FACILITIES AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, 27 August 2015 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Room 405 1. Future meeting sites: Mark Stephens asked that members start suggesting spaces to tour or hold meetings in during Committee meetings. Visits to potential projects, completed projects, or just visits to places members don’t usually go are very useful. 2. Membership a. insuring each unit is represented properly according to charge b. potential amendments c. Co-chair d. minutes 3. Construction/Planning updates by Greg Horne and Doug Horner a. Building 100---Learning Center completed, with one computer lab the exception as its punch list is complete. b. The Library refresh and elevator renovation have gone to DSA for approval. Bob asked if the renovated elevator would accommodate a flat guerney. It will not, as using same shaft space. c. Building 2100/1600 user group has had 3 programming meetings. Gordon Watt mentioned that IT had not been involved. Greg replied that at this point not needed, but would be involved in next meetings as architects started to draw plans. Bldg 2100/1600 are being bid as one project. Bob Buell reminded that 2900 should be added, and this was agreed. d. The Hesperian Landscaping is behind schedule, waiting for new stone from quarry. e. Signage will be developed in two phases, with parking, maps, and wayfinding first, and building ID second. Doug said will get bids on pkg 1 first, to see budget remaining. Expected 1st pkg to be bid end of 1015. Richard Keeney asked about Tech enhancement (for sight impaired, etc)—was told it had not been considered and was not part of pkg. 4. Old business/Reminders from Spring semester were discussed such as space allocation. The Committee was reminded we would be making a decision on colonnaded seismic upgrades in the future, and to review presentations on website. We are still considering water bottle charging stations, and Electric Vehicle charging stations. 5. Renovations, equipment for program moves have been proposed. Sujoy Sakar requested the Committee pay for new security system for new offices at TV station, (since they paid for renovation themselves.) Committee needed more info—future agenda item with Steve Lowery invited to discuss security locks campuswide as well. 6. Prioritization 7. Good of the order: Dave Fouquet discussed need for district to go for new bond. Doug Horner reminded that many of the proposal on the prioritizion list could be put under instructional equipment and funded quickly.