2013 January minutes

Willamette University Safety Committee – Agenda
Thursday, January 17, 2013 10:00 AM/ Harrison Conf. Room
Call to order – 10:03a
Roll Call
Rich Dennis, Co-Facilitator, Campus Safety x6907
Betsy Johnson, Facility Services x6698
Kelly Slaughter, College of Law x5317
Andries Fourie, Faculty x6258
GUEST: Dany Santos, College of Law
Leslie Cutler, CLA x6061
Micheal Seraphin, Recorder, Service
Center/Purchasing x6055
Sue Koger, Faculty x6341
Katie Lahey, HR x6210
Steven Boyd, Facilities Support, x6795
Mary Ann Zielinski, Health Center,
Jennifer Butler, Biology x6483
Robert Passage, Athletics x6420
Absent Members
Ellis Webster, Portland AGSM (503.808.9901)
Sue Crothers, GSE x6575
Melissa Treichel, MOH Library x6018
Linda Lombard, Financial Affairs
Jim Ames, Facilities x4237
Karen Arthur, AGSM x6850
Nick Borriello, ASWU Rep
Minutes: December – Currently misplaced
Old Business:
1. Soccer Net
Not done, waiting for the company to cut the holes in the carpet.
Last we heard they were waiting for a series of dry days to pour the concrete.
Perhaps sometime in February?
We are not sure why, but it may be dates are specific.
New Business:
1. Card Locks during Emergency Lock Down – Rich
Emergency lock-downs drills are being done.
Currently if a building is locked down, and if you have a card, you can still get into the building.
Should those still work – if you are trying to get into the building as safe haven vs if there is someone who
has an incident, they can get into building.
What constitutes the need for a lock-down?
If we get a call from the hospital about someone, then Rich would instruct a lock-down.
If there is an active shooter, there would be a lock-down.
Can Safety control that? Yes, that is how the system works.
Emergency personnel – they would not be able to get into the building without someone letting them in.
It is Rich’s goal to run drills in every buildings like he has done with the College of Law and AGSM.
We are thinking about running the system where only Safety Officers would have access to the buildings.
Some schools (Lewis and Clark) have crash-bars that enable you to slide them locked without a key.
Some buildings have building captains, some don’t, and while they can play a role in an emergency, we
want to minimize exposing them to risk/danger.
The students aren’t trained, which poses an issue. Rich plans to start drills in the buildings with the
students here so they know what to do as well.
With our current emergency system, what happens/what would it read? Rich is working with WITS on
getting messages sent out that will allow specifics to be conveyed to people.
More information will follow later
2. Ergonomics – Katie
Katie asked Chad Harvey (the department manger of Risk Management for Empire Pacific) to come up with
a proposal on how to streamline the process of ergonomic assessments and process.
Currently when assessments and equipment is needed, the costs come out of the department funds vs HR,
which has it’s own issues for staff members.
Some of the recommendations are to have an HR line with the ergonomic assessments, and forms.
Take a look a look at the proposal, it is something we will discuss later on.
3. Ford – There is a jagged piece of metal at one the planters
Vehicles have probably hit it.
It will probably need to have the concrete and metal replaced.
Rich will take a look at it.
4. Ramona has been on the committee since 2005 and has taken decided to take a break from the committee. She
has done a lot for the committee. The Safety Committee thanks Ramona Murtha for serving on the committee
since 2005.
I would like to take minute to recognize Ramona Murtha, who after serving on the University’s Safety Committee since
July of 2005 has decided to take a well-deserved break from the committee.
Ramona was a tireless worker on this committee; since I came aboard in July of 2006 she has been at almost every
meeting. She is committed to the safety of the campus, this is evident by her willingness to take time from her own job
to go into other buildings and perform safety checks.
She has been the Recorder, Co-Facilitator, and most recently the Facilitator.
Ramona’s wit, and dedication to the committee will be missed.
Thank you Ramona for all you do and have done for Willamette University. I can only hope that in a year or two she will
decide to come back.
Open Forum:
Smoking on Campus
What happened with the Smoking on campus – We made a recommendation in the November meeting about smoking,
anyone know where things are?
We don’t have the December minutes right now to reference them.
Some of us think there are discussions going on with Administrators who have a bit more information than we
do right now.
Safety Committee Webpage
Web Development is working on the Safety Committee website. And it will not be housed in one office, but rather on
the committees section. We are not sure the date for launch, but it is in the hopper
Crosswalk on 12th
There has definitely been an increase in the students using the 12th street crosswalk.
Crosswalk on Winter
Can WU do any sanding of it? Once we sand it once and if we do not keep it up, and someone falls then the liability of it
is Willamette’s. The city is responsible for it.
Accident /Injury Log:
Nothing to report right now - thanks to Betsy and Dan for implementing a team approach to some of the movement of
items helping to reduce injuries.
Next meetings- 3rd Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Harrison Conference Room:
February 21, 2013
March 21, 2013
April 18, 2013
May 16, 2013
Adjourned 10:38a