Ocean philanthropy to feed marine scientific knowledge

Ocean p h ila n th ro p y to feed marine scientific knowledge
Seysjan, Tina Mertens and André Cattrijsse
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
InnovOcean site, W andelaarkaai 7, B-8400 Oostende
E-mail: ian.sevs@vliz.be
In 2013 the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) explored the possibilities to initiate a p hilan thro py
initiative. In th is way, VLIZ wants to o ffe r people and companies w ith a passion fo r the sea the
o p p o rtu n ity to co ntribu te to a sustainable and healthy sea. From 2014 onwards, VLIZ w ill be using
its m em bership fees and welcomes donations, bequests and all sorts o f financial co ntribu tion s,
which w ill be spent to expand and develop the scientific knowledge regarding coastal and marine
Eligible projects should co ntribu te to the scientific knowledge and knowledge b uilding o f coastal
and marine areas anywhere in the w orld and should bear a neutral, objective message. The initiative
also needs to push forw ard a more sustainable use o f our seas and ocean by generating new
scientific knowledge and data measurements. For instance, projects can be elaborated to collect
scientific data concerning the condition o f the sea as well as the setup and developm ent o f specific
m on itoring campaigns and networks. A ll th is is done not only in close collaboration w ith scientists
but w ith the general public as well. Such citizen science initiatives result in a sign ifican t increase in
public support.
Depending on the p hila n th ro p y budget, the available funds w ill be used fo r projects belonging to
one o f the three main categories:
(1) Category 1 - Sea observation netw orks (‘citizen science’);
(2) Category 2 - Education and long-term data sets;
(3) Category 3 - Developm ent o f new equipm ent.
VLIZ identifie d several possible projects, being:
(1) ‘S eaW atch-B ’, a Belgian beach o b s e rv a tio n n e tw o rk is designed to generate an accessible but
sustained long-term m on itoring netw ork fo r the Belgian coastal waters, based on a netw ork o f
volunteers supervised by experts.
(2) ‘S c ie n c e -s h ip ’ actively involves pleasure craft in m aritim e surveillance. By providing them w ith
targeted tra in in g and m easuring e quipm ent th ey can generate a m u ltip lica tio n o f in s itu data.
O ptionally, connection can be found w ith running initiatives such as the ‘Ocean Sampling Day’
initiative h ttp ://w w w .m ic ro b 3 .e u /o s d .
(3) ‘ Build y o u r o w n sea r o b o t’ enables young people, w ith technological interest, in developing
new sea-measuring equipm ent.
More inform a tion can be found at: h ttp ://w w w .v liz .b e /e n /v o u r-c o n trib u tio n .