Friday, April 1 s t , 2005
2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Room 3902
Dr. Carlson called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m.
Emergency Preparedness Video: In order to develop a college wide
emergency preparedness plan, Dr. Carlson showed the video Academic
Aftershocks. Mac Wright has been working on the development of an
emergency preparedness plan. This video will start the dialog for the process.
Other Business:
Review of Next College Council Meeting: The next College Council
meeting will include a presentation by Dr. Mark Edelstein, President of Diablo
Valley College, who will speak about his experiences with the development of
an emergency preparedness plan and the Northridge (California) Earthquake
that occurred on January 17th, 1994.
The second half of College Council will include a 90-minute presentation by
representatives from KH Consulting on the strategic cost management
process. The meeting is scheduled from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Facilities Management Plan: The Facilities Committee is reaching closure
on the Facilities Master Plan. As a result, the committee is ready to make a
presentation to College Council at an upcoming meeting.
College Governance Process: Dr. Carlson reported that a change in
committee structures would be occurring in April. In accordance with the
governance structure, the committee make-up and appointments for 20052006 will be selected. Committee members will be named and appointed in
April and will segue into next year. Dr. Carlson is asking staff and faculty to
submit to Classified Senate President, Kari McAllister, and to Academic
25555 Hesperian Boulevard.  Hayward CA 94545  Office of the President  (510) 723-6640 or 6641
Senate President, Chad Mark Glen, names of staff and faculty for each
committee. Chad reminded Council that divisions would need to elect their
senators for Academic Senate at respected April 7th division meetings and to
include this topic on their division agendas.
Dr. Carlson reminded the Council that members of various governance
committees would need to meet this summer at least twice. Dr. Carlson is
asking that members be flexible and available with their summer schedules to
accommodate necessary meetings. This will help the committee structure
segue into Fall Semester 2005. Some committees that will benefit from
meeting over summer include IPBC and Facilities Committee. Chad
encouraged committee chairs to schedule summer dates now and to forward
meeting information to Karen Silva and Bella Witt for posting on the Intranet
College Calendar and the governance committee websites so faculty will
have a better opportunity to learn about summer meetings.
Dr. Carlson reported that the College has all the websites up and running for
each college governance committee. The sites include current and past
agendas, meeting minutes, committee representation, and meeting
times/locations. The deadline to post the agenda is 24 hours prior to each
meeting and for minutes, within two days of the last meeting.
Dr. Taylor stated that the District Task Force has received recommendations
for changing GE requirements at both colleges. Each college has agreed
unanimously and a Board Recommendation will be developed. The result of
today’s District Task Force meeting is a 25-unit A.A. Degree effective in 2006.
MacGreagor Wright reported that the Safety and Security Committee
meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m. Attendance
is sporadic due to other commitments campus wide during these meeting
times. As a result, the committee wants input from College Council about
changing the meeting time to College Hour to increase attendance and
include a wider constituent representation.
Melinda Matsuda stated that Wednesday’s meeting of the IPBC included a
discussion about unit plans and IPBC’s role in relationship to what the Budget
Committee is doing and KH’s results and impact. Five to seven of the unit
plans will be reviewed by small teams, and recommendations on efficiency,
revenue-generating factors, or cost-cutting measures will be discussed.
RFP for Digital Copier Equipment and Services: Steve Piatetsky is
working on a RFP for Digital Copier Equipment/Services that includes Chabot
College and the District Office. Las Positas will conduct its own RFP process.
The RFP became available to vendors on Thursday, March 31st. The
proposals will include: 1) Satellite copiers campus wide; 2) Library copiers in
Building 100; 3) Reprographics/Print Shop in Building 3400.
Steve has received a second draft and will be closing that process within a
week. Dr. Carlson referenced an idea that was recently introduced by Steve
about a possible mass purchase paper and forms. Although the College
currently orders large quantities of both from Corporate Express, they should
consider consulting with other vendors for a price reduction. The only current
draw back is where would forms and paper be stored on campus. Dr. Carlson
recommended that a small task force be convened to look into the matter.
Art Gallery Opening: Melinda Matsuda stated that the Art Gallery Gala
Opening, coordinated by Diane Zuliani, was held on March 31st and was a
wonderfully attended event. Chad Mark Glen recommended that the College
use Diane Zuliani’s PFE proposal as a model for how projects can be
successful and get off the ground. Dr. Carlson reported that Susan Gill and
Clara McLean are developing a service-learning project.
Week of the Young Child: Diana Curl mentioned that the College will be
celebrating Week of the Young Child April 4th through 8th. Celebrations will
include a Job Fair and reception that will honor the early childhood
professionals. This is a countywide celebration week.
Meeting Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
Next Meeting: Friday, April 15th, 2005, 2 to 5 p.m., Room 3902.
kls; 4/1/05