The meeting began at 12:10 pm. Meeting Minutes will be approved through email since that saves our meeting time. The meeting was concluded at 1 pm. 1. Handouts: Carole handed out meeting agenda with SLO committee policy. She also passed out Accreditation Work Plan Time Line handout given by George Railey in the last SLO meeting. 2. Meetings: Carole talked about PRBC meeting and the importance of the Environmental Scan. This data is on PRBC website. It is used to enforce college policies. It will be looked at closely for possible guidance in program reductions due to budget cuts. There will be PRBC meeting this Wednesday, Mar 30th, from 3 to 5 PM in the board room. There is also union meeting this Thursday, Mar 31st. 3. Reiteration of last meeting: The timings for last SLO meeting conflicted with union meeting. So, Carole reiterated George’s request to form Recommendation One P age |2 committee. This committee will have about 12 people from BSI, the SLOAC, Deans, and Classified Staff. About 3-4 members of the SLOAC are asked to participate. Please send George an email if you are interested. 4. Questions-Answers: There was question- answer session between committee members and Carol. Where is Closing-the-loop form? It is on SLO website. What is the process? Access SLO one semester, discuss and close-the-loop second semester. It is one year process, which need not be repeated for a few years. Why closing-the-loop form transparent? It is due to time constraints. On the other hand, eLumen is more transparent but is too complicated to use and not well-liked by faculty/administration. Are CLO’s and PLO’s assessed? CLO’s are assessed directly and are linked to PLO’s. Is students’ data in eLumen anonymous? The scores are entered in eLumen with students’ name in it. Only the instructor and few selected individuals have access to that data. How important/confidential is SLO’s data? It is driven by the movement of Learning Paradigm college. The adventurous people do not believe that transcripts have useful information. Instead, they want to see student’s grades replaced by SLO’s. The student should have a capability to go to eLumen and draw out information about SLO and show it to the prospective employer. This SLO can explain that the student has learned the critical thinking aspects and has developed as a whole person. eLumen is assessment software. In future, the college may have software that can help build student’s portfolio. Why are standards important? The trend coming from Washington is to place standards on all colleges and universities at institutional level-outcomes, so that institutions can be compared by the public, who think of themselves as “consumers” of education How should I ensure that my fellow faculty member do assessment? We need Dean’s support to enforce SLO timelines. 5. April 1st Flex Day: It will focus on SLO’s. Carole went over SLO checklist and got input from committee members. The good news is that 75 % of CLO assessment schedules are done. P age |3 Next Meeting 6. Next meeting will be on April 5th in room 3521.