ONS Chapter Meeting - Penns Wood Chapter

ONS Chapter Meeting
May 18th 2015
18:12 to 19:30
Excused: Pat Lyons-Cox/Donna Q/ Lynne Quinn/ Betty Tiger
President: Martha
- July leadership conference (Pat and Donna to attend)
-President (Elect) Donna Q to becoming acting president in January 2016
Secretary: Allie
- no news
Treasurer: Rosemarry Wiggins
-Rosemarry is now leaving the ONS board as treasurer! Thank you for all your
years of service! We need someone to fill her spot in the upcoming months!
Nominating Chairs: Pat Lyons-Cox and Bernadette Caunso
-A new treasure is needed to replace Rosemarry Wiggins, please reach out at at
any ONS meeting for those are interested
Educational Programs: Susan Lorah, Vicki Squire
- a lot of great educational programs and some with CEUs, check your email to
stay posted on monthly meetings
Membership: Marianne Casale
- Marianne will stay on as a board member another term as membership chair
Legislative: Betty Tiger
-no news
Archives: Sandy Lyon
- will be working with Martha Kline on the anniversary possible photo slide show
Awards chair, Fundraising chair, Liaison for best of ONS committee: Pat Frank
-Vendor Fair in 2016 will be at Radnor hotel and 20th anniversary for ONS
-some ideas discussed for gifts for members!
- power cords/wine glasses/ thumb drive/ picture frames
- a lot of discussion about entertainment (no details allowed to provided!)
- Invitation out to past presidents/ charter members
Immediate Past President/ newsletter: Joy hepkins
- Numerous great articles for newsletter
- Joy still wants anyone that has snipts from ONS congress to send to her
- Newsletters to come out in Jan-April 2016
Two voted decisions made in meeting:
1. Martha was nominated to archives
2. It was decided that Quiana Braxton will be paid for her service (50$) for her
service towards the newsletter