Chabot College Fall 2006 Replaced Fall 2011 Course Outline for Early Childhood Development 59 LITERACY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Catalog Description: 59 - Literacy in Early Childhood 3 units Enhance the early literacy outcomes of young children by improving teachers’ knowledge of early literacy development and their skills in teaching early literacy to young children from birth through school age. Strongly recommended ECD 51. 3 hours. [Typical contact hours: 52.5] Prerequisite Skills: None. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. define literacy and emergent/early literacy; describe the developmental continuum of reading and writing; assess children’s language development and literacy skills; describe the teacher’s role in promoting language and literacy; create literacy environments for children; plan engaging curriculum to support language and literacy; describe ways to involve families in supporting language and literacy in young children; analyze and support appropriate literature and other learning materials for diverse learners; respond to individual, cultural and linguistic variations among children. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. Early Literacy of Young Children a. Literacy experiences during early years lay foundation of reading and writing b. Teacher’s role in promoting language and early literacy development c. Developing experiences, which motivate children to become readers d. Analyze cultural influences on language and literacy development e. Implement routines, materials, and activities that foster and support early literacy for children with exceptional needs Appropriate Assessment of Children’s Literacy Development a. Developmental continuum of reading and writing across the age group birth through 5 years of age b. Authentic assessment of young children’s literacy learning c. Assessing children’s literacy learning; using observation, informal, and more formal strategies d. Adapting teaching and learning experiences to children’s individual needs e. Cultural and linguistic diversity in assessing young children’s learning f. Involving families and other professionals in assessing children’s learning and development Teacher’s Role in Promoting Early Literacy a. Developing a literacy-rich environment b. Design literacy-rich environments for different age groups c. Developing ways to infuse literacy across the curriculum d. Effective teaching strategies, which support children’s literacy e. Integrating technology in the literacy-rich environment f. Developing strategies to adapt for individual and cultural differences Promote Children’s Language Development a. Language, receptive and expressive language of young children Chabot College Course Outline for ECD 59, Page 2 Fall 2006 b. c. 5. 6. 7. 8. Development of second language Supporting vocabulary and language development through an enriching curriculum d. Analyzing and designing strategies to promote children’s language earning, both expressive and receptive Engage Children in Literacy-Enhanced Play a. Play that supports the acquisition of literacy skills using talking, reading, writing, and learning the code b. Designing environment and materials that incorporate literacy learning through play c. Variety of teaching strategies to support literacy learning through play d. Roles for teachers in facilitating children’s participation in literacy-enriched play Engage Children in Reading a. Developmentally appropriate expectations and goals for children’s reading birth through age eight b. Variety of effective strategies to promote vocabulary development, phonemic and print awareness, and background knowledge c. Strategies to integrate children’s interest, culture and special needs in early literacy program d. Strategies for engaging children with a variety of books and texts e. Criteria for selecting high quality, developmentally and culturally appropriate books and materials f. Engaging families in talking, storytelling and reading with children Engage Children in Writing a. Developmentally appropriate expectations for children’s writing development b. Interrelationship between writing and reading c. Variety of writing strategies to support children’s learning of phonemic awareness, alphabetic knowledge, concept of word d. Planning a variety of opportunities for children to engage in writing to support language, reading, and code learning e. Strategies to engage children in different forms of writing and various functions of writing f. Developmentally appropriate computer software to promote writing Engage Children in Learning the Code a. Basic elements of written language code b. Phonological awareness and its relationship to phonemic awareness and phonics c. Learning the code underlying the English language system of reading and writing d. Strategies to address the differences between the home and school language and culture e. Variety of appropriate learning experiences and teaching strategies to promote children’s phonological awareness f. Adapting for individual and cultural differences, including second language learners Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. Lecture Class discussion Readings Small groups Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Analyze cultural influences on language and literacy development. b. Develop strategies to incorporate early literacy into their classroom environment. c. Describe effective teaching strategies to support English language development and early literacy for second language learners. Chabot College Course Outline for ECD 59, Page 3 Fall 2006 d. 2. Assess the literacy developmental level of children in their classroom and develop individual literacy goals. Methods of Evaluating Progress a. Midterm and final examination b. Class participation c. Individual and group projects Textbooks (typical): Learning Language and Loving It, Elaine Weitzman and Janice Greenberg, Hanen Centre, 2002. Special Student Materials: None. Tf:/Word/ECD59.doc New 10/12/05 Revised: 11-1-05