Chabot College Classified Senate Minutes Classified Senate September 20th, 2013 Attended: Gordon Watt,Chasity Whiteside, Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Noell Adams, Heather Hernandez, Catherine Powell, Steve Stevenson, K Metcalf, Debra Kling, Cheryl Sannebeck, Christie Verarde 1. Welcome/ Call to Order 12:12 Yvonne and Rosie are not here because they are on a hiring committee that is meeting at this time. 2. Approval of Minutes July minutes were looked at but it was decided to table approval until changes were made. 3.&4. Presidents/Vice President’s Report PRBC meets every other Wednesday and is looking for classified personnel to join them. They are especially looking for student service representatives. They meet from 12 – 2. Please consider it. Gordon can’t be the representative anymore because he is not officially an employee of Chabot. He is now considered a District employee. Introductions were made all around the room in honor of our visiting student representative. 3rd Friday of the month is when Classified meets. Meetings are now normally in the board room, except when unavailable. 5. Treasurer’s Report/ Secretary’s Report: Rosie’s budget refers to plaques purchased. The plaques were purchased ahead of time because the company won’t be offering them anymore and it was thought it would be good to get them now with this particular company because they already have the set up for the logo. If we did it later with a different company we would be charged a set up fee. So, we have them now for the next 9 years. Budget Report In the co-curricular account we have $3,713.19. The general funds we have $130 in supply account in the general fund. Deductions from payroll to co-curricular account are $100.00 per month and next month it will be $105 from payroll deductions. Expenses: 0.00 Frames and engraving for Carlson Award $198.29 Carlson Award $500.00 Food for Classified Senate $66.64 $764.93 Budget Committee They met on September 10, 2013 Budget Committee was asked to look at Bond grid for item that did not belong on bond. District found some items that were not bond. Tom Clark went over Perkins allocation for this year and we received a decrease from last year. Chabot received $556,110. Perkins is not for transfer majors only for vocational majors. Next meeting of the Budget Committee is scheduled for October 17th at 2 pm in the board room Discussion about Lottery funds – instructional supply funds. There has been a lack of communication about funding and whether it is allowable for specific activities. Department staff will look into it in their own departments. Secretary has nothing to report 6. SEIU Report: SEIU site meeting yesterday. Election for new officers is being held on Friday Oct 25th. This will take place in the general lobby outside cafeteria from 11 – 1 and 3:30 to 5 Gordon and Catherine will man the voting area. We need volunteers to help with voting or counting We will have food. Snacks for ballot time and dinner for during the counting. Contract is ratified and now available online. Mark will be sending out that info and balloting information. If you live in Dublin and have the day off you can vote at the District. No proxy or absentee voting allowed. But you can vote at Chabot, LPC or the District during the voting hours. Ballot will only be for contested positions 2 running for chapter president: Gregory Correa and Linda Wilson Mark will send that out. Office with no second name won’t be on ballot as it is uncontested. We don’t want our voice to be less than it possibly can be although it is not territorial. The contract will only be sent to dues paying members. There was a discussion on the difference between dues and fee paying members. July 2014 is when the current contract expires. It was made clear that we won’t let expiration happen this time. Sunshining is the name for preliminary discussions. People from SEIU have already met with the new Chancellor COOL committee report Any additions – no 2 new co chairs: Sisley Wong and Minta Winsor College council has not met District Budget Study Group: We asked for an extra seat on the council and we got it. It wasn’t questioned. There were 8 slots and Linda Wilson has a slot for the union. The Allocation model was discussed. It was voted on in May. It was signed with questions still outstanding. Maybe we need to look again as there are so many issues. DEMC was chosen as the committee to work with it but it is a faculty union controlled committee. Does the DEMC make decisions that affect Classified – yes. Convening a committee with Linda Wilson and Yvonne Wu-Craig to look at it. Our new chancellor was a classified employee earlier in her carreer. DBSG member Gordon watt needs a replacement. FTEF’s, that is where we get our money. Grants are not disbursed. And visa versa. Is there a fair model to disburse money given to district. What proof is there that the $$ to the district is valid? They would bring in outside monitor to look at the district and see if it is too big or too small. One time discovery. In our current model, classified student services have been cut back. Although it would be great to spend all the money and offer as many course sections as possible the fact is that services have been cut and would therefore affect the students that would be brought in as it affects our student load now. A full complement of services needs to be put back. Facilities 2100 work is progressing. 1700 building is moving along quite well. 1800 some landscaping being done. 3400 completed ahead of schedule. The Facilities Committee is looking at a renovation and upgrade of building 100 first floor; except the health center, TV studio and radio. Counseling rooms will stay as they were. Institutional research, Special Education and Counseling will move in Some soft walls added for study areas, staff training room, Lab 119 will be redone. State has said they have to add new walls for earthquake requirements New circulation and reference desk will happen and they are asking for new carpeting. The Elevator is not ADA compliant. They have to go to the next building and come over or go on the ramp. They are looking at the cost of the elevator re vs. a new one. If they do it will pull money from other project on campus. If we put too much into the retrofit the county won’t want to buy the new building that is in our plan. The State has approved our building project on 1600 for $18,000,000. We need to save enough so that the state will meet with matching funds. If we don’t than the funds would go away. 1400 auto classes are going on. Some of the project wasn’t completed. So we need to spend more on that. 1200 building as well. Like the elevator, that was worked on last year Q : please bring up we need signage about non smoking . clarification and signage. What runs through PRBC and College Council is still gray. Flex day breakfast will find district discussing new things in their world 2 hr block for sessions from 1 – 3. Morning session went long on college day. We have 3 we could use that weren’t used. Next week we should decide and put our ideas to Christine Warda through Catherine Gentiloumo No big need for lots of flex offering. One or two good ones will suffice There was a discussion about how we as classified impact enrollment. Students are not only looking for classes and instructors but they want to know they have a support system. Christie shared that she has many Ohlone students come for advising to her office because the position she holds was closed there and the early childhood providers in that area don’t know where to turn for help with permits and such. Also veterans come to Chabot because financial aid had knowledge of veterans bills available to them. The Carlson award review process was discussed. It was put forward that we should keep the current nominations for next year and the previous year as well giving us 3 years of nominees. The stipulation was made that the nominee needs to still be working here. Vote: Christie Verarde moved we keep 3 years of nominees current for the Carlson Award. Rachael Tupper-Eoff seconded The vote passed unanimously They had to work here the past academic year to be eligible (exception to be made for extraordinary services). Catherine will put the basis of exception and eligibility in writing. Adjourned: 2:00 by Gordon Watt Seconded by Catherine Powell