Chabot Facilities Committee Minutes of March 9, 2006, noon

Chabot Facilities Committee
Minutes of March 9, 2006, noon
In attendance:
Mike Absher, Robert Carlson, Robert Curry, Steve DaPrato, Tim Dave,Darrell Dolin,
Craig Fernandez, Cindy Hicks, Scott Hildreth, Deborah Lorritt (Spectator), Marge
Maloney, Bruce Mayer, Jeannine Methe, Cory Morrison, Wayne Phillips, Eloy Retamal,
Tim Steele, Katehrine Tollefsen, Rachel Ugale, Dale Wagoner, Linnea Wahamaki,
Gordon Watt, Judy Wright, MacGreagor R. Wright, Wanda Wong
The meeting began at 12:05pm
Budget and Construction Schedule Issues:
Craig Fernandez (CF) vintroduced Eloy Retamal, CLPCCD Deputy Program Director. Mr.
Retamal PowerPoint Presentation giving an over of the economic forces affecting the
construction costs over the past two years. He noted that construction cost have recently risen
rapidly; reducing purchasing power of the bond. Mr. Retamal showed graphic comparing previous
estimate for cost inflator (3% per year for yrs), to current real market conditions, which showed a
major jump in the last year. He showed a graph of SF construction cost index which showed an a
significant historical jump at about 2003, the same year the bond measure was passed. The
inflation for 2005-2006 was 7%; the estimate for future work is 5% per year.
Some of the causes for this is that demand pressure includes construction in China, other Bay
Area Community College bond measures, and the reconstruction work in New Orleans.
Higher inflation results in a "Loss of Purchasing Power" of about $278M. The bottom line for our
bond measure is the voters approved $497M worth of projects, the cost is now projected to be
$775M. Bond Base Value were set in September, 2003.
Dr. Carlson Commented that it was impossible to project some of the market forces affecting
Chabot’s work. These include China deciding to build 3 entire cities from scratch which drove up
costs of almost all building supplies; especially steel and gypsum. He also noted that out of state
builders to NOT like to work in CA due the high costs associated with CA regulations. Dr. Carlson
said market forces require that Chabot Scale-Back the scope of the project
Various strategies were proposed to improve the situation. These included:
--- accelerate the program from 7yrs to 5yrs
-- maximize number of projects that qualify for funding from other sources
-- minimize future loss of purchasing power by bundling projects to make them more attractive to
-- manage stakeholder expectations
-- reduced the scope of work on most projects; for example, rather than Gut & Remodel; many
buildings will have a more moderate remodel regimen
-- defer some projects.
Craig Fernandez distributed a chart with the recommended budgets for various projects. He
noted that we are losing over $7 Million per month to inflation. Everyone needs to be flexible in
their actions, and tolerant of changes and/or reduced-scope
Things that must be addressed quickly include complete program definition documents. Dr.
Carlson suggested having some 2-day, all-day meetings to quickly complete the program
definition docs.
Craig Fernandez outlined the proposed schedule of work ahead:
-- dec06 : pool done
-- May07 : planetarium work started, new tennis court
-- Aug07 : starting hydronic loop for central Heat/Cool plant
-- Nov07 : athletic fields done, tennis courts progressing
-- Jan08 : starting demo for the new gateway bldg, reworking parking lot
Chabot Facilities Committee
Minutes of March 9, 2006, noon
-- May08 : gateway bldg, and instruction office bldg well underway
-- Aug09 : planetarium done, work starts on athletic "complex"
-- Nov 08 : east side of campus in the midst of heavy construction; 4 classroom bldgs not
available during this time; will need to have classes on the campus west side in the
-- Feb09 : instructional office bldg done, 3 classroom bldgs done, bldg 1400 moving into butler
-- May09 : most reconstruction shifts to west side of campus
-- Nov09 : student access ctr done, PE complex complete, bldg100 going out of service
-- Feb10 : most projects done, library under renovation
-- May10 : work starts on performing arts center
-- Aug10 : working on grand court
-- Feb11 : All work complete
TTS asks for copies of CF's presentation. Dr. Carlson suggested we keep this PRELIMINARY
information with the college. He also asked that everyone on the committee help the broader
college community to understand the need-for and nature-of the changes. Dr. Carlson noted that
priorities could change as the members of the college Board of directors changes. Even, perhaps,
another bond issue might be submitted to the voters
S. Hildreth asked about the priority for renovation of bldgs 1700 & 1800. Dr. Carlson noted that
there may be state funding for these bldgs.
T. Steele asked how operational savings; e.g., reduced energy use, might affect project costs. CF
said that while this was a possibility, we probably should not count on this deferring construction
costs. Dr. Carlson suggested that more work needs to be done to improve energy efficiency Dr.
Carlson will build our structures to the "Silver" level of building-sustainability. Certification of
"Silver" level done by Leadership in Energy and Design Sustainability (LEDS). WWong noted
that, for bldg 2000, larger offices will mean FEWER offices
T. Steele asked about how inflators apply to the MSExcel spreadsheet. CF said the inflators were
built in. TTS was concerned about loss of purchasing power due to inflation. CF the cost model
includes money for portable bldgs; line-40 on the spreadsheet. Dr. Carlson noted that this
reduction needs to be absorbed by the space in the new instructional office bldg. Dr. Carlson:
Long terms plans call for 18k students eventually
CF suggested that committee members pick up hardcopies of Program Def docs for
-- PE facility
-- Student Access Center
-- Planetarium
TTS noted the next mtg will be 23Mar
TTS Adjourned the meeting at about 1:30p