Document 11469923

Studying the effects of anisotropy on ac0on poten0al propaga0on in
cardiac 0ssue
When an electrical signal passes through heart <ssue, the muscles
contract and allow blood to pump through the body. This electrical
signal is called an ac<on poten<al (AP). The speed of the AP has been
studied as an indicator of arrhythmia (abnormal heart beats) and heart failure. We have excellent simula<ons of the AP, but given the
complexi<es of the cardiac cells, this is only computa<onally feasible in
a <ssue sheet. How does this extend to a full 3D heart?
This project will study the speed of APs, not simply along the surface of
the heart, but also in the depth of the heart <ssue. Programming
experience in Matlab and a good understanding of differen<al
equa<ons is necessary. No biological background is needed.