Chabot College Classified Senate MINUTES Friday, April 18, 2013 12:00 PM – 12:00 AM Room 455 2012-13 2010-11 Classified Classified Senate Senate Governing Governing Council Council EE X X EE C CU U TT II V V EE B BO OA AR RD D Yvonne Wu Craig Gordon Watt President President Meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. GordonWu-Craig Watt Yvonne Vice Vice President President The Minutes for September 2012, January 2013, February 2013, and March 2013 were approved. Grant Office ChabotDevelopment Computer Support Computer Support Grant Development Christie Verarde Isabel Braunstein Secretary Secretary President’s Report • There have been no DBSG meeting since allocation has been approved. Social MediaScience Services Rosie Mogle Treasurer Administrative Services Gordon Watt Kari McAllister Immediate Past President • At the recent Board Meeting Building 2100 was discussed. Chabot presented their case for remediation because of fumes from cadavers. The board approved immediate measures to make the cadaver room safer but also discussed taking out 2000 and moving those offices to the IOB, then creating a new science building in its place. There is the possibility of changing the vacated space to a parking lot. • The California Early Childhood Mentor Program, which originally started at Chabot in 1988 but has been housed at S.F. City College for the last several years, is coming back home to Chabot in August 2013. This will create new classified positions. There will be more on that as those positions will be approved at a later board meeting. ComputerArts Support Performing Center AD V ISOR - SE IU AD V ISOR - SE IU Susan Sperling Catherine Chabot CollegePowell President School of the Arts Catherine Powell School of the Arts SENAT OR S SENAT OR S ACADEMIC SERVICES ACADEMIC SERVICES Catherine Gentiluomo Catherine Gentiluomo Health & Natural Sciences HealthDebra & Natural Sciences Kling Catherine LanguagePowell Arts School of the Arts Cheryl Sannebeck Cheryl Sannebeck Social Sciences SocialWitt Sciences Bella Chasity Whiteside President’s Office Science & Mathematics ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SERVICES Nate Moore Steve Stevenson Campus Safety Bookstore Tatiana Diaz Tatiana Diaz Mail Room Mail Room Shirley Dazhan Gregory Campus Correa Safety • • Maintenance Operations Gregory&Correa Betty Castaño Maintenance & Operations Maintenance Operations STUDENT & SERVICES STUDENT SERVICES Trisha Avila Katrin Field Financial Aid Assessment Stacy Moore Stacey Moore Counseling Counseling Sylvia Ramirez Luis Montañez EOPS Campus Safety Judy Wright Karen Metcalf Admissions & Records Assessment Learning Skills Institutional LanguageResearch Arts Chasity JoAnn Whiteside Cerefice Language Applied Tech & Arts Business Karen Metcalf Michelle Iriarte Language Arts CalWORKS Nate Moore Campus Safety SEIU Report No report Committee Reports (See end of minutes) • Decision/Discussion Items Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Susan Sperling Yvonne welcomed Dr. Sperling indicating, “How nice it is to begin and end the year with you.” The topics on classified radar are: Classified Retreat Chatter about the Staff Lounge The Reorganization Plan Dr. Sperling: I welcome any thoughts or questions. Please fill me in. REPRESENT AT IVES Rajinder Samra Debra Kling Secretary/Treasurer Report No reports • Counseling Katrin Field Lisa Carlsen Vice President’s Report The nominees for open classified positions have been finalized. The vote will take place the second Tuesday of next month. Chabot College Classified Senate Yvonne: There were recurring themes such as advancement and training opportunities. What steps can we take to look at advancement opportunities? Susan: “So much has been shut down during the recession. We are in crisis-driven management. There is impoverishment of professional development, period. Classified professionals and faculty staff pretty impoverished.” She suggests it could be a good opportunity to create more structure and notes the possibility of a kick off forum in order to get a sense of needs and possibilities. She requests our input regarding the process to begin this discussion. Staff comments: 1. Staff development has taken place involuntarily through us taking on so much more than our jobs. 2. Managers and staff look at what we are doing now. 3. People have taken on coordination positions, usually reserved for faculty. Can we grow positions or create new positions to offer upper level classified positions? 4. The work done in relation to the union’s Class and Compensation Study has been put on the back burner. We would like it brought forward. People talked about what they did, putting a lot of effort in reporting and nothing has been done. Could we revisit the study? 5. Stacy noticed the reduced qualifications for some jobs. Some are only requiring a 12th grade education. Susan: Planning, strategizing and advocacy can get something rolling. It’s a labor - management issue, and cuts across all areas of the district. We can lean into it and supply pressure from here. Create a sub-committee with union rep or reps, Senate President, College President, and the Vice Presidents, and talk to district to apply pressure into getting it moving. Susan: This summer administrative staff will take a two- day retreat and will do a preliminary functional mapping of the college including administration and classified. We have gone from 24 to 14 Administrators. Not that it’s the first business but- what are the classified numbers? It’s not a retreat to decide, but to create suggestions with FTEF’s and FTE’s and what classified need to be there. Could be reorganization for classified staff that have the qualifications. What we come up with there will be sent as a draft to classified, faculty, PBRC, and College Council. Yvonne: Classified staff needs to do our prioritizing and our perspective might fall through the cracks if we don’t bring forward what we need. Then we can have a task force filled with administration and classified together. Susan: What are the missing links? Talk to the larger group, the senate, who should be on the task force to bear down and affect the pressure. Then we can have a set of recommendations that are born organically and then we do advocacy in our various areas. Let’s talk about reprioritizing the bond measure and the reclassification study. Getting appropriate classification for our employees is important and we have to move it forward. Faculty probably not needed to be involved in classified reorganization and classification. Comment: Some administrators are just comfortable about how it’s going and don’t want to change instead of being embarrassed. Susan: They might say - I don’t want to stir this pot it might get some dirt on me, but administrators are paid to get dirt on themselves and to take some risks. It’s a culture shift in some ways. She feels that there has been some improvement. Building 100 will be appropriately renovated and there will be a new Building 2100. Team players go the extra mile and then folks get used to it. If you put what’s in your job description on one line, and then what you are doing on another line, people would be amazed. Comment: 1. We work to make it better for the students. 2. That was the reclassification study – we have done that and nothing changed because it was put in the trash. “Other duties as assigned” is good and bad as a catch all. Things are falling through the cracks not because of folks not doing their work, but because there is too much to do. Now with prop 30 we have more money. Union will be showing a slide show of what is falling through the cracks. Greg went to union meeting instead of going to Board Meeting . He states that building 1800 is a problem; we don’t have enough man power. Chabot College Classified Senate Yvonne: At the classified retreat --- Chabot employees said we want to change our image to reflect it as the place to be. LPC calls us the ghetto college. We need maintenance people to get hired back. We need team strategies to change our image. We need to promote our success stories. Often high schools don’t promote Chabot College as a first choice. HPN wants to set high expectations but they are stepping over us. We are on the state and national map. We are praised over the state and nation but not in our own neighborhood. We need marketing to get our good face out. Susan: No development office, no outreach? A college our size? This function must be done by people who know what they are doing. Sharing about our successes. Half the city council went to Chabot. There are many high profile alums of Chabot. Comment: What about PSA’s or an Open House? Yvonne: STAFF LOUNGE. All the sudden it was changed. It caught us by surprise. What was the process? What is going to happen to it? What will happen to it later? Comment: I read about the Bird nests for days but on the subject of the staff lounge - nothing. Greg: I heard about it when I went to paint it. They knocked down the walls and no communication as to what would happen and by what date. Gordon: I heard at a facilities meeting. There was talk but it happened so quickly. The wall came down because it was illegal in the first place. Comment: There is space in 200 but there is a better room in 700 but only people in 700 have a key. Susan: I see disfunction. We needed a temporary student space. But to not have the process of communication with affected parties is a problem. Some might see have seen it as empty but if you are part of the group that uses it, it’s different. Gordon: It was brought up at the facilities committee. Susan: I will look at how we can tighten that up and maybe the Facilities Committee is the place. Not just spending of bond money B but long range plans. Comment: Where did the money for knocking the wall down come from? Gordon: The project was to give them a new facility, and funding for swing space is part of that. This is similar to redoing the cadaver room for biology. Part of that money is for finding a serviceable place in the meantime. Question: Will you access what are the charges of each committee? Susan: – Yes. Facilities Committee needs a new set of charges. Swinerton is now over all the district facilities not just Chabot. This is a chance for somebody to step up. Question: What is the process to reclaim the space after it is no longer needed by DSPS? Susan: Facilities is the place. I don’t know that there have been any decisions made. People rush in like locust when a space is made available. It’s like survival of the pushiest. Matt had a good idea for the space and it should be brought forward. Question: 700 building room opened? Could it be? Susan: Classified professionals that want to use that space should be able to. Building 200’s space is dark but available. Union meeting could happen there in 700. I will talk to Gerald about opening that room to all classified. Chasity: – Facilities Committee would be the place to discuss it. Some classified are not able to participate in committees. So there is not as much representation as we would like. We have to have folks reach out to us. Yvonne:- Classified Senate members on committees please communicate when you hear something that would affect all of us. Greg: The presidential lounge isn’t used? 200 is drab and there could be some work done on it. Susan: – Thank you for the invitation, and please forward me the minutes of this discussion in order to check in with you regarding progress on these items. ASCC Spring Fair and Dunk Tank: Andrea Preciado Andrea indicated that April 23rd is the first annual spring festival. ASCC offered it as community building and an end of the year celebration. Officer Moore will again be dunked as he generates a lot of revenue. It would be great if Classified Senate partnered with us again. Let’s continue that Chabot College Classified Senate tradition. Yvonne noted the closeness of the date and asked about sharing revenue and help needed for the event. Andrea asked our help to recruit Officer Moore. Senate will get part of the proceeds to support our scholarship, and students will do the organizing. It was suggested that the organizers contact Betty at M&O for setting up the water in the area. M&O can be there at 5:00 in the morning. Maybe do it later in the day so the water has a chance to warm up. Classified election updates: Debra Kling Lots of people were nominated and lots declined. Here are the results: President: Yvonne Wu-Craig Vice President: Catherine Powell and Gordon Watt Secretary: Michelle Irarte and Christie Verarde Treasury: Rosie Mogle (who is on vacation) Senators: Cheryl Sannebeck, Rachel Tuper-Eoff, and Yvonne Wu-Craig. Not Debra Administrative Services: Tatiana Diaz, Rosie Mogle There was nothing for the good of the order. Meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m. Upcoming Meeting Dates: May 17, June 20 Meetings are located in room 455 Committee Reports: Because of other business, committee reports were tabled until next meeting. 1. Academic Policy Council - Edna Danaher 2. ASCC – David Rigunay 3. Basic Skills Committee – Michelle Iriarte 4. College Budget Committee – Rosie Mogle 5. College Council- Yvonne Wu Craig, Cheryl Sannebeck, Gordon Watt 6. College Enrollment Management Committee (CEMC) – Chasity Whiteside 7. Committee On Online Learning - Karen Metcalf 8. District Budget Study Group – Yvonne Wu Craig 9. Facilities – Gordon Watt, Nate Moore 10. Health & Safety - Nate Moore, Christie Verarde 11. Planning, Review & Budget Committee - Yvonne Wu Craig, Catherine Powell, Gordon Watt 12. Staff Development - Catherine Powell 13. Technology Committee – Chasity Whiteside, Gordon Watt 14. Bookstore Advisory Committee – Chasity Whiteside