PHYSICAL REVIEW A 74, 022308 共2006兲 Class of positive partial transposition states Dariusz Chruściński and Andrzej Kossakowski Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudziadzka 5/7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland 共Received 10 February 2006; published 7 August 2006兲 We construct a class of quantum bipartite d 丢 d states which are positive under partial transposition 共PPT states兲. This class is invariant under the maximal commutative subgroup of U共d兲 and contains as special cases many well-known examples of PPT states. States from our class provide criteria for testing the indecomposability of positive maps. Such maps are crucial for constructing entanglement witnesses. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.74.022308 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.⫺a, 03.65.Ud The interest on quantum entanglement has dramatically increased over the last two decades due to the emerging field of quantum information theory 关1兴. It turns out that quantum entangled states may be used as basic resources in quantum information processing and communication, such as quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation, dense coding, error correction, and quantum computation. A fundamental problem in quantum information theory is to test whether a given state of a composite quantum system is entangled or separable. Several operational criteria have been proposed to identify entangled states 关2兴. The most famous Peres-Horodecki criterion 关3,4兴 is based on the partial transposition: if a state is separable then its partial transposition 共1 丢 兲 is positive. States which are positive under partial transposition are called PPT states. Clearly each separable state is necessarily PPT but the converse is not true. It was shown by Horodecki et al. 关5兴 that the PPT condition is both necessary and sufficient for separability for 2 丢 2 and 2 丢 3 systems. Now, since all separable states belong to a set of PPT states, the structure of this set is of primary importance in quantum information theory. Unfortunately, this structure is still unknown, that is, one may check whether a given state is PPT but we do not know how to construct a general quantum state with PPT property. There are several well-known examples of PPT states. One class contains PPT states which are separable, e.g., Werner 关6兴 and isotropic states 关7兴. Other examples present PPT states that are entangled. Actually there is a systematic method of construction of PPT entangled states which is based on a concept of unextendible product bases 关8兴 共see also Ref. 关9兴兲. Other examples of PPT entangled states were constructed in Refs. 关4,10–15兴. PPT states also play a crucial role in mathematical theory of positive maps and, as is well known, these maps are very important in the study of quantum entanglement. Recently, the mathematical structure of quantum states with positive partial transposition were studied in Refs. 关16,17兴. In the present paper we propose a class of bipartite d 丢 d PPT states. This class is important for the following reasons. 共i兲 It contains many of the abovementioned examples of PPT states. 共ii兲 We claim that this is the most general class of PPT states available at the moment. Moreover, unlike other examples it fully uses complex parametrization of density operators. 共iii兲 Finally, it may be used to study important properties of positive maps, e.g., to test whether a given positive map is indecomposable and atomic. 1050-2947/2006/74共2兲/022308共4兲 As is well known indecomposable positive maps are crucial in constructing entanglement witnesses. The defining property of this class is very simple: it contains bipartite states invariant under the maximal commutative subgroup of U共d兲, i.e., d-dimensional torus Td = U共1兲 ⫻ ¯ ⫻ U共1兲. This commutative subgroup is generated by d mutually commuting operators t̂k = 兩k典具k兩, 共1兲 k = 1, . . . ,d, where 兩k典 denotes an orthonormal base in Cd. Now, any vector x 苸 Rd gives rise to the following element from Td: 共2兲 Ux = e−ix·t̂ , where t̂ = 共t̂1 , . . . , t̂d兲. Evidently, UxUy = Ux+y. In the present paper we consider two classes of bipartite states each of which is invariant under a representation of Td on Cd 丢 Cd. 共1兲 Werner-like state, or Ux 丢 Ux-invariant states U x 丢 U x = U x 丢 U x . 共2兲 Isotropiclike state, or Ux 丢 U*x-invariant Ux 丢 U*x = Ux 丢 U*x , 共3兲 states 共4兲 for all x 苸 Rd. U*x denotes complex conjugation of Ux in a fixed basis. Clearly, these two classes are related by a partial transposition, i.e., a bipartite operator Ô is Ux 丢 U*x invariant iff 共1 丢 兲Ô is Ux 丢 Ux invariant. The most general state which is Ux 丢 U*x invariant has the following form: d = 兺 d aij兩ii典具jj兩 + i,j=1 兺 cij兩ij典具ij兩. 共5兲 i⫽j=1 Now, since † = the matrix â = 储aij储 has to be hermitian and d2 − d coefficients cij have to be real. Moreover, is positive iff â = 储aij储 艌 0 and cij 艌 0. 共6兲 Finally, normalization Tr = 1 leads to Tr â + 兺 cij = 1. 共7兲 i⫽j Consider now the partial transposition of : 022308-1 ©2006 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 74, 022308 共2006兲 DARIUSZ CHRUŚCIŃSKI AND ANDRZEJ KOSSAKOWSKI d d 兺 cij兩ij典具ij兩. 兺 aij兩ij典具ji兩 + i⫽j=1 共1 丢 兲 = 共8兲 i,j=1 Note, that the above formula may be rewritten as follows: 冉 Clearly, W p belongs to a class 共13兲 with d 共1 丢 兲 = 兺 aii兩ii典具ii兩 + 兺 X̂ij , i=1 共9兲 bij = i⬍j X̂ij = aij兩ij典具ji兩 + a*ij兩ji典具ij兩 + cij兩ij典具ij兩 + c ji兩ji典具ji兩. X̂ij兩ij典 = cij兩ij典 + aij兩ji典, X̂ij兩ji典 = a*ij兩ij典 + c ji兩ji典, 艌 0, cijc ji − 兩aij兩2 艌 0. 共11兲 I= 共12兲 兺 bij兩ij典具ji兩 + i⫽j=1 兺 cij兩ij典具ij兩. 共13兲 i,j=1 Now, positivity of ˜ is equivalent to cij 艌 0 and cijc ji − 兩bij兩2 = 0. 共14兲 1− I 丢 I + 兺 兩ii典具jj兩 d2 d i,j=1 再 /d, /d + 共1 − 兲/d , i = j. d bc = a 兺 兩ii典具ii兩 + b i=1 and cij 艌 0. where 兺 i⬍j=1 d 兩−ij典具−ij兩 +c 兩+ij典具+ij兩, 兺 i⬍j=1 bij = 再 共c − b兲/2, i ⫽ j, a, i=j 冎 and cij = 共c + b兲 / 2. Now, cij 艌 0 implies c + b 艌 0 whereas b̂ 艌 0 gives 共16兲 Examples. Now we show that many well-known examples of PPT states belong to our class. 共1兲 Werner state 关6兴. W p = 共1 − p兲Q+ + pQ− , d where 兩±ij典 = 共兩ij典 ± 兩ji典兲 / 冑2. Note, that the unit trace condition 共7兲 enables one to compute a in terms of b and c: a = 1 / d − 共b + c兲 / 共2d − 2兲. Clearly, bc belongs to a Werner class 共13兲 with 共15兲 is Ux 丢 U*x invariant and, therefore, ˜ is PPT iff b̂ = 储bij储 艌 0 冎 共19兲 d 兺 bij兩ii典具jj兩 + i⫽j=1 兺 cij兩ij典具ij兩, i,j=1 i ⫽ j, 2 On the other hand, partial transposition 共1 丢 兲˜ = 共18兲 Positivity of â together with cij 艌 0 imply −1 / 共d2 − 1兲 艋 艋 1. PPT condition 共12兲 leads to 艋 1 / d + 1 which reproduces well known result for PPT property of isotropic states 关7兴. 共3兲 The authors of Ref. 关11兴 considered the following two-parameter family: d d 冎 belongs to a class 共5兲 with cij = 共1 − 兲 / d2 and aij = There is an evident example of isotropiclike PPT states. Let ជ = 共1 , . . . , d兲 be a normalized complex vector. Consider a state from the class 共5兲 with aij = i*j and cij = 兩i*j 兩. Evidently â 艌 0, cij 艌 0, and cijc ji − 兩aij兩2 = 0. Hence each complex vector ជ gives rise to a PPT state. Similarly one may analyze a general Werner-like Ux 丢 U*x-invariant state ˜ = x− + x+ , i = j, d 共10兲 which is equivalent to the following condition: d i ⫽ j, Condition 共14兲 implies p 苸 关0 , 1兴. To check condition 共16兲 for PPT let us observe that the spectrum of b̂ consists of only two points 1 = x+ with multiplicity d − 1 and 2 = dx− + x+. Therefore b̂ is positive iff 2 艌 0 which is equivalent to p 艋 1 / 2 and hence it reproduces well known result for PPT property of Werner states 关6兴. 共2兲 Isotropic state 关7兴. and hence X̂ij兩ij典 艌 0 iff a*ij cij x− , 1−p p ± . d2 + d d2 − d x± = Since two operators 兺iaii兩ii典具ii兩 and 兺i⬍jX̂ij live in a mutually orthogonal subspaces of Cd 丢 Cd, the positivity of 共1 丢 兲 implies separately 兺iaii兩ii典具ii兩 艌 0, which is equivalent to aii 艌 0, and 兺i⬍jX̂ij 艌 0. Now, for any pair i ⬍ j an operator X̂ij acts on a two-dimensional subspace of Cd 丢 Cd spanned by 兩ij典 and 兩ji典: 冋 册 再 and cij = x+, where where the operator X̂ij is given by cij aij 冊 d 1 Q = I 丢 I ± 兺 兩ij典具ji兩 . d共d ± 1兲 i,j=1 ± 共17兲 1 − d共d − 1兲b 艌 0, 2 − d共d − 2兲b − d2c 艌 0, which reproduce results of Ref. 关11兴. 共4兲 Horodecki et al. 关12兴 considered the following 3 丢 3 state: 022308-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 74, 022308 共2006兲 CLASS OF POSITIVE PARTIAL TRANSPOSITION STATES 2 5−␣ ␣ ␣ = P+ + + + −, 7 7 7 2 艋 ␣ 艋 5, ui = 兩ii典, 共20兲 1 zi = 兩i + 1,i典 + s兩i,i + 1典, s where P+ denotes a projector onto the canonical maximally entangled state and with s ⬎ 0 and i = 1 , . . . , d. Define the following family of positive d2 ⫻ d2 matrices 1 + = 共兩01典具01兩 + 兩12典具12兩 + 兩20典具20兩兲, 3 Bs = 兺 共兩ui典具ui兩 + 兩zi典具zi兩兲. d Observe, that Eq. 共22兲 belongs to a Werner-like class 共13兲 with 1 − = 共兩10典具10兩 + 兩21典具21兩 + 兩02典具02兩兲. 3 Clearly, Eq. 共20兲 belongs to isotropiclike class 共5兲 with aij = 2 / 21, c01 = c12 = c20 = ␣ / 21 and c10 = c21 = c02 = 共5 − ␣兲 / 21. One easily finds that PPT condition 共12兲 reproduces well known fact that Eq. 共20兲 is PPT for ␣ 艋 4. Recently, a oneparameter family 共20兲 was generalized for d 丢 d systems as follows 关15兴: d d aj a1 = P+ + 兺 兺 兩i,i + j − 1典具i,i + j − 1兩, d i=1 j=2 d 共21兲 where the positive numbers ai satisfy 兺iai = 1. Clearly, it belongs to an isotropiclike family 共5兲. If ai+1ad−i+1 艌 a21 then the state is PPT. 共5兲 Bound entangled states considered in Ref. 关13兴 belong to our class 共5兲 with aij = 1. 共6兲 Størmer state. Størmer 关18兴 analyzed an un-normalized 3 丢 3 positive PPT matrix with aij = 1 and cij = 2, i ⬍ j; cij = 1/2, i ⬍ j; cij = ␣2c−1 ji , ␥2 + d − 1 , d and the remaining bij and cij vanish. Note, that PPT condition 共16兲 is trivially satisfied. 共8兲 PPT states which do not belong to our class. It turns out that apart from bound entangled states constructed via unextendible product bases 关8兴 almost all other examples of PPT states do belong to our class. We are aware of only few exceptions: one is the family of O 丢 O-invariant states 关19兴 共see also Ref. 关24兴兲 and the second one is the celebrated family of 3 丢 3 states which are nonseparable but PPT constructed by Horodecki 关4兴. Note that the d-dimensional torus U共1兲 ⫻ ¯ ⫻ U共1兲 does not allow for an orthogonal subgroup and hence states with orthogonal symmetry has to be considered separately. Now, the Horodecki state a may be rewritten as a = a⬘ + a⬙, where 冉兺 with ␥ ⬎ 0. Now, conditions for positivity 共6兲 are trivially satisfied. Moreover, due to ⬘ 艌 1, the PPT condition 共12兲 is also satisfied which shows that Ha’s family is PPT. Another example constructed in Ref. 关16兴 is a family of 共un-normalized兲 3 丢 3 positive PPT matrices but the construction may be generalized to an arbitrary d as follows. Let 兺 兩ij典具ij兩 i⫽j=1 冊 and a⬙ = ␥−2 + d − 1 , d 3 兩ii典具jj兩 + i,j=1 i ⬎ j, ci,i 丣 1 = ⬘ , ⬘ = ci 丣 1,i = s−2 , 3 and the remaining cij = 1. In the above formula “ 丣 ” denotes addition modulo d, and = ci,i 丣 1 = s2, a⬘ = ␣a where ␣ ⬎ 0 is a normalization constant. One has cijc ji = 兩aij兩2, and Eq. 共12兲 implies that the corresponding state is PPT. 共7兲 Ha 关16兴 performed very sophisticated construction of a one-parameter family of d2 ⫻ d2 共un-normalized兲 positive matrices and showed that this family remains positive after performing partial transposition. It turns that Ha’s family is a special example of an isotropiclike class 共5兲 with aij = 1 and ci 丣 1,i = , bii = bi,i 丣 1 = bi 丣 1,i = 1, i ⬎ j. This example may be immediately generalized for d 丢 d case as follows: aij = ␣ and cij ⬎ 0, 共22兲 i=1 ␣冑 1 − a2共兩31典具33兩 + 兩33典具31兩兲, 2 with ␣ = 1 / 共8a + 1兲 being a normalization constant. Note, that a⬘ is an isotropiclike matrix and does belong to Eq. 共5兲. However, a⬙ is not invariant under the maximal commutative subgroup of U共3兲. Note, that a⬙ is invariant only under the one-parameter subgroup generated by t̂2 = 兩2典具2兩. It shows that Horodecki state a is also symmetric but with respect to smaller symmetry group. Separability. A state from a class 共5兲 is separable iff there exists a separable state such that = P, where P denotes a projector operator projecting an arbitrary state onto the class 共5兲, i.e., P belongs to Eq. 共5兲 with “pseudofidelities” aij = Tr共兩ii典具jj兩兲 and cij = Tr共兩ij典具ij兩兲. Taking = 兩␣ 丢 典具␣ 丢 兩 one finds the following sufficient condition for separability: aij = ␣*i ␣ j*i  j, cij = 兩␣i兩2兩 j兩2 , 共23兲 where ␣i = 具i 兩 ␣典 and i = 具i 兩 典. Positive maps. PPT states are also important in the study of positive maps 关16,18,20兴 共see also Ref. 关12兴 for a useful review兲. It has been shown 关5兴 that there exists a strong connection between the classification of the entanglement of 022308-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 74, 022308 共2006兲 DARIUSZ CHRUŚCIŃSKI AND ANDRZEJ KOSSAKOWSKI quantum states and the structure of positive linear maps: a state living in Cd 丢 Cd is separable iff 共1 丢 ⌽兲 艌 0 for all positive maps ⌽ : M d → M d, where M d denotes the set of d ⫻ d complex matrices. Now, let Vk be the cone of positive matrices A 苸 共M d 丢 M d兲+ such that Schmidt number Sch共A兲 艋 k 关21兴. Now, one says that A belongs to a cone Vl iff A is PPT and SN关共1 丢 兲A兴 艋 l. It is clear that V1 = V1 defines a cone of separable elements. Recall that a positive map ⌽ : M d → M d is k positive iff 共1 丢 ⌽兲 is positive when restricted to Vk. Similarly, ⌽ is k copositive iff 共1 丢 ⌽ ⴰ 兲 is positive on Vk. Clearly, k-positive map is necessarily l positive for l ⬍ k 共the same is true for k copositivity兲. If k = d then the d-positive 共d-copositive兲 map is called completely positive 共completely copositive兲. Concerning the PPT states the crucial role is played by so called indecomposable maps: a linear positive map is indecomposable iff it cannot be decomposed into the sum of completely positive and completely copositive maps. The most basic class of indecomposable maps consists of socalled atomic ones 关22兴—⌽ is atomic iff it cannot be decomposed into the sum of two-positive and two-copositive maps. Atomic maps posses the “weakest” positivity property and hence may be used to detect the bipartite states with the “weakest” entanglement, i.e., states from V2 艚 V2. Conversely, PPT states may be used to check the atomic property of positive maps. Suppose that we are given an indecomposable positive map ⌽. If for some A 苸 V2 艚 V2 one finds that 关1兴 M. A. Nielsen and I. L. 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