Internet course: (Morten Ariansen) Facilities at UiO User account Applications on the computers in the PC room Access to printers Computer Viruses Using the Web Email Computer Orientation User account: Your user account is your key to the University resources. With it you get: Personal email account Personal disk space on the network Access to high speed internet. Access to a wide number of computers on campus Access to the World Wide Web Access to make personal web pages Access to databases (medline cinahl ) Do not allow others access to your account. Changing your password for your user account Start IE and enter http:\\ on the location field and press enter. Choose "English" read instructions. Enter Username, old password, and new password (twice) click change and READ message. The program will report that the password is accepted or not. Password program only accepts passwords that have a combination of digits and letters and special characters like +, %, or &. Try again, if not accepted, with a more complex password by clicking on the back button. PC room -Nr of computers: 15 computers -room nr: 50 -Network printer: ut_isam12 -Keep door closed outside of workhours hours 08:00 15:00 -PC are updated at night plees do not turn off computers. -Remember to log out when leaving computer Programs available on the computers Office xp: Word, Excel, Powerpoint Reference database tool: Refman or Endnote Spss 12.0: Statistical program Email: Internet Explorer: Putty: Encrypted Terminal emulator; can be used to connect to a unix server, (f.eks studmed). Literature databases: through WWW X-port se Antivirus program F-secure, automatic and manual scanning of files on M: and A: Where to store documents Store documents on either USB memory sticks or M: (network disk, your private user area) Disk quota (about 200 MB). Printing Printer queue name for PC room is ut_isam12 Contact Alexis Pahis or Morten Ariansen on tlf 50 665 ROM 117 to report errors: A printer quota is set for students. Printer problems: When printing, the computer sends the printout to a printer queue located on a server (not directly to the printer). This server queues printouts received from any PC and printing each document out in turn (sorted By size) This "printqueue server" may stall without the computer giving any error message. Any subsequent printout will be placed in the queue and be printed out when the printer queueerror is fixed. Therefore there is no use in repeating printouts if the PC doesn’t give any error messages, check the printer or call for help. You may check the following points, and if that doesn’t help you may call Pahis (tlf 50 665) and leave a message. Check the following points before calling: Check if the printer is connected to the mains, printer display says ready. Check if the printer is connected to the network, cable may loosen on occasions Check the display for error messages IF "paper jam" is on display, open the printer and carefully remove any paper that might be stuck in the printer. Call for help if the printer prints out an error message in stead of your document. Restrictions set on the student computers. We have tried to restrict access on the computer to limit the following Change the system settings Install new programs Delete existing programs, and menus Store documents on the local disk The restrictions aren’t foolproof, but we hope that the existing restrictions will keep the system stable and unchanged over time. Email (electronic mail) All students and employees at the UiO have an email address. We suggest using web mail ( Messages to students are often sent only through the email, keep up to date and read email. The system administrator sends messages though the email to report on any errors or .problems with the system, these messages may only come in Norwegian (get some help to translate or ask sender to write you in English. Unwanted mail/ junk mail (SPAM): Spam filtering is done through web mail (UiO settings)