Planning, Review, and Budget Council Wednesday January 28th, 2015 Room 405, bld. 400 3:00-5:00 PM Attendees: Heather Hernandez, Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Michael Daloisio, Dale Wagoner, Jeremy Wilson, Donna Gibson, Bianca Bullock, Kate Dolorito, Christine Warda, Connie Willis, Mireille Giovanola, Laurie Dockter, Ming Ho, Jeanne Wilson, Jim Matthews, Bob Buell, Marcia Corcoran, Carolyn Arnold, Yvonne Wu Craig, Jane Wolford I Approval of minutes moved to following week. II Committee Updates Counseling: Counseling has eight new hires. The Transfer Center is now staffed by a full time faculty member. Two of the new faculty have expertise in mental health. New faculty are teaching PSCN courses in their first semester. What can be done to introduce new counselors to the campus was discussed. They may make visits to divisions on FLEX day or visit division meetings during their regularly scheduled times. Student Senate: Student Senate is producing videos with photos and clips of student interviews for marketing. Classified Senate: Classified senate has finished prioritizing and plans to meet with the President. Faculty Senate: A planning meeting for the Educational Master Plan will be held at the district on Tuesday the 3rd from 3:00-5:00. The RSVP date for the Planning Charette is February 9th. Deonne will ask the district to re-send the invitation. SLOAC: Regarding the transition to Curricunet, SLOAC last met with the vender to work our bugs. We’re waiting to hear back from them. DSPS: Kathleen reminds us that individual with a temporary physical disability can seek support from DSPS. Any student can go to DSPS to set up an appointment with a Counselor. Setting up the appointment is the first step in the referral process. Staff Development: Staff Development is finalizing the FLEX schedule for the 12th. Revisions should be sent to Christy for committee approval Tuesday the 3rd. The day will begin with a presentation by the Striving Black Brothers. Discipline time will be given mid-morning, with break out sessions after lunch, and division PLO work in the afternoon. They plan to host a family picnic in April or May. Budget: Connie reports that the funding outlook at the state level is positive for the next two years. The process for our 633,000 Instruction Budget allocation from the state is complete. The Budget Committee allocated Instructional funds and the list has been sent out. III Program Review Deonne framed the scope of the conversation: The purpose of today’s discussion is to prepare to provide input into the Prioritization process. Our focus won’t be identifying critical barriers, providing feedback to areas on their Program Review, or problem solving critical decisions. By the end of our discussion, we hope to have crafted a statement and prepared a presentation for Faculty Prioritization. Our purpose it the big picture on college need related to the Strategic Goal Plan. PRBC broke into groups to discuss what they learned from reading and program reviews. Each group then presented their synthesis and the group discussed college trends that arose from Program Review, identifying needs including, bottlenecks in financial aid, the need to coordinate new initiatives, and critical vacancies. The following draft statement was crafted: “The PRBC sees that the college needs to take a radical direction from its historical pattern. Traditionally we see our FTES goal, translate that to FTEF, and put that on the schedule, adding new faculty based on retirements and need. Based on Program Review, we see that there are critical aps in infrastructure that must be addressed. We see critical need for classified and administrative personnel to support our existing and projected FTES goal. On the Academic side, there are programs that are either on the brink of not being able to support students in achieving their educational goals, and they need faculty. Single of no faculty disciplines are likely to be in the worst position, and those disciplines should be given first priority, given FTES. Math appears to be a major completion gap, which would necessitate multiple faculty. Counseling, given retirements and increased load (SSSP), id s critical need.” Deonne will edit the statement and read it to Faculty Prioritization. Carolyn will present accompanying data on needs in Math, English, and Counseling. Meeting adjourned at 5:00.