Needs Analysis For the 2016 financial year CLIENT NAME: YES Can w e support you w ith an assessm ent of your current business? Develop key performance indicators Determine your business valuation Evaluate investment returns Prepare FBT and GST returns Would you like som eone to contact you about com puter packages? Assess payroll systems Consider an accounting system Gauge other specialist packages Can w e assist w ith the set up of a fam ily trust for your assets? Structure a trust Settlement and/or review of w ills Do you understand your current insurance and ACC cover? Do you have signed em ploym ent agreem ents for all your staff? Would you like us to w ork w ith you on an exit strategy for your business? Determine exit strategies Develop succession planning Assess retirement income levels Would you like us to assist you in identifying your risks exposures and create strategies to reduce and w here possible elim inate these risks? Ensure you are complying w ith Business Status and Governance Determine the impact on and liquidity of your business on loss of key people Develop strategies to protect your valuable assets Can w e help you to plan the future grow th of your business? Develop profit and grow th planning programmes Maintain business success programmes Assist w ith annual budgeting Develop strategic planning Set up advisory boards Provide direction and advice on your business Are there any specific business opportunities or problems you w ish to discuss and resolve im m ediately? NO