Classified Professionals Staffing Request Form Office Use Only Rec. Date: ___________ Fiscal Year: __________ Program Review: _____ Please fill out one form for each classified staff position that you are requesting for your division/unit. This form is to be submitted as an appendix in your program review each fiscal year and a copy should be forwarded to the classified prioritization chair. For positions requested outside the program review cycle (e.g., retirements, resignations, grant/categorical funded positions), this form should be submitted to the classified prioritization chair and will be used for information/tracking purposes. (Please see the program review website for more information.) Division/Unit: President's Office / Institutional Research Position Title Requested: Research Analyst Request Number (i.e., 1 + # of times position requested, but not granted, in past five program reviews): 1 Please indicate if this is a request for/to: ☐ Fill a currently vacant position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.) hours per week months per year ☐ Increase of an existing position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.) from: ☐ 9, ☐ 10, ☐ 11 month to: ☐ 10, ☐ 11, ☐ 12 month from: 0 % to: 100 % ☐ New position (Must attach proposed job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.) 12 40 hours per week months per year ■ Estimate Increase / Proposed Annual Salary Cost: (assume step 1 for vacant position) $ $62,638 Note: total cost of position will include salary + benefits. Funding Source: 33 ☐ % ✔ General 33 ☐ Categorical % ✔ 33 ☐ % ✔ Grant Grant name: Equity? CPT?? Justification: Why is this position necessary? The IR Office workload has increased in 2014-15 and 2015-16. The Research Analyst spends most of his time on major grant evaluations and federal data collection requirements. The Coordinator spends much time on major college planning projects such as the educational master plan, the equity plan, and the accreditation self study, as well as on extensive assessment/placement analyses for English, ESL, Math, and Chemistry. Important Institutional Research work is not being done, such as tracking our transfer students, producing labor market environmental scans, carefully evaluating new grants & programs such as FYE, and providing in-depth analyses of institutional indicators, like Scorecard data. What educational programs or institutional purposes does this position support? How does the request relate specifically to your Program Review, the College’s Strategic Plan, and/or Accreditation Recommendations? This position would create a more robust Office of Institutional Research (OIR) to better support college planning and evaluation and engagement with data. The Accreditation Team noted a lack of an Institutional Effectiveness Committee that integrates planning, evaluation, and analyses of institutional indicators This position would allow OIR staff to lead and/or guide such a committee. In addition, the entire OIR research agenda supports the strategic plan goal by monitoring equity and progress on the goal, and providing customized research for programs to monitor equity,improve student success and help students achieve their educational goal. This position would allow current IR staff to better help college staff interpret the research to increase student success and learning at the college level and in the programs and disciplines. In addition, it would allow current IR staff to conduct in-depth analyses to make our assessment and placement instruments and measures more accurate. Where will the individual work? To whom will the person report? Are there any special equipment/facilities needs to be considered? We have the facilities for this position. They will work in one of the Institutional Research offices in Building 100, and report to the President, as the rest of the IR staff does. We will need one new PC computer. What is the consequence of not funding this position? Although the OIR has managed to do the most important research, present it, and engage relevant groups to consider and discuss it, the Accreditation Team let us know that they expected a much more robust approach to Institutional Effectiveness. Without this position, the current Coordinator and Research Analyst will continue to minimal work in this area, and the college may be vulnerable to sanctions. In addition, research requests from programs and individual staff will continue to get short-changed by the time constraints of the Coordinator and Research Analyst. . What alternative approaches have been considered in meeting the programmatic demands of this request? We have tried increasing our number of student assistants, but they can only offer a certain level of assistance. They cannot take the place of a classified professional Research Analyst. We are in the process of hiring a temporary Research Analyst for the rest of 2015-16 because the current work demand is unrelenting. We are hoping this is a step towards a permanent position. How will the campus community (students, staff, faculty, and community) be positively impacted by filling this position? The Coordinator and current Research Analyst will have more time to engage the college community with research results by providing data in more venues for discussions and decision-making. The Coordinator of IR will have time to be more involved in planning and bring together all the Institutional Effectiveness efforts and measures and systematically present them in small and large groups. This will allow the college to be more engaged in considering the effects of initiatives on student success and completion. Ideally, this could be done through the proposed Institutional Effectiveness Committee. What other personnel currently provide support to this program and these students? This is not applicable, because the OIR primarily provides support to other programs and students. We work closely with A&R, Financial Aid, Counseling, and Assessment to ensure that the data for SSSP elements, majors, degrees, and certificates are accurate. We work closely with faculty in departments and programs to ensure that the assessment measures accurately predict success in their classes, and we work with faculty and classified professional in programs like the Learning Connection and FYE to develop and measure success outcomes. Requested by: Dr. Carolyn Arnold Area Manager Notes/Response: Date: 10/26/15 Area Manager: President Susan Sperling Date: 10/26/15