Document 11526857

Curriculum Committee Minutes
April 21, 2009
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews,
Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Tom DeWit, Dave Fouquet, Jan Novak
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order in Room 1506 at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Wayne
Approval of Minutes of March 17, 2009
MSC (Matthews/Langdon) to accept the minutes of March 17, 2009.
English Proposal
Michael Langdon presented an experimental course. He would like to offer it in Spring
2010, possibly as a hybrid course.
English 49.13, Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Literature, 3units
Patricia Shannon recommended that when Michael brings the course forward as a catalog
course, he write the rationale with a focus on how the course benefits our students.
MSC (Matthews/Shannon) to accept the course.
COOL Committee—online and hybrid course policies
Jan Novak presented proposed changes to the Instructors’ Withdrawal Option (page 42 of
the College Catalog), intended to clarify options for online courses. She developed the
revision in cooperation with Las Positas college.
Jane Church suggested that this should be a topic for the Academic Policy Council
Kaaren Krueg mentioned that she had already been given this language for inclusion in
the Catalog Addendum. Consensus was that the information not be included in the
MSC (Shannon/Matthews) that the revised language be forwarded to the Academic
Policy Council and then to the Academic/Faculty Senate for approval.
CurricUNET Update
Wayne reported that the purchase of CurricUNET software will be presented to the Board
for approval tonight. Pending approval, the first part of the implementation process will
be the formation of steering committees (one for each campus). Wayne stated that it was
originally envisioned that the Curriculum Committee Chairs would serve as CurricUNET
Curriculum Committee
4-21-09, page 2
coordinators. He feels that this would negatively impact his teaching. The coordinator
will receive 3.75 CAH release time. If you are interested, let Wayne know.
Laboratory Load Factor Changes
Tom DeWit and Dave Fouquet distributed notes from the Faculty Association March 5
negotiations containing information on the proposed addition of Faculty Laboratory Hour
B.3 (Load factor 0.875). Dave reported that this is part of a move between the district
and the faculty association to equalize laboratory load. He noted that some labs require
prep time and grading, some don’t.
There will be an application process required for the granting of Laboratory Hour B.3.
One part of the process will require updating course outlines to include “written lab
reports” in the Methods of Evaluating Student Progress section. This might result in an
increased number of outlines being submitted for Curriculum Committee approval next
Tom asked whether the Committee would entertain course outlines out of the regular
presentation cycle to accommodate the application process. Wayne replied that we do
that only in cases of academic necessity. Tom asked him to contact LPC’s Curriculum
Committee chair to be sure that both colleges are approaching this question in the same
Patricia Shannon suggested that we schedule Science/Math’s presentation date as late in
the cycle as possible to accommodate the probable increased number of submitted outline
CSU/IGETC/UC approval dates
Wayne reported that currently the Curriculum Committee and CSU/IGETC have separate
cycles. Jane added that there is a discrepancy between the date a proposal is approved
and the date posted on ASSIST. The ASSIST date is backdated to be the date of
submission, not approval.
There was discussion on the pros and cons of waiting to offer a course until all
articulation submissions have been approved.
Good of the Order
It was noted that Agenda Item #7 was included in error.
Jan Novak reported that Ramona Silver is the new chair of COOL.
Wayne asked for a volunteer from the Committee to attend the Academic Policy Council.
Jim volunteered to attend beginning Fall 2009.
Wayne also noted that he has a class that conflicts with District Curriculum Council, and
asked if someone else might attend.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Next Meetings: May 5, 2009
kk 4-21-09