 END IF NORMAL2: IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF': GOTO GETAREA CASE ELSE GOTO GETPK2PK END SELECT ENVPK2PK: IF NE$ = IF NE$ = IF NE$ = IF NES = IF NE$ = IF NE$ = IF NES = IF NE$ = "1" THEN NE% "2" THEN NE% "3" THEN NE% "4" THEN NE% "5" THEN NE% "6" THEN NE% "7" THEN NE% "8" THEN NE% READPK2PK1: = = = = = = = = 2: GOTO READPK2PK1 4: GOTO READPK2PK1 8: GOTO READPK2PK1 16: GOTO READPK2PK1 32: GOTO READPK2PK1 64: GOTO READPK2PK1 128: GOTO READPK2PK1 256: GOTO READPK2PK1 FOR I% = 1 TO NE% REPET: GOSUB PK2PK IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETVAlUE2 EVEFLAG% = 0 I% = I% - 1 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO READPK2PK1 GETVAIUE2: 140 OLDPK2PK! = VAL(RESPOND$) NEWPK2PK! = NEWPK2PK! + OLDPK2PK! NEXT I% ENVPK2PK! = NEWPK2PK! / NE% CLS : PRINT : PRINT " * * * * * The Waveform Averaged Peak To Peak Voltage Is ENVAREA!; " V"; " *****" GOTO GETAREA AVGPK2PK: IF NAS = "1" THEN NA% IF NM = "2" THEN NA% IF NM = "3" THEN NA% IF NM = "4" THEN NA% IF NM = "5" THEN NA% IF NM = "6" THEN NA% IF NM = "7" THEN NA% IF NM = "8" THEN NA% = = = = = = = = 2: GOTO READPK2PK 4: GOTO READPK2PK 8: GOTO READPK2PK 16: GOTO READPK2PK 32: GOTO READPK2PK 64: GOTO READPK2PK 128: GOTO READPK2PK 256: GOTO READPK2PK READPK2PK: FOR I% = 1 TO NA% REP2: GOSUB PK2PK IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETVA12 EVEFLAG% = 0 I% = I% - 1 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR IN10EY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO READPK2PK GETVA12: OLDPK2PK! = VAL(RESPOND$) NEWPK2PK! = NEWPK2PK! + OLDPK2PK! NEXT I% AVGPK2PK! = NEWPK2PK! / NA% CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Averaged Peak To Peak Voltage Is = "; AVGPK2PK!; " V"; " *****" '***** AREA MEASUREMENT SET UP ***** GETAREA: ONEPOSORIG! = 0 TWOPOSORIG! = 0 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? TPOS:ONE" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", ONEPOSORIG! INPUT #2, ONEPOSORIG! PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? TPOS:TWO" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", TWOPOSORIG! INPUT #2, TWOPOSORIG! PRINT : PRINT " Would You Like An Area Measurement Of The Waveform (Y Or N)?" 141 AM$ = INPUT$(1) FE$ = "" SELECT CASE AM$ CASE "Y", "y" IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF' ELSE GOTO ENVEL1 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = M]" OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUAL: IF REPS = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR: GOTO AVGAREA ENVELl: IF DA$ = "E" OR DA$ = "e" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF' ELSE GOTO NORM1 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = Mr OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL1 ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUALl: IF REP$ = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR: GOTO ENVAREA NORM1: IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF' PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = Mr 142 OW$ = 1NPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL2 ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUAL2: IF REP$ = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR GOSUB AREA IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETRISE EVEFLAG% = 0 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO USUAL2 GOTO GETAREA CASE "N", "n" IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF': GOTO GETRISE ELSE GOTO ENVELOPE1 END IF ENVELOPE1: IF DAS = "E" OR DA$ = "e" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF': GOTO GETRISE ELSE GOTO NORMAL1 END IF NORMALl: IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF": GOTO GETRISE CASE ELSE GOTO GETAREA END SELECT ENVAREA: IF NES IF NE$ IF NE$ IF NE$ IF NE$ IF NE$ = "1" THEN NE% = = "2" THEN NE% = = "3" THEN NE% = = "4" THEN NE% = = "5" THEN NE% = = "6" THEN NE% = 2: GOTO READRISE2 4: GOTO READRISE2 8: GOTO READRISE2 16: GOTO READRISE2 32: GOTO READRISE2 64: GOTO READRISE2 143 IF NE$ = "7" THEN NE% = 128: GOTO READRISE2 IF NE$ = "8" THEN NE% = 256: GOTO READRISE2 READRISE2: FOR I% = 1 TO NE% REPEAT: GOSUB AREA IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETVAIUE1 EVEFLAG% = 0 I% = I% - 1 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO READRISE2 GETVAIUE1: OLDAREA! = VAL(RESPOND$) NEWAREA! = NEWAREA! + OLDAREA! NEXT I% ENVAREA! = NEWAREA! / NE% CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Averaged Area Is = "; ENVAREA!; " s"; " *****" GOTO GETRISE AVGAREA: NA% = 2: GOTO READAREA NA% = 4: GOTO READAREA NA% = 8: GOTO READAREA NA% = 16: GOTO READAREA NA% = 32: GOTO READAREA IF NAS = "6" THEN NA% = 64: GOTO READAREA IF NM = "7" THEN NA% = 128: GOTO READAREA IF NM = "8" THEN NA% = 256: GOTO READAREA READAREA: IF NM = "1" THEN IF NM = "2" THEN IF NM = "3" THEN IF NM = "4" THEN IF NM = "5" THEN FOR I% = 1 TO NA% REP1: GOSUB AREA IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETVAll EVEFLAG% = 0 I% = I% - 1 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO READAREA GETVAll: OLDAREA! = VAL(RESPOND$) NEWAREA! = NEWAREA! + OLDAREA! NEXT I% AVGAREA! = NEWAREA! / NA% 144 CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Averaged Area Is = "; AVGAREAl; " Vs"; " *****" '***** RISE TIME MEASUREMENT SET UP ***** GETRISE: ONEPOSORIG! = 0 TWOPOSORIG! = 0 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? TPOS:ONE" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", ONEPOSORIG! INPUT #2, ONEPOSORIG! PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? TPOS:TWO" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", TWOPOSORIG! INPUT #2, TWOPOSORIG! PRINT : PRINT " Would You Like A Rise Time Measurement Of The Waveform (Y Or N)?" RT$ = INPUT$(1) FE$ = "" SELECT CASE RT$ CASE "Y", "y" IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF' ELSE GOTO ENVEL PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = M]" OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL3 ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUAL3: IF REP$ = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REPS = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR: GOTO AVGRISE ENVEL: IF DA$ = "E" OR DA$ = "e" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF' ELSE GOTO NORM PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OW$ = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL4 ELSE OW$ = "M" 145 END IF USUAL4: IF REP$ = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR: GOTO ENVRISE NORM: IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN COMM7$ = "CURSOR FUNCTION:TIME;MEASUREMENT WINDOW:ON;MEAS METHOD:HIST;CURS UNITS:TIME:BASE;PATH OFF PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM7$ CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Open The Measurement Window Manually Or Using Keyboard (M Or K)?" PRINT " [Default = M]" OW$ = INPUT$(1) IF OM = "M" OR OW$ = "m" OR OW$ = "K" OR OW$ = "k" THEN GOTO USUAL5 ELSE OW$ = "M" END IF USUAL5: IF REPS = "1" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH1" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS TARG:CH2" GOSUB CURSOR GOSUB RISETIME IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO TRANSFER EVEFLAG% = 0 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO USUAL5 GOTO TRANSFER CASE "N", "n" REPEAT3: IF DA$ = "A" OR DAS = "a" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM6$ ELSE GOTO ENVELOPE PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM4$ DO NUMACQ$ = "" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE? NUMACQ" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ + ", NUMACQ$ LINE INPUT #2, NUMACQ$ IF VAL(NUMACQ$) > NA% THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE MODE:NORM" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN ACQUIRE" GOTO REPEAT3 END IF 146 LOOP UNTIL VAL(NUMACQ$) = NA% PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN SAVE;START 1;STOP 1024;LEVEL 0" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF' GOTO TRANSFER ENVELOPE: IF DA$ = "E" OR DA$ = "e" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM3$ ELSE GOTO NORMAL PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM5$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF' DO NUMACQ$ = "" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE? NUMACQ" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", NUMACQ$ LINE INPUT #2, NUMACQ$ LOOP UNTIL VAL(NUMACQ$) = NE% PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN SAVE;START 1;STOP 1024;LEVEL 0" GOTO TRANSFER NORMAL: IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF": GOTO TRANSFER CASE ELSE GOTO GETRISE END SELECT ENVRISE: IF NES = "1" THEN NE% IF NE$ = "2" THEN NE% IF NE$ = "3" THEN NE% IF NE$ = "4" THEN NE% IF NE$ = "5" THEN NE% IF NE$ = "6" THEN NE% IF NE$ = "7" THEN NE% IF NE$ = "8" THEN NE% READRISE1: = = = = = = = = 2: GOTO READRISE1 4: GOTO READRISE1 8: GOTO READRISE1 16: GOTO READRISE1 32: GOTO READRISE1 64: GOTO READRISE1 128: GOTO READRISE1 256: GOTO READRISE1 FOR I% = 1 TO NE% REPEA: GOSUB RISETIME IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETVAIUE EVEFLAG% = 0 I% = I% - 1 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO READRISE1 GETVAlUE: 147 OLDRTIME! = VAL(RESPOND$) NEWRTIME! = NEWRTIME! + OLDRTIME! NEXT I% ENVRTIME! = NEWRTIME! / NE% CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Averaged Rise Time Is = "; ENVRTIME; " s"; " *****. REPEAT2: PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM3$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM5$ DO NUMACQ$ = "" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE? NUMACQ" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", NUMACQ$ LINE INPUT #2, NUMACQ$ IF VAL(NUMACQS) > NE% THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE MODE:NORM" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN ACQUIRE" GOTO REPEAT2 END IF LOOP UNTIL VAL(NUMACQ$) = NE% PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN SAVE;START 1;STOP 1024;LEVEL 0" GOTO TRANSFER AVGRISE: IF NM = "1" THEN NA% = IF NM = "2" THEN NA% = IF NM = "3" THEN NA% = IF NM = "4" THEN NA% = IF NM = "5" THEN NA% = IF NM = "6" THEN NA% = IF NM = "7" THEN NA% = IF NM = "8" THEN NA% = 2: GOTO READRISE 4: GOTO READRISE 8: GOTO READRISE 16: GOTO READRISE 32: GOTO READRISE 64: GOTO READRISE 128: GOTO READRISE 256: GOTO READRISE READRISE: FOR I% = 1 TO NA% REP: GOSUB RISETIME IF EVEFLAG% = 1 THEN PRINT : PRINT " Hit <R> To Fix The Cursors Position" ELSE GOTO GETVAI I% = I% - 1 EVEFLAG% = 0 DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "R" OR INKEY$ = "r" LOOP GOSUB CURSOR GOTO READRISE GETVAI: OLDRTIME! = VAL(RESPONDS) NEWRTIME! = NEWRTIME! + OLDRTIME! NEXT I% AVGRTIME! = NEWRTIME! / NA% 148 CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Averaged Rise Time Is = "; AVGRTIME!; " s"; REPEAT1: PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ COMM6$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMM4$ DO NUMACQ$ = "" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE? NUMACQ" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", NUMACQ$ LINE INPUT #2, NUMACQ$ IF VAL(NUMACQ$) > NA% THEN PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE MODE:NORM" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN ACQUIRE" GOTO REPEAT1 END IF LOOP UNTIL VAL(NUMACQ$) = NA% PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN SAVE;START 1;STOP 1024;LEVEL 0" GOTO TRANSFER Set TIMEOUT (timeout time=0.056 x A%) ***** TIMEOUT2: A% = 1000 PRINT #1, "TIMEOUT', A% '***** TEK-2440 DATA TRANSFER ROUTINE ***** TRANSFER: PRINT : PRINT " Data Transfer In Progress!" N% = 1 PRINT #1, " OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMMO$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "PATH OFF' PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", COMMIS PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CH1? VOLTS" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", CH1V$ LINE INPUT #2, CH1V$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CH2? VOLTS" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ 4-", CH2V$ LINE INPUT #2, CH2V$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "HORIZONTAL? ASECDIV" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", SWEEPTIME$ LINE INPUT #2, SWEEPTIME$ COMM$ = "" COMM2$ = "CURVE?" PRINT : PRINT PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ + ", COMM2$ PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 B +", VARSEG(WAVE%(0)), VARPTR(WAVE%(0)), NUMDATA% PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "ACQUIRE MODE:NORMAL" 149 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "RUN ACQUIRE" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "SMOOTH OFF' PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "LOCK OFF' YOFF$ = "" YMULT$ = "" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "WFMPRE? YOFF' PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", YOFF$ INPUT #2, YOFF$ PRINT #1, " OUTPUT 12 $ +", "WFMPRE? YMULT' PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", YMULT$ INPUT #2, YMULT$ MAXVAL! = LBYTE! MINVAL! = LBYTE! IF REPP$ = "Y" OR REPP$ = "y" THEN IF DF$ = "RI" OR DF$ = "ri" THEN GOTO VOLTCONVRI END IF IF REPP$ = "Y" OR REPP$ = "y" THEN IF DF$ = "RP" OR DF$ = "rp" THEN GOTO VOLTCONVRP END IF '***** ROW WAVEFORM DATA TRANSFER ***** I% = 1 FOR N% = 1 TO (NUMDATA% / 2) IF N% = 1 THEN HBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) / 256 LBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) - (HBYTE%) * 256 SIG!(I%) = HBYTE% GOTO INCREMENT END IF HBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) / 256 LBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) - (HBYTE%) * 256 SIG!(I%) = LBYTE% I% = I% + 1 SIG!(I%) = HBYTE% INCREMENT: I% = I% + 1 NEXT N% BEEP PRINT " Hit Any Key To Proceed" CLOSE END '***** VOLT CONVERTED SIGNED INTEGER FORMAT DATA TRANSFER ***** VOLTCONVRI: I% = 1 FOR N% = 1 TO (NUMDATA% / 2) IF N% = 1 THEN HBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) / 256 LBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) - (HBYTE%) * 256 150 HBYTE! = (HBYTE% - VAL(YOFF$)) * VAL(YMULT$) LBYTE! = (LBYTE% - VAL(YOFF$)) * VAL(YMULT$) SIG!(I%) = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = HBYTE! GOTO INCREM1 END IF HBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) / 256 LBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) - (HBYTE%) * 256 HBYTE! = (HBYTE% - VAL(YOFF$)) * VAL(YMULT$) LBYTE! = (LBYTE% - VAL(YOFF$)) * VAL(YMULT$) SIG!(I%) = LBYTE! I% = I% + 1 SIG!(I%) = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = HBYTE! INCREM1: I% = I% + 1 NEXT N% BEEP PRINT " Hit Any Key To Proceed" CLOSE WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND GOSUB PLOT END VOLT CONVERTED POSITIVE INTEGER FORMAT DATA TRANSFER ***** VOLTCONVRP: I% = 1 FOR N% = 1 TO (NUMDATA% / 2) IF N% = 1 THEN HBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) / 256 LBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) - (HBYTE%) * 256 HBYTE! = (HBYTE% - 127 - VAL(YOFF$)) * VAL(YMULT$) LBYTE! = (LBYTE% - 127 - VAL(YOFF$)) * VAL(YMULT$) SIG!(I%) = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = HBYTE! GOTO INCREM2 END IF 151 HBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) / 256 LBYTE% = WAVE%(N%) - (HBYTE%) * 256 HBYTE! = (HBYTE% - 127 - VAL(YOFFS)) * VAL(YMULTS) LBYTE! = (LBYTE% - 127 - VAL(YOFFS)) * VAL(YMULTS) SIG!(I%) = LBYTE! I% = I% + 1 SIG!(I%) = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! > MAXVAL! THEN MAXVAL! = HBYTE! IF LBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = LBYTE! IF HBYTE! < MINVAL! THEN MINVAL! = HBYTE! INCREM2: I% = I% + 1 NEXT N% BEEP PRINT " Hit Any Key To Proceed" CLOSE WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND GOSUB PLOT END '***** EVENT QUERY RESPONSE WHEN "SRQ" ***** EVENT: CLS ANSWR$ = "" PATH$ = "PATH OFF' EVENTS = "EVENT ?" PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", PATH$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", EVENT$ PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", ANSWR$ INPUT #2, ANSWR$ PRINT "SRQ Received: Status=&H "; HEX$(SPOLL%), " Event= "; ANSWR$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "PATH ON" RESUME END '***** ERROR HANDLING ROUTINE ***** ERSVC: IF (ERR <> 68) AND (ERR <> 57) THEN PRINT "Basic Error # "; ERR; " In Line "; ERL: STOP INPUT #2, E$ PRINT IDV488 Driver Returned Error Number INPUT #2, E$ PRINT E$ INPUT #2, ES PRINT E$ STOP ", E$ 152 '*"** PLOT SUBROUTINE ***** PLOT: CLS SCREEN 3 NUMDATA% = NUMDATA% / 2 VIEW (100, 1)-(680, 288) 1 ' USE THE WINDOW OF X=1-680, Y=1-298 LINE (1, 36)-(680, 36), B, &H1111 LINE (1, 72)-(680, 72), B, &H1111 LINE (1, 108)-(680, 108), B, &H1111 LINE (1, 144)-(680, 144), B, &H1111 LINE (1, 180)-(680, 180), B, &H1111 LINE (1, 216)-(680, 216), B, &H1111 LINE (1, 252)-(680, 252), B, &H1111 LINE (58, 1)-(58, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (116, 1)-(116, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (174, 1)-(174, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (232, 1)-(232, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (290, 1)-(290, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (348, 1)-(348, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (406, 1)-(406, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (464, 1)-(464, 288), B, &H1111 LINE (522, 1)-(522, 288), B, &H1111 WINDOW (1, MINVAL! - 1)-(NUMDATA%, MAXVAL! + 1) LOCATE 23, 42: PRINT "TIME" LOCATE 11, 1: PRINT "INTENSITY" IF REP$ = "1" THEN LOCATE 2, 15: PRINT "CH1 "; CH1V$; " V/DIV" IF REP$ = "2" THEN LOCATE 2, 15: PRINT "CH2 "; CH2V$; " V/DIV" LOCATE 2, 45: PRINT SWEEPTIMES; " S/DIV" LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT " SAVING THE DATA!" FOR I% = 1 TO NUMDATA% STEP 2 HBYTE% = WAVE%(I%) / 256 LBYTE% = WAVE%(I%) - (HBYTE%) * 256 HBYTE! = (HBYTE% - VAL(YOFFS)) * VAL(YMULT$) LBYTE! = (LBYTE% - VAL(YOHI)) * VAL(YMULTS) PSET (I%, LBYTE!) PSET (I% + 1, HBYTE!) NEXT I% '******* SAVE THE DATA ********************************* 1000 : INPUT "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE DATA TO DISK ? ", SA$ IF SA$ = "Y" OR SA$ = "y" THEN 1200 ELSE 1100 1100 : IF SA$ = "N" OR SA$ = "n" THEN 1900 ELSE 1000 1200 : 153 INPUT "WHICH DRIVE (A: B: OR C:) ", WW$ IF WW$ = "a" OR WW$ = "A" THEN WW$ = "A:" IF WW$ = "b" OR WW$ = "B" THEN WW$ = "B:" IF WW$ = "c" OR WW$ = "C" THEN WW$ = "C:" INPUT " FILE NAME ", FILE$ OPEN WW$ + FILES FOR OUTPUT AS #3 IF REP$ = "1" THEN PRINT #3, "CHANNEL 1 VOLT/DIV = "; CH1V$; " V" IF REP$ = "2" THEN PRINT #3, "CHANNEL 2 VOLT/DIV = "; CH2V$; " V" PRINT #3, "SWEEP TIME = "; SWEEPTIMES; " s" IF DAS = "A" OR DAS = "a" THEN PRINT #3, "NUMBER OF WAVEFORMS AVERAGED = "; NA% IF PP$ = "Y" OR PP$ = "y" THEN IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN PRINT #3, "WAVEFORM AVERAGED PK2PK = "; AVGPK2PK!; " V" END IF IF PPS = "Y" OR PP$ = "y" THEN IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN PRINT #3, "WAVEFORM PK2PK = "; NORMPIC2PKS; " V" END IF IF AM$ = "Y" OR AM$ = "y" THEN IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN PRINT #3, "WAVEFORM AVERAGED AREA = "; AVGAREA!; " VS" END IF IF AM$ = "Y" OR AM$ = "y" THEN IF DA$ = "N" OR DA$ = "n" THEN PRINT #3, "WAVEFORM AREA = "; NORMAREA$; " VS" END IF IF RT$ = "Y" OR RT$ = "y" THEN IF DA$ = "A" OR DA$ = "a" THEN PRINT #3, "WAVEFORM AVERAGED RISETIME = "; AVGRTIME!; " S" END IF IF = "Y" OR RT$ = "y" THEN IF DA$ = "N" OR DAS = "n" THEN PRINT #3, "WAVEFORM RISETIME = "; NORMRTIMES; " S" END IF PRINT #3, PRINT #3, PRINT #3, NUMDATA% * 2, NUMDATA% * 2 TIMEUNIT! = VAL(SWEEPTIME$) * 20 / 1024 FOR I% = 1 TO NUMDATA% * 2 PRINT #3, I% * TIMEUNIT!, SIG!(I%) NEXT I% CLOSE #3 1900 : WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND SCREEN 0 RETURN '***** PEAK TO PEAK VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS SUBROUTINE ***** 154 PK2PK: EVEFLAG% = 0 RESPOND$ = "" EVENTS = "" ACQUIRE2: PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "VALUE? PK2PK" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", RESPOND$ LINE INPUT #2, RESPOND$ IF INSTR(RESPOND$, "99e99") = 0 THEN GOTO DISP2 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "EVENT?" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", EVENT$ LINE INPUT #2, EVENT$ IF EVENTS <> "EVENT 269" THEN GOTO EVE2 PRINT "WAITING FOR FILL" GOTO ACQUIRE2 DISP2: CLS : PRINT : PRINT " * * * * * The Waveform Peak To Peak Voltage Is = "; RESPONDS; V"; *****n NORMPK2PK$ = RESPOND$ PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF' GOTO FIN2 EVE2: CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** Check the TEK-2440 Error Events Table For Event # = "; EVENTS; " *****" EVEFLAG% = 1 FIN2: RETURN '***** AREA MEASUREMENTS SUBROUTINE ***** AREA: EVEFLAG% = 0 RESPOND$ = "" EVENTS = "" ACQUIRE1: PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "VALUE? AREA" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", RESPOND$ LINE INPUT #2, RESPOND$ IF INSTR(RESPOND$, "99e99") = 0 THEN GOTO DISP1 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "EVENT?" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", EVENTS LINE INPUT #2, EVENTS IF EVENT$ <> "EVENT 269" THEN GOTO EVE1 PRINT "WAITING FOR FILL" GOTO ACQUIRE1 DISP1: CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Area Is = "; RESPONDS; " Vs"; " NORMAREA$ = RESPOND$ 155 PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF' GOTO FIN1 EVE1: CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Check the TEK-2440 Error Events Table For Event # = "; EVENTS; " *****" EVEFLAG% = 1 FIN1: RETURN '***** RISE TIME MEASUREMENTS SUBROUTINE ***** RISETIME: EVEFLAG% = 0 RESPONDS = "" EVENTS = "" ACQUIRE: PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "VALUE? RISE" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", RESPONDS LINE INPUT #2, RESPONDS IF INSTR(RESPOND$, "99e99") = 0 THEN GOTO DISP PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "EVENT?" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", EVENTS LINE INPUT #2, EVENTS IF EVENTS <> "EVENT 269" THEN GOTO EVE PRINT "WAITING FOR FILL" GOTO ACQUIRE DISP: CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** The Waveform Rise Time Is = "; RESPONDS; " s"; " *****" NORMRTIME$ = RESPONDS PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURS FUNCTION:OFF' GOTO FIN EVE: CLS : PRINT : PRINT " ***** Check the TEK-2440 Error Events Table For Event # = "; EVENTS; " *****" EVEFLAG% = 1 FIN: RETURN '***** TIME CURSORS SETTING SUBROUTINE ***** CURSOR: IF OW$ = "M" OR OWS = "m" THEN CLS : PRINT : PRINT " Set The Time Gate Then Hit Any Key When Ready!" SG$ = INPUT$(1) DO WHILE SG$ = "" 156 LOOP GOTO ENDMANUAL END IF GETONE: ONEPOS! = 0 TWOPOS! = 0 CLS GOSUB SHOWCURSOR PRINT : INPUT " Select Cursor One Vertical Position? ( 0 1023)"; ONEPOS! IF ONEPOS! < 0 OR ONEPOS! > 1023 THEN GOTO GETONE ONEPOSORIG! = ONEPOS! GOSUB SHOWCURSOR PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR TPOS:ONE:"; ONEPOS! GETONEAG: CLS : GOSUB SHOWCURSOR PRINT : PRINT " Change Cursor One Position Again? (Y Or N)" C1$ = INPUT$(1) IF = "N" OR C1$ = "n" THEN CLS : GOTO GETTWO IF C1$ = "Y" OR C1$ = "y" THEN GOTO GETONE IF CR$ = "Y" OR CR$ = "y" THEN IF C1$ = "N" OR C1$ = "n" THEN GOTO GETTWOAG ELSE GOTO GETONEAG END IF GETTWO: CLS GOSUB SHOWCURSOR PRINT : INPUT " Select Cursor Two Vertical Position? ( 0 1023)"; TWOPOS! IF TWOPOS! < 0 OR TWOPOS! > 1023 THEN GOTO GETTWO TWOPOSORIG! = TWOPOS! GOSUB SHOWCURSOR PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR TPOS:TWO:"; TWOPOS! GETTWOAG: CLS : GOSUB SHOWCURSOR PRINT : PRINT " Change Cursor Two Position Again? (Y Or N)" C2$ = INPUT$(1) IF C2$ = "Y" OR C2$ = "y" THEN GOTO GETTWO IF C2$ = "N" OR C2$ = "n" THEN GOTO CURSREPOS ELSE GOTO GETTWOAG END IF CURSREPOS: PRINT : PRINT " Do You Want To Reposition Any Of The Two Cursors? (Y Or N)" CR$ = INPUT$(1) IF CR$ = "N" OR CR$ = "n" THEN RETURN END IF IF CR$ = "Y" OR CR$ = "y" THEN 157 CURSOPT: PRINT : INPUT " Cursor 1 Or 2 (1 Or 2)"; CURS$ END IF IF CURS$ = "1" THEN CLS : GOTO GETONEAG IF CURS$ = "2" THEN CLS : GOTO GETTWOAG ELSE GOTO CURSOPT END IF ENDMANUAL: RETURN '***** CURSORS POSITION SUBROUTINE SHOWCURSOR: VALUES = "" UNITS$ = "" LOCATE 1, 55: PRINT " Cursor # 1 Loc = "; ONEPOSORIG! LOCATE 2, 55: PRINT " Cursor # 2 Loc = "; TWOPOSORIG! PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? DISPLAY, VALUE" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", VALUES LINE INPUT #2, VALUES PRINT #1, "OUTPUT 12 $ +", "CURSOR? DISPLAY, UNITS" PRINT #1, "ENTER 12 $ +", UNITS$ LINE INPUT #2, UNITS$ VALUES = MID$(UNITS$, 3, 9) IF ONEPOSORIG! = TWOPOSORIG! THEN VALUE$ = "0" LOCATE 3, 55: PRINT " Time Window = "; VALUES; " s" RETURN END 158 Appendix B Quick Basic 4.5 source codes written for Stanford research programmable module SR245 159 , 'PROGRAM TO LOCK THE CONTINUUM YAG LASERS' FREQUENCY TO THE 'LIGHTWAVE SEEDERS' (MODEL 122) FREQUENCY. WRITIEN FOR 'STANFORD RESEARCH PROGRAMMABLE MODULE (SR245) '"FEEDBKSR.BAS" MANSOUR ZAHEDI, AUG.10.1992, VERSION MOD. JAN. 6,1993 , OPEN "com1:9600,n,8,2,cs,ds,cd" FOR RANDOM AS #1 'OPEN COMMUN. PORT # 1 USING RS232 TYPE COMMUN. PRINT #1, 'CLEAR THE BUN'T'ER PRINT #1, "MR" 'MASTER RESET PRINT #1, PRINT #1, 16;W0" 'SIX INPUT ANALOG CHANNELS, TWO OUTPUT PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "SB2=I" 'DIGITAL CH2 = INPUT PRINT #1, DIM T5OSIG(4200), T5OAVG(4200), IOSIG(4200), TEMP(4200), SCANI(4200), VOLT(4200) , MAIN MENU CLS MAIN.MENU: SCREEN 0, 0, 0 CLS LOCATE 3, 16 COLOR 0, 7 'REVERSE VIDEO PRINT " MAIN MENU " COLOR 7, 0 'NORMAL VIDEO PRINT LOCATE 8, 20 PRINT "(1) SCAN THE SEEDER " LOCATE 10, 20 PRINT "(2) BEGIN THE FEEDBACK TO THE SEEDER " LOCATE 12, 20 PRINT "(3) SAVE DATA ON DISK " LOCATE 14, 20 PRINT "(4) SR245 PROGRAMMABLE MODULE SET UP" LOCATE 16, 20 PRINT "(5) QUIT " LOCATE 6, 8: PRINT CHR$(201), 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,UP LFT CORNER LOCATE 6, 72: PRINT CHR$(187), 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,UP RT CORNER LOCATE 18, 8: PRINT CHR$(200), 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,LOW LFT CORNER LOCATE 18, 72: PRINT CHR$(188), 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,LOW RT CORNER FOR I = 9 TO 71 LOCATE 6, I: PRINT CHR$(205) LOCATE 18, I: PRINT CHR$(205) NEXT I FOR I = 7 TO 17 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,TOP 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,BOTTOM 160 LOCATE I, 8: PRINT CHR$(186) LOCATE I, 72: PRINT CHR$(186) NEXT I LOCATE 20, 22 PRINT " MAKE YOUR CHOICE " COLOR 0, 7 LOCATE 20, 40: PRINT " # 1-5 " COLOR 7, 0 CHOICES = INPUT$(1) CHOICE% = VAL(CHOICE$) SELECT CASE CHOICE% CASE 1: GOSUB SCAN.SEEDER CASE 2: GOSUB LOCKSLAVE CASE 3: GOSUB SAVE.DATA CASE 4: GOSUB SR245.SETUP CASE 5: GOSUB DONE END SELECT 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,LFT SIDE 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,RT SIDE CASE 4&5 DONE: END CASE 1 SEEDER SCAN SUBROUTINE SCAN.SEEDER: CLS VOLTAGE = 0 GOSUB GIVEVOLT INPUT " INPUT VOLTAGE STEP IN VOLTS, DEFAULT=0.1 V --->"; IVOLT.STEP$ IF IVOLT.STEP$ = "" THEN VOLT.STEP = .1 VOLTSTEP = VOLT.STEP GOTO GET.SHOTS END IF VOLT.STEP = VAL(IVOLT.STEP$) VOLTSTEP = VOLT.STEP GET.SHOTS: INPUT " NUMBER OF SHOTS TO BE AVG'D(# SHOTS/20=INTERVAL BET. EACH V STEP sec.)--->"; NUMSHOTS% INPUT " ENTER THE START VOLTAGE FOR THE SCAN, (DAC RANGE = +/- 10) DEF=0 V ---> "; IVOLTAGE$ IF IVOLTAGE$ = "" THEN VOLTAGE = 0 ELSE VOLTAGE = VAL(IVOLTAGE,$) POL.FLAG = 1 END IF 161 INPUT " ENTER THE END VOLTAGE FOR THE SCAN, DEFAULT=1 V --->", IVOLT.LIMIT$ IF IVOLT.LIMIT$ = "" THEN VOLT.LIMIT = 1 GOTO 1 END IF VOLT.LIMIT = VAL(IVOLT.LIMIT$) 1: INPUT " DO YOU LIKE TO NORM. CH1 (I) TO CH2 (It)) (Y OR N) - - - > "; NORM.FLAG$ IF NORM.FLAG$ = "Y" OR NORM.FLAG$ = "y" THEN NORM.FLAG = 1 ELSEIF NORM.FLAG$ = "N" OR NORM.FLAG$ = "n" THEN NORM.FLAG = 0 END IF CLS : LOCATE 2, 18 COLOR 0, 7 'REVERSE VIDEO PRINT " SR245 PROGRAMMABLE MODULE SETTINGS " COLOR 7, 0 'NORMAL VIDEO PRINT : PRINT " ANALOG CHANNELS 1,...,6 ARE INPUT. " PRINT " ANALOG CHANNELS 7 AND 8 ARE OUTPUT. " PRINT " CH1 = 12 SIGNAL (I)" PRINT " CH2 = YAG SIGNAL (I0)" PRINT " CH3 = DAC OUT FROM CH7 " PRINT " CH4 = SEEDER CASE TEMP " PRINT " CH7 = VOLTAGE TO SEEDER " PRINT " CH8 = GOOD SHOTS TO APPLE " PRINT " DIGITAL CH1 = TRIGGER, +1- 2 V, 5 mic. sec. rise time " PRINT " DIGITAL CH2 = PIEZO RESET " PRINT : PRINT " HIT ANY KEY TO CONTINUE! " WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND GOSUB I2.SCAN 10 : LOCATE 10, 1 INPUT "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAVE THE DATA"; ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" OR ANS$ = "y" THEN GOTO SAVE.DATA ELSEIF ANS$ = "N" OR ANS$ = "n" THEN GOTO MAIN.MENU ELSE GOTO 10 END IF GOTO MAIN.MENU CASE 2 SLAVE LASERS' FREQUENCY LOCKING SUBROUTINE 162 LOCKSLAVE: CLS ' VOLTAGE = 0 GOSUB GIVEVOLT K% = 1 NUM.RESET% = 0 NUM.BADSHOTS% = 0 INPUT "DO YOU WANT TO LET THE COMPUTER FINDS THE %50 T POINT? (Y,N) --->", ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" OR ANS$ = "y" THEN CONT.FLAG% = 1 INPUT " DO YOU LIKE TO NORM. CH1 (I) TO CH2 (JO) (Y OR N) --->"; NORM.FLAG$ IF NORM.FLAG$ = "Y" OR NORM.FLAG$ = "y" THEN NORM.FLAG = 1 ELSEIF NORM.FLAG$ = "N" OR NORM.FLAG$ = "n" THEN NORM.FLAG = 0 END IF INPUT "ENTER MAX. OR MIN. VOLTAGE IN VOLTS, DEFAULT RANGE=-10 TO 10 V --->", IVOLT.LIMITS IF IVOLT.LIMIT$ = "" THEN VOLT.LIMIT = 10 GOTO 80 END IF VOLT.LIMIT = VAL(IVOLT.LIMIT$) 80 : PRINT PRINT "SCANNING THE SEEDER, PLEASE WAIT!" GOSUB T50.SCAN PRINT : PRINT : CLS PRINT "%50 TRANSMISSION SIG. = "; T50; " V" PRINT "%100 TRANSMISSION SIG. = "; T100; " V" PRINT "%0 TRANSMISSION SIG. = "; TO; " V" INPUT "SCAN THE SEEDER TO THIS %50 T POINT?, OK! (Y,N) --->", ANS$ IF ANS$ = "N" OR ANS$ = "n" THEN GOTO LOCKSLAVE 90 : INPUT "CHOOSE THE FALLING EDGE OR THE RISING EDGE OF THE 12 LINE. (F or R) --->", ANS$ IF ANS$ = "F' OR ANS$ = T THEN FALL.R1SE$ = "FALLING" EDGE% = 1 ELSEIF ANS$ = "R" OR ANS$ = "r" THEN FALL.R1SE$ = "RISING" EDGE% = 2 ELSE GOTO 90 END IF INPUT "WITH WHAT ACCURACY WANT THE %50 T TO BE LOCATED? DEF.RANGE=(+/-)0.01 V --->"; SIG.FLUCT$ IF SIG.FLUCT$ = "" THEN SIG.FLUCT = .01 'SHOT-TO-SHOT FLUCT. IN SIG. SIG.FLUCT = VAL(SIG.FLUCT$) 163 PRINT "SCANNING TO THE %50 T POINT OF THE "; FALL.RISE$; "EDGE OF THE 12 LINE, WAIT PLEASE!" GOSUB SET.T50 IF RANGE.FLAG% = 1 THEN GOTO LOCKSLAVE T50.ORIG = T50 'INITIAL %50 T VALUE NORMALIZED CLS : PRINT PRINT "NOW SITTING AT THE 12 %50 "; FALL.RISES; "T POINT" GOTO 100 END IF INPUT "ENTER THE %50 T VALUE (V) --->", T50 IF T50 < 0 THEN T50 = T50 * -1 'INITIAL %50 T VALUE T50.ORIG = T50 INPUT "ENTER THE %100 T VALUE (V) --->", T100 IF T100 < 0 THEN T100 = T100 * -1 INPUT "ENTER THE %0 T VALUE (V) --->", TO IF TO < 0 THEN TO = TO * -1 'NORMALIZE ORIG. %50 T ' T50.ORIG = T50.ORIG / T100 INPUT "ENTER AN INITIAL VOLTAGE TO OFFSET DAC (DEFAULT= +0.0018 v)"; VOLTAGES IF VOLTAGES = "" THEN VOLTAGE = .0018 VOLTAGE = VAL(VOLTAGE$) CLS : PRINT "NOW SET THE YAG LASER AT THE 12 %50 T POINT" PRINT : PRINT "HIT ANY KEY WHEN READY!" WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND INPUT "IS THE FALLING EDGE OR THE RISING EDGE OF THE 12 LINE CHOSEN? (F or R) --->", ANS$ IF ANS$ = "F' OR ANS$ = T THEN SIDE% = 1 IF ANS$ = "R" OR ANS$ = "r" THEN SIDE% = 2 100 : 'VOLTAGE = .0027 VOLTSTEP = .0005 * 2 'OFFSET COMPENSATION 'VOLTAGE/STEP INPUT "ENTER THE BADSHOT THRESHOLD LEVEL (V) --->", TH.HOLD IF TH.HOLD < 0 THEN TH.HOLD = TH.HOLD * -1 IF TH.HOLD > T100 THEN BEEP GOTO 110 ELSEIF TH.HOLD < T50 THEN BEEP 110: PRINT "THRESHOLD OUT OF RANGE!" GOTO 100 END IF IF CONT.FLAG% = 1 THEN TH.HOLD = TH.HOLD * T100 END IF INPUT "ENTER TIME [SECONDS] INTERVAL FOR DATA STORAGE --- >", TIME.INT% INPUT "ENTER THE NUMBER OF SHOTS TO AVERAGE --->", NUMSHOTS% COUNTER% = (TIME.INT%) / (NUMSHOTS% / 20) 'CALCULATE A COUNTER FOR 164 THE PROPER DATA STORAGE INCREMENT INPUT "DO YOU WANT TO COLLECT DATA ON CH2 FOR I0 TOO? %w,N)--- >", ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" OR ANS$ = "y" THEN ATODC% = 2 IF ANS$ = "N" OR ANS$ = "n" THEN ATODC% = 1 IF ATODC% = 1 THEN PRINT "COLLECTING DATA ON CH1 ONLY! " IO.PER.SHOT = 1 ELSEIF ATODC% = 2 THEN PRINT "COLLECTING DATA ON CH1 AND CH2" END IF PRINT INPUT "CHANGE ANYTHING?", ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" OR ANS$ = "y" THEN GOTO LOCK.SLAVE ELSEIF ANS$ = "N" OR ANS$ = "n" THEN CLS : LOCATE 2, 18 COLOR 0, 7 'REVERSE VIDEO PRINT " SR245 PROGRAMMABLE MODULE SETTINGS " COLOR 7, 0 'NORMAL VIDEO PRINT : PRINT " ANALOG CHANNELS 1,...,6 ARE INPUT. " PRINT " ANALOG CHANNELS 7 AND 8 ARE OUTPUT. " PRINT " CH1 = 12 SIGNAL (I)" PRINT " CH2 = YAG SIGNAL (I0)" PRINT " CH3 = DAC OUT FROM CH7 " PRINT " CH4 = SEEDER CASE TEMP " PRINT " CH7 = VOLTAGE TO SEEDER " PRINT " CH8 = GOOD SHOTS TO APPLE " PRINT " DIGITAL CH1 = TRIGGER, +/- 2 V, 5 mic. sec. rise time " PRINT " DIGITAL CH2 = PIEZO RESET " PRINT : PRINT " HIT ANY KEY TO CONTINUE! " WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND CLS : PRINT "BEGIN FEEDBACK!" LOCATE 22, 1 PRINT "HIT [0] TO QUIT. " DISPLAY BOX ON THE SCREEN LOCATE 6, 8: PRINT CHR$(201), LOCATE 6, 72: PRINT CHR$(187), LOCATE 18, 8: PRINT CHR$(200), LOCATE 18, 72: PRINT CHR$(188), CORNER 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,UP LFT CORNER 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,UP RT CORNER 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,LOW LFT 'CORNER 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,LOW RT FOR I = 9 TO 71 LOCATE 6, I: PRINT CHR$(205) LOCATE 18, I: PRINT CHR$(205) NEXT I 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,TOP 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,BOTTOM FOR I = 7 TO 17 LOCATE I, 8: PRINT CHR$(186) LOCATE I, 72: PRINT CHR$(186) NEXT I 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,LFT SIDE 'DOUBLE LINED BOX,RT SIDE 165 END IF FEEDBACK LOOP DO ANS$ = INKEY$ FOR I% = 1 TO COUNTER% SUMO = 0 SUM1 = 0 SUM2 = 0 SEED.VOLT = 0 TOTALO = 0 FOR j% = 1 TO NUMSHOTS% CHECK FOR RESET OF THE PIEZO REM HAVE THE RESET SIGNAL CONNECiED TO PORT AO (DPC-2 PIN#2) PIEZO.FLAG = 0 PRINT #1, "MA" PRINT #1, DO PRINT #1, "?B2" 'SET THE ASYNC. MODE 'LOOP WHILE PORT B2 IS LOW, PIEZO RESET 'READ DIG. CH2 PRINT #1, INPUT #1, PIEZO.RESET IF PIEZO.RESET = 1 THEN EXIT DO LOCATE 7, 38 COLOR 0, 7 PRINT "RESET" COLOR 7, 0 LOCATE 7, 38 COLOR 7, 0 PRINT " " COLOR 0, 7 PIEZO.FLAG = 1 LOOP WHILE PIEZO.RESET = 0 IF PIEZO.FLAG = 1 THEN NUM.RESET% = NUM.RESET% + 1 END IF 'WAIT FOR THE PIEZO RESET ADC FOR CHANNELS 1,2,3 & 4 USING SCAN FUNCTION PRINT #1, "MS" PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "Tl" PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "SC1,2,3,4:1" 'SET SYNCH. MODE 'EACH PULSE AT DIG. CH1 BE A TRIG. 'WAIT FOR A TRIGGER, THEN SCAN DIGITIZE 'CH1,..,CH4 PRINT #1, DO PRINT #1, "?S" 'GET THE VOLTAGES FOR 3 CHANNELS 'IS THE TRIG. RECEIVED? 'IF NOT, WAIT. 166 PRINT #1, INPUT #1, STATUS LOOP UNTIL (STATUS AND 32) = 32 PRINT #1, "N" 'GET THE NEXT CHANNEL'S DIG'D PRINT #1, '-STORED VOLTAGE INPUT #1, V1 PRINT #1, "N" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V2 PRINT #1, "N" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V3 PRINT #1, "N" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V4 IF V1 < 0 THEN V1 = V1 * -1 IF V2 < 0 THEN V2 = V2 * -1 T50.PER.SHOT = V1 'READ IN %50 T VALUE FOR THE SHOT IF ATODC% = 1 THEN 200 'SECOND A/D? IO.PER.SHOT = V2 'READ IN I0 VALUE FOR THE SHOT 200 : T50.NORM = T50.PER.SHOT / IO.PER.SHOT IF TH.HOLD < 0 THEN TH.HOLD = TH.HOLD * -1 TH.HOLD.NORM = TH.HOLD / IO.PER.SHOT BAD SHOT REJECTION IF T50.NORM > TH.HOLD.NORM THEN 'IS IT BAD SHOT? j% = j% - 1 NUM.BADSHOTS% = NUM.BADSHOTS% + 1 'KEEP TRACK OF THE # OF BAD SHOTS GOTO START.OVER 'IF SO, DO ATODC ON THE NEXT SHOT END IF PRINT #1, "S8=0" 'ELSE, CLEAR THE OUTPUT PORT PRINT #1, 'SEND A GOOD SHOT TO APPLE PRINT #1, "S8=5" PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "S8=0" 'RESET BACK TO ZERO TOTALO = TOTALO + T50.PER.SHOT SUMO = SUMO + T50.NORM SUM! = SUM1 + IO.PER.SHOT REM DIGITIZE DAC VOLTAGE ON CHANNEL 3 DUMMY2 = V3 'READ IN SIG. INT. VALUE FOR THE SHOT SEED.VOLT = SEED.VOLT + DUMMY2 167 'IF I% = COUNTER% THEN 'DUM2 = V4 'SUM2 = SUM2 + DUM2 'END IF 'READ TEMP. FROM ND CHANNEL 3 'READ IN TEMP. VALUE 'COLLECT FOR ALL SHOTS START.OVER: NEXT j% '%50 T AVERAGED SUMO.AVG = TOTALO / NUMSHOTS% '%50 T NORMALIZED SUMO.NORM = SUMO / NUMSHOTS% 'IO NORMALIZED SUM.AVG1 = SUM1 / NUMSHOTS% 'UPDATE AVG VALUE FOR %50 T T50.NEW = SUMO.NORM 'IO AVG'D VALUE IO.AVG = SUM.AVG1 SEED.VOLT.AVG = SEED.VOLT / NUMSHOTS% 'TEMPERATURE = SUM2 / NUMSHOTS% SEND FEED BACK IF SIDE% = 1 THEN GOTO FALL ELSEIF SIDE% = 2 THEN GOTO RISE END IF 'WHICH SIDE OF 12 LINE? FALL: IF T50.NEW - T50.ORIG > 0 THEN VOLTAGE = VOLTAGE + VOLTSTEP GOSUB GIVEVOLT GOTO 210 ELSEIF T50.NEW - T50.ORIG < 0 THEN VOLTAGE = VOLTAGE - VOLTSTEP GOSUB GIVEVOLT GOTO 210 END IF 'IF >0 => RAISE SEED FREQ. 'IF <0 => LOWER SEED FREQ. RISE: 'IF >0 => LOWER SEED FREQ. IF T50.NEW - T50.ORIG > 0 THEN VOLTAGE = VOLTAGE - VOLTSTEP GOSUB GIVEVOLT GOTO 210 'IF <0 => RAISE SEED FREQ. ELSEIF T50.NEW - T50.ORIG < 0 THEN VOLTAGE = VOLTAGE + VOLTSTEP GOSUB GIVEVOLT GOTO 210 END IF 210 : IF I% = COUNTER% THEN T5OSIG(K%) = T50.NEW 'STORE THE %50 T FOR EVERY '-TIME.INT%,[%50 T AVG'D NORM.] 168 T50AVG(K%) = SUMO.AVG IOSIG(K%) = IO.AVG VOLT(K%) = SEED.VOLT.AVG 'TEMP(K%) = TEMPERATURE '%50 T SIG. AVERAGED 'STORE THE AVG'D TEMP. VALUE K% = K% + 1 END IF DISPLAY RESULTS ON THE SCREEN LOCATE 3, 30 COLOR 0, 7 PRINT " NO. OF BADSHOTS " COLOR 7, 0 LOCATE 5, 39 PRINT NUM.BADSHOTS% LOCATE 8, 37 PRINT NUM.RESET% LOCATE 10, 12 COLOR 0, 7 PRINT " %50 T I(AVG.) VOLTAGE TO SEEDER COLOR 7, 0 LOCATE 12, 16 TEMP. " PRINT USING "##.#####"; T50.NEW * IO.AVG LOCATE 12, 37 PRINT USING "##.#####"; VOLT(%) LOCATE 12, 59 PRINT USING "##.###"; TEMP(I%) LOCATE 14, 10 COLOR 0, 7 PRINT " %50 T I(NORM.) COLOR 7, 0 OFFSET FROM %50 T POINT LOCATE 16, 14 PRINT USING "##.#####"; T50.NEW LOCATE 16, 37 PRINT USING "##.#######"; T50.ORIG - T50.NEW LOCATE 16, 60 PRINT USING "##.####"; T50.ORIG NEXT I% LOOP UNTIL ANS$ = "Q" OR ANS$ = "q" 500 : LOCATE 20, 1 INPUT "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAVE THE DATA"; ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" OR ANS$ = "y" THEN GOTO SAVE.DATA ELSEIF ANS$ = "N" OR ANS$ = "n" THEN GOTO MAIN.MENU ELSE GOTO 500 END IF %50 T ORIG." 169 GOTO MAIN.MENU SAVING DATA SUBROUTINE SAVE.DATA: CLS 1000 : INPUT "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE DATA TO DISK --->? ", SA$ IF SA$ = "N" OR SA$ = "n" THEN GOTO 1200 ELSEIF SA$ = "Y" OR SA$ = "y" THEN GOTO 1100 ELSE GOTO 1000 END IF 1100 : PRINT "(1) %50 T Vs. TEMP. DATA?" PRINT "(2) IODINE SCAN Vs. VOL DATA?" INPUT "MAKE YOUR CHOICE #1 OR 2"; CHOICES% INPUT "WHICH DRIVE (A: B: OR C:) ", WD$ IF WD$ = "a" OR WD$ = "A" THEN WD$ = "A:" IF WD$ = "b" OR WD$ = "B" THEN WD$ = "B:" IF WD$ = "c" OR WD$ = "C" THEN WD$ = "C:" INPUT " FILE NAME ", FILES IF CHOICES% = 1 THEN OPEN WD$ + FILE$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 PRINT #2, "VOLT/STEP", "TIME INTERVAL" PRINT #2, VOLTSTEP, TIME.INT% PRINT #2, "%50 T-SIG.", "SEEDER VOLTAGE", 10 AVG", "%50 T AVG" PRINT #2, K% 1, K% - 1, K% - 1 FOR I% = 1 TO K% - 1 PRINT #2, T5OSIG(I%), VOLT(I%), IOSIG(I%), T50AVG(I%) NEXT I% ELSEIF CHOICES% = 2 THEN OPEN WD$ + FILE$ FOR OUTPUT AS #3 PRINT #3, "SEDDER VOLTAGE", "12 SIG. INT.", 10 AVG" PRINT #3, I2.COUNTER%, I2.COUNTER% FOR I% = 1 TO I2.COUNTER% - 1 PRINT #3, VOLT(I%), SCANI(I%), IOSIG(I%) NEXT I% END IF CLOSE #1 CLOSE #2 CLOSE #3 1200 : GOTO MAIN.MENU END GIVEVOLT SUBROUTINE GIVEVOLT: 170 I=7 FORMAT$ = "S#=##.#####" 'DAC OUTPUT CHANNEL # 'SEND OUT THE VOLTAGE TO PRINT #1, USING FORMAT$; I; VOLTAGE SEEDER PRINT #1, RETURN TIME INTERVAL SUBROUTINE INTERVAL: CON = &H43 T2 = &H42 TEST = &HB4 ENAB = &H61 FASTTICKS& = 11925 TIMEHI& = FASTTICKS \ 256 TIMELOW& = FASTTICKS& - TIMEHI& * 256 LATCHBYTE = &H80 OUT CON, TSET OUT T2, TIMELO& OUT T2, TIMEHI& OLDPPI = INP(ENAB) PPI = OLDPPI OR 1 OUT ENAB, PPI NEW& = FASTTICKS& FOR TICKSTHISINTERVAL = 1 TO NTIME% DO SPLIT: OLD& = NEW& OUT CON, LATCHBYTE NEWLO& = INP(T2) NEWHI& = INP(T2) NEW& = NEWHI& * 256 + NEWLO& LOOP WHILE NEW& < OLD& NEXT TICKSTHISINTERVAL OUT ENAB, OLDPPI RETURN SUBROUTINE TO SCAN THE SEEDER AND DETERMINE %50 T, %0 T & %100 T SIGNAL VALUES T50.SCAN: VOLT.STEP = .02 / 4 VOLTSTEP = VOLT.STEP I2.VOLTS'TEP = VOLTSTEP VOLTAGE = 0 GOSUB GIVEVOLT I2.COUNTER% = VOLT.LIMIT / VOLTSTEP NUMSHOTS% = 40 '.05 V/STEP, 2 s/STEP 171 FOR I% = 1 TO I2.COUNTER% I2.SIG.SUM = 0 SEED.VOLT = 0 VOLTAGE = VOLTAGE + VOLTSTEP SHOW.VOLT = SHOW.VOLT + VOLT.STEP 'INCREMENT THE VOLTAGE IF VOLTAGE > VOLT.LIMIT THEN GOTO RANGE1 ELSEIF VOLTAGE < -VOLT.LIMIT THEN GOTO RANGE1 END IF GOSUB GIVEVOLT FOR j% = 1 TO NUMSHOTS% CHECK FOR RESET OF THE PIEZO PRINT #1, "MA" PRINT #1, DO PRINT #1, "?B2" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, PIEZO.RESET LOOP WHILE PIEZO.RESET = 0 'SET THE ASYNC. MODE 'LOOP WHILE PORT B2 IS LOW, PIEZO RESET 'READ DIG. CH2 'WAIT FOR THE PIEZO RESET ADC FOR CHANNELS 1,2 & 3 USING SCAN FUNCTION PRINT #1, "MS" PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "Tl" PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "SC1,2,3:1" 'SET SYNCH. MODE 'EACH PULSE AT DIG. CH1 BE A TRIG. 'WAIT FOR A TRIGGER, THEN SCAN DIGITIZE 'CH1,..,CH4 PRINT #1, DO 'GET THE VOLTAGES FOR 3 CHANNELS 'IS THE TRIG. RECEIVED? 'IF NOT, WAIT. PRINT #1, "?S" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, STATUS LOOP UNTIL (STATUS AND 32) = 32 PRINT #1, "N" 'GET THE NEXT CHANNEL'S DIG'D PRINT #1, '-STORED VOLTAGE INPUT #1, V1 PRINT #1, "N" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V2 PRINT #1, "N" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V3 IF V1 < 0 THEN V1 = V1 * -1 IF V2 < 0 THEN V2 = V2 * -1 DUMMYO = V1 'READ IN SIG. INT. VALUE FOR THE SHOT 172 DUMMY1 = V2 'READ IN SIG. INT. VALUE FOR THE SHOT 12.SIG.NORM = DUMMYO / DUMMY1 'NORMALIZE THE 12 SIG. TO THE I0 I2.SIG.SUM = I2.SIG.SUM + I2.SIG.NORM 'ADD FOR ALL SHOTS IF NORM.FLAG = 1 THEN 12.SIG.NORM = DUMMYO / DUMMY1 'NORMALIZE THE 12 SIG. TO THE I0 I2.SIG.SUM = I2.SIG.SUM + I2.SIG.NORM 'ADD FOR ALL SHOTS ELSEIF NORM.FLAG = 0 THEN I2.SIG.SUM = I2.SIG.SUM + DUMMYO 'ADD FOR ALL SHOTS END IF DUMMY2 = V3 'READ IN SIG. INT. VALUE FOR THE SHOT SEED.VOLT = SEED.VOLT + DUMMY2 NEXT j% SCANI(I %) = I2.SIG.SUM / NUMSHOTS% VOLT(I %) = SEED.VOLT / NUMSHOTS% LOCATE 5, 16 COLOR 0, 7 PRINT " SEEDER VOLTAGE SIGNAL INT. (NORM.) COLOR 7, 0 LOCATE 7, 21 " PRINT USING "##.#####"; VOLT(I%) LOCATE 7, 50 PRINT USING "##.#####"; SCANI(I %) NEXT I% RANGE1: BEEP VOLTAGE = 0 GOSUB GIVEVOLT VOLT.T50 = 0 VOLT.T100 = VOLT(1) 'DAC VOLTAGE AT %100 T POINT VOLT.TO = VOLT(1) 'DAC VOLTAGE AT %0 T POINT T100 = SCANI(1) 'SIG. INT. FOR %100 T PT TO = SCANI(1) 'SIG. INT. FOR %0 T PT FOR I% = 1 TO I2.COUNTER% - 1 IF SCANI(I%) > T100 THEN 'FIND THE SIGNAL MAXIMUM T100 = SCANI(I%) '%100 T SIGNAL=MAX. VOLT.T100 = VOLT(I %) ELSEIF SCANI(I %) < TO THEN 'FIND THE SIGNAL MINIMUM TO = SCANI(I %) '%0 T SIGNAL=MIN. 173 VOLT.TO = VOLT(I%) END IF NEXT I% T50 = TO + (T100 - TO) / 2 'I SIG. FOR %50 T POINT RETURN SUBROUTINE TO SCAN THE SEEDER TO THE 50% TRANSMISSION POINT OF THE IODINE LINE SET.T50: WE SCAN FROM LOW TO HIGH FREQUENCY AS WE INCREASE THE REM VOLTAGE REM REM REM WHICH IS SENT TO THE SEEDER, AND WE GO THROUGH THE FALLING EDGE OF THE 12 DOPPLER BROADENED LINE FIRST. FOR I% = 1 TO I2.COUNTER% - 1 IF SCANI(I%) <= T50 + SIG.FLUCT THEN IF SCANI(I%) > = T50 - SIG.FLUCT THEN VOLT.T50 = VOLT(I%) GOTO VOLT.CAL END IF END IF NEXT I% 300 : PRINT "COULDN'T LOCATE THE %50 T "; FALL.R1SE$; " POINT SUCCESSFULLY!" 310 : INPUT "THE SHOT-TO-SHOT FLUC. RANGE TOO SMALL! CHANGE IT OR QUIT [C OR Q] --->"; ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Q" OR ANS$ = "q" THEN VOLTAGE = 0 RANGE.FLAG% = 1 ELSEIF ANS$ = "C" OR ANS$ = "c" THEN INPUT "NEW FLUCT. RANGE VALUE(V) --->"; SIG.FLUCT VOLTAGE = 0 GOSUB GIVEVOLT GOTO SET.T50 ELSE GOTO 310 END IF VOLT.CAL: IF VOLT.T50 > VOLT.TO THEN VOLT.T50.RISE = VOLT.T50 ELSEIF VOLT.T50 < VOLT.TO THEN VOLT.T50.FALL = VOLT.T50 END IF 174 IF VOLT.T50.RISE = 0 THEN VOLT.T50.RISE = VOLT.TO + (VOLT.TO - VOLT.T50.FALL) ELSEIF VOLT.T50.FALL = 0 THEN VOLT.T50.FALL = VOLT.TO - (VOLT.T50.RISE - VOLT.TO) END IF IF EDGE% = 1 THEN VOLTAGE = VOLT.T50.FALL ELSEIF EDGE% = 2 THEN VOLTAGE = VOLT.T50.RISE END IF GOSUB GIVEVOLT NTIME% = 60 * 5 GOSUB INTERVAL 'SET THE SEEDER AT %50 T POINT RETURN , SUBROUTINE TO SCAN THE SEEDER I2.SCAN: I2.VOLTSTEP = VOLTSTEP IF POL.FLAG = 1 THEN VOLTAGE = VAL(IVOLTAGE$) GOSUB GIVEVOLT CLS : PRINT : PRINT " WAITING FOR THE SEEDER TO RECOVER! HIT ANY KEY WHEN READY" WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND CLS : PRINT : PRINT " SCANNING THE SEEDER, PLEASE WAIT!" I2.COUNTER% = (ABS(VOLTAGE) + VOLT.LIMIT) / VOLTSTEP ELSEIF POL.FLAG = 0 THEN VOLTAGE = 0 I2.COUNTER% = VOLT.LIMIT / VOLTSTEP GOSUB GIVEVOLT END IF FOR I% = 1 TO I2.COUNTER% SUM1 = 0 I2.SIG.SUM = 0 SEED.VOLT = 0 VOLTAGE = VOLTAGE + VOLTSTEP 'INCREMENT THE VOLTAGE IF VOLTAGE > VOLT.LIMIT THEN GOTO RANGE2 ELSEIF VOLTAGE < -VOLT.LIMIT THEN ' GOTO RANGE2 END IF GOSUB GIVEVOLT FOR j% = 1 TO NUMSHOTS% CHECK FOR RESET OF THE PIEZO 175 PRINT #1, "MA" PRINT #1, DO PRINT #1, "?B2" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, PIEZO.RESET LOOP WHILE PIEZO.RESET = 0 'SET THE ASYNC. MODE 'LOOP WHILE PORT B2 IS LOW, PIEZO RESET 'READ DIG. CH2 'WAIT FOR THE PIEZO RESET ADC FOR CHANNELS 0 USING EXT. START FUNCTION PRINT #1, "MS" PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "Ti" PRINT #1, PRINT #1, "SC1,2,3:1" 'SET SYNCH. MODE 'EACH PULSE AT DIG. CH1 BE A TRIG. 'WAIT FOR A TRIGGER, THEN SCAN DIGITIZE 'CH1,..,CH4 PRINT #1, DO 'GET THE VOLTAGES FOR 3 CHANNELS 'IS THE TRIG. RECEIVED? 'IF NOT, WAIT. PRINT #1, "?S" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, STATUS LOOP UNTIL (STATUS AND 32) = 32 PRINT #1, "N" 'GET THE NEXT CHANNEL'S DIG'D PRINT #1, '-STORED VOLTAGE INPUT #1, V1 PRINT #1, "N" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V2 PRINT #1, "N" PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V3 IF V1 < 0 THEN V1 = V1 * -1 IF V2 < 0 THEN V2 = V2 * -1 DUMMY() = V1 'READ IN SIG. INT. VALUE FOR THE SHOT ADC FOR CHANNELS 1,2 & 3 USING SCAN FUNCTION DUMMY1 = V2 'READ IN SIG. INT. VALUE FOR THE SHOT SUM1 = SUM1 + DUMMY1 IF NORM.FLAG = 1 THEN I2.SIG.NORM = DUMMY() / DUMMY1 'NORMALIZE THE 12 SIG. 'TO THE IO I2.SIG.SUM = I2.SIG.SUM + I2.SIG.NORM 'ADD FOR ALL SHOTS ELSEIF NORM.FLAG = 0 THEN I2.SIG.SUM = I2.SIG.SUM + DUMMY() 'ADD FOR ALL SHOTS END IF 176 'READ IN SIG. INT. VALUE FOR THE SHOT DUMMY2 = V3 SEED.VOLT = SEED.VOLT + DUMMY2 NEXT j% SCANI(I%) = I2.SIG.SUM / NUMSHOTS% VOLT(I%) = SEED.VOLT / NUMSHOTS% IOSIG(I%) = SUM1 / NUMSHOTS% LOCATE 5, 16 COLOR 0, 7 PRINT " SEEDER VOLTAGE SIGNAL INT. (NORM.) COLOR 7, 0 LOCATE 7, 21 " PRINT USING "##.#####"; VOLT(I%) LOCATE 7, 50 PRINT USING "##.#####"; SCANI(I%) NEXT I% VOLTAGE = 0 GOSUB GIVEVOLT RANGE2: BEEP VOLTAGE = 0 GOSUB GIVEVOLT RETURN 'SUBROUTINE TO CHECK THE ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION FOR 'THE SR245 PROGRAMMABLE STANFORD RESEARCH MODULE; AVERAGE IN 'ADC IS POSSIBLE. MANSOUR ZAHEDI,JAN. 7,1993 SR245.SETUP: GOSUB A.TO.D: GOTO MAIN.MENU A.TO.D: CLS DIM DUM(10) PRINT #1, "MR" PRINT #1, "I8;W25" CLS INPUT " WOULD YOU LIKE TO AVERAGE THE SIGNALS IN THE ADC CHANNELS "; ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" OR ANS$ = "y" THEN 177 INPUT " NUMBER OF SHOTS TO BE AVERAGED "; NUM% END IF IF ANS$ = "N" OR ANS$ = "n" THEN NUM% = 1 CLS LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "HIT [Q] TO QUIT!" 11 : FOR I = 1 TO 10 DUM(I) = 0 NEXT I ANS$ = INKEY$ IF ANS$ = "Q" OR ANS$ = "q" THEN GOTO 12 FOR K% = 1 TO NUM% FOR I = 1 TO 8 PRINT #1, USING "?#"; I PRINT #1, INPUT #1, V DUM(I) = DUM(I) + V IF K% = NUM% THEN FOR L% = 1 TO 8 LOCATE L% + 2, 1 PRINT "CHANNEL"; USING " # = "; L% LOCATE L% + 2, 13 PRINT USING "##.###"; DUM(L%) / NUM% NEXT L% END IF NEXT I NEXT K% PRINT "loop count=", j j=j+1 GOTO 11 12 : RETURN END 178 Appendix C CARS studies in the low frequency rotational region 179 In an effort to obtain the pure rotational spectrum of CH3 radicals a modification to the present CARS set up was necessary. To accomplish this the following arrangement was made. The ring dye laser which operated with the DCM dye at -630 nm and was pulse amplified with our Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm in a 4 stage pulse amplifier chain served as the CARS pump beam. The output of a Coherent single mode single frequency Kr+ laser at 647.2 nm was also pulse amplified in a new 3 stage pulse amplifier chain by splitting another portion of the YAG laser for this new chain. This beam served as the CARS probe beam. The third CARS beam was the green output of the YAG laser and therefore the antiStokes signal was generated at a wavelength near 532 nm. The scattered photons from the pump and probe beams could easily be discriminated against by using a monochromator since they were spectrally separated from the green. The scattered green photons were eliminated by locking the YAG laser to one of the 12 absorption transitions near the YAG laser gain maximum and an I2 vapor cell was used in the signal path to absorb the unwanted green photons. A schematic diagram of this new setup is illustrated in Figure C-1. This arrangement for the study of low frequency Raman shifts worked well. In Figure C-2 a spectrum of CH3I in the u1 C-I symmetric stretching region at 524.6 cm-1 is illustrated. In figure C-3 a survey scan of air is shown which includes rotational transitions both from N2 and 02. This trace was obtained by running the dye laser with a resolution of 625 MHz with only 2 laser pulses averaged per 180 data point. Finally shown in Figure C-4 is a pure rotational spectrum of neat CH3I at X/D = 1 in a jet with a scan down to 0 cm -1 shift. Figure C-5 is a calculated CH3 pure rotational spectrum using a Boltzmann distribution at a temperature of 650 K and including the hot band transition contributions. Using this calculated spectrum as a guide, and the C-I stretch of CH3I for optimizing beam overlaps, many scans were taken in the 100-300 cm-1 region but no conclusive sign for any CH3 transition was seen. This was attributed to the rapid dilution of rotational population as the high translational energy of the radicals was collisionally converted to internal energy. An experiment was designed to illustrate this fact. Nitrogen was mixed with the CH3I and with the U.V. beam blocked, a scan of several N2 pure rotational transitions was made at X/D = 2 in the jet. The U.V. beam was then introduced to dissociate the CH3I and the same scans were repeated. Due to collisional heating of the N2 with the CH3 radicals, the low J transitions dramatically lost intensity while the high J states gained intensity, as shown in Figures C6-C8. This rapid spread of state population is known to occur for CH3 (from our vibrational results, chapter V) and will make detection of CH3 more difficult. In addition, it may well be that the inherent Raman anisotropy, which determines the cross section, is small for CH3 radical (i.e. the radical is more "spherical" than CH3I, N2 or 02). 181 Single-mode Ai laser ring dye laser Pulse Integrator Z74 ' I2cell Single-mode 647 nm fitter I PMT Kr+ laser Chopper V Mono- Sample cell chromator Seeded single-mode 0L. Nd:YAG laser 532 nm V OD 0-0 0000 Dye amplifier Figure C-1. O.S.U. new high resolution pure rotational experimental setup. 182 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 523.80 524.20 524.60 525.00 525.40 525.80 526.20 526.60 527.00 WAVENUMBERS Figure C-2. Q-branch CARS spectrum of u1 C-I symmetric stretch of neat CH3I in a free jet expansion at X/I3 = 1. 183 -10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 WAVENUMBERS Figure C-3. Pure rotational scan of air (1 Atm.). Dye laser resolution was 625 MHz and 2 laser shots were averaged. 184 S- I -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 I 2 I I 6 1 I I 10 I I 14 1 18 I 1 22 I 26 WAVENUMBERS Figure C-4. CH3I pure rotational jet spectrum. Neat sample of 400 Torr pressure and at X/D = 0.5. 185 1 il h, 1 0 100 200 300 400 WAVENUMBERS Figure C-5. Simulation of CH3 pure rotational spectrum, transitions due to the u2 hot band are also included in the calculation. 186 2800 2400 - U.V. off 2000 - 1600 - 1200 - 800 U.V. 0 400 - 0 1 63.61 63.63 63.65 63.67 WAVENUMBERS Figure C-6. Pure rotational jet spectrum of line S7 of N2 used as a driving gas for CH3I. The experiment was done at X/D = 2 with the N2 pressure of 3 atm and CH3I pressure of 400 Torr. 187 o 1 71.54 71.56 1 1 71.58 1 71.60 1 71.62 71.64 WAVENUMBERS Figure C-7. Pure rotational jet spectrum of line S8 of N2 in jet. Same conditions as the spectrum in Figure C-4. 188 I 103.30 I 103.32 i I I 103.34 I 103.36 1 103.38 WAVENUMBERS Figure C-8. Pure rotational jet spectrum of line S12 of N2. Same conditions as the spectrum in Figure C-4.