Curriculum Committee August 27 2013

Curriculum Committee
August 27 2013
Members Present:
Laura Alarcon, Debbie Buti, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Lynn Klein, Larry Leach,
Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Wu
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of April 16, 2013
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Buti) to approve the minutes of April 16, 2013, as presented.
Those present introduced themselves and outlined their goals for the year.
Goals for the Semester/Year
Wayne reported that he went to the Curriculum Institute. There have been a lot of
legislative changes, such as repeatability rules and the associate degrees for transfer.
Wayne’s goals for this year are to:
Develop our processes and procedures
Revise the Curriculum Handbook. (He is hoping that our load is not as great this
year as it was last year and will allow time for this activity.)
Training and Education:
Role of division reps
Publicize things we do
Share the committee processes with others
Course and program approval
Selection of a chair in two years
Curriculum/CurricUNET training
Wayne has developed a simplified version of the CurricUNET flow chart which he went
over with the committee. He asked that reps try to make themselves available to faculty
who have questions about developing courses and programs. Wayne will put together
some training materials for next week’s meeting.
In order to assure review of proposals during this curriculum cycle, proposals must leave
the division area by October 22. This requires approval by the division rep and the dean.
Curriculum Committee
8/27/13, Page 2
Transfer Degree Update
Jane handed out a list of completed and pending transfer degrees. She said that thirteen
colleges met the goal of turning 80% of their existing degrees into TMCs, and we were
one of them. We have several proposals pending and should be able to meet the goal of
100% by December.
Approved Program Status.
Jane would like to include the necessary state approval documents (rationale, advisory
committee minutes, etc.) in the requirements for submission of new programs.
Stand-alone Course Approval Training
Wayne will do a training at the next meeting.
Report from Deans’ Meeting: none.
Good of the Order
Lynn Klein asked whether a course with both lecture and lab content requires one course
outline or two. Wayne replied that it is one outline with the Expected Student Outcomes
and Content areas divided into Lecture and Lab sections.
This semester, 40 students have been blocked from reenrolling in the revised Tutoring
1A because they took the original Tutoring 1A last semester. Consensus that they should
be enrolled in Tutoring 1B. Wayne will speak with Marcia Corcoran and Deonne
Kunkel about making the correction.
Jane asked whether everyone knows how to access ASSIST. We just got the UC
approvals, and they are listed there.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 PM.
Next meeting: September 3 2013.
kk 8/30/13
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