BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INJURY EXPOSURE FORM To be presented to ER registration secretary: EMPLOYEE NAME: ____________________________________________________ SS#: _____________________________________________________ EMPLOYER: BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PA HUMAN RESOURCES & LABOR RELATIONS 134 WALLER ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 400 EAST SECOND STREET BLOOMSBURG, PA 17815 TELEPHONE: CONTACT PERSON: 570-389-4151 Tanya Bombicca For Emergency Services Information: There is a list of workers’ compensation panel providers on file. Billing Information: Send bills to: INSERVCO INSURANCE SERVICES, INC P.O. BOX 3899 HARRISBURG, PA 17105-3899 MEDICAL AND/OR HOSPITAL AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION To whom it may concern: Patient: __________________________________________________________ I hereby authorize you to permit INSERVCO INSURANCE SERVICES, INC./ BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY, or their designated representative, to examine, make or be furnished with copies of any records or information, x-rays and x-ray reports in connection with any illness or injury requiring confinement and/or treatment by you. I agree that a copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original. Date: _______________________ Signed: ____________________________ Address: __________________________ 04/11