Minutes of January 26, 2006, noon Chabot Facilities Committee

Chabot Facilities Committee
Minutes of January 26, 2006, noon
In attendance:
Dr. Bob Carson, Bob Curry, Steve DePrato, Darrell Dolin, Bruce Mayer, Marge Maloney, Jeannine
Methe, Tim Steele (TS), Gordon Watt, Wayne Phillips, Dale Wagoner, Linnea Wahamaki, Wanda
The meeting began at 12:05 pm
Bond measure update: Craig Fernandez, DMJM, could not attend. TS distributed his update and briefly
discussed it. Please see following page.
Dr. Carlson added to the update by giving an overview of the central plant. He noted that the current idea is
to use the weight room. Dr. Carlson would like to also investigate the use of solar energy on campus; he
noted that CSUEB is currently looking into it and LPC is also considering its application.
Dr. Carlson also brought up the issue that costs have seen huge increases of between 7-9% in the past
years since the bond was approved. Unfortunately, the bond measure built in an assumption of 3% yearly
increases, typical up to the time the measure was authored. This rapid increase will only provide 2/3rds of
the purchasing power. The response will need to be to either reduce the program and/or accelerate design
and construction.
To that end, the student center and the instructional office building will need to be built simultaneously. This
will affect up to 100 people’s offices, current conference rooms, the geography lab, and the large lecture hall
in Building 600. Faculty will need to be housed in the butler building and in portables, or even housed
temporarily in building 300 or 500. He also noted that we will need to transition to afternoon classes much
Dr. Carlson went on to say that the next phase of work will include building 300 and 1800. Bruce Meyer
asked if the rumor that only some offices would be upgraded was true. Dr. Carlson responded that ultimately
all faculty offices will be upgraded.
Discussion of Founders Circle Design, G. Famous, Architect: The group reviewed the proposed design for
founders circle. Architect George Famous prepared the design pro bono. The following observations were
• The lighting of the plaques could be better.
• TS noted that the tip of the angular wall layout was oriented to the visitor and did not guide the visitor
towards the campus
• The flagpoles seem too close together for standard flags, but might be acceptable for banners.
• Dr. Carlson noted that he liked the circle and that a nice grate could be added at its center.
• TS noted that much of the potential area for commemorative pavers is blocked by the wall; he also
noted that a great deal of cutting would be needed to make the current paving work. If kept
rectangular, it would be less expensive.
Dr. Carlson suggested that TS work with George Famous to further the discussion about this design.
The meeting adjourned at 12:45 P.M.