COLLEGE COUNCIL Special Joint Meeting of IPBC, Academic/Faculty Senate and Classified Senate Friday, March 10 t h , 2006 2 to 3:30 p.m. • Board Room DRAFT M I N U T E S President Carlson called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. 1) Budget Discussion: Dr. Carlson distributed the current copy of the proposed program reductions. If approved today by the College Council, the proposal will be forwarded to the Board of Trustee for review at their March 21 s t meeting. The Ad Hoc Committee met five times over five days and interviewed staff and students affected by proposed budget cuts, and/or they expressed concerns over the budget and program cuts. The Committee deliberated on Wednesday afternoon, March 8 t h , to make their recommendations to President Carlson. After lengthy discussion, these recommendations came down to three that are reflected in the document distributed at College Council today. Changes on Program Reductions (page one) have been edited under comments, and included a recommendation for the suspension of ISLS rather than the original proposed “elimination”. This change reflects placing ISLS in the program revitalization process. Staff expressed concerns that it was unclear if the TV Station would remain open (it would support the MCOM broadcast curriculum). One suggestion included that it be used in other ways to benefit the College and for staff development, mock interviews, interview classes, and similar examples. A concern is there is not enough time allocated to staffing to satisfy these concerns. The decision was to make it clear that the station is still open for broadcast curriculum, but to discontinue broadcasting distance education. Dr. Carlson stated that what the Ad Hoc Committee does not know is that after the meeting, he examined the budget and about $4,000 was set aside to pay staff for broadcast curriculum. They are splitting a position with a stage helper in the Theater, and 40% in the TV studio, a one-person position. There will be an attempt to maintain the studio for other things like staff development and student support. Terrance Thompson and Brenda Carr, Employment Career Center, made presentations and their concern was maintaining the services. 25555 Hesperian Boulevard Hayward CA 94545 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 or 723-6641 FAX (510) 723-7126 College Council Minutes th, Friday, March 10 2006 Some of the services will be assigned to other areas within Student Services. Reassigned time was the topic of greatest concern. The proposal is now stated “Return faculty coordinators to teaching assignments”. It was originally cut $90,000, and is now cut to $21,513, as a result of changes. Excess funds of $70,000 became available and budget reductions were lessened by that amount. The committee chose to put that into reassigned time now costing $21,513. One anomaly needing addressing is that we originally were mandated to cut $1.4 million; however in reconfiguring numbers, the grand total is now $1,372,300. Dr. Carlson has contacted Chancellor Cota to advise about the proposed changes and new figure to be cut. Chancellor Cota will advise if the cuts should be made at a higher amount. The only changes in the revised proposed document include a few editorial changes within the text. Part of the process of the second review included bringing in the Ad Hoc Committee to provide a final review. Once the committee completed its work, the intention was to have another governance group like College Council review it before forwarding it to the March 21 s t Board Meeting. During the meeting, Dr. Carlson invited people to ask questions or express concerns. As no questions or concerns were forwarded, the Council gave approval to forwarding the proposal to Chancellor Cota for review at the March 21 s t Board. Michael Absher clarified one item that came up during the Ad Hoc Committee that was on the student fee proposal (not a change the Ad Hoc Committee recommended, but a clarification of the terms). There is an item that says implement banner online with a cost of $10. This is a fee structured around using credit cards to pay for registration fees, a registration fee allowing one to use a credit card (when going online). By consensus, the Council approved the budget reductions proposal. Chabot student trustee, Renato Ramento, spoke about a petition signed by 375 students about program cuts and closure. The petition stated, “What programs do you think are important to Chabot College students? The following programs are in danger of being closed, suspended, changed or cut back due to upcoming budget reductions. We are urging Chabot students to voice their support of these programs, and show their opposition towards the negative impact the budget reductions will bring. By signing one of these petitions, you are acknowledging that the program is being used by students, and is an important part of this 2 College Council Minutes th, Friday, March 10 2006 campus. Programs affected include: Athletics Advising, Design Technology, Health Information Technology, Dental Hygiene, Digital Media, Children’s Center, Instructional Computer Support, ISLS, TV Station, Employment and Career Center, Tutorials/WRAC Center, and Quest Program.” Renato stated that the petition expressed the opinions of students and identify the importance of the programs. Renato asked President Carlson to consider the students because they are greatly affected by programs being cut or discontinued. Dr. Carlson stated that this budget cut is a mandate so if we do not close a program, another program would have to be cut. Those students in programs affected by cuts will be referred to other classes on campus, and no ISLS student is being cut out of classes. Dr. Carlson offered to meet in his office Renato to discuss concerns. 2) Meeting Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Friday, March 17 t h , 2006, 2 p.m., Board Room (please submit agenda item(s) by 9 a.m., Thursday, March 16 t h ). kls 3/10/06 3