College Council Friday, December 15th, 2006 Minutes ORDER OF BUSINESS The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by President Carlson Committee ReportsJan Novak reported that the Distance Education Committee just submitted a unit plan and a program review. The D.E. Committee has also approved 15 new courses this semester. Marge Maloney stated that the new Quest brochures for Spring 2007 are being distributed and passed around the community. A copy of article on the Quest computer course was recently featured in the Daily Review. Marge is also working on Saturday classes with Sally Jahnke. Mark Schaefer stated that the Technology Committee has not yet met since the last College Council meeting. The committee recently moved to a twice a month meeting schedule effective this Spring. The Curriculum Committee is finished meeting for the Fall Semester. Kathleen Kaser reported that the Chabot Bookstore will start the Fall Book Buy Back on Saturday, th December 16 , 2006, and staff is asking faculty to submit their textbook orders for Spring if they have not yet done so. Staff Development is running low on conference money so it was recommended that staff attempt to submit their requests now. By March 2007, the committee will be out of funds. Academic Senate gave their end of the semester report. Listed in order is action taken and status of action taken. There were eleven action items, seven were passed by Senate, and four were referred to various areas for input for future action to take place. There is a number of important topics we have been discussing for a number of meetings. The A.S. Degree survey and status has been determined between Las Positas College, Chabot College, and the District Curriculum Council (DCC). There was plenty of time for input and it was on the Senate agenda the majority of the semester. The Marketing Committed reported that the District and marketing areas at the district requested from Chancellor Susan Cota money have a marketing push this spring. $70,000 for outdoor advertising like billboards was received. The money will be divided between Chabot and Las Positas Colleges. There is a billboard and advertisement will be placed on the back of and inside buses and inside BART stations. Las Positas did not get a billboard. Chabot’s will be placed at Foothill and “C” Streets. There will also be newspaper ads starting which will state, “The journey of a life time begins here, Chabot College.” It also lists the reduction in tuition fee. Three-Minute ReportsFarhad Javaheripour reported that the Business Services Office had a consultant two days ago from School Services of California who also spoke with the deans and Business Services staff regarding paralleling business service operations at Las Positas and Chabot. This is a follow-up to the earlier meetings and correspondence about the District’s Business Services operations and its services. The Budget Committee did not meet this month so there is no report. Grant Development – The grant writer information for staff to use. She has Counseling and Math/Science will be updating her website and put up grant alerts. We visited divisions to tell them about grant 1 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council Friday, December 15th, 2006 opportunities for them and they are responding. The Quest Variety Show will be held next Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. Dr. Ron Taylor stated that as of today, our enrollment is up a little better than it was with –2.9%. Farhad Javaheripour gave a budget report and stated that this is the second report he has presented to the Council. We are trying to assess a good process that we can be consistent with. By the end of November, the administrative side should have spent 42% of the budget. Administrative Services, all administration spent 53% of its budget. The academic side of the house has spent 36%, and student services has spent 30%. Compared to prior years, administrative services for an average of the past two years, compared to this fiscal year, is at 29% vs. 53%. Average of adjusted budgets for those past two years were larger than what the adjusted budgets are for this fiscal year is. They lost ground from starting point and their expenses are similar. Academic Services has an average of the past two fiscal years at 44%. Student Services for the same period was at 38%. It is at 30% now. There are some vacancies in that position and that does contribute to that percentage being lower. We will start looking at and analyzing it more closely and be able to determine where we are spending above what our allocations are per month and bring some sort of reason to parallel our expenditures and revenues so we don’t end up at the end of the year on how to fund over spent accounts. Farhad will make this more widely available as he fine tunes this process. July 2007 might be the target date that the training for the Visa purchasing cards will be made available to staff. Balances on cards and purchases made won’t be available for users until the end of the month so we are working still on the development and fine tuning the process. The cards need to be put into the hands of the operational folks who have more time to spend on purchasing rather than the deans. Our vendor relationship will be improving as vendors will get paid sooner. Open House 2007- Katherine Tollefsen said that Chabot’s Open House will take place on th Saturday, May 12 . We are working with Mega Day in collaboration for the early decision process. There will be 400 students attending that and we want to capture them and their parents – that is who we will be marketing our open house to along with the community. There will be a car show and an Auto Tech Day in Building 1400 that we will be marketing around. We will have games for children, and the Children’s Center can sponsor a Children’s Faire, along with a free barbeque. Susan May will be advertising her Community Ed program and we will have demonstrations from Community Ed students. We will have the Cesar Chavez court available along with the Grand Court for displays. We will want to have student volunteers to help, along with alumni who can help showcase programs. We want to have open art galleries and studios, along with a facilities and bond update and presentation. There will be a Financial Aid seminar and a side walk sale in the Bookstore. Alumni can sign up for the Alumni Association and the Foundation can sell bricks. There will be door prizes. KCRH will be playing a live-remote, along with a live show in the planetarium. Dr. Carlson will send a memo to all staff in mid-January. Dr. Ron Taylor suggested there be a development of a time line for staff to submit ideas. There will be a planning process by late February and marketing and advertising will accompany. “We are trying to include as many areas as possible”, Susan May stated. “There is something for everyone at Chabot College” is the theme, Susan stated. Susan encouraged all departments to showcase their programs, and to come up with an open house or table-top to participate. The th event will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 12 , 2007. There will be a flyer with a map of places visitors can go to. Tram is the Mega Day liaison on this committee along with Susan May, Katherine Tollefsen, Karen Silva, and Tram Vo-Kumamoto. Dr. Ron Taylor pointed out that this is a great opportunity for students to participate. IPBC Survey– Laurie Dockter is question is what do we do with them. well. A hand out titled, Routing of Unit questions to reviewing committees like collecting unit plans today. The next Weneed to ensure they are integrated Plans, was distributed that asked what part of the unit plan do you need 2 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council Friday, December 15th, 2006 for your review? How do you want to review unit plans? What is your timeline of using the Unit Plan information in planning and budgeting in your area? Indicate what appropriate feedback you can provide to unit plan writers and the College? This year, we do have last year’s unit plans on line and are accessible from off campus. Should there be more committees or governance bodies included on this list? No feedback. The unit plans go to our deans and their supervisors. Who will distribute the unit plans to these committees? The unit plan will stay in tact in one place, but those that have a vested interest will get the parts of the unit plan that they need. Daniel Hinds, ASCC representative recommended that ASCC be included as one of the committees or governance groups that gets included in copies and distribution of the unit plans. Weekly Intervention Strategies for Helping Students Succeed- Melinda Matsuda distributed a hand-out on “Semester Student Intervention and Follow-Up Strategies”. It outlines what Student Services staff can do on a weekly basis throughout the semester with things like making personal phone calls to new students and referrals to appropriate intervention to workshops on academic and progress probation workshops, calls would be made to at risk students. The key part includes help with the mid-term progress reports. Faculty that attended a recent Student Services meeting felt the mid-term progress report was helpful. “The report is a matriculated mandated requirement to issue the reports”, Judy stated. Chad stated that Bill McDonald has brought this to Academic Senate many times and has talked about the report process. Room Numbering– Dr. Taylor reported that no one has stepped up to assist with a process and development of a new room numbering system. Some people think our numbering scheme is confusing. We are already in design-development for two new buildings so we need to know the nature of the signage soon. There are some options that need to be fine-tuned regarding sequential numbering of the building identification and numbering system, and room numbering within each building. Farhad felt renumbering might create a problem and we will have to change new reports that recently sent to the State Chancellor’s Office as far as our building renewal replacement funds are concerned. Errors may happen regarding instructional office space and classroom space. Costs and issues are going to create problems for the Chancellor’s Office as far as space is concerned. Signage and directories need to be placed within each building. Dr. Taylor felt that the consensus was to leave the buildings numbered as they are. One Minute Reports None were given. Agenda Items College Hour Scheduling of Classes– Dr. Ron Taylor handed a distribution on “Additional Information Concerning Fall 2007 Scheduling of Classes”. We were talking about it because we have to make an adjustment to the class schedule for Fall 2007 to accommodate more classes in fewer buildings. One impact is the pattern of behavior to a change we make to College Hour. The deans had put together a proposed schedule that basically allowed for use of College Hour Tuesday-Thursday at 12 noon by using adjunct faculty by fitting more classes into that hour. Part of the discussion was the impact it would have. Dr. Taylor reviewed the comparisons from Fall 2006 and Fall 2007 courses offered during College Hour and Mondays and Wednesdays during 12 noon. A Fall 2006 section distribution was also distributed that included discipline, prime time, afternoon and evening times, and total sections. “We are trying to maximize enrollment so as not to affect our budget and finances”, Dr. Ron Taylor stated. Student, Daniel Hind, said Dr. Carlson are being discussed about possibilities confirmed that there are three through explanation of what options changed since the last College how it was presented was broken indicated there are three options that for classes in Fall 2007. Dr. Ron Taylor possibilities, and he later provided a are available. This document has not Council meeting, but the information in down in a more effective manner. “The 3 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council Friday, December 15th, 2006 Faculty Association considers this plan a bargaining issue and the Council should keep that in mind”, Cynthia Stublebine stated. Chad Mark Glen asked for a deadline to submit input. Dr. Taylor replied that the deadline would be December 15. He stated, “We need to do scheduling inputting starting January 3rd or 4th, or next week could be the deadline, but it will delay the deadline for distribution of class schedules. If we don’t proceed with our normal scheduling time-line, we could have the printed schedule out later than normal. It’s usually distributed in early to mid-April. We usually distribute our Summer and Fall schedules together so timing is the essence. The Academic Services Office is short staffed which will impact a later deadline.” Chad felt students and staff can help provide additional ideas for possible solutions to the issue. If the Council asked Dr. Ron Taylor to mock up another schedule, it puts our scheduling development time line back to end of January ’07. “Waiting longer might make students enroll at other colleges,” Laurie stated. Sally Jahnke said faculty were invited to look at the schedule, but Gene said it did not happen in the Arts and Humanities Division. Daniel felt this option did not fly with ASCC. He feels College Hour is the only way to reach out to students. He does not know how many students participate in College Hour and has no way to gauge it. Chad stated, “If we look at the greatest good for the greatest number of students, a small percentage of students are inclined to participate in College Hour activities, perhaps the best for the majority is to schedule more classes during College Hour for the greatest good of our students. It’s in our Contract, as Cindy said, it won’t be negotiated away. It won’t disappear.” Dr. Carlson asked, “Given that we are going to take out over 30 classrooms between 9 a.m. and 12 noon, 180 classes or so, we will have to removed classes from the 9 to 12 noon slot. Classes students want and need to graduate will be removed and cannot be there with no options. For the sake of these students who need to complete programs for the degree and get out. They need the continuity for classes. For those reasons, where is the best place to put these classes? An enrollment crash would be extremely damaging for the institution – less supplies, budget, and equipment and we are already undercut for marginal enrollment. Where do we put those 130 classes and maximize the retention of students? It has no relevance except within the context of that vary question. What is the best place for the good of these students?” Dr. Carlson asked the Council to argue that, and what meets the needs of these students? Laurie Dockter recommended that we go back to a five-day work week. It helps the science labs better. Daniel felt a lot of students don’t want to come to class on Fridays and it helps our enrollments. Dr. Ron Taylor wanted to reach a close consensus today, or as much as possible. Option1: A mock up schedule – adjunct faculty teaching during T/Th, 1-1:15 p.m. Option 2: A 12:30-1:30 p.m. College Hour which would mean changes to classes already designed for 12-:1:15 p.m. time slot. Option 3: Simply opening up T/Th, 1:30-2:30 p.m. and moving those classes somewhere else. Dr. Ron Taylor stated that the group as a whole favors Option One out of all options, and he will advise Dr. Carlson. Let’s ask the Marketing Committee to consider the idea of having a Summer supplemental schedule in order to capture new students and maintain enrollments. Meeting Adjournment The College Council meeting was adjourned at 4:08 p.m. 4 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545