October 9, 2008 12 Noon, Room 1506

October 9, 2008
12 Noon, Room 1506
In attendance: See attached sheets
Special Reports
A. Accreditation-Facilities Standard
JoAnn Galliano presented a report from the meeting on Convocation day
surrounding Standard III of the College Accreditation process surrounding
Facilities. She presented issues and concerns presented at the Convocation day
meeting to the larger Facilities Committee. Primary concern was under issue of
communication and dissemination of information. It was obvious that
communication and dissemination were areas the College needed to be aware of,
and work toward addressing. The Committee felt that the issue was more an
identification of forums and venues for people to gather information vs. a lack of
communication by the Committee. Any individual has access to the Committee
and the decisions and recommendations of the Facilities Committee. It was
agreed that a better job needed to be done by Committee members in general
and by the College as a whole to point people to the forums available to gather
that information. Doug Horner indicated he would ensure that he communicated
with the Deans on Measure B concerns, and that perhaps the Deans could pass
this information forward in divisions. Discussion also ensued regarding issues
outside of Measure B. Since the current focus is within Measure B, and very few
outside issues arose, these were not specifically addressed at this time.
B. Budget Process for Measure B
Doug Horner laid out the proposal for the funding of the remaining Measure B
projects to the Committee based on the discussions that occurred at the last
meeting, and the wider input that he had received from across campus and from
College and District leadership. It was agreed that 1700/1800 should be funded
and the following projects would have either budgets removed or diminished to
meet the shortfall…Bldg. 200, Bldg. 100 project, Instructional office space; bldgs.
1100, 1500, & 2000. Bldgs. 1400 and 1600 would be combined to attempt to
elicit savings within those projects. All other projects would be fully funded.
Chabot College
Facilities and Sustainability Committee Minutes
October 9, 2008
Pg. 2
Project Status Update
Doug Horner discussed current status of ongoing projects. He also disseminated
a quarterly report that had a 6 quarter “look ahead” on the current through
projected status of projects over the next 1.5 years. He indicated he would
update this quarterly and bring to facilities as another communication tool, relative
to discussions above. Recommendations were made to add the quarterly look
ahead to the Facilities Committee minutes website.
Rumor Control
Extensive discussion also occurred regarding Security project on campus. There
seemed to be a lack of understanding of this project, and more information will be
forthcoming on this to the Committee.
Good of the Order
End of Meeting
Chabot College