Minutes of Technology Committee Meeting Date: 3/27/2012

Minutes of Technology Committee Meeting
Date: 3/27/2012
The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. We discussed the Request for New Technology Form
Draft that Scott had re-composed in collaboration with other TC members. The form was evaluated,
fine-tuned and unanimously approved by TC pending very minor corrections.
The protocol for the online help was re-visited and is expected to be in place and fully operational as of
the Fall. A campus wide message will be sent out notifying faculty, staff, and administration re: the 3
ways in which a technology request can be made.
Ramona, who chairs COOL, discussed the need for a joint TC-COOL committee meeting where we can
brainstorm ideas as well as get cohesive messages out there re: the importance of keeping up with
technology and making it available to the students for their education to keep p with an ever changing,
demanding and highly competitive job market.
Next meeting is scheduled for 4/24/2012.