Document 11526858

Curriculum Committee Minutes
May 5, 2009
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Michael Langdon, Wayne Pitcher,
Ernesto Victoria, Patricia Wu
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Gene Groppetti, Kaaren Krueg
Anne Brichacek
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:20 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher.
Approval of Minutes of April 21, 2009
MSC (Victoria/Bhangal) to accept the minutes of April 21, 2009.
Anne Brichacek presented.
Computer Application Systems 99V, Introduction to Microsoft Vista, 1 unit
This course is being proposed as part of the self-paced CAS lab. It will be offered as a
distance education course in Fall 2009. The lab strives to give students skills that they
can transfer immediately into a business situation.
After discussion on the Special Student Materials section, it was suggested to change the
first item to “Access to Laptop or PC with Vista operating system,” and to check with IT
to see whether there are any student accessible computers on campus that are equipped
with Vista.
There was discussion on whether resources available to on-campus students should also
be available to online students. This is an item that interests the accrediting commission.
It was also noted that many online students also take on-campus classes and might want
to do their online homework during breaks in their on-campus schedules.
• Change the first item under Special Student Materials to “Access to Laptop or
PC with Vista operating system
MSC (Langdon/Ozdemir) to accept the course.
Fall 2009 Curriculum Schedule
There was discussion on who is doing program review, the possible large number of
course outlines to be submitted by disciplines with laboratory components, and the
impact of a Fall Flex Day on the presentation calendar. Wayne will check with the
calendar committee to try to determine the date of Fall Flex Day. Jas added that faculty
need to know that date for their syllabi.
Curriculum Committee
5-5-09, page 2
It was decided to keep Experimental and Online courses on the first presentation date,
Library and Counseling on the second presentation date, move Social Science to the third
date and rotate everyone else down one slot. (Presentation chart attached.)
Curriculum Handbook
Wayne will report to the committee via email.
This change will be included in the Fall packet.
Good of the Order
All committee members except Michael Langdon intend to return next year. Michael is
looking for a replacement from Language Arts.
Jane distributed a sample Baccalaureate/Transfer form. In response to a possible
misunderstanding that her signature was an approval, she has added the following
disclaimer, “My signature is an acknowledgement of a review and does not signify
approval of any of the above proposals.” She asked reps to go back to their divisions and
let faculty know that anyone with a new, revised, or deleted course needs to meet with
her to complete this form.
Jane also reiterated her belief that new courses should not be offered prior to completing
Jas initiated a discussion on training needs, that included possible training sessions,
convocation or flex day activities, putting training materials on the web site, and
identifying committee members to be “on call” on a rotating basis.
Jane mentioned discussion of the military waiver at the recent DCC meeting, and
commented that the colleges had failed to come to an agreement on procedures. She
thinks that we need a list of policies that need to be the same.
Hilal suggested that the two curriculum committees meet together. Wayne will
investigate the possibility of a convocation meeting of faculty to determine course
The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
Next meeting: Fall 2009
kk 5/6/09