Document 11545383

College Council
Friday, September 15 t h , 2006
2 p.m. – Board Room
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Carlson at 2:01 p.m.
Basic Skills Initiative: Dr. Ron Taylor spoke about the basic skills
initiative that was founded by the Academic Senate for California
Community Colleges that is to provide basic skills education to
students who are under-prepared for college level course work. He
also distributed a hand-out titled “Basic Skills and Immigrant
Education Plan” (draft 9/15/06). Dr. Taylor presented the budget that
would fund the projects along with a timeline to complete each
College Council Priority Objectives: Dr. Ron Taylor presented the
following priority objective for College Council:
Engage in an Ongoing Dialog About Learning and
Institutional Effectiveness (Theme/Goal).
Objective: Initiate a conversation about what
learning-centered means for Chabot College, including
college-wide dialog about the population that the
college intends to serve, with participation by 100%
of regular full-time staff, and x% of hourly/adjunct staff.
Objective: Increase timely communications regarding
college-level planning and decision-making processes
to the entire campus community.
Governance Process Committee Reports (Committee Chairs). To
allow sufficient time for a lengthy discussion on the District Strategic
Plan (agenda item below), committee reports were tabled to a future
College Council meeting.
District Strategic Plan: Dr. Robert Carlson presented the draft
“Strategic Plan for the Chabot-Las Positas Community College
District” to the Council.
The plan includes a vision for excellence, and outlines the roles and
responsibilities of the District Office. A strategic plan worksheet is
included in the draft plan that provides an opportunity for staff to
complete and submit asking them their thoughts, opinions, and ideas
about strengths of the current operation system, weaknesses and
25555 Hesperian Boulevard  Hayward CA 94545  Office of the President  (510) 723-6640 or 723-6641  FAX (510) 723-7126
Agenda For College Council
Friday, September 15th, 2006
Page Two
problem areas of the current operating system, and goals and
strategies that would remediate those weaknesses or problems. Each
of the senates will encourage their constituents to complete the
Strategic Plan Worksheet and to submit it by the deadline. The
Strategic Plan is a necessary part of the Accreditation process.
Other Business. There was no other business discussed.
President Carlson adjourned the meeting at 4:15 p.m.
N E X T M E E T I N G : F r i d a y , O c t o b e r 6 t h , 2 0 0 6 , 2 p . m . , B o a r d R o o m ( p l e a s e su b m i t
a g e n d a i t e m ( s) b y 9 a . m . , T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 5 t h ) .
Revised: 9/13/06