M I N U T E S College Council Friday, October 21

College Council
Friday, October 21 s t , 2005
2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Room 3902
Copyright Policy (Dr. Ron Taylor): Dr. Taylor reported that
the District is interested in implementing a copy right
policy. To date, the District has not had a copyright policy
in place in regards to the use of copyrighted materials
inside or outside the classroom. .A draft version of the
copyright policy was distributed.
Web Policy (Dr. Ron Taylor): Dr. Taylor distributed a hand
out of the draft versions of the web policy and copyright
policy. Draft copies of the documents were distributed.
Charlotte Lofft asked Academic Senate not to do anything
on this policy as it needs to be negotiated. It was reported
that the Tech Committee has approved it for further
review by all the governance constituencies. The Senate
needs to review it and provide input, but not necessarily
endorse it. Dr. Carlson said there is a consistent need for
policy on websites, how they look and feel, how it is used,
etc. Dr. Taylor recommended that we take a few weeks to
review it and then respond to it and then make a
recommendation. .
Access and Use of District Property Policy (Dr. Ron
Taylor): This is to resolve questions that come into naming
facilities (i.e., memorials and gift related to it). The Board
Policy, #2313, Naming of Buildings, Facilities and
Memorials, was distributed. Suggestions for changes was
included in the draft hand-out. Corporate giving was left
out of the draft policy. Monetary gift is listed as an
individual donor, not a corporate donor. Dr. Carlson said
his experience in working with the naming of buildings
after living people can provide problems (i.e., ownership).
Political impact to the statement and performance are
some of the concerns Dr. Carlson pointed out. Dr. Taylor
will send out a revised statement via Email. .
25555 Hesperian Boulevard.  Hayward CA 94545  Office of the President  (510) 723-6640 or 6641
4) Smoking Policy/Enforcement (Mac Wright): A postcard with
an ad about the no-smoking policy was distributed by Mac
Wright. A grant, funded by the California Department of
Health Services, provided funds for the printing of the
document. The card also shows a campus map with
designated smoking areas. A postcard with a notice of
Violation Smoking Track Card was distributed. If one
receives this card, they get three warnings, then three
strikes you’re out. We take their school ID and making a
copy of it, and fix it to this card to show how we established
their identity. This is a Smoking Policy Admonition. We
document everything. With only two security officers on duty
at one time, we all, as a community, need to take part in
helping enforce the no smoking policy and smoking only in
designated areas. It is up to Gerald Shimada to decide the
referral after the warnings have been implemented and
exhausted. The policy is the issue of respect. 50 feet is the
buffer zone for the Children’s Center, and offices the buffer
is 20 feet.
Reporting Emergencies and/or Unsafe Situations (Mac
Wright): I encourage your peers and fellow employees
about not to be shy about reporting unsafe situations or
emergencies. If it bothers you, it may be unsafe. The one
to address is medical emergencies – don’t be shy about
calling 911 when it is a medical emergency. If you are
uncertain, contact EMS immediately. Several members of
the classified staff questioned when to call 911, and Mac’s
response is when you are uncertain. Don’t hesitate to call.
The issues of act of violent crimes that are occurring –
don’t make yourself a target and don’t encounter them –
report it. Call Security or 911 and identify yourself,
location, and identify the problem. The Hayward PD
number is (510) 293-7000 (dispatcher for file and police).
Our updated webpage will include this information on how
to report an emergency. Dr. Carlson recommended that
we have a meeting with faculty and staff and teach them
how to identify an emergency and how to respond. He
recommends that we call 911 soon. We need to identify
how to handle a student who has gotten abusive or has
gotten out of hand in your classroom. Keep the decision
making as easy as possible. The PD will call Campus
Safety once they receive the 911 call to confirm and/or
advise about the emergency. If something is strange or
doesn’t seem quite right, call Campus Safety for
Parking Policy, Issuing Temporary Permits, Citations, and
Administrative Review Process (Mac Wright): We do have
a parking policy and every member is entitled to a parking
space, and please post your permits because we get a lot
of complaints that we are not out there doing their job. We
do go through the lots and patrol. Mac stated that
Security must pay when citations are voided in the
appeals process. It has to be dismissed by law by a
hearing officer, but Mac cannot dismiss a citation. The
temporary permit, goldenrod permits, once you put a date
on it, it cannot exceed seven days and expires after seven
days. People who have events and want their parking fee
waived, we have enough of that going on and it reduces
our parking net income by 10% if we do that on a regular
basis. Very rarely do we isolate a lot. If we have Email
authorization, we cannot run off parking permits on a
printer, those things are effective. The parking lot is a
self-entity, and the costs of permits helps maintain the lot.
We must maintain a certain revenue flow.
Protective Orders for Students & Employees (Mac Wright):
This came up when a student who got arrested for an
offense, went to court, plead to a charge was placed at a
criminal order placed for three years and can’t come to CC
or LPC, and couldn’t contact the victim. What it didn’t say
was that it couldn’t call the campus. This person was very
demanding, rude, and threatening in tone, but not in words.
What can we do – we can document that – the minute they go
over a certain level, we’re waiting for the DA to see if the
judge wants to amend their order by “phoning the campus” –
a civil restraining order”. If you are aware of a TRO, please
advise Campus Safety. This will be include in the website – if
you have a protective order and you are a protected party
and the school is named, let Campus Safety have a copy –
we can supply the police department with a copy of the TRO.
We will put them under lock and key. This is especially with
domestic violence orders. If it’s not written down, it is not
Other Business:
College Transfer Day – Jane Church reported that
Sandra Genera is enthusiastically planning and
organizing College Transfer Day set for November
3 r d in the Student Center. We are expecting 30 plus
reps. from colleges and universities in the area.
We are gearing up for Mega Day, Early Decision for
the High School Students in the Spring. We have a
kick-off in the fall for the high school liaisons and
will be taking place on November 9 t h . We will talk
about financial aid and outreach.
Four Workshops on Strategic Cost Management
(SCM) workgroups: Melinda reported that we are
looking at four areas in Student Services. Judy is
reviewing the fees; Diana Curl is reviewing the
Children’s Center; we are contacting LPC; and we
are looking at International Student Program with
LPC; we are looking at a web package for
international students who want to come to the US,
and we are guaranteed a certain number of hits.
Jane has produced a document on counseling.
Some many of these things are long range. We
need an outcome report by November 1 s t . This is
the only thing that is firm, although it’s not quite as
firm as it appears. Right now they are trying to
organize a SCM task force that will look at what
comes out of these committee reports and we will
go through them and prioritize them and provide
action. Dr. Taylor has convened a group to review
process and right-sizing. Cross-instruction and
cross-listing is being looked at. Dr. Carlson has the
efficiency group and has already met twice. They
will meet two more times. Our first assignment was
to come in prepared to talk from our sense what
are ideas for saving money – how can we save
money and do things better and more efficient.
Electrifying our paperwork processes is the first.
Rachel Ugale and John McHugh attended the
second meeting and provided information on the
type of forms that the campus uses and how can
those documents be made available electronically.
The key strategy is we don’t do the whole world at
once – we do it. We will now go through the KH list
and identify the top 3 to 5 items that are important
and good ideas, discuss them at the third meeting
nest Tuesday and formulate our list of things we
enhancements. The final meetings will include
drafting statements and information behind those
so we can identify what we are talking about. We
have our 20 own items on them, and we will create
another 10 or 15 with 30 items total. Some of the
issues include electronic evaluation of faculty and
staff, electronic purchasing, in house legal
counsel. We will be done November 1 s t , but will
take a little longer to compile the information. Bob
Curry has most of his things done, and his group
has met. He has a list of revenue enhancements
and includes 15 items or so. All four committees
are moving toward their conclusion. Chad reported
that Title III has had a workgroup convened by Dr.
Carlson and the preliminary theme is fragmentation
to integration. We are working on a Title III grant
and that is the direction we are heading in. If you
have ideas, Jessie Amato is the person to contact
with ideas about what might be integrated into Title
III. Jessie will work with Patricia Shannon and
Cindy Hicks has been participating in writing it.
Other faculty included Dr. Carolyn Arnold, Tram
Vo-Kumamoto. If you know someone thinking about
a project, refer them to one of these key faculty
Jane Church 0 the new schedule is out and it’s
PsychCounseling has new ads and it looks readable and
lively and interesting.
Night Duty: We need to put things in this envelope that
is helpful. There are a lot of keys in there and I’ve asked
what those keys go to. The Dispatcher has included the
code sheet. It was recommended that there be training
about basic duties for evening and Saturday duty. We
will review what it’s in the packet and see what you
need, Dr. Carlson reported. Things like disruption in the
classroom will be covered in the training.
Meeting Adjournment.
Next Meeting: Friday, November 4 t h , 2 p.m. Room 3902.