FACILITIES COMMITTEE MINUTES June 28, 2007 12:00 pm, Room 1506 In attendance:

June 28, 2007
12:00 pm, Room 1506
In attendance: Ron Taylor (RT), Gordon Watt (GW), Robert Carlson (RC), Mike Seaton (MS),
Dale Wagoner (DW), Doug Horner (DH), Bob Collins (BC), Farhad Javaheripour (FJ), Sally
Jahnke (SJ)
Itemized List Discussion:
DH distributed agenda and led project discussion. Minutes were distributed and discussed.
The following points were made:
Item 5: MS and GW expressed concerns over wiring termination responsibilities.
Item 8: DH noted that significant over budget issues in Central Plant had stalled this project.
Determination of Central Plant location key to moving forward. RC also has concerns about
some items in most recent proposal. Forwarding those to DW.
Item 10: WW asked about the move of building 300/500 classrooms to 1600 – see item #30.
Bldgs. 300/500 will move out in June of 2008.
Item 11: Significantly over budget. Architect in process of providing options for bringing scope of
plan within budget.
Item 14: Awaiting information from Steve Piatetsky to complete setup of room 508.
Item 15: Office standard setup is still in 1826. Proposal was discussed to break down the set up
and move to the Green Room in bldg. 1200 (1232?). Kent Knight of Dovetail to be charged with
effecting this out come.
Item 22: Kent Knight identified as the campus resource point person as District FFE consultant.
He is available for discussions on FF&E issues, and should be utilized.
Item 23: GW still concerned about phone/electrical out of demolition of bldg. 600. This effects
entire SE quadrant of campus infrastructure. This needs to be addressed.
Item 25: State Chancellor’s office will notify in the Fall on status of funding. Highly dependant on
the legislature for resolution of budget.
Lecture Hall Standards
RC expressed concerns over the lack of an agreed to College standard for lecture hall
configuration. The Design and programming of bldg. 1900 and 800, which contain lecture halls is
moving forward absent some College-wide agreements. RC wants to see this resolved ASAP.
DH recommended ad-hoc lecture hall group. RC thought this good idea, but felt professional
input would be needed. FJ recommended using Instructional Design research that is in place.
RC volunteered FJ to get that material and information together. DW would try to identify a group
of interested users of lecture halls.
End of Meeting