April 29 - May 5, 2008 Newspapers

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News From Around Ohio
Weekly News and Opinion from Ohio's
April 29 - May 5, 2008
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News From Around Ohio
Official promoting city's cheap land, ample aid (The
Plain Dealer, April 30, 2008) A Cleveland official
unveiled new promotions and programs Tuesday
aimed at helping new and old businesses grow by
spreading the word about the City's cheap land and
great deals.
Ohio Casino Backers Get Money from Minnesota
Firm (The Plain Dealer, May 1, 2008) ColumbusBackers of a proposed $600 million casino resort in
southwestern Ohio announced Wednesday that they
are getting money from a Minnesota company founded
by a man who has won $1.5 million in poker
tournaments since the early 1990s.
Editorial: City Attitude Doesn't Help Turnaround
(Toledo Blade, May 1, 2008) Two recent Blade stories
demonstrate an attitude that will certainly prevent
Toledo from improving its present circumstance.
Ohio's minority Growth Offsets Population Loss
(The Plain Dealer, May 1, 2008) A Plain Dealer
analysis of new census data found that minority
communities surged in size in Ohio this decade,
helping to offset population losses and secure Ohio's
position as America's seventh-largest state.
Research Ban Would Hurt Ohio (Cincinnati Enquirer,
May 1, 2008) A bill being considered in the Ohio
Senate, meant to ban human cloning, would do far
more than that. It would weaken the state's push,
through its new economic stimulus package, to attract
top biomedical researchers.
All Options Open for School Reform, Fisher
Promises (Toledo Blade, May 2, 2008) All options will
be considered when Gov. Ted Strickland takes up
education reform next year, Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher said
yesterday during an interview with The Blade.
Editorial: Stark County Businesses Need to Place
More Focus on Exporting Their Products (Canton
Repository, May 3, 2008) With the announcement that
Volkswagen was not going to settle into Stark County,
what will happen next? We are already upon the
threshold of a distressing local economy.
25 Years of Ideas, Growth (Akron Beacon Journal,
May 4, 2008) Akron Global Business Accelerator is a
national role model and a key to driving local
development and is 1 of 2 finalists for innovation
Editorial: Keeping College Graduates in Ohio
(Athens Messenger, May 4, 2008) Whether it is
because of dwindling jobs in various fields or specific
hindrances such as the high rates of medical insurance
for Ohio doctors, the general consensus among a
number of these new alumni is that beyond the erudite
grounds at Ohio's universities, all other walks of life
lead elsewhere.
Strickland Signs Hybrid Energy Bill (Toledo Blade,
May 2, 2008) The law, which will take effect in three
months, also seeks to make Ohio a major player in
wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources.
Venture Fund Invests $4 Million (Cincinnati Enquirer,
May 5, 2008) Two downtown Cincinnati venture funds
have invested $4 million in a young suburban
Cleveland company in the emerging market of
matching corporations with new ideas.
Editorial: Enact Strong Lending Reform (Cincinnati
Enquirer, May 5, 2008) The House's unexpectedly
tough reform sets a 28 percent APR cap on loans, bars
additional fees, and limits the number and size of loans
a consumer can take out.
Edited and compiled by: Molly Schnoke, Center for Civic Education, Maxine Goodman
Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University
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